This star’s style is wrong

Chapter 30 Instructor’s Comments

Wang Huajun spun in the air and stunned the audience with his cassock dance.

Ethereal chants echoed in the studio hall, and everything was breathtakingly beautiful.

Chen Chaonan and Liang Yusong were both shocked. They were originally amazed by the song, but now they also had to dance.

Zhang Huiying and Shen Xiyin were stunned, staring at the stage without blinking, for fear of missing any action.

The melody comes to an end.

Wang Huajun pulled the silk wrapped around his waist, spun dozens of times and landed on the ground. He supported the ground with one hand and slowly fell down as if defeated.

This scene made many people at the scene stunned, and even worried that there was an accident at the Wia.

But the music continued, and no one rushed to the stage to rescue them. They could only watch patiently.

By the time the last line was sung, the melody faded into a long aftertaste.

Fang Xing and others walked over and pulled Wang Huajun up.

Wang Huajun already had tears in his eyes, because this was the most amazing dance he had ever performed in his twenty-six years of life.

He didn't know if there would be such an amazing performance in the future, but with this dance, it was all worth it when he chose to join Fang Xing's team.

The music ended and the scene remained quiet for ten seconds.

Until an audience member started applauding, and thunderous applause erupted.

He Hao suppressed his excitement, took a deep breath and said: This stage is so amazing. I watched it from the side of the stage at close range and almost suffocated with amazement.

“Let’s calm down the excitement first and move on to the next session.

First of all, the four instructors, how do you evaluate Team Fang Xing's performance?

Shen Xiyin clapped her hands and praised like a fan girl: It's so beautiful. I don't know how to praise it. The singing is so beautiful that I'm even a little jealous.

Wait a minute, did I hear you correctly? Xiyin, where did your jealousy come from? He Hao asked curiously, blinking.

Shen Xiyin sighed: Of course I hope that the person who sings it will be me. After all, when choosing the song, Captain Fang Xing said he wanted it from me...


The audience at the scene began to boo.

Shen Xiyin quickly put down her hands and said: Don't make noises, I'm talking about wanting me to be a team member. The third episode has already been broadcast, you must have seen it, don't think about it.

The audience began to respond loudly: We are not crazy.

He Hao took over the topic and said with a smile: It turns out that Xiyin wanted to perform this song himself. I have to say that the singing of the high pitch part of this song, if performed by Xiyin, would definitely be a different kind of nature. .

Then let us look forward to whether there will be a Shen Xiyin version of All Lovers in the World.

Then, how will Teacher Huiying evaluate this stage?

Zhang Huiying took a deep breath and said: Let me calm down first, the songs and dances are so beautiful.

It's indescribable, it's so beautiful. I don't even want it to end, I just keep singing and dancing.

He Hao pointed to the top of the stage and answered with a smile: Instructor Huiying means to let Wang Huajun hang on it until the end of the show.

Yes, as long as he can hang it. Zhang Huiying answered straightforwardly.


The scene suddenly burst into laughter.

Zhang Huiying's comments ended and it was Chen Chaonan's turn.

As soon as it was the turn of the two instructors Chen Chaonan and Liang Yusong to comment, the atmosphere became serious.

Because the comments of Chen Chaonan and Liang Yusong are not like the two female instructors who follow their emotions, but go in a more professional and sharp direction.

Chen Chaonan is more professional, while Liang Yusong is sharper.

This is the case for the first four propositions. When it is the turn of the two male instructors to comment, the style of painting will change.

Chen Chaonan made the first comment: Let me talk about the vocal part. When I went to your group to coach vocal music that day, I saw Fang Xing leading the team members to open their voices in an orderly manner.

“I said at that time that this group does not need vocal teachers like us.

“After listening to the scene, just as expected, we did our best.

“Of course, not everyone sings perfectly.

Guo Keda, Wang Huajun, if your singing is evaluated by professional preparation, it actually fails.

However, judging by the standards of dancers, your singing is not bad.

Fang Xing is very smart. The lyrics assigned to you are all ones that you can sing, and he successfully avoided your shortcomings.

“This also makes the vocal part of the whole stage, overall very good.

Then there's Lu Ming, a falsetto tenor who sings pop music very well, especially with the harmonies of Fang Xing and Shao Yu supporting your high notes. It's really beautiful to listen to.

“However, the texture of your treble actually needs to be improved.

Shao Yu, I won't say much more, everything I want to say has been said in school.

Lastly, Fang Xing, your vocal skills surprised me, your lyrics, music and singing are almost impeccable.

Of course it's just almost. If I have to find a fault, it's around High C. It still needs practice.

In fact, Fang Xing himself had discovered this problem long ago.

High C, which is the international spectrum C5, is stuck at the second voice change point, and the difference can be heard in the timbre near High C.

This is the so-called timbre disunity.

From the perspective of a vocal music professional, this situation requires hard vocal practice to smooth out the voice change points.

However, in the field of pop music, the requirements are not so strict. Many famous singers have very different timbres between their treble and bass, but the audience does not care and they can still become popular.

Fang Xing nodded in thanks: Thank you, teacher, I know what to do.

As soon as Chen Chaonan finished speaking, Liang Yusong immediately answered.

His point of view is completely different: I don't agree with what Director Chen said, Fang Xing, in fact, you can definitely sing five groups.

“Pop music is not bel canto, so it’s not so strict, as long as it sounds good.

Your mixing skills have been perfected, and you have completely reached the level of a singer.

However, I still have a question to ask. Are you planning to take the heavy functional route or the light functional route?

The so-called heavy function, as the name suggests, mainly uses the chest voice when singing, and the sound is thick and powerful.

The light function is mainly based on the head voice, which makes the listening experience more relaxed.

Usually heavy machines can be used to sing mid-bass, while light machines can be used to sing high notes.

However, it is difficult for the same singer to balance both heavy and light functions.

In order to reach the top in a certain field, professional singers usually choose one of these routes.

In the global pop music scene, JJ Lin is the representative of heavy functionality.

JJ Lin's golden vocal range is set four. He uses heavy functions to push his vocal range to C5, or even C # 5, and the treble is very thick.

However, there is a limit to the performance-heavy singing method, usually reaching A4 and B4 which is almost the top.

It's actually rare for JJ Lin to be able to push to C5 with a heavy machine.

Fang Xing thought about it for a moment before replying: It will focus on functionality, but it won't be too extreme.

Liang Yusong nodded and said: Then you plan to focus on the fourth group, which is good. The golden range of male voices is indeed the fourth group. However, this also means that you have many competitors in the music world.

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