"All right, then, I'm going home, Nightmare"

A noun I don't hear much about came out of Mary's mouth.

Speaking of Nightmare, it's the name of the race that's behind Mary's name. Mary is a special person named "The Ancestor of Nameless Nightmares."

"From today on, his name is Nightmare."

Mary pointed at the kitten and said.

"Nothing, but that's an ominous name..."

"It's rude to call it ominous. Nightmare just spreads nightmares."

Nightmare seems to have some complaints about his position like the best ball of the species.

Thus, there was one more kitten in my family.

I decided to give Nightmare a meat with a thinner flavor and a milk first.

It seems to be too thick for human flavoring and bad for the cat's body. I guess the salt just right for human consumption is too much for a small body of cats.

"You're not sure how much you want. If I give it to you, I'm going to eat it all."

I don't feel like Nightmare has an appetite or the idea of stopping eating because I'm hungry.

"I'll even buy a book on how to keep a cat around there. I'm going to take care of you strawberry, but it's nice to meet you."

I thought it was unusual for Mary to be that aggressive, but Nightmare got on Mary's lap as soon as she finished her meal.

Oh, you already recognize Mary as a parent, and you mean Mary accepted that, too.

Life with the cat Nightmare was fresh, but it was hard.

Toilet grooming and all that was hard (I bought a toilet for my cat and sanded it in), but more importantly, I'm tired - of nightmares ringing in the middle of the night.

"Nha, nya, nya"

At two o'clock in the night, the ringing echoes home.

"Oh, you say you want something again..."

I wake up asleep, too.

Nightmare lives mainly in the dining room. Because it's connected to the kitchen, so it's easy to feed.

This is coming and ringing in front of our room door... Really, I know where and who's sleeping.

"Sounds like it. You're still a baby. It's a sweet dish."

I hear Celia woke up, too. The cat's voice sounds good.

It's also weird that cats mean nightmares wake you up...

When I got out of the room, Mary was giving me milk.

"You shouldn't wake me up much at night. But I wonder if you're more of a nocturnal. Huh-uh."

Mary looks asleep, too. It's also a causal story that "The Fathers of the Nostalgic Nightmare" can prevent Nightmare from sleeping. I named it Mary.

"First, it sounded in front of the crooked room, then it sounded like it was in front of Franz's room. If Franz is going to spoil it, Franz is going to spoil it."

"You're struggling as a mother."

"Shit, this is what keeping creatures is all about. Okay, I took it back, but if you try, you'll know how hard your mother is."

Mary was laughing bitterly, but it didn't seem like a lot.

"They also wake up human babies crying twice in the middle of the night. I thought it might be a good prep exercise."

"Preliminary exercises………"

It's going to be a bad thing to step in any further, so let's not ask......

"What? It can be frivolous to have a baby, can't it? Is that a funny thing?

"No, no problem at all..."

"He may be a very similar child to Franz."

I couldn't help but think.

"Is that it? Wouldn't be weird if the baby looked like someone else? Being so upset?

"You're definitely after me and I'm telling you..."

Well, but this is how they wake you up in the middle of the night if they can have kids. I really lose my head to the mother of the world.

"You know, I'll take care of Nightmare in the middle of the night tomorrow, why don't we just keep watch?"

Words came out before I thought too deeply.

"You don't have to be so careful. It's frustrating that you said you'd have nightmares. I'm not going to get sick or anything because they woke me up in the middle of the night. Sleep deprivation lasted a very long time."

Indeed...... That wasn't a normal human dimension......

"No, that's why I might be a parent in the future, too. That's why I want to get used to it."

I wouldn't have been able to afford that if this were just after joining the company or if I was alive.

But now, fortunately, I've just dropped a big work project.

Not a bad time to try something.

"Yeah. I don't know who you're going to prep with, but I guess that's okay"

I felt there was a lizard somewhere, but for one thing, I got permission.

Serlia was also supposed to take care of Nightmare night, so our family was to give up Nightmare once every three days.

It's not weird that I'm stressed out because I'm suddenly going to wake up.

"Nha ~"

"There you go. What's up, what's up"

Cute and soothing, so stress is offset too!

I'll hold him in my chest, and Nightmare will look like he's laughing. You seem to be best connected to Mary, but you're not avoiding me or Celia. Makes me hold it right.

We'll be at work during the day, so we'll just have dinner ready and then we'll be free to play at home. It's still small, and let's have it spent as a house cat.

Even at our dinner, when we put an empty chair, Nightmare gets on there a little bit, like a meal for the four of us.

There's a small plate on the table for nightmares, and there's a little bit of meat there.

Stretch your body out and Nightmare eats this too.

Put your hands on the table and stretch your body out a lot.

Knightmare with meat in her mouth.

Uhm, this is all solid and cute, that's sloppy......

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