This star is from the earth

Chapter 485 No Name

Jack and Jennifer flew from China to the United States together to promote their first movie.

Wearing sunglasses, the two of them pushed the luggage trolley, mixed with a crowd of people wearing sunglasses and pushing the luggage trolley, and came out from the passageway.

No one came to meet them, and no one recognized them.

Although the two of them are newcomers to "Light of the Americans", the movie has not been officially released yet, and it is difficult to recognize them at a glance based on a few stills on the Internet.

"Time and Space Love Traveler" made a stunning debut at "Zhu Men", and once became the topic and focus of the film and television circle. After that, Han Jue was paid attention to by people in the circle, Jack, Jennifer and other actors one by one, all of them went back to the United States. If they choose to go to the United States to develop and return to China with such a resume, it can be predicted that the career of actors will be much smoother, and there is no need to waste time on the fringes of the Chinese film and television industry.

Some chose to return home, some did not.

Jack and Jennifer chose to continue acting in Huaxia.

According to the rising route of ordinary white actors in the Chinese film and television industry, first of all, they have to find a job that can support themselves, and then after work, they go to the Actors Association to find opportunities and interviews in various film and television production companies. The dragon set, when it is the symbol of [Savage American]. If you have some strength and are lucky enough to be picked by others, you can arrange to play some innocuous or ugly roles in TV dramas, gain popularity a little bit, so I don’t know how long it will take, seize a chance to become a supporting role, and continue to gain popularity. Saved to become the protagonist.

As the protagonist, if the performance is good, it will be filmed in one season, two seasons and three seasons, so that there are a few long-term dramas, even if it has a foothold in this place. After that, he became the light of the country, became an insider, and when he saw the first three faces in the head of [XX people] in the script, he occasionally played supporting roles in big-budget movies, and dubbed animation characters. Played the leading role in a small-budget independent film. That's all.

Even if countless ceilings are broken, there will always be new ones waiting.

Jack and Jennifer were luckier, because they had the experience of starring in Han Jue's movies, so they could skip many of the previous steps and directly fight for supporting roles in the series. If the performance of the movie is good after its release, the protagonist is not bad either.

From a movie actor to a TV actor, in the highly hierarchical film and television industry, it is undoubtedly downgraded, but Jack and Jennifer are already content.

The current Chinese TV series can fully meet the needs of actors for art and fame.

In recent years, some well-known Chinese directors and actresses have begun to switch to TV dramas, raising the quality and production of some TV dramas. In the end, after the TV series was filmed, the fame and fortune gained was no less than that of making a movie. Many movie actors even had a second life relying on the TV series.

After Jack and Jennifer comforted themselves in this way, Xia Yuan suddenly called them.

"We white people are at a disadvantage when it comes to looks. Children aged 13 or 14 look about the same as 17 or 18 years old. We have to find younger or younger children. Otherwise, if we stand with Chinese children of the same age, the audience will get into trouble. "Jack pushed the luggage cart and walked slowly outside the airport.

Jennifer yawned and said, "What are you worried about? Even you have thought of it, and Producer Xia can't think of it?"

"It's the twenty-seventh time. You have read Xia Jianzhi, Xia Jianzhi, Xia Jianzhi twenty-seven times along the way. This is the result of you sleeping in the middle."

"What are you counting this for, you want to date me?"

"In no mood."

"Then why are you acting like a pervert?"

"I know you admire Producer Xia, but you don't have to learn this..."

"Why don't you learn? If I had met a woman like Producer Xia earlier and learned from her, I wouldn't have become what I am now when I encountered that disgusting thing again."

Jack didn't say anything about "Fortune and misfortune depend on each other" or "How to know is not a blessing". He is in his thirties and already knows that there is no empathy in life. He has never experienced that kind of despair, and he has never experienced the injustice brought about by gender, so all the consolation will be like standing and talking without back pain.

Jack changed the subject and said, "Hey, tell me, if this movie was filmed in the United States, what would it look like?"

"Just finish playing." Jennifer rolled her eyes hidden behind the sunglasses, "Search for something, half of the page is advertisements, and the other half is scams. As for calling the police? Forget it, as soon as the investigation finds that the girl may leave home If you run away or meet with netizens, you won’t check it later. After all, this is the place where “Woman Married to a Tribe” was filmed and there are all kinds of [the most beautiful] places.”

"...Our country is getting better little by little, you have to give it some time."

"Of course I will give this time, and I will also generously give some suggestions, what do you think?" Jennifer's smile was almost the same as Xia Yuan's.

Jack thought it was better for him not to say anything.

For this promotional itinerary, the two of them arrived later than the other actors.

It's not because of any nostalgia, but because they asked Xia Yuan to make a phone call not long ago. Xia Yuan asked if they would have a job in the future, Jack and Jennifer answered no, Xia Yuan said yes, and then called them to the company. Jack and Jennifer arrived at the place, changed their costumes and tried their roles, then talked with Director Sun and Xia Yuan, then played with the dog that Jarrence brought to the company, and left with the script.

They have jobs. Still produced by Jalens, still a movie role, still a hero and heroine.

Han Jue, Xia Yuan, Jalens and Wang Zhi established a new film production company. Jack, who hangs out with Jalens all day long, knows about it. When Jalens returned to the United States, he met many American filmmakers and was ambitious to build a bridge between the Chinese film and television industry and the United States. Jack knew this. But Jack didn't expect that before "Time and Space Traveler" was released, a new movie was already being prepared, and the actors he was looking for were still newcomers like them who were not well-known.

"Clothes are not as good as new ones, and people are not as good as old ones." Director Sun said with a smile.

But Jack always felt that Director Sun was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and become a famous actor, and that he would ruin the film.

Although Director Sun was an assistant director on the set of "Time and Space Traveler", Jack has a deep impression on him. First of all, Director Sun's ability is the most powerful, he is half of Director Han's guide on the road of directing, but Director Sun is in his forties, but his temper is as easy to pinch as dough, not slippery, never blush, Afraid of quarrels, afraid of offending people, afraid of many things, and his heart is always dwarf. It's good for such a person to be a deputy, but if you want to be a director alone, I'm afraid you won't be able to overwhelm the set, and you won't be able to embarrass yourself as a villain. If so, there is a high probability that you won't be able to make a good film.

Fortunately, there is Xia Yuan. Producer You Xia is pressing down on the set, fearing that no one will be able to deal with the storm.

However, even if Xia Yuan wasn't on the set, Jack would still take the job.

Although there is a little idea of ​​repaying favors and favors, it is more because of the script.

The script is called "Network Lost Track", written by Han Jue. Jack will play a father looking for his daughter in the movie, and Jennifer will play the police officer who helps Jack find his missing daughter. The story can be regarded as a classical reasoning work, the specification is like a textbook, there are many details, and there are quite bright spots. But the most novel part of the whole movie lies in the way the screen is shot and presented.

After reading the script, Jack and Jennifer's first reaction was "I dare to write this", and then I realized that they are no longer in the United States.

[Welcome to Huaxia. ] At that time, they recited a sentence silently in their hearts, and then began to think about and prepare for the role excitedly.

If it wasn't for the promotion of "Time and Space Traveler", Jack and Jennifer wouldn't want to take such a trip at all.

After leaving the airport, Jack stopped a taxi on the side of the road, and then helped the driver put all the luggage into the trunk of the car.

The driver was carrying big and small luggage and asked, "Where do you travel from?"


"Welcome back to America!" The driver used these words to remind the two people in front of him that America is no better than Huaxia. Here, tipping is required.

Jack and Jennifer sat in the back of the car and gave the address of a hotel.

"Time and Space Traveler" will be screened in China and the United States at the same time, and the whole scene is just as the audience expected, it is huge. All the main actors will be present for the first stop tomorrow, so Jack and Jennifer have to join the team before they go home.

The car drove out of the airport and roared on the road.

"Are you husband and wife?"

"Did you see anything interesting in Huaxia?"

"Does every family in Huaxia raise a panda? Are they really practicing Qigong?"


The driver was very curious about Huaxia and talked all the way.

Jack was also very nervous at first, keeping silent, worried about being recognized. Later, seeing that the driver had no reaction to them except curiosity, Jack laughed dumbfounded. Even Jennifer, who became famous in the United States and acted in a movie, was not so nervous. He has only acted in one movie, and it hasn't been released yet. He just treats himself as a star, which is really narcissistic. Where is the actor's journey?

[Learn from Director Han. 】Jack thought of the days when "Time and Space Traveler" was a big success, and the public opinion was overturned overnight, but Han Jue's mood was always indifferent.

Then Jack told the driver that not everything in Huaxia is good. Like other places in the world, Huaxia has both good and bad places.

"Where is it good?" the driver asked.

Jack said that China strictly prohibits guns, has no gangs, has zero tolerance for drugs, handles sexual harassment seriously, and never tolerates domestic violence. You don't have to worry about your safety when you go out at night...

The driver listened to it for a long time, compared with his own country, the more he listened, the more uncomfortable he became, and he asked, "What about the bad things?"

"Discrimination." Jennifer looked out the window and said.

The air in the car was silent for a while.

Just when Jack was thinking about telling a joke, the driver suddenly asked, "You know Han Jue, right?"

Jack and Jennifer were stunned for a moment, their hearts lifted a little, and they said, "I know."

"Know? Not bad!" The driver was very excited, "Han Jue doesn't discriminate against Americans. It would be great if there are more Chinese people like Han Jue. He really doesn't discriminate against us! He speaks English very well, Can sing English songs, write English songs..."

When the driver mentioned the rising point, he excitedly [ba ba ba] honked the horn a few times, as if someone was applauding.

"He participated in "I AM A SINGER", you know that?" The driver turned his head and asked.

"I know! I know!" Jack quickly asked the driver to turn his head to look at the road.

"He also made English-language films!"

"I know! I know!"

"His girlfriend is also American!"

"I also..." Jack cut off his words in half, and stopped, "Huh?"

"You don't know that!" The driver was very proud, and then told about Han Jue and Catherine.

"That's shit!" Jennifer yelled, "Han Jue and Teacher Zhang are a couple!"

The driver curled his lips, shook his head, and said with an expression of [you are still too young], "It's just a show, whoever believes in it is a fool."

Jennifer couldn't admit that she was a fool, so she had to argue with the driver.

The driver said, "You know Han Jue? You know what a shit!" Jennifer's real body was almost blown out.

In order not to hear Jennifer's noisy voice, the driver pressed the car audio player. The melodious violin sound and the continuous piano sound suddenly sounded in the car. Then a singing voice came from the stereo:

【Why does the sun go on shining. Why does the sea rush to shore

It was Han Jue's voice.

"Don't they know it's the end of the world (don't they know it's the end of the world)~" the driver sang along with Han Jue, clapping his hands on the steering wheel. The emotion in the singing is very rich, and it seems that it has been sung no less than ten times.

Jennifer was intoxicated in the song and asked: "How does this tune match the scene of the game..."

"Shh!" The driver pouted his thick lips and hissed vigorously.

After the song "The End of the World" was over, the driver explained to Jennifer, saying that the arrangement in the record had been revised, and even the singing skills were different from those in the competition. "I don't even know this, but I dare to say that I am a fan of Han Jue." The driver sneered.

Jennifer was about to die of anger.

Since knowing that her director is Han Jue, Jennifer has searched Han Jue's resume. She didn't care much about her previous idol experience, but she was very interested in Han Jue's creative career. After listening to it, she was captured by Han Jue's singing and became a fan.

Being close to the water, she had listened to many songs by Han Jue with Jalens and Xia Yuan, and even attended a [Private Music Work Conference] once or twice, how could she bear to be denied like this.

Jack hurriedly comforted Jennifer, who was learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with Xia Yuan after the filming of "Traveler".

Later, in order to prevent the two of them from fighting, Jack proposed to concentrate on listening to Han Jue's records.

So I went all the way down, listened to a few songs, and arrived at my destination safely.

Opened the car door and got out of the car, Han Jue's singing came from a distance:

[But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here... What, I don't belong here at all...)]

The coffee shop opposite the hotel is playing Han Jue's "Creep".

Jack paid a tip and asked the hotel waiter to help with the luggage.

Walking into the hotel lobby, there was a teenager sitting on the sofa in the lobby, holding his mobile phone and turning it on, listening to music. It is very inappropriate to put mobile phones outside in public places, but there seems to be no impatience on the faces of the people who come and go. Some people even took out their mobile phones and secretly identified the song called "Rock 'N' Roll Suicide".

【Oh, how, how, how, you're a rock 'n' roll suicide

Oh how, how, how did you end up rockin' and roll

You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it

You are too old to lose, and you are too young to choose]

Jack and Jennifer looked at each other.

It didn't take long before I heard Han Jue's songs continuously.

Then I entered the elevator, and there was a woman wearing a leather jacket with smoky makeup, listening to music with headphones.

According to the beat of the woman's stomping feet, Jennifer judged that the woman heard "Rolling In The Deep".

Now Jack and Jennifer knew that if they went to enough places, they could listen to Han Jue's entire album in various places.

A few days ago, several relatives and friends asked him to ask Han Jue for his autograph, but he was preparing for the role, so he only agreed to meet Han Jue and ask, and he didn't take the tone of the other party's exhortations to his heart too much.

It wasn't until this moment that Jack knew what Han Jue's album meant by the so-called "hot all over the United States".

According to the text message in the mobile phone, they first went to their respective rooms to pack their luggage, and then went to Han Jue's room together to say hello.

Jack stood in front of Han Jue's door and knocked on the door.

It was Xiao Zhou who came to open the door, that cheeky young man who claimed to be Dao Han's first disciple.

Before Jack and Jennifer walked in, they heard Han Jue's voice.

The content of the voice made Jack and Jennifer tense.

"I probably won't be able to go to the promotion tomorrow." Han Jue's voice was very weak.

Jack and Jennifer stopped and looked at each other.

"I might be dying," Han Jue said.

Jack fell into an ice cave, thinking a lot at this moment. I think he hasn't had time to repay his favor, failed to make Han Jue's second movie, failed to thank Han Jue at the Best Actor Award Ceremony...but what he thinks about the most is only four words) - Heaven's Jealousy.

However, before Jack could figure out how to comfort Han Jue, Han Jue continued:

"I can't really go tomorrow. I can't even go out. I listened to those songs hundreds of times in the studio, and then this week after the record came out, and I'm really going to vomit. Yes, spit to death..."

"Come on, you just want to be lazy!" As the manager who gets along with Han Jue day and night, Guan Yi sees through everything.



The End of the World – Skeeter Davis. Another version of Carpenters is also very flavorful, that is, the singer who sang "Yesterday Again".

"Rock 'N' Roll Suicide" – David Bowie. Another version of Black Box Recorder is also very nice.

I thought about the title for a long time, but I couldn't think of it.

Also, is this God's will? Unknowingly returned to the original origin. Could it be that this is my natal update time? ...

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