Serlia also seems to be completely into the life where Nightmare is.

"You really are. I feel like the house is getting busy."

"I owe this to you, too."

Mary didn't know how serious she was, but she said something that would sell her thanks. Well, indeed, if there were no Mary in the swamp that day, I don't even know if Nightmare would have come out.

Even if we came out, if we hadn't followed Mary all that way, we might have ended up around stroking Nightmare.

"Right. Thank you, Mary."

"It suits you to have a cat in a black wizard's house."

No, you're a major cat as a black wizard user demon.

So I flickered.

"That, could a black wizard be able to interact with a cat...?

If so, I can communicate more with Nightmare.

But to see Mary react, it could have been a little difficult.

"You can say you can, and you can't."

"I mean, what the hell...?

"I can't do anything on a level where Franz is talking like this. A cat that the Black Wizard uses as a demon is also a special cat in the demon world. You can't catch a wildcat in your neighborhood and use it like a demon."

"If you ask me, right..."

The demon of use is only the demon of use, unlike pets.

A formal contractual act will be required. In other words, only highly intelligent beings can use demons as long as a contractual act is concluded.

"But I guess I can vaguely know what a cat thinks"

"Was there any magic that allowed me to interact with cats?

I don't remember it at all because it's magic that doesn't seem to have anything to do with business.

"When you go to the company, find out! There are so many helpful books out there!

And the next day, I went to the office library and checked the books.

I'll light up a book that says about maniacal black magic.

"Oh, there it is!

Besides my thoughts, I was able to quickly discover it.

There was just a magical name there to satisfy our desires.

· Dialogue with cats

Exactly, it was the magic I wanted most right now.

"I knew you had one."

Mary, who was just following me, said. By the way, Celia was also researching the book for me.

"Mary, did you really think...?

Later, I feel unconventional. Yeah, well, I thought so myself - a targeted one.

"Yeah, really."

Most importantly, Mary doesn't seem to be kidding.

"'Cause some black magic has magic called' Conversation with the Evil Spirit ', right? I feel like I can do it in a similar direction."

"No, you had that magic, too."

The direction would be close, because it's usually magic to communicate with beings who don't communicate.

"But the difficulty seems completely different. It's much harder to talk to a cat."

Serlia kept her face close to the page.

"That's probably because it's the kind of thing that evil spirits originally talk about in their thoughts. Some people don't even want to hear the evil spirits."

Compared to that, talking to a cat must be tough because this one only fits the cat unilaterally.

"But it's definitely not as impossible as it sounds. I think if you repeat the practice a little bit, you'll be able to use it."

"Right. I don't think Franz would have had that much trouble right now."

I don't even seem to be keeping an eye on Mary.

I guess that's the candid assessment of me from Mary's point of view.

"Then I'll practice this magic. I mean, don't you learn Mary?

From the Mary of the Great Demon Nation, you would learn this so quickly.

Then Nightmare and I should be able to get through better. That's why we're so close that we can't even call ourselves demons.

But Mary shook her head to the side.

"Yeah. I'll stop. It's hard to ask why, but here's the thing... you don't feel comfortable."

More than that, Mary didn't say anything specific.

I didn't think I should ask any more. Every magic you learn is your personal freedom.

Then when I got home from the office, I started a maniacal black magic practice called "Dialogue with Cats" outside the house.

Try practicing. Okay, but...

"Out of the question, that's hard, this... The pronunciation is old and hard to say..."

That black magic means it lacks practicality, which seems to have been left alone for a long time. Because of this, the pronunciation is a lot too old for me to succeed until I get used to it.

"Verado sefina teaaa............ you can't, something doesn't work"

Ancient pronunciation, he said, had a much higher number of vowels than today's pronunciation. A little difference is hard to understand for black wizards today.

- And something suspiciously glowing approached me during practice.

I thought what, but soon I knew who I was.

"What, Nightmare"

He comes out at night, and Nightmare's eyes are glowing.

Nightmare stood still in front of me and watched how things were going.

Probably like, "What are you doing?" But you think.

"Now I remember magic for you. Wait for me."

Nightmare is normal, but I won't say anything. I just kept observing in front of me.

Then, while drawing the magic formation a few times, I tried the magic, but it doesn't work very well.

"Uh-huh, mah, do you want me to be temperamental? If you don't remember, it's not magic or anything that's troubling your life."

But such a fold, an unexpected happening.

Nightmare came into the middle of a magic formation he drew during practice.

He sits there and stares at me all the time wondering how it is.

Unexpectedly, I erupted. Something went into my bump.

"No! This isn't a cat summons spell!

Speaking of which, I've heard cats want to get in the middle of something that's circular. I'm sure this is because of that, too, but that's a good time.

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