I nodded strongly in my heart that I really did.

You may be able to trick people into making money temporarily. But in the end, it won't last long if you have the blame of your conscience. Only a broken guy who falls into a person and has no idea what to do with it can do it.

Few guys like that. There is no complete evil man again, just as there is no complete good man.

Then it's better to live properly, in the end, to gain.

"Well, that's about it for the crunchy story..."

There Gergel, the president's user demon, pulled something.

That's a table with an iron plate and a set of meats and vegetables. What if...

"- It's a celebratory barbecue in this rough swamp today!

Now all the employees cheered.

I knew this company was the best!

Quickly, meat and vegetables are placed on the net. The sound of stimulating the carpet and stomach sounds.

Mary was blatantly arranging all the meat in front of herself.

"You, burn some more balance."

"That's okay. Don't eat vegetables because the wolf is great."

Mary justifies herself with a mysterious theory. But is it strange that a great demon tribe tries to keep its vegetables together, thinking about its health?

"... but I guess I'm a little happy to say something like your brother"

Are you saying that you are grateful to be made aware?

I don't even know. There's also the word "hua" when you get noticed.

"Okay, well, I'll cook the vegetables, so eat them."

"I can't help it. You can eat Franz if you want."

We also decided where to drop it with Mary.

But when I thought that vegetables were decreasing rapidly, Senior Tototo was burning and baking.

"I have to eat dark elves and vegetables."

Is that what it is...... No, there's already alcohol in there, maybe he's starting to get drunk... There's quite a bit of good alcohol out there too...

Meanwhile, some of them were making some tension air.

Senior Leda stands still with an obnoxious face.

I thought you didn't like this kind of at-home air, it wasn't.

"There it is!

Pern and senior clap their hands.

Something flutters from it.

It was a mosquito hit by a hand impact.

"Let's bite the awkward and so on a thousand years early. I haven't been able to erase any signs."

Senior Leda, you don't condone mosquitoes either...

Next to it the president was applauding.

"Even in a swamp with a lot of mosquitoes, Ledda would be here, so I could hold a barbecue with confidence."

"Fly and be in the fire. Oh, my God. One."

Even here, are the candidates considered......

Also, the sales specialist, Senior Vampire Enterya, had taken and handed over what he had baked to Mooyan and Mr. Kruña's plates. That's a position like barbecue service.

"Good to have you in this company."

That's how I snapped while watching the barbecue sights.

Some of the students referred to the job itself as a graveyard in their lives or something. There is still such a trend in society. Many people think that the most fulfilling thing in life is as a student.

But at least for me, this is the full season of my life.

"I'm glad you said that."

President Kerkel was looking at me, and I was scared. I wasn't saying anything bad, but I'm embarrassed...

"Did you hear that..."

"Hehe, me, my ears are fine too."

The president winked and said.

"Getting people to feel good about coming in is a fundamental part of waking up the company. Because it's not worth building a company if the people who work aren't happy."

He's in a good mood because his tail is twisting.

"This company is perfect. All thanks to the president."

It's always what I think, but it's a launch seat, and I don't care how many times I've said this.

"It's too much to say that it's all because of me ~. It's about 40% at best"

The president is very humble around here. But the figure of 40% is realistic.

"Each senior is showing great power, isn't he? That's why I think it's turning out so well."

Pompom and the president slapped me on the shoulder.

"Even Mr. Franz has great powers. Please count yourself in."

"It's only my second year."

"Wouldn't it be more amazing if there was a further stretch?"

If you were with the president, you'd be praised for killing me.

But now let's stop running low.

"I will strive to be an employee that stands alongside my great predecessors. No, I'll let it happen."

I looked at the swamp.

"That's my goal."

However, it's not a bad idea to do the given job and get paid, but let's go higher anyway.

"Yes, you're expecting"

I'll live up to this president's expectations.

And then I'll be the kind of person my parents want to brag about.

Oh......... my father needs to be someone I want to be proud of...

As the sun went down in earnest, the barbecue became essentially, a drinking party.

Vampire Senior Enterya sits on a swamp bench and is awakened to drunkenness. Mary was asleep beside it, too.

"Well, I guess it's time for a hiatus"

I told the bare Celia.

But Celia laughed lusciously.

"It's your fault, and why don't you have some more fun?

He was taken to the shadows unpopular by Celia.

"Um, what is this..."

"Because of this, and under the night sky, isn't that good? I'd like to thank you for your help."

"Well then... let's ask..."

That's why I did something succubus in the park.

"It's nice to be out there."

"I feel so guilty..."

I bet the precautions in the hydrophilic park don't say no sacubus thing, so let's get it forgiven...

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