And the magic formation glowed from my feet!

Come on, what kind of magic formation?

Is that like breaking the rhythm?

Or is that like a sudden drop in health?

Depending on the content of this magic formation, wins and loses are divided!

I felt my body lit up strangely.

I don't know, monkey......

No heart or the air around the magic formation looks pink.

"Oh, this is temptation...... that's seductive magic!

Serria was screaming.

"It's a trap that rapidly increases your appetite and even deprives you of your awareness of the game!

Some kind of black magic trap, but you've been setting up something that's going to be trouble......

The impact was on Moro, too, on the team of two men who were fighting top beside us.

"Me, somehow about you..." "Actually, me too..."

What two men hugged each other in two tripods!

Keep it up. The two look like they're kissing...... That, I hope we loved each other, but if we're magically losing reason without that kind of relationship, there's something pretty tough about it...

"Oh, no, the goal of reaching the goal has disappeared from my mind."

The president of the Black Magic Society, 'Ezelred of Incineration (Funky)', said like any other HR. After all, even though it's getting harmless, there's still something elusive about the black magic industry...

The team behind me has also seen the magic formation of that seduction and stopped their legs. I know you hesitate because if you get into it helplessly, you'll almost certainly get involved.

No, not if you think about other teams all the time.

This magic is definitely working for us, too.

"Franz, wow, I'm starting to feel like..."

Mary says with a decent eye. Except with prior precautions, otherwise advanced demons like Mary seem to have this magic working.

And, of course, I'm eating it.

"That's what I want to do with Mary, too..."

It's just that they're snuggling because they're on two tripods. I can even hear Mary's heart.

I want to untie even these two-legged strings and become one already.

My body and mind will be ruled by such desire.

My leg slowly stretches over the string. I don't care about this competition! I want to be more true to my feelings!

But when I put my hand on the string...

At the same time, Mary's hand overlapped my hand.

I'm sure that would have happened because Mary has also been subjected to the magic of seduction. The intention would have been the same as mine.

But he touched Mary's hand and gave it back to me.

No, you're a little different. Properly, I woke up to love.

"Mary, what was made of such magical effects is not true love"

Either that or I told him to tell himself.

"Shake off the magic and score a goal? That would be cooler, wouldn't it?

There was also a light of reason in Mary's hot gaze.

"Right. It's used so well for my magic. What a wonderful place!

Again, we looked forward.

The goal is already in front of us.

"You can run two tripods so fast. It feels like Franz and I are in one heart."

"I agree."

Me and Mary's foot timing is a brilliant match - not that. Rather, it's always off.

But the two of you fix that deviation right away and erase it. So without losing balance, my next leg will come out again.

We're right in front of the goal, accelerating.

We crossed the line of goals!

"We're first!

"I didn't do it!

We hugged each other with the strings untied, and we stayed out of shape and fell to the ground.

But I was laughing as I was.

Yeah, even mistakes can be laughed off if your mind makes sense.

Serria came there applauding.

"I'm impressed! You two made it through the difficulties!

"Thanks, thanks to Celia."

That Celia held me and Mary together at the same time.

"Great! Both of you, it's great!

"Hopefully, now we both wanted to hug each other... well, it's family," Mary said, revealing a somewhat complicated mood.

All the events are over and the time has come for the results to be presented.

Mr. 'Ezelred of Incineration', president of the Black Magic Society, takes the stage.

"Third place is Sikabane Commercial, second place is Neo Sacrifice, and - Necro Grant Black Magic, who took first place on two tripods, is first overall in reverse!

We jumped on the spot and were delighted.

"The # 1 Necro Grant Black Magic Company has awards, trophies, winning flags, champion belts and -"

You'll give me too much if I do.

"- As a second prize, you're giving away the highest quality ivory cane. Delegates, come and get it."

President Kerkel and Senior Farfistagna pushed my shoulder pounding.

"Mr. Franz, go ahead." "You should go here, junior."

I tried to be prompted to get the items and canes that I had done.

"I'll have about 200 silver coins of this wand... That's really fancy..."

I went back to the company team carefully to avoid dropping my wand.

"Mr. Franz should use that cane."

President Kerkel said lightly.

"Yes, okay......? You see, this wand, it's used in the character of a newbie..."

"It's what I won with my strength, okay? Instead, it would be nice if you could return the cane you've been using."

Oh, speaking of which, I've always borrowed a cane carved by a bat in the head area from the president, or had it, or used it. I can't have a rookie because a good cane is pricey. I would really use what was paid for by the company.

No one seems to disagree, and I decided to get that ivory wand.

I need to be a big wizard like this wand suits me.

- And back that day.

A building like a cheap temple caught my eye on my way home.

Hotel Love Forever Rest From Four Copper Coins

Oh, it's totally that inn over there already...

A little, Mary pulled my clothes.

"Wow, you're tired of exercising... I want to rest..."

Speaking of which, I survived the temptation, but you have the fact that you got it...

"Okay. Shall we take a break then..."

I was waved by Celia saying, "Please go ~" but I wanted you to stay calm there if you could.

"Wow, I'm sweating and I want to take a shower..."

"... yeah, right"

"Franz smells like sweat too, doesn't he? Why don't you come in with me?

"... ok"

After that, I had a special break with Mary that made me more tired than a sporting event.

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