This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Pig killing feast

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Above the sky, the divine vines glowed with green divine light, and every vine was surging with terrifying divine power.

"Oh hey..."

The wild boar **** struggled for a long time to no avail, and let out a shrill scream.

The vines are like green chains, locking the boar **** in the air.

Not only that, but a large number of air roots grew on those vines, and these air roots drilled into its body along the seven orifices of the boar god, directly absorbing the essence of flesh and blood and divine power.

The wild boar **** struggled even more, his eyes were extremely frightened, and he even began to beg the **** vine to let it go, guaranteeing that he would never invade the vine tribe again in the future.

However, Shenteng did not respond to the request of the wild boar **** at all, and even accelerated the speed of absorbing the essence of flesh and blood and divine power.

The body of the wild boar **** was visibly weak, until it became thin and bony, with no eyes, and even the voice of pleading became weak.

In the distant sky, the old witch sat on the back of a giant eagle and witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

"Great... Great succeeded in transcending the calamity..."

The old witch swallowed hard, and the expression on his face solidified.

Before Shenteng recovered, he thought that the Vine tribe was over, and even wondered how to cover Jiang Xuan and others to escape.

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the situation would change so much.

What surprised him the most was the growth rate of Shenteng, which was incredible.

For other totem gods, it took hundreds of years, even thousands of years, to grow hard step by step before they have the opportunity to become the totem gods of the big tribe.

And in this long period of time, any accident, or a catastrophe, may make them fall short, or even die.

In the primitive continent, there are countless large and small tribes, and there are also countless totem gods, but it is absolutely rare that they can become great gods.

And this divine vine, it only took more than six years to break through from the small **** to the middle god, and then to the great god.

This breakthrough speed, if not for the presence of his own eyes, the old witch would never believe it.

In addition to Shenteng, the speed of development of the Vine tribe is also staggering.

When he first came to the Vine tribe, there were only a dozen people in the Vine tribe. In his eyes, the leader and the witch were still inexperienced children.

Such a vine tribe, saying that it is a small tribe is flattering.

But in just a few years, the Veng tribe has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the population has grown from a dozen people to more than 2,000 people.

The most important thing is that even if the Vine tribe expands so fast, it will not often experience food crises and various internal conflicts like those tribes that rely on plunder to start their homes.

The Vine tribe relies on planting and breeding, coupled with transactions with various tribes, there has never been a major food crisis.

Other tribes such as starving people are used to it, but it has never appeared in the Vine tribe.

The old witch muttered to himself, "The terrifying divine vine, the terrifying vine tribe."

He has a strong premonition that the limit of the Vine tribe may not only be an ordinary big tribe, but may even rush out of the Southern Wilderness and go further afield.

Thinking of this, the old witch suddenly wanted to live a longer life and witness with his own eyes what the Veng tribe would develop into in the future.


Besides, on the ground, when the warriors of the wild boar tribe saw that the wild boar **** was actually **** and could not move, everyone panicked.

The leader of the wild boar tribe responded quickly, and he immediately shouted: "Retreat, retreat!"

The soldiers who were harvesting grain and vegetables, after hearing the leader's words, immediately gave up the unharvested grain and vegetables, rode on the wild boar again, and ran to the gap in the vine wall in a panic.

"Dong Dongdong..."

Nearly 3,000 giant wild boars ran again with great momentum.

"Since you're in, let's stay!"

In the sky, Shen Teng suddenly spoke, his voice was grand and majestic, and the pressure was extremely strong.

This is one of the characteristics of the Great God. He can communicate with all spirits, and all spirits naturally include human beings.


A terrifying divine light rushed towards the broken vine wall, and all the broken vines quickly grew up again.

They start from the ground and grow up intertwined with each other, at a staggering speed.

When the people of the wild boar tribe ran over, not only the broken vine wall was repaired, but the gates in all four directions were also closed.

The leader of the wild boar tribe and the witch, as well as more than 3,000 warriors and more than 3,000 giant wild boars, were all trapped in the Vine tribe.

The face of the leader of the wild boar tribe instantly turned pale, and he realized that the wild boar tribe was probably completely over today.

The witch of the wild boar tribe, on the other hand, focused all their attention on the wild boar god.

"Wizard, chief, what should we do?"

The warriors of the wild boar tribe panicked, and they pinned their hopes on the leader and the witch.

"I...I don't know..."

The words of the leader of the wild boar tribe made the warriors even more chaotic, and some even wanted to climb the vine wall.

However, the vine wall is not so scary. Many vines are covered with thorns, and there is no place to grab them.

On the other side, on the east bank of the Flying Fish River, the warriors of the Vine Tribe, the Mountain Turtle Tribe and the Frog Tribe became excited one by one.

Especially the warriors of the Vine tribe, all of them seemed to have been beaten with blood, grabbing their weapons and wanting to rush to the other side.

Jiang Xuan held the bronze war spear in his hand, pointed to the other side, and said loudly: "Cross the river, catch the wild boar, and after catching the wild boar, I will invite everyone to a slaughtering banquet in the evening!"

"it is good!"

All the soldiers cheered, and then boarded the boat one by one, rowing desperately to the other side.

Groups of soldiers crossed the river and assembled on the other side, and the fighting spirit was very high.

Especially the soldiers of the planting team, they hated the harvesting of grain and vegetables by the wild boar tribe.

After everyone had crossed the river, Jiang Xuangang wanted to order a charge, when a thick vine suddenly grew rapidly in their direction, and the divine light continued to flicker.

Jiang Xuan and the warriors of the Vine tribe stopped temporarily and looked up at the vines.


Not long after, those vines swayed gently, spilling large swathes of green divine liquid.

These divine liquids fell on the bodies of the Vine tribe warriors and were quickly absorbed immediately.

Everyone feels that their body is not the same as before.

Jiang Xuan's feeling is particularly obvious, because he is a five-color warrior and knows his body very well.

He was keenly aware that his vitality seemed to have become stronger, and there was a sense of incomprehension.

Chi Shao said excitedly: "This is a gift from the Vine God after the breakthrough, and all the clansmen will benefit!"


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Above the sky, the divine vines glowed with green divine light, and every vine was surging with terrifying divine power.

"Oh hey..."

The wild boar **** struggled for a long time to no avail, and let out a shrill scream.

The vines are like green chains, locking the boar **** in the air.

Not only that, but a large number of air roots grew on those vines, and these air roots drilled into its body along the seven orifices of the boar god, directly absorbing the essence of flesh and blood and divine power.

"First Evolution"

The wild boar **** struggled even more, his eyes were extremely frightened, and he even began to beg the **** vine to let it go, guaranteeing that he would never invade the vine tribe again in the future.

However, Shenteng did not respond to the request of the wild boar **** at all, and even accelerated the speed of absorbing the essence of flesh and blood and divine power.

The body of the wild boar **** was visibly weak, until it became thin and bony, with no eyes, and even the voice of pleading became weak.

In the distant sky, the old witch sat on the back of a giant eagle and witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

"Great... Great succeeded in transcending the calamity..."

The old witch swallowed hard, and the expression on his face solidified.

Before Shenteng recovered, he thought that the Vine tribe was over, and even wondered how to cover Jiang Xuan and others to escape.

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the situation would change so much.

What surprised him the most was the growth rate of Shenteng, which was incredible.

For other totem gods, it took hundreds of years, even thousands of years, to grow hard step by step before they have the opportunity to become the totem gods of the big tribe.

And in this long period of time, any accident, or a catastrophe, may make them fall short, or even die.

In the primitive continent, there are countless large and small tribes, and there are also countless totem gods, but it is absolutely rare that they can become great gods.

And this divine vine broke through from the small **** to the middle god, and then to the great god, it only took more than six years.

This breakthrough speed, if not for the presence of his own eyes, the old witch would never believe it.

In addition to Shenteng, the speed of development of the Vine tribe is also staggering.

When he first came to the Vine tribe, there were only a dozen people in the Vine tribe. In his eyes, the leader and the witch were still inexperienced children.

Such a vine tribe, saying that it is a small tribe is flattering.

But in just a few years, the Veng tribe has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the population has grown from a dozen people to more than 2,000 people.

The most important thing is that even if the Vine tribe expands so fast, it will not often experience food crises and various internal conflicts like those tribes that rely on plunder to start their homes.

The Vine tribe relies on planting and breeding, coupled with transactions with various tribes, there has never been a major food crisis.

Other tribes such as starving people are used to it, but it has never appeared in the Vine tribe.

The old witch muttered to himself, "The terrifying divine vine, the terrifying vine tribe."

He has a strong premonition that the limit of the Vine tribe may not only be an ordinary big tribe, but may even rush out of the Southern Wilderness and go further afield.

Thinking of this, the old witch suddenly wanted to live a longer life and witness with his own eyes what the Veng tribe would develop into in the future.


Besides, on the ground, when the warriors of the wild boar tribe saw that the wild boar **** was actually **** and could not move, everyone panicked.

The leader of the wild boar tribe responded quickly, and he immediately shouted: "Retreat, retreat!"

The soldiers who were harvesting grain and vegetables, after hearing the leader's words, immediately gave up the unharvested grain and vegetables, rode on the wild boar again, and ran to the gap in the vine wall in a panic.

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