This star is from the earth

Chapter 486: When the Stars Shine

Han Jue’s album is called "When the Stars Shine", and there is little connection between the songs. Even if it is rock, there are heavy metal, lyrical, and psychedelic. The styles are very different. It is not like an ordinary album. There is a A consistent theme, or concept. If you have to find something in common, it is that they all sound good.

The studio version and the "I AM A SINGER" version are somewhat off the mark. It's not that Han Jue and the others deliberately changed it into two versions to facilitate sales, but that during the competition, in order to impress the 500 public judges to a greater extent, the arrangement of the song will inevitably be biased towards [ Competitive] a little.

Those good songs fell into Cohen's hands together with Han Jue, so Cohen would not waste them. With the goal of "retaining history" rather than "winning the championship", he crushed the songs, put on the most suitable arrangement, and tapped Han Jue's potential, and finally made the songs become classics one after another.

With Han Jue's "When the Stars Shine", Cohen turned himself over in one fell swoop and became a big celebrity in the circle.

"When the Stars Shine" is more like a collection, which condenses all the flashes of a legendary singer's career, and non-classic ones are not allowed to be selected. The reason why classics are called classics is that no matter what era they listen to, listeners can be caught by their singing and melody and imprinted in their memories.

Someone explained why Han Jue's album is called "When the Stars Shine". Singers are divided into meteors and stars in the music world. Most singers are shooting stars, fleeting, only a small number of singers are stars, illuminating the path of civilization. A classic is like a star. For ordinary singers, there is a classic that is enough to leave a name in music history. And such classics, Han Jue has a dozen or so. A song is a star, so the stars shine.

A reporter asked Han Jue if this interpretation was accurate. Han Jue smiled noncommittally, and everyone thought that was the case.

Han Jue's "When the Stars Shine" had a profound impact on the American music scene, like a huge earthquake. Landslides and ground cracks, a tsunami. No one dared to stand in front.

While trembling in amazement, countless musicians secretly worked hard to disassemble Han Jue's works, studying these songs one by one, learning, imitating, trying to catch up...

There is no doubt that Han Jue's shadow will be shrouded in all future English records. Whether others admit it or not, Han Jue has changed the direction and development of American music.

Han Jue monopolizes the market all by himself and is very popular.

As Han Jue's famous pedal, "I AM A SINGER" started to flourish and was booked in advance. Singers who could not be invited last year approached Louis and Kevin one after another, saying that they could participate this year. Even some Huaxia singers were jealous when they saw Han Juejiang's aggressive misappropriation of money. Although the money in the United States is not that valuable, but fortunately, there is less competition, and the profits are small but the sales are high. So sign up to participate.

Han Jue is 29 years old and almost 30 years old this year. He has been in the United States for less than a year. Even though [Grammy] has not started yet, no one will doubt that Han Jue handed over his first English album. Not enough to make it a god.

The patriots of the United States are of course upset that such a Chinese person has ravaged the music scene, cursing and swearing. Perhaps these people also understand that it may be difficult for Han Jue to catch up with Han Jue in the music journey.

Unless they also have Gu An.

From appearance to disappearance, Gu An was always mysterious, never showing his face once. Since the end of "I AM A SINGER", the speed of releasing songs has slowed down suddenly. No matter how urged by netizens, he has always maintained the speed of releasing one song in a month and a half. The released demos are still rough in production, the singing voice is out of tune, and the tune sung is the same as the most free wind in the world, no trace can be found. Countless singers want to buy it. Even if they can't make it into a classic like Han Jue, they can still make money by taking advantage of Han Jue and Gu An's popularity. But Gu An didn't sell it. As the end of the year approached, Gu An simply stopped updating. Gu An's last update was to upload an electronic music without lyrics. It seems to be telling everyone that he has transformed, and everyone should stop urging him.

A group of musicians collectively lost their souls.

"I think it's time for you to show your true colors," Han Jue stared at Guan Yi seriously, discussing, "I'm too tired to run the publicity alone. I will run the schedule on one, three, five, and it's your turn on two, four, or six. How about it?"

Guan Yi was too lazy to answer.

Han Jue entertained himself and said, "Acquiesced? Then I accidentally leaked the word in the next interview, saying that Gu An is you."

"Are you sure it's my true face that was leaked, not yours? They're not stupid." Guan Yi said.

In fact, it is not that there are no smart people in the circle. After Gu An went offline, people came to Han Jue one after another to invite him to sing. After being rejected, I was not annoyed, and I didn't spread the news. I just smiled and said that I hope to have a chance to cooperate next time.

Guan Yi took a sip of black tea, and quietly raised the corners of his mouth: "When the time comes, there should be many people interested in interpreting your waistcoat's surname."

Han Jue listened and gasped.

After the five-person concert, the embrace of "Best Lost Friend" and Century Reconciliation spread far and wide. If people know that his vest is Gu An, whose surname is the same as Gu Fan...

Han Jue suddenly straightened his neck from the sofa, and said solemnly: "You have changed, Guan Yi."

Guan Yi asked leisurely: "Who hasn't changed?"

Xiao Zhou next to him wanted to raise his hand, saying that he hadn't changed. But being restrained by Guan Yi's eyes, he thought it would be better not to die.

"Alas..." Han Jue sighed, and his head fell back heavily on the sofa pillow. After all, he was just complaining because of his busy schedule recently, and he didn't really intend to expose Gu An's vest.

Han Jue thought of the old chairman.

The old chairman has not changed and has always treated him very well.

When Han Jue was in the United States, from time to time he would think of the old chairman who liked to hold his hair down with his hands when talking to him.

Part of this is because of the release of the album and enjoying the intensification of [Ai Du]. Every time Han Jue almost gets lost in capitalism, he always uses the words of the old chairman to keep himself awake. The other part is that the old chairman called not long ago, saying that the quota for "Singer-Composer" has been settled, just go boldly. Then he was reluctant to hang up the phone, chatting with Han Jue about some homework or experience. Facing such an old man, Han Jue, who is in the United States, feels a little bit away from home.

"I really want to go home." Han Jue stretched his waist and yawned.

Both Xiao Zhou and Guan Yi knew that the home Han Jue mentioned was not the apartment they rented in America.

"This year is coming to an end, and I haven't even completed my small goal." Han Jue wrenched his fingers in sorrow, "100 novels, 200 movies, 20 comics..."

Guan Yi said cruelly: "Don't think about it. In addition to the record, you still have a movie to promote. Think about it better, when you promote the movie tomorrow, you can sing along the way and promote the music. Speaking of this, [Ai All] are really good to you, and are willing to adjust the album promotion schedule for you to make way for the movie promotion."

The doorbell was rung. Xiao Zhou looked out through the peephole, saw Jack and Jennifer, and opened the door directly.

Han Jue thought about it, starting from tomorrow, the record promotion and film promotion will be carried out together, and he couldn't help but feel painful: "I should not be able to go to the promotion tomorrow, I might die. I really can't go tomorrow, I can't even go out..."

Guan Yi is very familiar with Han Jue who is always trying to find ways to rest, and has no intention of getting used to Han Jue at all.

Jack and Jennifer walked into the room and sat down, chatting with Han Jue.

Xiao Zhou brought tea for the two of them.

Jennifer said excitedly that they could hear Han Jue's songs everywhere they walked all the way from the airport.

Jack also said that he met many fans of Han Jue on the road, of all ages.

Han Jue pursed his lips and waved his hands. He didn't know whether he was saying "drizzle" or "I'm going to throw up if I talk about it again".

America here is no better than China, and Han Jue certainly knows how popular his songs are in this land. After all, the songs he played were the real shining stars in the music hall of the earth.

The music he brought was sung by thousands of people.

The dance he brought was imitated by thousands of people.

Han Jue felt that he was successful in preaching and teaching, and was very satisfied.

Especially if there is still money to take.

After the album was released, Han Jue had to sing the songs in "When the Stars Shine" everywhere. The audience was very enthusiastic, and the money was also paid in large amounts. Han Jue was very happy. However, after singing the same song dozens of times, he really didn't want to sing it anymore. I have never sung it so many times in the recording studio. Now that he has sung it dozens or hundreds of times, Han Jue feels that he may not want to sing these songs within a year.

Fortunately, after Han Jue returned to the United States from the Huaxia concert, he no longer ignored the fans' expectations. Since the audience came to hear him, Han Jue, sing the songs they wanted to hear, then he would sing, and everyone would be happy. He can't make money while despising the ugly attitude of making money.

"Director Han, will the songs in "Traveler" be released? I don't think those songs are any worse than those in the album. Director Han, will you sing the live version for the promotion tomorrow?" Jennifer asked.

Han Jue was expressionless for a moment, pretending that he didn't hear.


The next day is the day to promote the movie.

The location is at the best film school in America.

Han Jue said that he didn't want to go, but after complaining, the publicity that he should go would still go.

The United States can be said to be the place where he made his fortune. Before opening up a new battlefield, the rear must be well consolidated. These young people in front of him may be the reserve talents of his film production company.

On the contrary, Jalens tried every means to come, but Xia Yuan refused to let him come.

The promotion of the movie went smoothly. After the end, amidst the applause and cheers of all the students, Han Jue was not surprised to be asked to sing.

Anyway, it was incidental, and Han Jue didn't hold back, just sang. It's just that he thought that he would sing "When the Stars Shine" or "Time and Space Love Traveler". Unexpectedly, half of the people chanted "When the Stars Shine" and the other half chanted "Time and Space Love Traveler". Han Jue could only sing one song each.

After a few days of movie promotion, it was time to promote the music album.

What surprised Han Jue was that the fan club, which originally had 3,000 people, was expanded to 5,000 people this time. And the place has also changed from a small theater to [Jackson Garden], which requires an application in advance.

"Actually, I don't mind being smaller." Han Jue found Duke with a smile on his face, but serious eyes.

Duke smiled mysteriously, saying that he was not in the way or troublesome, as it should be.


What's the meaning?

Since I chatted with the old chairman in Xiangjiang last time, Han Jue, who likes to think of things as bad as possible, the nicer the people in [American Aidu] treat him, the more bad things he feels waiting for him.

Han Jue sang six songs perfectly at the fan meeting, but he still couldn't figure it out when he returned to the backstage. He was in a strange mood, always feeling that [American Aidu] was planning something. When Han Jue was talking about this with Guan Yi and the others, Xiao Zhou suddenly said, "I may know why."

Xiao Zhou said that he knew why [Ai Du] here took such care of Han Jue. And what does that mean.

Han Jue didn't understand.

Xiao Zhou handed over the phone.

On the screen of the mobile phone is a news that has been clicked:

[Zhang Yaohui took over as CEO and became the new helm of 'Aidu Entertainment Group'. 】

In the accompanying picture of the news, Zhang Yaohui smiled lightly and planned strategies.

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