I'm the only one in the company who can use white magic.

Now I'm gonna open up the situation for you!

From there it was fast.

I slowly draw the White Magic Magic Formation. Compared to the black magic stuff, it's a lot more like, graceful or dancing drawing. Though psychologically I can't feel that way.

There is one option. Use the most powerful white magic I know.

So I'm gonna cut you through this.

"Hey, is this the White Wizard?" "Possess him too," "Explode him! Shit!"

Evil spirits come to my body, too. My body gets heavy.

Still, I never stopped drawing magic formations.

"I tell you, all the wicked. Bend before the light. If you can't do that, just disappear..."

I feel the evil spirits clinging to my chant.

"This guy is going to use the magic of attacking the whole wicked - Holy Meteo!" "No way! Then I'm sorry that Sacubas and the Black Wizard are safe!" "That's right, it's clear!

You know a lot about evil spirits. You mean that's all powerful evil spirits.

That's right. Holly Meteo is the magic of attacking the evil around him from one end to the other. Generally, magic about destruction is often not allowed to be learned in magic schools. Because it is difficult when used in fights between students.

But Holly Meteo is also in the textbook because he only targets evil guys.

However, as a magical difficulty like this, I can't set up the details that I just want to take off here. It will involve all the "wicked ones" around.

So it's both a reasonable opinion that the evil spirits feared or that they say there's no way they can use it.

But common sense doesn't work like that.

Necro Grant Black Magic employees, they all have powers beyond common sense.

I can't use my powers because I'm such a loser.

"Scratching you off, this is the only mercy, acceptance..."

"Whoa! Seriously, you're gonna use it!" "Sacubas is gonna die too!" "Stop, stop! It's just suicide!" "No way, you're going to blow this one up..."

Now the evil spirit was in a hurry, but I didn't care. I didn't even hesitate.

"- Play it, fly, Holly Meteor!

As I finished the chant, so did the magic team.

Countless lights scatter like shooting stars, hitting the evil spirits one after another.

Nothing like screaming. The evil spirit that received it must have vanished on the spot.

Nesting here is a collection of mindless dead souls. One small thing at a time, so it disappears lightly.

For a while, the light was brightly dyeing the marshes of the dark tree sea.

It may not be the expression we use at a time like this, but it's a romantic sight.

For quite some time, the light jumping out of the magic formation did not subside.

Does that mean it was full of evil spirits?

I was just waiting for the magic to end.

"Ah... are we going to explode better -"

Apparently the last light hit the evil spirit.

The only two people standing around that swamp are me and Celia.

Neither came from, approached, and hugged each other on the spot.

"You, you! Thanks!"

"Glad Serlia is safe! I'm so glad!

I hugged Celia's body very hard. It's each other because Celia does the same.

"Those evil spirits are stupid, too. There's no way a magic can fly to an angelic Celia like this."

What a rotten white wizard who abuses white magic. I've fought before, too.

Still, it doesn't even change the philosophy of white magic itself.

If magic works for the wicked, it will be right. This magic doesn't attack the Demons, it attacks the bad guys.

Nevertheless, there was a slightly clearer basis.

When I rescued Lydia, Celia's sister, from a bad entertainer, I had flown to the surgeon himself, whose white magic was clearly a criminal.

If that's the same principle, Celia shouldn't be eligible again this time.

"If Holly Meteo flies into existence like I said he would, I'll spend the rest of my life destroying Holly Meteo."

"Pfft, isn't it natural that it matters about you"

By the swamp where the evil spirits disappeared. We held each other for a long time.

Nobody even came in the way because it's a despicable place.

"I came up with two names for you."

Serlia said something weird.

"What about" The Black and White User "?

"Celia, you don't have much sense of naming."

To be honest, "That's not much," he shrugged a little.

But the shin Celia is also very cute, so fine.

And I don't think it's wrong as a concept.

I guess I should do it in this company as a black wizard who can also use white magic.

Two evenings later, our employees at Necro Grant Black Magic were gathered in the roundabout swamp.

That's where President Kerkel comes in.

"Thank you so much, everyone. The business of the Collapse Marsh Hydrophilic Park has been successfully completed!

Says the president, shaking his tail cheerfully.

"First of all, to celebrate this success, the next bonus will be a flat 30 silver coins each!

Senior Tototo said, "Yay! I can drink!" He was screaming. You're seriously going to drink it......

Set aside the seniors' words, the president goes on to talk.

"I lived five centuries and there were mountains and valleys, but I knew it was best to do a job that made me and people smile. I finally figured out that the King's Road was the right place to go around."

I nodded strongly in my heart that I really did.

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