Those years when I was Cannon fodder

Chapter 750: changing the mind of race

Unless they want to communicate with the outside world, they will not exchange their points for spirit stones.

Because many of the Chu family's resources collect points but not spirit stones.

Moreover, large quantities of spirit stones are not allowed to be exchanged for points, which is a benefit for the Chu family.

Chu Yu set a very hateful thing.


Points can be exchanged for spirit stones at will, but if you exchange spirit stones in large quantities, you must make a big contribution, and you can get a quota card.

After all, if you use points to recharge, the meaning will be gone.

She wants to use these points to arouse the collective sense of honor of the Chu family, so that they are willing to support and stay in the Chu family, so naturally the Chu family has to come up with something attractive enough.

Those rare and exotic treasures in the past are nothing, but now the longevity will stand out and become the hottest product in the near future.

Not only Chu Yu knew this, but even Li Shengyang immediately figured it out.

He has a relative like his grandfather, so why not the other Chu family members?

So if she wants to earn points quickly, she can't keep borrowing from Chu Yu.

Chu Yu asked,

"How much are you going to borrow? What kind of card are you going to buy for grandpa?"

What Li Shengyang wants to buy the most is the kind of 100-year-old card, which can extend his grandpa's life for 100 years. He will definitely be able to find a lot of ways to earn points within 100 years, and then continue to extend his grandpa's life for a hundred years.

In this way, maybe Grandpa will live longer than him in the future.

This is the most filial thing a filial son and grandson can do.

Originally, Li Shengyang was still worried about where he would go to find Yanshou Pill for his grandfather. The other party was a mortal person, and many life-enhancing things could not be used, but now he has completely put an end to this worry, and secretly decided to stay in the Chu family, otherwise he will go. He doesn't think there are life cards for sale outside.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Li Shengyang said,

"I want to buy a ten-year card, Sister Yu, you lend me 100,000 points first, and I will go to other Xumi realms to buy fields and plant them later, and then cultivate some spiritual plants to pay off the debt."

Chu Yu did not refuse this.

Originally, Li Shengyang's strength lies in this. If he abandons this strength to do something else, it would be stupid, but—

"Is it just a ten-year card? I thought you would buy a hundred-year card?"

Li Shengyang couldn't help but smile bitterly,

"The 100-year card is too expensive. At my current level, I can't buy it at all, but I am confident that I will accumulate enough points in the past ten years. I will definitely buy a 100-year card for my grandfather. To live for a long time and stay with me, I have to work harder."

Chu Yu likes Li Shengyang's fighting spirit. This is also the atmosphere of the Chu family that she is looking forward to seeing. With everyone's fighting spirit high, the entire Chu family may prosper. Maybe she can't borrow the strength of the Chu family now, but wait. All of these people have grown up and become quite powerful.

After all, there are occasions where she can't dominate the audience by herself, so it would be best to have more Chu family members to help.

Chu Yu didn't dare to underestimate them.

Her own physique is very poor, she needs too many resources, and her growth will be slower. Now, except for a few of them, the Chu family has already reached the golden core stage.

Maybe they are just ordinary geniuses, and they can't challenge beyond the ranks like the geniuses like Chu Fan, Chu Qiong, and others. They have deep potential and no shortage of opportunities, but they can't always expect to be peerless geniuses.

For Chu Yu to be able to produce some more ordinary geniuses, it would be very satisfying for Chu Yu.

Chu Yu gave Li Shengyang two ten-year cards.

Li Shengyang looked over suspiciously.

Chu Yu said, "I gave that ten-year card to my grandfather, don't say no, I have a lot of points in my hand, enough to buy him a ten-year card, and I won't spend so much money in the future. Before using it, remember to adjust the grandfather's physical condition to the best, even if he can't return to the state of a young man, make his body as healthy as possible. Because this life extension is just a life extension, if the grandfather is not in good health, lying on Being unable to move on the bed, the extra life is a torture for him."

Li Shengyang nodded to show his understanding.

After that, Chu Yu went to see Father Chu, and Father Chu asked for a hundred-year lifespan card, which would be used by the second lady.

Only then did Chu Yu put the life card on the shelf, but just in case these clansmen hoarded the goods, she kept some of them on hand for emergency use, and did not hang them all.

Of course, if someone wants this card in the future and asks her, she will not be stingy.

The hanging of the life card really caused a huge disturbance in the entire Chu family. Although they already knew that the young master and the two senior sisters had a special chance and could often get some unexpected treasures, as soon as the life card came out, they found that they still underestimated.

What other resources are currently cherished?

These are nothing compared to life cards.

As soon as the lifespan card came out, it did not exceed Chu Yu's expectations. They all wanted to hoard it. If it wasn't for Chu Yu's regulations that each person was limited to one purchase, these people would have hoarded it.

Chu Yu would not allow them to become scalpers and earn their own points.

However, even a limited life card is still sold out quickly.

This time Chu Yu could only shake her head.

Although the lifespan card set off a wave, it was only sold in such a wave. It was impossible for Chu Yu to take out the lifespan card accumulated on hand.

After this kind of people discussed eagerly for many days, this wave of excitement quickly subsided.

Because in the current Chu family, strictly speaking, there are not many people who are eager to use the life card. It is very simple. They left the Qingyun Realm with them, and then they were recruited in the world that was about to be destroyed.

In such a situation, those who were in poor health and whose lifespans were approaching died at the very beginning, and those who survived were not short-lived ones.

They may be like Grandpa Li, who seems to be approaching the limit of their lifespan at this age, but it is only because life is hard and hard work that needs to be supplemented, or it may be that Aunt Yao is still a long way from the end of life. a section of the road.

It is always easy for Chu Yu to deal with such rare resources, and there is less trouble in the follow-up, so her attention quickly shifted to other things.

For example, Huaqing Domain.

For example, what kind of identity does she want to use in the Chu Yu never thought about changing her race.

This race is not so easy to change, the human race cannot become a demon race, nor can it become a demon race, but the existence of changing days makes this road quite feasible.

She got herself a vest of Liu Qiao before. This vest is not like a thousand incarnations. If you give it up, she will give it up. She can keep it all the time.

If Chu Yu wanted to change to another vest, she could only start over.

It's not like the vests that can be created by incarnations are limited. At least in a short time, Chu Yu can only make one for herself. This is still her golden crow fire has been cultivated to a certain stage, and finally incorporated into her dantian. The abutment belonging to the Fire Spirit Root was burned in the abutment.

(End of this chapter)

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