Yes, an interview is an indication of how valuable hiring yourself is to a company. There are no clerks who appeal to customers that they do not have to buy this product because of its poor quality.

The way he showed it would have been unusual, but this kid shared his strengths with me.

"Then you'll hear the specifics from me. What is the level of bookkeeping qualification?

"Yes! The second level of the Kingdom Bookkeeping Association and…"

I don't even know what that qualification means, but she lined up some qualification names. You have it unexpectedly, this girl.

"I see, I see. Really?"

Is the president able to afford the side of his choice or is he generally calm? It's no first thing for the president to disturb. Instead, maybe I'm full of interviewers. I feel a little sweaty.

"Is there anything else Mr. Franz would like to ask you?

The president spoke to me. I'm an interviewer, so it's natural to be asked, but I didn't really want you to do it.

"Uh, right... Uh..."

I'm up better... I didn't like people judging me, but you don't like judging me.

"Oh, what's your hobby?

While I was at it, I thought this might be a match. But listening to your hobbies is normal in itself, right?

"Is it a hobby? Right... gardening..."

"Ga...... is it gardening? For example, what kind of things are you making?

"Right. Use the facility garden to make carrots, onions and shoga..."

"Heh... That's a cool thing..."

"Oh, oh, thank you... no, it's strange that I say thank you, I'm sorry..."

"No, nothing's wrong...?

Trouble. Where do I finish this conversation...?

Somewhere, I even feel like I'm pulling out her weakness. Whoa, what are we gonna do about pulling out the no-good spot! Such an interviewer, you can't!

"Hehe, that's good! So let's have the company premises make poisonous carrots!

The president came in to talk to me. Thank you, President! Me, I didn't have the talking skills with these characters...... That, but something's wrong.

"President, what do you use poisonous carrots for? It's poisonous, isn't it?

"Mr. Ledda likes it. If I was eating poisoned dishes and working out so they wouldn't be assassinated, they'd have gotten into it sometime. It feels good to be numb."

Senior Leda's way of life is too Shura's way.

"Ok...... I've never grown a poisonous carrot... I think I'll try it..."

For one thing, I'm glad she didn't say she was good at poisonous carrot cultivation or something. That just sounds like you're making it for serious revenge.

"Well, I'll make room for you."

Apparently she noticed something in the president's words.

"Um... Creating a growing place on the company's premises means...?

"I will contact you after the formal acceptance - but it's not a good idea to let them do it."

The president stepped up the quality of his smile.

"It's passed. Mr. Mooyan Salfend, please work in the affairs of our company!

The president decided to welcome her as an employee of this company.

Oh! Good, good!

I thought she'd be relieved.

Human psychology was a more complicated thing.

"Oh, is that a good interview...?

she said, pointing to her face.

He still doesn't have the real feeling that he passed. Instead, you might want to say you don't believe me at all.

"That's right. Your motivation, well conveyed, wasn't it clear the purpose of the interview?"

"But it's been the weirdest interview I've ever had... I'm sure the interviewer will laugh at me later..."

I don't even know how that feels. You can tell me it's an act like getting screwed at a drinking party the interviewer attended.

"It's this way that I took it in that direction. It's not fair to call that crazy."

I do have a problem with opening up best, if she said she wanted to join this company to get revenge or something, but she should have rather been trying to go ahead without difficulty at first.

"Besides, it's also the interviewer's job to take the real deal out of someone like you, the cheerful type. It's the interviewer who disqualifies you before you can do that."

The president wasn't supposed to say anything strange, but I felt scales fall out of my eyes.

Even on the side of being judged there are many types. You can't do that because you're the guy who can't respond mechanically to that and give a good answer. Oh, my God, arrogance is a good place too.

Lord, the black magic industry is not so full of people as to be able to do business like that.

If you push it back, that's what she said, you could make enemies that I think you'll avenge. There are no industry- or company- benefits there.

Still, she's pompous. No, I've never been hired. You haven't realized the reality yet. I don't even know because I've been down there before.

"Excuse me, can I stick to your cheek?

"It's not a dream, so it's okay. I don't even use nightmare magic."

Mary is so good at nightmare magic. Although the actual situation is unknown because I have never eaten it directly.

"So you can get a job...? Can I get a job like this...?

"'Cause it's an interview for that, isn't it?

"But a part-time job on a Tuesday or something to that extent...?

This kid is this kid, don't be too humble......

"I've never hired someone who's not a black wizard, so I'd like to pack up some fine conditional aspects, but I'm pretty sure I'll be treated full-time"

Plus, she was pompous.

It's like direct strike black magic that drains your soul......

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