This Is My Primitive Tribe

Vol 2 Chapter 219: The Fuji God revives, binds the wild boar

After being repeatedly hindered by the turtle god, the wild boar **** finally got angry.

I saw two white smoke coming out of its nostrils, its eyes turned blood red, and its body size was ten times larger than before.


The wild boar **** rushed towards the turtle **** abruptly, as fast as a gust of wind.

Before the turtle **** could react, a pair of huge hooves stomped on the turtle's back.


After the wild boar **** became mad, the power was too great, and the turtle god, who had no time to guard, was trampled ruthlessly, and the whole body actually sank deep into the ground.

If it weren't for the tortoise shell being so hard and abnormal, I'm afraid it would have been trampled.

Back then, the turtle shell of the old turtle **** was known as the first in defense. As the child of the old turtle god, the shell of the little turtle **** was naturally much thicker and harder than other mountain turtles.

Although the shell was not broken, the turtle **** also suffered some internal injuries under the huge vibration, and a trace of blood flowed out of the turtle's mouth.

"Dong Dongdong..."

The wild boar **** stepped on it a few more times, but a thick layer of divine light shrouded the turtle's back, offsetting some of the strength, preventing the wild boar **** from causing more damage to the turtle god.


The wild boar **** lowered his head and jabbed down with his fangs, hitting the turtle god's plastron.

Afterwards, it picked it up fiercely, and the huge body of the Turtle God was directly picked up and flew out by it, flew over several hills, and then smashed heavily on the ground, smashing the ground into a deep pit.

After all, the strength of the turtle **** is weaker. When the wild boar **** goes mad, it can no longer hold back.

Without the hindrance of the Turtle God, the Wild Boar God roared and slammed into the vine wall of the Vine Tribe with his head down.

At this time, its size is too large, and its power is extremely violent. The vine wall made of ordinary vines cannot withstand the force of this collision.

"Gaba, Gaba..."

Many thick vines were directly broken, and the roots of some vines were pulled up.

The wild boar **** took a few steps back and slammed forward again, and the remaining vines were all broken.

The vine wall that had protected the vine tribe for a long time, at this moment, a big gap was forcibly knocked out by the wild boar god.

On the battlefield, the leader of the wild boar tribe was refreshed and shouted, "Rush in!"

"Dong Dongdong..."

All the giant wild boars and warriors rushed forward as if they had been beaten with blood.

As a result, the warriors of the Vine Tribe, the Mountain Turtle Tribe and the Frog Tribe could not stand it at all, and the entire line was defeated.

Jiang Xuan saw that nothing could be done, so he shouted: "Withdraw the tribe!"

After hearing the order, the warriors of the Vine tribe were relieved and retreated one after another.

The warriors of the Turtle Tribe and Frog Tribe ran faster because they came to help and did not have the mentality to defend.

As soon as they withdrew, those wild boar cavalry were no longer blocked, and they poured into the vine tribe through the gap in the vine wall.

"Cross the river, cross the river quickly!"

Jiang Xuan didn't plan to fight recklessly at all, he directly ordered the Veng tribe warriors to cross the river.

Anyway, the other clansmen of the Teng tribe, as well as various materials, have moved to the other side of the river, and only houses and some daily necessities are left here.

A large number of wooden boats have been docked by the river. After the warriors of the Veng tribe came over, they directly took their mounts to cross the river.

Not to mention the mountain turtle tribe, after those big mountain turtles entered the water, they swam faster than the boat.

After the giant frogs of the frog tribe enter the water, they can also cross the river with the soldiers of the frog tribe, and the speed of breaststroke is fast.

Even the old witch rode a giant eagle and flew to the nearby hill, frowning at the situation on the ground.

I saw a large number of warriors of the wild boar tribe pouring into the Vine tribe, and then chased to the river.

However, when several of the wild boars were about to cross the river to pursue them, a large number of giant water worms suddenly appeared in the river.

One of the giant wild boars was bitten all over the body as soon as it entered the water, and swam back screaming.

Although these giant wild boars can also swim, their swimming speed is not fast, which is far worse than that of amphibians such as mountain turtles and giant frogs.

With the lessons learned, the remaining giant wild boars did not dare to go into the water. They looked at the giant water worms swimming in the water and were very afraid.

In the water, it is not the world of wild boars, especially in this primitive era, the overlords in the water are no less than those on land.

The leader of the wild boar tribe stared at the river for a while, and said, "Don't chase, their house is still here, look for food!"

The warriors of the wild boar tribe ran to the residential area of ​​the Vine Tribe again.

"Where's the food? Where's the food!"

The leader of the wild boar tribe was so angry that the door of the wooden house was smashed.

There is also the golden-yellow knife coins of the Vine tribe, which they have coveted for a long time.

But now, although they have hit the Vine tribe, they have almost nothing to gain except for some cumbersome pottery and stone tools.

At this moment, Wu came over riding a giant wild boar and said to the leader: "Don't worry, I have seen it. Although there is no food in the Veng tribe's house, there is a lot of edible food grown in the fields."

"As long as we take away all the food grown by the Vine tribe, this trip will be worth it."

The eyes of the leader of the wild boar tribe lit up, he walked outside, looked carefully, and found that the Vine tribe had indeed planted a lot of plants.

Some giant wild boars are already eating vegetables in the field.

Many of the grains and vegetables are unknown to the leaders of the wild boar tribe, such as red crystal rice and bamboo wheat.

But the number of edible plants he knew was very considerable.

"Harvest food!"

With an order from the leader of the wild boar tribe, the wild boar cavalry ran into the crops one after another, picking the food they knew to harvest quickly.

On the other side of the river, the warriors of the Vine tribe watched the actions of the wild boar tribe and felt their hearts bleed.

"Food, our food!"

Gan Song was so anxious that his tears were about to come out. Those grains, which he and the planting team had put in for half a year, were about to be harvested, but now they were wasted by those wild boars.

"Boss, you can't let them take away the food!"

The soldiers of the Vine tribe are all anxious. These foods are very important for everyone in the Vine tribe to survive the winter smoothly.

Jiang Xuan reassured: "Don't worry everyone, listen to me, these food wild boar tribes will never be taken away!"

After Jiang Xuan's reassurance, the warriors of the Veng tribe calmed down a little.

But the calmer you are, the more pessimistic you are about the current situation.

The Boar God is too fierce, and the Fuji God has never shown up, so they can't see any hope of winning.

There are even a small number of people from the Vine tribe who are already planning their escape routes.

Shan Jia and Huo Meng walked to Jiang Xuan's side, but they were at a loss.

Shan Jia asked, "Boss Xuan, what should we do now?"


"Wait for what?"

"Wait for a surprise."

"What surprise?"

"You'll find out later."

Jiang Xuan didn't make it clear that Shan Jia and Huo Meng heard the fog over the mountains, and they even thought that Jiang Xuan couldn't stand the stimulation of the tribe's destruction and had hallucinations.

The tribe is broken, what surprises can there be?

Shan Jia and Huo Meng thought so, and some people in the Veng tribe also thought so.

They felt that the Vine tribe was definitely over. In order to survive, some people began to run away secretly.

There is also a gate on the east bank, but in this situation, everyone's attention is on the other side of the river, and the gate is unguarded.

These people who didn't have deep feelings for the Vine tribe, and even hid their hatred, walked away from the gate one by one.

"Let those idiots stay and be buried with the Vine tribe."

These people include ordinary people and warriors. After the vine wall was broken, they thought that the vine tribe was definitely over.

The wild boar cavalry rushed into the Vine tribe behind, and when the **** Vine still did not appear, they immediately began to prepare to escape.

The only regret is that the place where the food and supplies are stacked is very strictly guarded, and they can't take the food and supplies to run together.

This also made them hate the Vine Tribe even more. After running away, they would curse the Vine Tribe.

They don't know, there are several pairs of eyes staring at them secretly.

Watch them flee, listen to their curses, and write down their names.

All of this is slow to say, but it actually happened in a short time. When the wild boar cavalry on the opposite side began to harm the crops, the people who should run on the Veng tribe's side had already run around in chaos.

When Fengcao came to report, Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Everyone who should run has run away. Next, let everyone witness the surprise together!"

Huo Meng and Shan Jia on the side were still confused. What was the surprise that Jiang Xuan said several times?

Before they could ask, all of a sudden, everyone felt the ground shake.

Immediately afterwards, behind the altar of the Vine Tribe, a strong green divine light suddenly erupted, and a terrifying aura appeared in the Vine Tribe.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A small green vine appeared, and its main stem became as thick as a big tree in a very short period of time. It can stand stably without any rocks or , and quickly open branches and loose leaves.

"Vine God, it's Vine God!"

"Vine God is awake!"

"We are saved!"

On the other side of the river, all the Teng tribesmen burst into tsunami-like cheers, and many even cried with excitement.

Even the warriors of the Mountain Turtle Tribe and Frog Tribe couldn't help cheering.

Just now because the Vine tribe was at a disadvantage, everyone was under a lot of pressure.

Well now, Shenteng has recovered, and they can finally feel at ease.

Shan Jia and Huo Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief. They made the right bet, and the Veng tribe did not disappoint. This surprise was too timely.

On the other side, the wild boar **** saw a "crack" in his heart, and instinctively drove it to turn around and run away.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A strip of glowing vines quickly wrapped around the wild boar god, like green lightning, and the speed was terrifyingly fast.

The wild boar **** just ran a few steps before being caught up by the green vines, and instantly wrapped around the wild boar god.


The boar **** made a dangerous roar of filial piety, and desperately tried to break free from the vines.

However, these vines are like divine chains, extremely tenacious, no matter how hard the wild boar **** struggles, they can't break free, and they even get tighter and tighter.

The wild boar **** rushed left and right, knocked down a large piece of the tree, and the ground was trampled by it, and there were huge footprints everywhere.


The green vines tightly bound the boar god, and pulled it into the air, making it unable to take advantage of it or harm the forest on the ground.

Because the change happened too fast, the warriors of the wild boar tribe were still harvesting food.

When they came back to their senses, the powerful wild boar **** was bound tightly and pulled up into the air, unable to use even one body of divine power.

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