After returning to China from the United States, Han Jue couldn't go through the promotional route of showing all the top programs all over again.

But thanks to him not only focusing on selling dog food, but also taking the time to sing a lot of good songs, and directing such a movie "you only hear the voice but don't see the person", he has somewhat of a reputation in the world. After returning to China this time, after sending out the signal of "wanting to participate in variety shows" to the outside world, invitations flooded in. Among them, there are many high-quality variety shows with good reputation and ratings, and Han Jue is invited to appear in the show.

"Extreme Man" has the highest level, and the notice was obtained through nepotism.

The staff in Han Jue's studio were all praising Zhang Zishang for being such a good apprentice. Accepting one Zhang Zishang was equivalent to opening half the door of "Extreme Man". Anything that sucks your stomach can squeeze you into this top variety show in the country. Xiao Zhou felt that the senior brother's status was threatened, so he gritted his teeth and went home to advance the wake-up alarm clock by half an hour. From then on, he had an extra half hour every day to study film and television content.

"The Rap of China" has a heart for Han Jue. Previously, Han Jue was not allowed to participate in the competition, but now I want Han Jue to sing along on the stage of the finals.

Han Jue, a student of "The Rip Hop" this year, doesn't know any of them, but as long as Han Jue, who is capable of both lyricism and rapping, is willing to cooperate with others, most of the students may not be able to refuse. But Han Jue held his grudge and refused to go.

"The King of Masked Singer" hopes that Han Jue can come and play.

Han Jue originally wanted to go, saying that he still has a few singing styles that he would like to show off, so that people will not be able to guess them. But Guan Yi and the others predicted what would happen after participating in the show, and Han Jue could only give up after listening.

"The King of Masked Singers" is a music competition program. The rule is that all participating singers will sing in masks, and they will compete in pairs. The loser reveals his face, and the winner stays. If he wins, he stays on the stage, and finally stands on the stage. Only the King of Songs is the only one. This King of Songs does not want to be the King of Songs in "Singer" once and for all. He needs to defend the ring and wait for the challenger to be determined next week.

The people in Han Jue Studio agreed that if Han Jue wants to participate, with his strength, if he wants to win, he will definitely not be able to lose for a while. As the king of singers, he has to prepare a song every week, adapt it, and practice it. , takes a lot of time. What's more, Han Jue has been running promotions in two countries, going to "The King of Masked Singer" every week, and he spends a lot of time on the road. It is meaningless and not in line with Han Jue's interest to be eliminated after only singing one or two shows. Therefore, this show is not suitable for Han Jue who is busy in two countries. Han Jue can only play when he is free in the future.

Other program groups such as "Study Hard", "Star Detective", and "Transfer Students I Know" also sent invitations. The employees of Han Jue's studio discussed, selected, and arranged the most suitable itinerary for Han Jue.

Those who came to invite Han Jue also had some online variety shows. They come as a matter of luck. It's normal for Han Jue to refuse. If he agrees, the program group will make a lot of money.

In fact, Han Jue really has a few webcomers who want to play. For example, invite a few celebrities to play games together, or invite celebrities to play board games together...

But under the begging of everyone in the studio, Han Jue could only give up with regret.

As Han Jue's studio grew larger and his handling of things became more and more professional, Han Jue also less and less chose whether to participate in a certain itinerary based on his likes, interests or remuneration.

Compared with before, Han Jue's studio is very different from the inside to the outside.

At the beginning, the studio was small in scale, and the founders were all Ye Luzi, who held multiple positions, and the staffing was uneven. Qin Xiaotong is responsible for the management, operation, finance, and marketing of the development of the studio. Content creation and public relations are handled by Han Jue himself. The arrangement of the itinerary was discussed by Guan Yi and Han Jue.

The so-called [discussing] actually means that Han Jue feels tired and wants to be lazy and go home to watch movies and novels. Guan Yi will not let Han Jue be lazy, and Han Jue is desperately looking for reasons to be lazy. , The response was good, and there were so many opportunities to make more money, so Han Jue went.

Since the establishment of the studio, there have been several times of dangers, both bright and dark. At that time, everyone regardless of their positions gathered together to resolve the crisis. I have to say that luck is very good.

Now Han Jue's career in the two countries has opened up, and the studio has also developed after stumbles. With rising revenue and continuous expansion, many functions have to be improved. For example, public relations personnel are required to eliminate unfavorable public opinion, reverse Han Jue's negative image, and even take the initiative to strangle rumors when they are still a sign. It needs planning, design, and Internet operation to liberate Xiao Zhou, who is busy with his studies—but under Xiao Zhou’s begging, Xiao Zhou keeps the password of the studio’s Weibo account, and can still upload his funny videos and Forward [hahaha].

These professionals will tell Han Jue which programs to go to that will make a lot of money, and which programs to go to will make the audience subconsciously judge that his status is low, and they will also have prejudice against his future works. It's all science.

But for a program like "A Date with Li Yun", no matter what position the staff in the studio thinks it is a good thing for Han Jue to act.

PR thinks it can be washed away, operation thinks it can attract highly educated fans, advertising thinks the program has high ratings, watches, glasses, and even thermos cup sponsorships can be discussed for sponsorship.

But Han Jue didn't think too much about it, he went only because a friend invited him.



On a small stage, two sofas facing each other in the figure of eight are in the center, behind it is a huge screen, and the surrounding lights are bright. Nearly 300 spectators surround one side of the stage in a fan-like manner.

Except for the faces of the audience, everything here is the same as it was half a year ago.

Li Yun sat on one of the single sofas, and was not in a hurry to introduce Han Jue who was opposite, but first said in a slightly emotional tone: "Very few people can come to this show twice in half a year."

"A Date with Li Yun" is a leader in talk shows, facing the whole society. The guests are celebrities from all walks of life. Han Jue, who is not that big in the entertainment industry, can perform twice in half a year. This really needs a little feeling. For Li Yun, although there is a relationship of affection, it is not all because of this.

Regarding Li Yun's emotion, Han Jue replied with a smile: "I can praise guests on the surface, but in fact, I don't see many hosts of my own show."

Li Yun blinked and smiled, "You're overthinking, but I'm actually praising my show on the surface."

"Well now, you have changed from a rare ice-snow smart host to a thick-skinned host that can be seen everywhere."

"Hahaha, you are still as smart as last time."

"Thank you, you sounded better than last time."

The audience in the audience laughed lightly. The opening of Han Jue and Li Yun's rapid confrontation made the audience prick up their ears, concentrate, and quickly entered the state from the first second.

Li Yun looked at Han Jue and nodded secretly. I feel that this time I can chat with Han Jue about many interesting things.

Han Jue looked at Li Yun and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In the past six months, most of his appearances in variety shows were with Zhang Yiman. Although he also talked, he was gentle and restrained all his temper, like a knife in its sheath, but still blunt. If it wasn't for chatting with Xia Yuan a few days ago, it would be considered as sharpening the blunt knife, or now meeting someone with the same knowledge, almost unable to turn his head, and he would have to imitate Zhang Yiman with a silly smile.

"Let's welcome today's guest, Han Jue." Li Yun smiled and led the audience to applaud.

The audience applauded together with Han Jue.

Li Yun first talked about Han Jue's music: "I've listened to your album, it's very good."


"Your album seems to be selling very well. People in the United States are saying that your album represents the highest level of English songs. It has also entered the top 40 in China's [Fengyun Billboard]. This result should be an English album. Best score, right?"

"Yes." Han Jue nodded. Xiao Zhou had to tell him about this matter every day, so Han Jue knew that he had made the history of English albums.

"Do you think this grade has anything to do with your nationality?" Li Yun asked.

"Of course there is," Han Jue admitted generously, "He has something to do with me."

"You have been promoting this album in the United States for more than half a month?"

"Yes, occasionally to promote movies."

Li Yun said: "You remind me of an American singer who said he was going to enter China, and he did write a Chinese song, but he just sat at home in America and didn't come to China to do promotion or sing. No songs were played at the scene, and fans were only asked to spend money to check the rankings. When the final ranking was posted, it was regarded as being popular in China, buying hot searches, [So-and-so’s new album is popular in China], [So-and-so’s creation American musicians have the best record in the China Billboard], [Lao Hua was stunned]..."

Han Jue also laughed: "Now all the countries are trying their best to make the songs very [international] and very [Chinese], but how can they [Chinese] beat us Chinese?"

"China is a typical country with high-context culture, and America and England are low-context countries. In low-context cultures, language expression is extremely direct and efficient. In our high-context culture, expressions are indirect and euphemistic. So If the United States pursues [meaning] in the context of Chinese language, it is actually quite difficult."

"England used to have a song called "London Style", which entered a very high ranking in the [Billing List]. Although there is a sense of novelty in it, it is a real cultural export. Therefore, whether it is foreign movies or music, imitating China will never surpass China. You must find your own characteristics before culture can be exported.”

"You just pointed out the golden road directly." Li Yun said half-truthfully.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Not necessarily, and some people may blame me for asking questions but not providing solutions. I am playing hooligans."

"Your movie will be released soon." Li Yun changed the question.

"Yes, "Time and Space Traveler", December 8th."

Li Yun said to the audience: "When Han Jue came here for the first time half a year ago, his movie had already been finalized, but throughout the interview, he didn't mention the name of the movie because he said 'it's not in the promotion period' , "There is no money to get it after publicity". At that time, I thought it was a kind of self-knowledge [the movie is not good]. But like many people, I did not expect that the first feature-length debut would surprise the film and television circles. Some people said that narrative skills Ridiculously mature, it scored an 8.9 in [Vine], and it's coming out soon."

"Did you ever think that this movie would be a success?" Li Yun asked.

Han Jue spoke surprisingly, without any modesty: "Yes."

The audience was in an uproar.

Han Jue was not in a hurry, and explained with a smile: "At that time, the goal of making this movie was very clear. One was to let the producer, who is also my good friend, fulfill a wish, and the other was to commemorate the first anniversary of "My Love" .These two goals are accomplished, which is a success for me.”

"It sounds very unambitious, so you don't care about the results after the release?"

"Of course I care. Of course, the higher the box office, the better," Han Jue said with a serious face, "My crew gathered a lot of idealists and dreamers. They are pure people who really want to make good movies. I hope this People can make more money.”

The audience listened attentively.

Li Yun nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "Do you invest in this movie?"

Han Jue replied: "Yes."

The audience burst into laughter.

""Time and Space Traveler" sounds like a sci-fi movie." When the film premiered in Chang'an, Li Yun was invited, but she was busy with work at the time and couldn't leave. Later, she could only regret to miss it and wait for the theater to release it. look again.

"This is actually not a particularly esoteric movie, it's just a light comedy. There is love and family affection in it. Don't be fooled by the word [time and space]. And if you only want to see if you want to "understand" when watching a movie, it's tantamount to first A concept of [story logic] is imposed on the film, and whether the communication is understood or not is like an intellectual game between the mentally retarded, which does not make much sense. Movies are for feeling, not for understanding.”

"How does it feel to be a director for the first time?"

"It feels...different from what I imagined." Han Jue thought for a while.

"What's the difference?"

"When I was not a director, when I watched other people's movies, I would feel that there are many idiots in the profession of directors. Obviously, there are many obvious problems in the movie, as long as anyone who is not blind can find them, but the director watched everything. No, there are problems here and there.”

"What now?"

"I'm not defending my position, but I'm telling the truth—now that I'm a director myself, I know the difficulty of being a director."

"When I was writing the script, sometimes I wrote a satisfactory scene. Just thinking about it in my mind, I felt beautiful, amazing, and perfect. If I want to be a director, I just need to shoot it according to what I think in my mind. Best director, best screenplay, simply within reach.

However, when the filming actually started, the problem came. I keep making mistakes. I forget this and that, and put the camera in the wrong place. very bad.

Then there's acting. The actors I am looking for, although they are very good actors, they are also human beings, and they have their own understanding of the script. Of course, the final picture cannot be exactly the same as the picture in my mind. I'm sad, but it's no use.

Then everything gradually began to get farther and farther away from the picture imagined when writing the script, and became more and more different. When the footage was finally edited together, I was saddened to find that it was nothing like this movie, or that movie. I would feel like I took a picture of crap. When the movie came out, I rolled my eyes when I saw the problems pointed out in the reviews-of course I knew about those problems, but in the end it turned out to be the best thing that could be tinkered with at the time. "

What Han Jue said was as true as ever, and he even took the initiative to disenchant himself.

“It’s also amazing to be self-taught.”

"It's a bit too much to say that you are self-taught," Han Jue waved his hand, "I learned the skills of directing from my assistant director. He said that studying film is learning the craft, and if you want to learn, you can only steal it. Stealing a teacher is dissecting someone else's body." Works, choose the classics and master works that suit your taste, watch them over and over again, and then put them into the creator’s situation, thinking about how you would deal with the screen if you were the director..."

Time unknowingly left to the end of the recording. Neither Li Yun nor the audience had enough to say, but Li Yun didn't delay.

Han Jue has been very busy recently, and Li Yun is considerate of Han Jue, so Li Yun saw the director's hand gesture reminding the time is up, so she was ready to finish.

"Last question," Li Yun asked the last question of the night: "If you were to give a piece of advice to a new director, what would you say?"

Han Jue thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Don't listen to anyone's opinion."



After finishing "A Date with Li Yun", it was already late at night when I came out.

The night at the end of November was already chilly. Han Jue was sitting in the back of the car, yawning. After a tiring day, he sank into the soft car seat, half asleep and half awake, very comfortable.

Guan Yi is talking about tomorrow's itinerary.

Han Jue hates unplanned things happening. I was once sold by Guan Yi to the "Let's Fall in Love" program. Although the result was as good as it could be, Han Jue still doesn't like the feeling of making impromptu preparations. The two later re-opened a studio together. Whenever Han Juefan wants to appear in variety shows, he must ask about the situation. For example, "Won't you suddenly ask me to play something?", "I haven't caused trouble here before, have I?", "I won't meet someone I've beaten before, right?" and so on. After asking too many questions, Guan Yi knew how to arrange Han Jue's schedule.

Later, Han Jue gradually felt at ease, listening to the itinerary, and rarely asked. Until now, Han Jue doesn't need to ask any questions, just follow the schedule led by Guan Yi and arranged by the studio staff.

"Tomorrow morning to afternoon will be "Extreme Man."

"And at night?"

"Rest at night."

"Why are you so good all of a sudden?" Han Jue first exhaled heavily to express his celebration, then his expression changed, he frowned, stared at the back of Guan Yi's chair, secretly wondering if the other party had some conspiracy.

Guan Yi couldn't tell Han Jue that tomorrow is Han Jue's birthday, so he showed mercy and took a night off.

"Don't like to rest? I don't like it either." Guan Yi took out the tablet he had put away again, and was about to pick a schedule for Han Jue.

Han Jue didn't repent immediately, but waited and waited. When he saw that Guan Yi wanted to send a text message to the organizer, Han Jue held down Guan Yi's cell phone and said to take a rest.

"I don't know how to record "Extreme Man" tomorrow." Han Jue yawned again.

"Boss, if you go, it may be a special show for couples, or a special show for restaurants," the studio bought a new nanny car. Xiao Zhou smiled a lot as long as he touched the steering wheel these days, and his mood was also very presumptuous, so he said with a smile , "However, it may also be an amusement park special or a skydiving special."

Han Jue's eyelids twitched, and the yawn in his mouth stopped halfway. This half yawn is as annoying as Han Jue's ominous premonition.

"Is there too little homework recently?" Han Jue asked seriously.

Xiao Zhou turned pale with fright, and almost wanted to turn the steering wheel backwards, but luckily Guan Yi taught him a lesson, so he didn't really turn. He straightened his back, stared at the road ahead, twisted his face and shouted that he was joking. Xiao Zhou's appearance made the driver on the other side almost think that Xiao Zhou would die together.

Han Jue felt a headache when he heard Xiao Zhou's yelling, so he took out his mobile phone and checked the information about "Extreme Man" as a preview.

A search will bring up the latest related topics.

In the latest issue of "Extreme Man", the guest "Tears" crew includes Weng Nanxi.

"'Tears'." Han Jue knew about this movie and had done research beforehand. Like "Time and Space Traveler", "Tears" is also a romance film.

It is a romantic comedy film suspected of dog blood. It is said that the male one fell in love with the female one at first sight one day, and the two young people quickly fell in love, and their lives were happy and beautiful, but one day, the female one left the male one without saying a word, and there was no news from then on. The first man waited for several years, but to no avail, he left the city in despair and went to live in a new city. In the new city, the male one saw someone who looked exactly like the female one, and the male one immediately thought he had found the female one. After contact, I found that although the second female and the first female have the same face, they have completely opposite personalities, and they are two people. Upbringing is also well documented, not amnesia. The first man and the second woman slowly fell in love together, and their life was fairly stable. They got engaged, and the first man thought that he would live like this for the rest of his life. However, when they were about to get married, the female one re-entered the male one's life as a star, hoping that the male one would return to her side...

In the movie, Weng Nanxi plays the leading role, with one person playing two roles, the first female and the second female.

After reading the introduction, Han Jue thought to himself that the box office might not be much higher for such an old-fashioned story.

I casually searched for the movie "Tears", and the title of the top piece of information that popped up was: ["Tears" entered theaters, and the box office exceeded 100 million in two days...]

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