This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 176: Copper-tin symbiotic ore

Next to a small stream, Jiang Xuan led thirty soldiers and tourists who were guiding the way, riding a black wind rhinoceros along the stream, looking for malachite.

This forest, in the northwest of the Vine Tribe, is about a day's journey away from the Vine Tribe. Because of the sparse vegetation, the hunting routes of the Vine Tribe's warriors do not pass here.

"Are you sure it's here?" Jiang Xuan asked after walking for a long time.

The tourist was sitting on the back of another black wind rhino with a vine tribe warrior. He heard Jiang Xuan's question and replied, "It must be here, I will not remember it wrong."

"Okay, then go ahead and find where you picked up the rocks."

The group continued to move forward and walked for about half an hour when a loud sound of running water suddenly came from the front.

They walked over and saw a cliff in front of them. A small waterfall fell from a height of seven or eight meters and crashed into the small pool below, making a roaring sound.

The tourist's eyes lit up, pointed at the pool, and said, "That stone was picked up here, I remember it clearly!"

Jiang Xuan was refreshed and said, "Go and have a look."

Jiang Xuan and others got off the back of the black wind rhinoceros.

The tourist took Jiang Xuan to the edge of the pool, then pointed to the shallow water, and said, "That stone was picked up here."

From the big pocket of Jiang Xuan's animal leather jacket, he took out the piece of malachite the size of a palm.

This piece of malachite is the one that tourists take to trade in the trading area. It is oval in shape and has a very smooth surface, like a pebble.

This is more in line with what the tourists say.

In addition to manual grinding, such smooth stones may only appear in places washed by running water for a long time.

Jiang Xuan lifted the piece of malachite and said to the soldiers, "Everyone spread out and look for this green stone."


The Vine tribe warriors agreed, and then went to the water pool and near the water pool to look for malachite.

Jiang Xuan and the tourist also went to the water to search carefully, hoping to find more malachite in the same place.

The water of the stream is very clear, and you can see the bottom at a glance. There are some small fish swimming in the water, but the big fish cannot see it.

Not long after, Jiang Xuan suddenly saw a little green in the rocks underwater, and he was overjoyed.

He stretched out his hand, crossed the icy stream, turned over the rubble, and found a green stone bigger than a palm.


Jiang Xuan picked up the stone and looked at it, and immediately became happy.

"It's malachite, this place really has malachite!"

This piece of malachite is bigger than the piece that tourists picked up, but it is broken and not round, but the pattern on it is equally beautiful.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan had found a piece, the soldiers speeded up their search, hoping that they could find this beautiful stone soon.

One of the warriors was rummaging through the water when suddenly, he found a stone that was not quite the same, so he quickly took it out of the water.

However, after picking it up, he was greatly disappointed by the appearance of the stone.

The stone is pitted, uneven, and in poor condition. The surface is mostly dark brown with only a little green on it, and it is completely different from the green of malachite.

"Bai is happy."

Disappointed, the warrior was about to throw the stone away.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan happened to see the ugly stone and was attracted by it.

"and many more……"

The soldier was throwing the stone, but found the leader walking over quickly, so he stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"let me see."

Jiang Xuan stretched out his hand, and the soldier had no choice but to hand him the stone.

Jiang Xuan took this ugly stone, turned it over and over for a while, and then held it with both hands and broke it with force.

Jiang Xuan is a four-color warrior, so powerful that he can directly break ordinary stones.

However, this unsightly stone did not make the brittle sound of a broken stone. Instead, it became bent, and where the skin was cracked, it showed a purple-red metallic luster.

"Natural copper, this is natural copper!"

Jiang Xuan was excited, with a surprised expression on his face, even more excited than when he saw malachite.

The biggest difference between copper and iron is that there is relatively high-purity copper in nature, that is, elemental copper. After picking it up, it can be directly forged into appliances without smelting.

But there is no elemental iron in nature, only iron ore can be smelted first, and then forged into iron.

Because of this, Jiang Xuan was so excited.

He had never tried copper smelting with his own hands, and he was actually a little murmured in his heart, not sure if he could make it.

But if you pick up enough natural copper, you can make all kinds of copper wares directly.

Of course, although pure copper utensils have good ductility, their hardness is too low, and they can only be made into utensils such as copper bowls and pots, but cannot be used as weapons.

The soldier who picked up the natural copper and almost lost it, looked at Jiang Xuan's ecstatic appearance, and felt a little overwhelmed for a while.

He asked cautiously: "Boss, is this stone also a treasure?"

"Of course it is a treasure. In my eyes, it is even more valuable than these two pieces of malachite!"

The soldier said embarrassedly, "I almost threw away the treasure as a broken stone."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you don't recognize it.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Knowing natural copper, it is normal to treat it as a broken stone, keep looking for it. "

"it is good."

The soldier looked down again, even harder than before.

Jiang Xuan shouted to the other soldiers again: "If you encounter a strange stone, pick it up and pile it up on the shore."


The soldiers agreed and continued to search.

After searching for a while, another warrior found a piece of malachite and raised it excitedly.

Another soldier found a blue stone. Jiang Xuan felt it was like azurite, but he couldn't be sure, because he had only seen pictures of azurite in his previous life, but not the real thing.

In the next half-day, malachite, natural copper, and stones suspected of azurite were discovered one after another.

Based on these ores, Jiang Xuan concluded that there must be copper mines in this place!

Because these malachite, natural copper, and suspected azurite stones cannot appear here out of thin air.

The biggest possibility is that there is a copper mine nearby, and some of the ore fell into the water and was washed into the pool by the flood.

As they struggled to find copper ore, the sky gradually darkened.

Jiang Xuan could only give up the search first and build a temporary shelter with the soldiers to spend the night.

With thirty black wind rhinos around and a bonfire lit, they were relatively safe to spend the night in the wild.

Many Vine tribe warriors eat night mushrooms and have certain night vision capabilities.

When it was getting dark, all kinds of animals in the forest came out.

The warriors hunted a few beasts and some big bugs nearby with weapons for dinner.

This night, Jiang Xuan has been in a state of excitement. He was guarding the pile of stones, feeling like he was guarding the future of the Vine tribe.

Metal utensils are so important that many jobs cannot be carried out without them.

With metal utensils, the Vine tribe will enter a stage of rapid development, leaving the tribes with similar strengths far behind.

That night, the soldiers took turns to keep vigil. This place is relatively desolate, with few large beasts, and the night was relatively peaceful.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xuan and the soldiers searched around the water pool again, hoping to find the exact location of the copper mine.

Only by finding copper mines can we smelt copper on a large scale and make copper utensils. The few pieces of malachite and natural copper we have picked up are far from enough.

However, the copper mine was buried underground, and the ore they picked up now was washed by the water from somewhere, so finding the location of the copper mine was not an easy task.

Jiang Xuan and the others searched for a long time near the water pool, and then climbed from the side of the hill to the top of the waterfall, and went upstream along the stream. After searching for a while, they still found nothing.

Jiang Xuan realized that there was no way to find it this way, because they had a little manpower, and they only brought two digging tools, which was too inefficient.

"Go back first and find someone."

Jiang Xuan made a decisive decision. After searching for a long time, he returned to the Veng tribe with the soldiers.

After returning to the Veng tribe, Jiang Xuan first put the copper ore he found in a safe place, then went to the planting team to find more than a dozen soldiers who were good at digging soil, and brought more than a hundred soldiers from the hunting team, and rode a mount to go again. Where copper ore is found.

This time, the tourist no longer has to follow, Jiang Xuan fulfilled his promise and let him join the Vine tribe and become a clansman outside the Vine tribe.

One after another, tourists made an exception to join the Vine tribe because of their meritorious deeds, which made the surrounding tourists envious.

The minds of many tourists became active, and they also wanted to find an opportunity to make a great contribution, join the Vine tribe, and get rid of the wandering state, just like those tourists before.

On the other hand, Jiang Xuan returned to the place where the copper ore was found with the soldiers of the hunting team and the planting team.

This time, they brought enough digging tools, and the number was several times larger.

Even so, after so many people searched for three days in a row, they dug holes everywhere near the waterfall, but still could not find any copper mine.

But Jiang Xuan was unwilling to give up, and was determined to find a copper mine.

It wasn't until the fifth day of the search that things turned around.

At noon on the fifth day, when Uncaria and a few warriors were planning to hunt some wild beasts for food, they accidentally discovered a cave dug by a giant claw beast.

The giant claw is a beast that is very good at digging holes. Their limbs are very thick and their claws are very sharp, which are very suitable for digging soil.

In addition, the caves dug by giant claw beasts are often very deep. Usually, warriors can only rely on traps to catch giant claw beasts, or they happen to encounter them on the ground.

Originally, after discovering that it was the cave of the giant claw beast, Unclaw had planned to turn around and leave, because the giant claw beast was too difficult to catch.

But at this moment, he accidentally discovered some finely divided malachite and azurite ore from a large pile of soil dug by the giant claw beast!

"I found it, I found it! The stone the leader wants to find must be here!"

Uncaria grabbed a few very small malachites and cried out excitedly.

Afterwards, he immediately brought these finely broken malachite over to find Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan was beside the bonfire, looking at the sky gloomily.

After he saw the few small malachite stones, he immediately regained his energy, and his depressed mood was swept away.

"Come on, take me there."

Jiang Xuan hurriedly followed the Unclaw to the cave of the giant claw beast.

Go to the cave of the giant claw

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page. At the entrance of the ^0^ cave, Jiang Xuan first scratched the fresh soil, and found some finely broken malachite from it, and even found a piece of natural copper the size of a thumb.

Jiang Xuan said excitedly: "This giant-clawed beast must have dug up the veins of the copper mine, dig, dig along the cave!"

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, Uncaria and a strong warrior immediately took a bone scorpion and a stone **** and stepped forward to dig hard.

The other fighters cleared the nearby vegetation and then dug up as well.

Because their purpose is not to catch giant claw beasts, but to find the veins of copper mines, the wider the dig, the greater the chance of finding them.

The giant claw beast in the ground never thought that his home was suddenly dug up.

After it heard the movement, it also quickly dug underground. It had to dig another exit before the Vine tribe warriors dug all the caves, and escaped, so as not to become food.


On the ground, the vine tribe warriors took turns digging. Although they didn't know what the stones were for, the leader said it was very important, and everyone's enthusiasm was very high.

"Scratch scrape..."

In the underground cave, the giant claw beast was also digging desperately. It was frightened by the movement above and desperately wanted to dig a hole to escape.

In this way, the vine tribe warriors were digging above, and the giant claw beast was digging below, and both sides worked hard.

Although the digging tools of the Veng tribe warriors are relatively simple, they are all warriors with great strength.

After half a day, a deep hole has been dug in the ground.

As the sky darkened, Jiang Xuan asked the soldiers to stop digging temporarily and go hunting some beasts to fill their stomachs.

After all, digging soil is heavy physical work, and if the stomach is not full, there is no strength.

They hunted some game nearby, dug up some wild vegetables, and caught a lot of prawns in the creek.

After dark, the warriors of the Vine tribe gathered around the fire, excitedly discussing how long it would take to dig the stone the leader wanted.

Jiang Xuan did not tell them what these stones could be used for and how much they could play a role.

Because things like bronze ware are epoch-making products, when the tribe is not strong enough to fear everything, it is best not to let too many people know about it.

After an exciting discussion, the soldiers who had worked all day filled their stomachs, and then most of them fell asleep, leaving only a few to keep watch.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Xuan heard the digging sound of "scraping, scraping, scraping" again. At a certain moment, the giant claw beast finally dug out another exit, and ran away with a "swoosh".

Jiang Xuan didn't care either, and even had a smile on his face.

This giant-clawed beast helped them find the location of the ore vein, and it was useful to the Vine tribe. Jiang Xuan had no idea of ​​killing it, just ran away.

The next day, the Vine tribe warriors continued to dig.

By noon, they finally dug a vein of copper.

A thick, banded, colorful vein emerged from the ground, like a giant metal dragon lurking in the ground.

Jiang Xuan looked at the large pieces of malachite, azurite, and the small pieces of natural copper, and his eyes narrowed with laughter.

At this moment, a soldier dug out another silver-white ore on the vein of the copper mine.

Jiang Xuan walked over to see and was immediately ecstatic.

"Tin ore, it turned out to be tin ore, this is a copper-tin symbiotic ore, hahaha, this is God's help for the rise of our Vine tribe!"

The discovery of copper-tin symbiotic ore means that the Vine tribe will have the opportunity to smelt bronze that is harder than pure copper and more suitable for weapons and tools!


It is said that every additional monthly ticket voted by book lovers can increase the probability of successful bronze smelting by one point. It is up to everyone to help...

------off topic-----

Congratulations to "Hao Qingtian" for becoming the hall owner of this book, and thanks to the hall owner "Hao Qingtian" for the reward of 4,500 book coins.

Thanks to the book friend "Left Way" for the reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Mochizuki Sinking" for the reward.

Thanks to the book friend "It's too difficult to name" for the reward.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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