This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 177: Smelting bronze

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Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

"Finally finished carving the herbs that I used before."

Inside the bamboo hut, the old witch put down the stone chisel and hammer, stood up from a large round stone, and beat his old waist.

The large stone was oval in shape, like a rounded egg, and the surface was polished so smoothly that it stood up.

On the right side of the big stone, there are several ancient Wushu inscriptions: The Great Wilderness White Sketch.

Afterwards, rows and rows of smaller fonts were lined up neatly.

Some of these shamanistic characters are like strangely shaped grass, some are like flowers, some are like birds, and some are like parts of animals...

This is a text belonging to witches. In the eyes of ordinary people, these witch words are disorganized and it is difficult to understand what it means.

But in the eyes of the witch who possesses the power of witchcraft, every word of witchcraft contains a lot of information.

There are two kinds of Witchcraft, one is ordinary Witchcraft, which can be understood by anyone who has studied it specially.

For example, those tribes that have lost their totem gods, although their witches have no witch power, they still inherit part of the witch script. They can use the script and pictures to record the major events that happened in the tribe.

The other is this kind of Wushu carved by the old witch. This kind of Wushu is more mysterious, and it is absolutely incomprehensible to people without magic power.

Because it is not just as simple as connecting words into sentences, each mysterious Wushu contains a lot of information, and it is necessary to activate these Wushu with magic power, in order to see what the writer really wants to express.

The Great Wilderness Hundred Herbs Sutra requires a lot of herbs to be recorded. If you want to record all of them in ordinary Wushu, you don’t know how many animal skins and how many stones to carve.

Moreover, because there are too many carriers of records, it is inevitable that there will be defects in the process of inheritance due to various reasons.

But it is different when using mysterious witch script. Every witch script can record a type of herbal medicine, which can save a lot of materials, and is also conducive to the complete inheritance.

The old witch walked around the egg-shaped boulder twice, observing the witch inscriptions, and was quite satisfied with the sketches of the Great Wilderness that had been engraved in part.

The old witch said to himself: "The herbs that I used before have been withered, and it's time to look for new herbs."

The reason why the old witch named the Great Wilderness Hundred Sketches instead of the Eastern Desolation Hundred Sketches was because he wanted to record as many herbs as possible on this continent.

He knew more about the herbs of the Eastern Wilderness, but the old witch knew less about the herbs of the three great deserts, the Southern Wilderness, the Western Wilderness, and the Northern Wilderness.

Because of this, the old witch plans to continue riding the giant eagle to search for more herbs, learn about their efficacy and growth habits, and record them in the wild sketches.

This is bound to be a difficult and time-consuming job.

The old witch rested for a while, ate something, then walked out of the bamboo house, went to the bamboo forest under the stone mountain, found the red peony, and explained to her that she wanted to continue traveling and search for herbs.

Chi Shao couldn't help but said: "Old witch, why don't you stay here, I will let the Veng tribe warriors pay attention to all kinds of herbs when they go out, and bring them back to you."

The old witch knew that Chi Shao was worried about his safety, and a smile appeared on his old face.

"Although I'm old, but before I can't walk, I want to take the giant eagle to more places and find more herbs."

"Every herb, I want to see with my own eyes what it looks like, where it grows, what effect it has, and then record it."

"The Great Wilderness Hundred Sketches are all my pursuits for the rest of my life, and I hope I can do them myself."

The old witch paused for a while, and then said, "In case something happens to me outside, I believe you will help me complete it in the future."

Chi Shao nodded and said, "Don't worry, old witch, I will do my best."

The old witch smiled and nodded. He believed that Chi Shao was a trustworthy person and a gifted witch. Even if he died outside, Chi Shao would still be able to complete a hundred sketches of the Great Wilderness.

The old witch asked again, "Where's Xuan? Why haven't I seen him these days?"

Chi Shao said: "I went out with the hunting team, and I didn't say that I would be back in a few days."

"Then don't wait for him. I will leave tomorrow on a giant eagle. If all goes well and find enough new herbs, I will come back."

After the old witch finished speaking, he left Chi Shao's yard. He needed to make some preparations for this trip.

The next day, the old witch brought his own salute, closed the door of the bamboo house, and then left the rattan tribe on the giant eagle.


The giant eagle circled and lifted into the sky, and then flew into the distance, gradually disappearing.

In the courtyard of the bamboo forest, Chi Shao looked at the direction of the giant eagle and silently prayed that the old witch would return safely.


On the barren hills in the northwest of the Teng tribe, Jiang Xuan led the hunting team to dig for two days in a row, and dug up a large amount of copper and tin ore.

"Almost there, bury the mines first."

Jiang Xuan felt that enough ore had been dug up, and any more would affect the speed of the soldiers, so he ordered a part of the soil to be backfilled.

The purpose of backfilling the soil is to cover up the ore veins so as not to be excavated.

After all, even if people from other tribes don't know how to smelt metals, they still like beautiful stones like malachite, and they are likely to dig it when they see it.

The fighters of the hunting team backfilled some dirt, and then pulled some dead branches from nearby, covered with weeds, and simply made some camouflage.

After everything was done, Uncaria said to Jiang Xuan, "Boss, it's alright."

"Okay, take all the stones and go back to the tribe!"

Jiang Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "After returning to the tribe, everyone is not allowed to disclose our whereabouts and gains this time to others, otherwise we will be expelled from the tribe!"

Jiang Xuan's words made everyone in the hunting team shudder, and expulsion from the tribe was the most severe punishment for them.

Everyone secretly warned themselves that they must keep their mouths shut.

Uncaria asked: "Boss, what if someone asks?"

Jiang Xuandao: "Let's just say we found some good stones and dug them back to make stone tools."

Uncaria nodded, and then shouted to the hunting party: "Have you heard clearly? If anyone asks, they will say that we are digging for stone."

The hunting team soldiers nodded.

In fact, Jiang Xuan did not tell them what stones these ores were or what they were used for.

The saying of digging stones, the soldiers of the hunting team felt that there was no problem, and it was not a lie.

"Okay, go back!"

Jiang Xuan tied the two large bags of ore together, put it on the back of Crescent Moon, and sat on it himself.

The black wind rhinoceros is extremely powerful. It can bear two heavy bags of ore and sit alone.

The soldiers of the hunting team also put big bags of ore on the backs of their mounts, and then returned to the tribe with Jiang Xuan.

A day later, they successfully returned to the Vine tribe with all the ores.

In order to keep it secret, all these ores were put into the cave of the big mountain on the other side of the Flying Fish River, and the place was designated as a restricted area, and soldiers were on duty every day.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Shenteng didn't like flames, Jiang Xuan would have wanted to put these ores at the foot of the stone mountain. It was the safest place for the entire tribe, and no one dared to intrude.

Next, it's time to consider how to smelt these copper and tin ores into bronze.


Subsequent content is repeated, and will be updated later.


Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

"Finally finished carving the herbs that I used before."

Inside the bamboo hut, the old witch put down the stone chisel and hammer, stood up from a large round stone, and beat his old waist.

The large stone was oval in shape, like a rounded egg, and the surface was polished so smoothly that it stood up.

On the right side of the big stone, there are several ancient Wushu inscriptions: The Great Wilderness White Sketch.

Afterwards, rows and rows of smaller fonts were lined up neatly.

Some of these shamanistic characters are like strangely shaped grass, some are like flowers, some are like birds, and some are like parts of animals...

This is a text belonging to witches. In the eyes of ordinary people, these witch words are disorganized and it is difficult to understand what it means.

But in the eyes of the witch who possesses the power of witchcraft, every word of witchcraft contains a lot of information.

There are two kinds of Witchcraft, one is ordinary Witchcraft, which can be understood by anyone who has studied it specially.

For example, those tribes that have lost their totem gods, although their witches have no witch power, they still inherit part of the witch script. They can use the script and pictures to record the major events that happened in the tribe.

The other is this kind of Wushu carved by the old witch. This kind of Wushu is more mysterious, and it is absolutely incomprehensible to people without magic power.

Because it is not just as simple as connecting words into sentences, each mysterious Wushu contains a lot of information, and it is necessary to activate these Wushu with magic power, in order to see what the writer really wants to express.

The Great Wilderness Hundred Herbs Sutra requires a lot of herbs to be recorded. If you want to record all of them in ordinary Wushu, you don’t know how many animal skins and how many stones you need to Moreover, because there are too many carriers to record, In the process of inheritance, there will inevitably be defects due to various reasons.

But it is different when using mysterious witch script. Every witch script can record a type of herbal medicine, which can save a lot of materials, and is also conducive to the complete inheritance.

The old witch walked around the egg-shaped boulder twice, observing the witch inscriptions, and was quite satisfied with the sketches of the Great Wilderness that had been engraved in part.

The old witch said to himself: "The herbs that I used before have been withered, and it's time to look for new herbs."

The reason why the old witch named the Great Wilderness Hundred Sketches instead of the Eastern Desolation Hundred Sketches was because he wanted to record as many herbs as possible on this continent.

He knew more about the herbs of the Eastern Wilderness, but the old witch knew less about the herbs of the three great deserts, the Southern Wilderness, the Western Wilderness, and the Northern Wilderness.

Because of this, the old witch plans to continue riding the giant eagle to search for more herbs, learn about their efficacy and growth habits, and record them in the wild sketches.

This is bound to be a difficult and time-consuming job.

The old witch rested for a while, ate something, then walked out of the bamboo house, went to the bamboo forest under the stone mountain, found the red peony, and explained to her that she wanted to continue traveling and search for herbs.

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