This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 172: Opening of the trading area

More than a month later, the Veng tribe trading area was officially completed.

The trading area is within the vine wall, and five shops have been initially established.

The first store sells food and salt, the second store sells animal skins and accessories, the third store sells various tools, the fourth store sells healing and healing medicines, and the fifth store sells pottery.

Although it looks relatively simple, the five shops basically cover most of the items needed by the tribesmen.

In the future, the trading area will continue to be built until it becomes a real big market.

"Pull this way a little further!"

In front of the new trading area, Jiang Xuan commanded more than a dozen warriors with a huge skull.

This skull was moved from the foot of Shishan after Jiang Xuan communicated with Shenteng.

Back then, after the Jackal Tribe was destroyed, the Jackal God's body was brought back by the divine vine, and the essence of the flesh and blood, including the essence in the bones, was completely absorbed, leaving only a skeleton that had lost its luster.

The texture of such skeletons has become loose and fragile, and it is no longer possible to polish weapons.

But it's still very intimidating as a decoration.

It happened that the Teng tribe was going to establish a trading area. In order to deter those outsiders and tourists who came to do business, Jiang Xuan brought the skull of the Jackal God.

The skull of the Jackal God is very huge. It is four or five meters high when placed on the ground, and it is very heavy. It takes a dozen warriors to lift it.

Jiang Xuan asked these warriors to place the Jackal God skull in front of the trading area and align it with the gate, so that when others entered the gate, they could see it, making it very conspicuous.

"Okay, that's it, let it go."

After setting the position, Jiang Xuan asked the soldiers to put the skull down.

After the soldiers put them down, they were all gasping for breath, obviously very tired.

Jiang Xuan looked at the skull and felt that the wolf's mouth was closed, not domineering enough.

So he found two more sticks and propped up the upper jaw of the Jackal God's skull.

In this way, the wolf's mouth is open, and the terrible fangs can be seen very clearly.

"Well, it looks much better this way."

Jiang Xuan circled the skull twice, then went to the doorway to observe, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, let's work hard and bring the goods over. Tomorrow morning, the trading area will open on time!"

The soldiers ran over to carry the cargo again.

Although it was quite tiring, everyone was very excited because the leader said that in the future, not only people from outside tribes and tourists can come to do business, but also people from Veng tribe can come to do business.

They can take the things they don't need to the trading area in exchange for the things they need.

In this way, it not only promotes the circulation of goods among the tribes, but also brings benefits to the tribe. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

All kinds of goods have been continuously moved from the various workshops of the tribe into the shops in the trading area to prepare for the opening tomorrow.

Jiang Xuan also selected four soldiers who were more talented in business from among the soldiers who were in charge of trading with tourists before, and let them be in charge of the four shops except the grain and salt shops.

Grain and salt are the most important goods, and the most trustworthy and capable people must be used.

It is impossible to have loyalty but not enough ability, and you will lose money in the process of trading.

Empty ability, but lack of loyalty, that is not enough, sitting on such important materials, if you have evil thoughts in your heart, and unite with the people of the outside tribe to pit the Vine tribe, it will cause the Vine tribe to suffer huge losses.

Jiang Xuan thought about it, and finally came up with a candidate: Mallow.

Mallow's arithmetic talent is the strongest in the entire vine tribe, except for the red peony.

Since the fall of last year, Jiang Xuan tried to let Mallow be responsible for managing the food and animal skins of the Vine tribe.

You must know that the Vine tribe now has a large population, and the quantity of various materials is also very huge. When ordinary soldiers see so many materials, their eyes will be dizzy.

Mallow did not complain or refuse.

She took an animal skin roll and an animal writing brush, and under Jiang Xuan's guidance, she sorted out all the materials and recorded them on the animal skin roll.

Every time a material enters or leaves the warehouse, it needs to be recorded, and the quantity of materials in the warehouse needs to be continuously updated.

It wasn't an easy job, but Mallow did a great job, and nothing went wrong.

Because of this, after the establishment of the trading area, Jiang Xuan immediately thought of Mallow.

Once the trading area opens, all kinds of goods will be bought and sold frequently. Jiang Xuan believes that only Mallow can do this job in the current rattan tribe.

He found Mallow and told her about the trading area.

"The grain and salt shop is the place with the largest trading volume, and it is also the most important place in the trading area. I hope you will manage it. What do you think?"

There is one more sentence Jiang Xuan did not say, that is, the person in charge of the grain and salt shop will be responsible for the operation of the entire trading area in the future.


After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Mallow thought for a moment, and said, "Since the leader believes in me, then I will try."


"Okay, from tomorrow onwards, you will go to the trading area and be in charge of the grain and salt shop, while the warehouse side will be handed over to Ziye for the time being."


Ziye, also a female warrior, is Mallow's assistant in managing the warehouse, and she is also very talented in arithmetic.


Mallow nodded and had no objection to Jiang Xuan's arrangement.


"Then get ready."


Jiang Xuan turned and left the warehouse.


Mallow handed over all the work in the warehouse, as well as the animal skin rolls that recorded the quantity of materials, to Ziye.


"Mallow, I... I'm a little scared..."


"afraid of what?"


"I'm afraid of not doing well."


Ziye was very nervous in her heart. After all, she only needed to assist Mallow before, but now she needs to be in charge of such a large warehouse by herself.


Mallow smiled and said, "The leader believes in you, and I also believe in you. What else do you have to be afraid of? Do it boldly, and you will definitely be able to do it well."


Zi Ye took a deep breath and nodded heavily.


"What else is let me know, I'll tell you."


"it is good."


In the warehouse, Mallow patiently answered all kinds of questions raised by Ziye, trying to make her go more smoothly after taking over the management of the warehouse.




In the early morning of the next day, the new trading area of ​​the Fuji tribe finally opened!


"Good news, great news!"


"The new trading area of ​​the Teng tribe has opened. All guests who enter the trading area today will receive a free round potato!"


"It's a rare opportunity, don't miss it!"


Outside the Vine Tribe, dozens of Vine Tribe warriors, riding big horned deer or blue sheep, ran and shouted in the forest, making sure that all nearby tourists heard the good news.


These words were taught to them by Jiang Xuan, the key points were clear, Lang Lang was catchy, and they were very brainwashed.


If it wasn't for the identity of the leader, Jiang Xuan originally planned to bring someone to call.


Soon, the news of the opening of the new trading area of ​​the Teng tribe and the free delivery of sweet potatoes spread among the nearby tourists.


Is there such a good thing?


Those tourists were all excited, and they all gathered towards the new trading area of ​​the Veng tribe. There was only one simple idea in their minds: If you don't take anything for free, you won't take it for nothing!


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