"Um, me, I don't have any education at all... I don't have any part-time experience... is that okay?

"That's about it, I'm looking at your resume, so naturally I know. You mustn't be too humble. That would be rude to me if I hired you."

Today's president, he looks somewhat in a good mood. I wonder if being alive for five centuries can also make interviews entertaining.

"Ah! Sorry......"

On the other hand, she is rather tempered when she decides to get a job...... At this rate, seriously, no. You're here... But if you don't have experience with insistence, will you?

"By the way, Mr. Salfend - no, because of this, please call Mr. Mooyan."

"Yes! I don't care what you call it anymore!" Zacochibi "or" Country Guzz "but it's cool!

If you call me that, you'll be sued for total harassment.

"Do you have any questions for the company from Mr. Mooyan? Anything at all. It's not just about what you do, it's about your salary and your working hours."

Also, too obvious caused the scales to fall out of my eyes.

It's an interview, so (formally) both the company and the applicant are equal. You should have the right to hear the terms and negotiate. I didn't become a slave to the company.

Due to being dropped by so many white magic companies, I had my humble guts in my guts, too. Besides, a little over a year ago, they dropped me, and I was stuck... A lot has really happened in the past year......

"Okay, so, but... when you hear that, don't you get a bad impression and get dropped...?

I thought like her, too.

"But you're here for an interview because you want the money, right? So even if they say, 'Money doesn't matter,' you know it's absolutely a lie. I don't feel very good about lying to you."

"President! That's true, but I still can't ask... Even I didn't have the courage to ask questions when I was being interviewed..."

Nature and Mooyan. (They've decided to get a job, so you can call me by name, too. I'll get your permission later, though) I was on my side. I'm sitting next to the president, but in my position, it's Mooyang's side.

"Rather, if it's a company that asks such questions and complains, wouldn't it be nice? Because I know it's out of the question before I go in. I haven't noticed it since I came in and it's an overwhelming bargain."

Mr President, in these places, there is too little shaking. I want to live as confident as this.

"But aren't you going to be dropped looking at that point later without complaining on the spot?

"I'm lucky that I did, because I won't have to get a job if you drop me. I assure you, you will quit anyway, even if you join a company that can be attributed to such a low-dimensional thing"

If I'm assured, I can't eat down any more.

"And the company that's going to do the oppressive interview, I'd appreciate it in a way. Because it will be truncated at that point. I'll tell you this from my five centuries of life experience, but if you join a company that says terrible things to people before you join, you'll see worse."

"Mr. President, isn't it a little like a switch on? Your words are getting more aggressive!?

My tail is probably moving, so I think I'm standing there.

"Oops... sorry, I've had a lot of things in the past too..."

The president blushed.

"Let me get back to you, if there's anything you want at least this much, or circumstances you're having trouble with your money, let me know. It doesn't have to be today."

Very, very slowly Mooyan raised his hand.

"Can a black magic world be dangerous...? Every year, there are a lot of missing persons out there..."

You're prejudiced around there...

"Some black magic is dangerous, but it's a matter of affairs to ask Mr. Mooyan, so I don't think we can have an accident at work either"

Clearly the president answered. Yeah, it's a business...... Every day, there's no risk in a company that sacrifices sheep...

So on behalf of the president, Mooyang's face turns red this time.

"You know... getting naked, getting tattooed..."

"No, sir."

In addition, the president responded promptly. Still no way to improve the image of black magic......

But after that...

"Sexual matters will be hard to hear where men are, and I'll explain later."

I was told.

Mooyang is looking at this one scared.

I guess this isn't some kind of misunderstanding or anything......

But it's hard to say from my mouth that this company, that kind of place, is very open or entertained with all sorts of seniors, so it's a misunderstanding... Especially when it was the annual meeting or something I could say Harlem......

"Mr. President, I'm leaving with this."

"Okay. Good luck, Mr. Franz!

The president waved at me and I left the room before Mooyang.

After I got out, I prayed heartily.

Don't joke about me eating all my employees, Mr. President... I don't want to celebrate my second year as a socialite being treated like something from my junior year!

After that, I had a chance to meet Mooyan, who came out of the room.

"Um... you're a very serious and gentle senior. I had a scary image of a guy from a black magic company, but it was a misunderstanding. Best regards,

Mooyang bowed her head to me.

"(President, don't be weird) Thank you!

Mooyang looked weird because I said thank you.

"Oh, yeah, can I call you Mooyan?

"Yes, Senior Franz!

In my second year of employment, I will be able to have juniors.

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