Those years when I was Cannon fodder

Chapter 749: Shortcuts for Building Planar Channels

This increase in lifespan will not increase their attack power. They will be easily kicked to death, and they will be strangled by mortals with ropes. It does not mean that they have health like in the game, and they will not die unless their health is exhausted.

But this is the case, with one or another flaw, this lifespan is still a commodity that makes the plane merchants present.

They can be used on their own relatives, or they can be sold to others. This is a commodity that the system mall does not have, and the system mall does not sell it.

Chu Yu didn't know the internal reasons. Maybe no one was willing to sell such a good thing to the mall. Maybe there were other considerations behind this. Maybe the lifespan accumulated a lot, and the cause and effect would have a great impact on the mall. influences.

These speculations did not stop Chu Yu from choosing.

She bids quickly, showing that she is bound to win this life.

The second lady needs this lifespan, so does Grandpa Li, and some mortals of her Chu family.

This is the first time that Chu Yu has seen such a product. Lifespan is a very illusory thing. Even Chu Yu in the mall has not found a way to extract or collect lifespan like a **** like this.

This may be a special method mastered by the master of the market himself. If this time is missed, there may be no such opportunity in the future.

She is naturally not stingy, and she can buy as much as she can.

One-year life card, ten-year life card and one-hundred-year life card.

The first wave is a one-year lifespan, a total of 1,000 copies, and Chu Yu won it at a high price.

The second round was another one-year lifespan card, but this time Chu Yu didn't grab it anymore.

She also makes people drink soup when she eats meat.

Moreover, she faintly felt the bad eyes cast from all directions. Chu Yu was not afraid that they would retaliate, but she had ten years of lifespan and one hundred years of lifespan cards in the future.

In addition, to make friends with the master of the market, there is no need to be afraid of such a channel.

There are seven rounds of the one-year life card, and it was the ten-year life card. Chu Yu took two rounds of the five rounds. In the end, the three-round life card Chu Yu also grabbed two rounds.

Originally, Chu Yu was relatively low-key in her work, but this time it appeared from the plane merchants, but she looked calm. Since she has money, why not buy it?

Letting people drink soup does not mean giving up the right to eat meat.

More importantly, if she wants to make friends with the owner of the market, it is necessary to show her generosity and financial resources in order to impress the other party.

When the auction ended, it did not exceed Chu Yu's expectations. Sure enough, the familiar puppet invited her to say that their master wanted to see her.

Returning to the normal plane, Chu Yu immediately took out the form she had signed. She could pay on the spot and pay first, and wait for a while if she needed to transfer funds later.

The life card has also been put into the storage ring, but Chu Yu did not look at it immediately, but took out a small ring.

This ring is the harvest of the previous communication with the master of the market.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the opportunity to build a plane channel and make friends when the system is upgraded, there is still such a baby who can build a plane channel independently.

It's a pity that Chu Yu's trading volume is actually quite sufficient.

If the plane system was good from the beginning, maybe she has now been brushed to the level of the middle thousand planes, which is enough for her to practice.

There will also be a dazzling array of goods inside, more than now.

But because this Broken Plane system was incomplete from the beginning, it was still incomplete, and it was very unorganized, even if products like the eighth-order appeared in advance. However, the treasures that build the plane channel like this still haven't been swiped from the mall.

No matter how much money she has, she can't buy it.

This made Chu Yu extremely depressed.

So it really is necessary to find more middlemen, brush up their plane level, and reach the height of Daqian World to be able to buy treasures like plane passage.

Just remembering the resources needed to build the plane channel, Chu Yu slapped her tongue for a while.

This time, she accounted for the bulk of the resources needed to build the external channel, and the other party accounted for the small.

The fact that Chu Yu can agree to this is that in addition to the key commodity that the other party has a fixed lifespan, the plane on which he is located is surprisingly similar to her plane. Many commodities can be purchased from him, not only If it is the lifespan, then it is very good to build a channel.

Especially channel rings like this are expensive to buy in the mall.

After persuading herself with various reasons, Chu Yu let out a long sigh and finally suppressed her depression.

For the first time, she traded with the other party so that the other party had the upper hand.

However, Chu Yu was not in a hurry to establish a plane channel. Instead, she arranged for the manpower to be responsible for fulfilling all the orders she received.

After delivering this batch of orders, she can almost return a wave of books, and then use this resource to build the plane channel.

This will be the biggest friend of the plane to help her so far.

Chu Yu said she was looking forward to it.

Quickly cleared the inventory, and posted the task in the notification section. Chu Yu went to see Li Shengyang after finishing the task at hand.

"Now I have a batch of resources in my hands, which can prolong people's lifespan and have no sequelae."

Chu Yu told Li Shengyang about the lifespan.

Li Shengyang was stunned for a long time before he reacted. Chu Yu told him that this was for his grandfather.

He said excitedly,

"I want a life card, so what price do I have to pay?"

After saying this, his voice returned to calm from excitement, neither the previous sister Qiao nor the current Chu Yu had the idea of ​​taking advantage of the other party or not enough for him.

Even if it is Liu Qiao now, he will use resources to buy lifespan, but this lifespan is so expensive that he may not be able to pay it off in a short time, so he needs to borrow it from Liu Qiao.

But now he has no such confidence.

First, he suddenly realized that Liu Qiao was not his only Qiao sister, but became a friend of many people. She also has someone she wants to protect, and the other party may also need a long life.

Second, it is inexplicably shameful to ask sister Xiaoyu to borrow money.

For Li Shengyang, Chu Yu was willing to tell him the news, and giving him this opportunity to buy was already an excellent thing. Yu also agreed, and felt that he was not crooked, saying,

"The price of lifespan is not low, but because it can only be used for Qi refining and mortals, it is not too high. Ten thousand points for one year's lifespan is the initial price I set. If this channel is cut off in the future, There are fewer chances to get lifespan, then I will increase the price of lifespan. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have 10,000 points now, I can borrow you first, and then you will pay me back.”

Li Shengyang's brows were wrinkled, the Chu family's points were easy to obtain, but it was rare and indeed rare.

It is easy for everyone to have a chance to compete for points, including those mortals.

Rare means that it is not easy to accumulate points. Although 10,000 points are 10,000 spirit stones, the points in the Chu family are much more valuable than spirit stones.

(End of this chapter)

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