When these unfriendly words came out, there was an uproar on the scene.

Even the chief director Tong Fei's eyes widened.

Because this answer is not in the script at all.

The director who was responsible for communicating with Fang Xing's team even became nervous and quickly explained: Mr. Tong, he has not communicated with me during this period.

Tong Fei's heart was beating wildly.

If this section could be cut into the feature film, it would definitely be a hot topic, and the show would spread all the way from the entertainment industry to other circles.

However, she knew very well that if this section was cut into the main film, it would definitely not pass the review.

At most, it can only be used as a borderline to promote and create topics.

He Hao smiled heartily and said: The intensity of the game has suddenly increased. Audience friends, tonight's game is getting more and more exciting.

Then let's see whether Captain Hashim's martial arts dream is more touching, or Captain Fang Xing's martial arts dream is more touching.

First of all, I would like to invite the Hashem team to perform A Beauty Without Tears on the martial arts dream stage.

The stage lights dimmed.

The program team once again brought Hashim’s electronic music equipment to the stage.

Also pushed up was a large prop.

This prop actually restored the scene from the TV series finale of A Beauty Without Tears on-site, and combined with the big screen and special effects, created the effect of Jueyun Cliff.

In the TV series Beauty without Tears, the heroine stands on Jueyun Cliff and learns that the hero has fallen into the cliff. She is heartbroken and wants to die for her love.

At the last moment, she heard someone calling her name from behind and turned around in surprise.

At the moment she turned around, the expression on her face in the camera went from sadness to surprise, then from surprise to distress, and finally tears fell from her eyes.

Those ten seconds of footage were the peak performance of Li Ruoyun behind the scenes, and were the common memories of the audience of that era.

The program team spent a lot of money just to restore the final scene of Jueyun Cliff.

After all the props are ready.

Hashim stood behind the electronic music equipment, while the rest of the team stood in the middle of the stage, getting into their starting positions.

Hashem hit the pads, and electronic music melody filled the room.

Moreover, the melody became more and more intense, and the lights on the stage also followed the melody and began to flash, ever-changing and bizarre.

The melody of the intro is the classic martial arts theme song A Beauty Without Tears, but it has been adapted into an electronic version, and the melody is very exciting.

Hashem played electronic music for thirty seconds, then stepped to the front of the line and did the starting move.

The intro ends, the spotlight appears, and the song enters the first verse of the verse.

Hashem stepped into the spotlight and sang the first lyrics:

There is blood and rain in the rivers and lakes, why is there no tears for a beautiful woman? She has already shed tears all over her heart and intestines...

The seven members of the team stepped into the spotlight one after another and sang two lines of lyrics each.

Then there is the chorus singing, which is very dynamic under the melody of electronic music, but it lacks the poignancy of the beauty without tears and heartbreak.

However, the live performance of the electronic version of Beauty Without Tears can indeed ignite the atmosphere of the audience.

At the end of the chorus, Hashim began to rap cracklingly:

Hey! My martial arts dream is to be beautiful without tears.

No need to explain, no need to ponder, she is the best in my heart.

No matter who is against me, I will break his dream and make him kneel to me...

At the end of the rap, English rap was added.

The atmosphere at the venue was completely boiling, with glow sticks surging amid the provocative lyrics.

After singing Beauty Without Tears, the atmosphere of the audience was extremely high.

The host He Hao walked onto the stage in excitement: Thank you to the Hashem team for the stage, which is very exciting. Without further ado, the next person to appear is the Fang Xing team.

The stage brought by Fang Xing's team is Lovers in the World. Let's wait and see what kind of martial arts dream this is.

The stage lights dimmed.

Fang Xing and the five of them stepped onto the stage. From their clothes to their hairstyles, all five of them were dressed in ancient costumes, just like five young knights traveling around the world.

The melodious prelude sounded.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang...

The performance piece that Fang Xing prepared this time was Lovers in the World.

The original version of this song is a song sung by Zhou Huajian and Qi Yu. It was written by Lin Xi and composed by Zhou Huajian. It was the theme song of the 1995 Hong Kong TVB version of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

In the Oriental TV variety show Our Song, Li Hackin and Zhou Shen also sang this song together.

In The World Is Lover, Zhou Shen showed off the G5's high-pitched singing, coupled with Li Hackin's low-pitched harmonies, which was very nice.

The version Fang Xing prepared this time was the version sung by Li Hackin and Zhou Shen.

The beautiful intro flows and the spotlight turns on.

Shao Yu and Lu Ming stepped into the spotlight and sang the first line together:

“How to do love, how to go wrong, how to look at it, how difficult it is, how to teach people to follow it through life and death.

Love is a taste that cannot be said, but can only be tasted. Once you try it, you will never get drunk and never return.

“When the beauty fades, it is still so perfect.

When will we be able to realize...

Immediately afterwards, Fang Xing, Guo Keda and Wang Huajun took over the melody and started singing:

Love is a flower, the snowflakes falling down in June have withered before they bear fruit.

Love is a drop of tears that cannot be wiped dry or burned out. It has turned into ashes before it solidifies.

It didn't appear until all the love was gone.

When the mortal world is shattered, it will make people stay together and fly together.


Who knows what it feels like?

When it came to the singing part of Ah..., neither Guo Keda nor Wang Huajun could sing.

The harmonious voices of Fang Xing, Shao Yu and Lu Ming lifted up this chant, making it as beautiful as the sound of nature.

The audience fell into the river of music in this perfect harmony and could not help but hold their breath to listen.

This heavenly singing is in sharp contrast to the electronic music just now, as if it comes from a different world.

One is as beautiful as celestial beings, the other as turbulent as the troubled world.

When it came to the chorus, Fang Xing and Lu Ming sang alternately:

“Love is a blur, the rose that is already in full bloom when the world first opens.

Love means stepping through the mortal world and seeing through the autumn water, just because those who have loved never say they regret it.

Love is a lifetime, reincarnation again and again, no matter in the southeast or northwest.

Love is a period of time, a trace of right and wrong, teaching lovers never to be able to say goodbye...

After the chorus ends, enter the interlude.

During this period, the lifting platform in the middle of the stage was lowered. Wang Huajun followed the lifting platform and went down to the backstage, where he quickly changed his clothes and prepared to hang the wire.

Wait until the second chant of Ah... begins.

Wang Huajun descended from the sky, pulling a huge red cassock, big enough to cover the entire stage, as if a mighty dragon had descended into the world.

This is Fang Jingti's suggestion, which is modeled on the scene of Fa Hai in the movie Green Snake.

Wang Huajun, the mighty heavenly dragon, came to the world and struck Fang Xing below with his palm.

Fang Xing and Wang Huajun exchanged palms.

Wang Huajun rolled, was pulled up by Wia, and began to spin in mid-air, performing flying flowers in the air, which was breathtaking.

Fang Xing drew his sword and danced with it on the stage.

It was like two masters, one in the air and one on the ground, engaged in a peak competition.


As soon as this scene came out, the audience suddenly screamed loudly.

Because this section is so stunning and incredible.

The instructors, music critics, and audience at the scene all had the same idea in their minds:

Is this a men's team draft?

This is simply an artistic performance!

The songs and dances were all stunning to the extreme, and even the performance at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala was amazing.

In particular, Wang Huajun's performance of pulling the cassock in the air was simply breathtaking and as beautiful as a picture scroll.

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