And the two-legged started.

I'll hit the center first, I'll get the right leg tied to Mary.

Then I try to get my left leg out.

"Oops...... Do it with Franz already..."

Suddenly Mary was about to lose her balance. What a tough future!

"No, no, don't start at the beginning."

"Franz and Fluffy are totally different leg lengths and stuff, so you have to be careful."

That makes sense. Me and Mary have a big difference in physique. Nothing. It's not that I'm a big guy or anything, but Mary is in toddler shape, so there's an overall discrepancy.

"Well, next time we'll go with a little more crotch"

There is also the risk of slowing the pace, but if it gets sprinkled, L.A. is much bigger. This place is inevitable.


But I knew Mary was about to come over. The timing isn't right at all.

"Ha... Franz, you're not breathing with me at all"

Mary says in an open voice.

"No, it's weird that even though it's something you two do, I'm the only one who's unilaterally bad!

I was a little upset, too.

"Then the frizz will suit Franz better. That's good, right?

It is only later that we discuss which there is indeed a non-. If I can't match Mary, you better try the other way around.

Already the early team had been there quite some time ago. Catch up on this, it's tough...

However, the number one team moved suddenly slowly.

"Shh! I've stepped on a magic formation that slows me down!" What a scream flying from before.

It doesn't mean we should just move on... Some elements of luck......

"Well, I'll step out of the middle first. Yichi."

Now my balance broke and I almost leaned to the left.

"You're not going to make it..."

It doesn't go any further than I imagined.

No way, I didn't think teamwork was so bad so far. Hey, I'm just shocked.

When I saw it in the audience, Celia looked anxious. Serlia wouldn't have even thought about the lapse so far.

"Maybe the woes, compatibility doesn't work at all..."

Mary said something negative only a few steps from the starting point.

"Look, you've got a couple who realize each other's dissatisfaction since we got married. Maybe that's what strawberries do."

"No, you're welcome to do that. First I tried to fit Mary, then Mary tried to fit me."

We were thinking about the other guy. You shouldn't have done such a selfish thing.

"Master, Mary, you two are not here -!

Words flew out of the field that I don't know if Serbian support or complaint.

"Well, Sacubas may be familiar with that, but I don't know anything about it."

Mary says a little lonely.

I feel the same way. But when it comes to not being this good, albeit with two tripods, it makes me want to think that I have no qualities.

"You two are now mistaken for something called true love. I've been good, but I'm too conscious of love, and I'm out of line."

Is it like if you care too much about the form of running, you won't be able to run well again? There may indeed be a part of you that cared too much about filling the distance with Mary.

"But what the hell am I supposed to do? I don't know how to fix a mistake right away!

If we stay like this, instead of targeting first place, we're going to end up at the bottom. It's not even complete.

"Okay. Serlia of Sacubas, preacher of love, will explain."

With his chest up, Celia came all the way to the front of the backup seat.

"It's in harmony with love! That's it!"

I'm more abstract and less sure than I thought......

Mary was also pompous.

"Didn't you two just think about unilaterally matching them! True love is for you two to walk over and create the optimal solution somewhere!

Serria's eyes were burning at some point.

Speaking of which, this may be the first time Celia has talked about love so far.

"Sometimes things don't work out because you two walk over. Even if it's a good day, it could slip away again tomorrow. But if you keep always searching for a good relationship, you will always be close to true love! That's like a great baker changing the formula of water and wheat to suit your daily climate!

Oh, I think I see the light.

That they both live thinking about each other, that's love.

"Thank you, Celia. Wow, you must have gotten smarter."

Mary was laughing a little too.

"Well, Franz, I'll go again. Not at one pace or the other, but at the original pace we both made."

"Right. It's not my pace, it's not Mary's."

The roughly stepped foot stepped firmly on the ground and was the driving force behind nature and the next foot out.

And then I get my next leg out again.

Plus the next leg.

The gear began to engage.

We keep accelerating.

First, chase through the team that was on the way. Step on the magic team that sleeps a little further, and also chase through teams whose consciousness is blurred.

"" To, to, to, to!

Nevertheless, we couldn't afford to take a closer look around. Keep moving, keep moving, keep moving.

And he finally lined up with a team of two guys in first place around the front of the goal.

"You're on the verge of it all at once." "But the settlement depends on the last magic formation."

A team of enemies, both of them, will speak to us. Apparently, he's used to this competition.

"What, the last magic formation?

"Just before the goal, there's a huge magic formation hidden away, and they're definitely starting to be affected by it. If we don't get over it, we're not gonna get a goal."

I don't think that has anything to do with pure two-legged prowess... but we have to move on anyway!

We and the enemy team proceed at about the same time.

And the magic formation glowed from my feet!

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