This star is from the earth

Chapter 592: That Fan

Ten minutes before ten o'clock, the library rang the closing song.

Xu Jin put down his pen, raised his head, and began to tidy up the things on the table.

Most of the people sitting around her were familiar faces of the same major, and they all came to review their homework before the exam month. After all, if you study law at Zhejiang University, you can't pass the exam just by cramping your feet in the last few days.

The people around got up one by one, relaxed and chatted, but Xu Jin still sat still.

It was her habit to listen to the closing song for three minutes and twenty-two seconds before leaving.

Three minutes and twenty-two seconds, exactly the length of the song "Autumn Whispers".

Xu Jin didn't remember when the library changed to this piece of music. She only remembered that since she knew this piece of music, she would always sit in the library until the end and leave after listening to the piece.

One time, she forgot the time while reading a book, and was reminded by the administrator when the library was close. When she took off her earphones and packed her things in a hurry, she was suddenly attracted by the closing song. She stopped, sat down and listened to the song three times for ten minutes until the library was closed. After leaving the library, she realized that she forgot to identify the tune. I came back the next day, listened to the songs, and searched them out, but Xu Jin wasn't surprised to find a song he liked.

Because the composer is Han Jue.

For Han Jue, Xu Jin really has too many complicated feelings in his heart. If he writes them all down, he can write the thickness of a book.

If it is really written into a book, she believes that someone will buy it and read it.

Because she is the fan [Xu] who was once beaten by Han Jue.

Three minutes and twenty-two seconds passed, and the song started its second cycle. Xu Jin went out and took out his schoolbag from the locker, entered the elevator, and prepared to go back to the dormitory.

Xu Jin stood in the corner of the elevator, only hearing a pair of girls chatting in front of him.

"When is "The Trainee Lawyer" not good to broadcast, but it happens during the exam month, speechless."

"I can't help it. The "Love Signal" team filmed it. Of course, I have to wait for "Love Signal" to finish. But even if it's June, I will still watch it, hehe~~"

"That's right, Senior Fang and Senior Zhou fell in love and killed each other. It would be a pity to miss it."

"Not only, not more."

"What? Are there handsome guys from other schools?"

"It's even better than a handsome guy. I heard from my teacher that the law firm has a cooperative relationship with Han Jue's studio."

"Han Jue? Which Han... Oh my god! It's true, isn't it that people on the show can see Han Jue?!"

"I don't know about that. But the program team shouldn't be stupid. Even if Han Jue can't get Han Jue to appear on the screen, they can get some cases related to Han Jue to catch the heat. For example, infringement and other related intellectual property rights , at Han Jue's level, he has to deal with a lot of these things every day."

"Ha, I suddenly remembered that if it was Han Jue in the past, he beat someone, scolded someone, and then the show filmed the lawyer's behind-the-scenes preparations, and it would definitely have ratings when it was released."

"Hahaha, don't be like this, Han Jue hasn't hit anyone for a long time."

"Didn't the "Extreme Man" prank last time almost hit someone, although it was to protect Weng Nanxi..."

The elevator has arrived.

Xu Jin pushed them away from the middle of the two girls with a blank expression, and walked out of the elevator, ignoring the astonished exclamations of the two behind him.

The night in mid-May was full of warmth, and there were not many people in the school. Xu Jin passed by street lights, watching his own shadow being shortened or lengthened, and at the same time calmed down.

This is not the first time she has heard the word Han Jue from people around her, but every time she hears it, her heartstrings always twitch. It took her a lot longer to recover this time, because there were too many things that could make her uneasy in the conversation between the two people in the elevator just now.

When Xu Jin saw Han Jue on TV, she was thirteen years old. At that time, Han Jue hadn't switched from [Blue Whale] to [Jinsha]. From the first moment she saw Han Jue, she fell into madness, unilaterally declared her love, and set a lifetime deadline for it. From then on, I miss him when I eat, miss him when I go to school, miss him when I sleep... my mind is full of Han Jue.

Later, Han Jue quit, and Xu Jin went with him. Although she also likes [W.I.N.5], she likes Han Jue more. Occasionally there are disharmonious voices on the Internet, saying that Han Jue is not a good character, has no integrity, and is ungrateful. Xu Jin is annoyed by seeing it, and vigorously refutes by copying and pasting on the Internet. She thinks those people are jealous of Han Jue. She felt from the bottom of her heart that there was nothing wrong with job-hopping, because staying at [Blue Whale] would only limit Han Jue's talent.

Gradually, Xu Jin longed to see Han Jue. She started begging for money from her parents, saving money by herself, borrowing money from friends, joining fans, and following Han Jue on her itinerary. When she was fourteen years old, she finally met Han Jue. Han Jue just glanced this way, and Xu Jin burst into tears, feeling extremely happy.

In order to be able to see Han Jue again and again, or to be seen by Han Jue, Xu Jin began to do more things. For example, following Han Jue out of the airport car, for example, ambushing at the place where Han Jue is going to perform, or waiting for Han Jue at the gate of Han Jue's house.

She thought she would touch Han Jue, but in the end everything was her thought.

It was Han Jue's birthday that day, and she squatted at the door of Han Jue's house holding a cake. Han Jue stepped out of the elevator and saw her. He didn't show any expression related to happiness on his face, and he didn't take the cake. He told her to go home and don't come back again. Then Han Jue left her outside the door and went into the house.

Xu Jin felt aggrieved, but she was not discouraged. She struggled to climb from the corridor window to Han Jue's balcony. Overcome by her one by one. She felt that she was a hero who fought for love.

When she appeared in front of Han Jue with a smiling face, Han Jue's expression became uglier than ever.

Han Jue asked how she got in.

She said excitedly that she crawled over from the outside. Then expect to be appreciated by Han Jue.

However, Han Jue slapped her mercilessly.

She was dumbfounded at the time.

Covering her face, she forgot what Han Jue said to her angrily, and how she got out of the door, got into the elevator, and got downstairs.

When she remembered again, it was her companion downstairs who pulled her hand away, looked at her face and yelled, and asked if she was beaten by Han Jue, she answered blankly yes. Then several paparazzi jumped over and surrounded her excitedly to pat her.

The next day, news of Han Jue beating a fan spread across countless countries.

This news is the beginning of Han Jue's fall from the peak to the bottom.

During that entire month, Xu Jin was always restless. Because she didn't tell anyone, she wasn't beaten outside the door. She entered Han Jue's house without permission, which is called trespassing in law. As long as Han Jue tells this to others, he won't be condemned.

She knew that illegitimate fans were notorious, so she was afraid that Han Jue would speak out. If the wind changed, she would become the focus of public opinion, and she would still be punished and condemned.

She has personally "expelled" several fans' fan memberships, and she knows quite well what methods the fan circle will use to deal with those who cause anger. First of all, all kinds of disgusting words will be splashed on her body, and then the photos will go viral, no one will play with her at school, and malicious calls will be made to her home one by one, and even to her parents' work unit .

Xu Jin was ready.

However, Han Jue never gave any explanation, nor did he express anything.

[Why didn't he say it? 】

[Do you disdain to explain? 】

Xu Jin wanted to ask Han Jue, but she didn't dare. She was afraid that if she asked, it would be a kind of reminder and a trap for herself, so she carefully hid herself and didn't go online. After Han Jue disappeared at a sudden speed, she knew that she might not have a chance to ask again. Facing the accusation of "beating fans with hands", Han Jue never said "I am not wrong".

Regarding Han Jue's disappearance, Xu Jin felt a sense of relief in his heart that he did not want to admit. But soon, she hated herself for this sliver of happiness. She wanted to take the initiative to confess many times, but what's the point? She has ruined Han Jue!

Xu Jin logged off the Weibo account, quit the group, and no longer paid attention to Han Jue's increasingly difficult to find news, she chose to use escape to relieve the torture of conscience. Not only did she not pay attention to Han Jue, she has never followed any celebrity since then.

When girls of the same age gathered around to chat about TV dramas and gossip about celebrities, Xu Jin seemed so out of group. She always reads alone, reads a lot of books, is wary of coercion or incitement, does not participate in any group activities with more than three people, and has a clear sense of boundaries when interacting with people.

She thought that by becoming another self, she could forget the past.

Actually not.

The higher her mental level, the richer her knowledge, and the clearer her logic, the more she hates her former self who stalked, peeped, photographed, and broke into private houses.

At the end of the college entrance examination, Xu Jin, who had excellent grades, filled in the law major of a prestigious school. She aspires to become a lawyer, and then, as an adult with a sound mind and clear thinking, she goes to meet Han Jue and tells him how much wrong she has made in the past. Then ask again, why didn't you tell the truth in the first place.

However, on the second day after completing the volunteer application, her family received something.

Because the content is suitable for continuous reading, I saved it and posted it today. The next chapter will be slightly revised for a while, and it will be published in about 20 to 30 minutes.

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