This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 171: Create a trading area

Jiang Xuan didn't know what happened in the frog tribe. At this time, he was busy with an important thing.


That is to establish a trading area.


This is something Jiang Xuan has always wanted to do, but was unable to do before.


Doing transactions, especially with people from primitive tribes, is very profitable, and the risks are much smaller than direct wars.


Like the Blacktooth tribe.


They have long wandered among the various tribes in the Southern Wilderness to make transactions, buying at a low price and selling at a high price.


Because of this, the Black Tooth Tribe made a lot of money every year and became a well-known and prosperous tribe in the Southern Wilderness.


The resources earned by doing transactions will promote the continuous growth of the tribe. After the tribe grows, it can trade with more tribes. This is a virtuous circle.


Of course, if you want to earn all kinds of resources by doing transactions, the strength of the tribe itself must be strong enough, otherwise others will not be obedient to make transactions with you, but will directly grab it.


In the past, although the Vine tribes also traded, they were relatively passive and did not earn much because of their lack of strength.


Now, Jiang Xuan feels that the time is ripe, and is ready to turn passive into active, and establish a trading area on the periphery of the Veng tribe for people from outside tribes and nearby tourists to come and trade.


The first step is to choose an address.


Jiang Xuan chose to build a trading area in the south of the Veng tribe, because there are the most tourists and many tribes that have migrated here.


The second step is to build a house.


A wooden house is definitely not acceptable. It has a short lifespan and looks a little too rudimentary.


Jiang Xuan plans to build several sturdy and durable mud-brick houses, which not only have a long service life, but are also very tall and sturdy at first glance, which is obviously different from the buildings of other tribes.


After thinking about it, Jiang Xuan immediately began to gather people to work.


He found more than 30 prisoners with strong strength and quick work, as well as people in the Veng tribe who used to be responsible for building houses, and asked them to dig the foundation first.


The mud brick houses originally built by the Veng tribe had no foundation.


Once it rains heavily, the mud bricks next to the ground will be partially melted by the rainwater, which often requires repairs and digging a large number of drainage ditches to drain the rainwater in time.


After the first lesson, all the mud-brick houses built by the Teng tribe would dig the foundation, and then use a piece of stone to inlay the base of the wall, then spread the reconciled mud on it, and then build a mud-brick wall.


In this way, the mud bricks will not be easily eroded by the rain, and the house will become stronger and more durable.


At the southern gate of the Vine tribe, inside the vine wall, Jiang Xuan directed everyone to work.


"Come on, pull the rope first."


Jiang Xuan took several bundles of very long ropes and a large bag of lime to draw lines for the foundation.


He first fixed two ropes, one long and one short, on the ground to form an angle.


To ensure that the angle is right, he uses the simplest Pythagorean theorem.


A triangle must be a right triangle if the length of the first side is three, the length of the second side is four, and the length of the hypotenuse is five.


"Tick three..."


Jiang Xuan gestured three times with a small straight stick on a fixed rope, and drew a mark on a place equivalent to the length of three small sticks.


"Stock Four..."


He still used this small stick to draw a mark on the other fixed rope four times.


"String five!"


In the end, he took a new rope, made five gestures with a small stick, and made a mark again.


Afterwards, he put the new rope on the marks of the two fixed ropes, and asked people to adjust the positions of the two ropes until the three marks were completely coincident.


After this simple operation, a relatively standard right angle came out.


Then, using the same method, he determined another right angle and fixed the rope.


In this way, as long as the corresponding ropes are of the same length, the four corners of the house can be guaranteed to be right angles.


After the outer ring was fixed, Jiang Xuan used four other ropes to fix the inner ring of the foundation.


"Sprinkle lime!"


After finishing the rope, the two prisoners followed Jiang Xuan's order and began to sprinkle lime along the rope.


When digging the foundation, it is impossible to move those ropes, so it is very important to spread the lime line.

After the lime line is spread, even if the rope is removed, as long as you dig along the lime line, you can dig out a relatively standard foundation.


Jiang Xuan saw that the lines were relatively straight after they had sprinkled lime, so he nodded in satisfaction.




Jiang Xuan personally took a handful of bone stalks, followed the lime line, and dug a corner first.


Others also took tools and dug hard.


Because there are more houses built, more spacious, and the tools are relatively backward, the work of digging the foundation lasted three days to complete.


After the foundation was dug, Jiang Xuan didn't need to keep an eye on it, because some members of the Teng tribe had already learned to make this kind of mud-brick house.


Use stones to build foundations, mix mud, add grass blades and straws, use molds to make mud bricks, and then build walls, columns, and roofs...


This series of craftsmanship, the clansmen of the rattan tribe have been relatively proficient in mastering, and sometimes they can sum up experience and continue to improve.


Having lived in this world for a long time, Jiang Xuan summed up an experience, that is, do not underestimate the wisdom and learning ability of tribal people.


Being poor and backward doesn't mean they are stupid, it's just that they don't have the opportunity to learn.


When the Vine tribe built the house in the trading area, the external trade did not stop.


Outside the vine wall on the south side of the Vine Tribe, there is a flat area near the doorway. There are several sheds on the flat ground. Inside the shed are a few reed mats and some goods. It is a simple trading area.


Tourists near the Veng tribe like to come here to do business.


Because Jiang Xuan strictly restrains the warriors in the tribe, he must not commit robbery in the trading area, otherwise he will be severely punished.


When tourists come to trade here, they don't have to worry about their belongings being robbed, and they can exchange for what they need.


As time goes by, it will be passed on from ten to ten, and if any good things are picked up by nearby tourists, they will take them for trading.


In one of the sheds, a tourist walked in hesitantly, and took out a herb.


"How much food can this herb be exchanged for?"


In the shed, the vine tribe warrior sitting on the reed mat picked up the herbal medicine, looked at it, and then picked up two bowl-sized round potatoes from the ground, saying: "This herb can only be exchanged for two round potatoes, you can change it Not to change?"


The tourist's eyes lit up and he said in surprise, "Change, change..."


"Okay, I'll take the herbs, and I'll give you the round potatoes."


The vine tribe warrior stuffed the round potatoes to the tourists, and then put away the herbs.


The tourist was holding the round potato, smiling happily. It was the first time he went to the Veng tribe to do business, and he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.


"and many more……"


Just when the tourist was about to leave, the soldier stopped him.


The smile on the tourist's face froze, and the movement of walking out stopped.


Could it be that the people of the Vine tribe regretted it and wanted to **** it back?


The tourist turned his head with difficulty, stuffed the two round potatoes into the tattered animal skins and hugged them tightly, stammering, "Is there anything else?"


The vine tribe warrior could see at a glance what he was thinking, so he showed his teeth and smiled kindly.


"Don't be nervous, I just want to tell you that it won't be long before the Vine tribe will establish a real trading area, a big one."


"Food, salt, animal skins, weapons, pottery, tools, everything can be traded. If you or your friends can find good things at that time, you are welcome to come and trade."


After listening to the words of the warrior of the Vine tribe, the tourist breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then left as if escaping.


The warriors of the Vine tribe didn't care either. He had seen many tourists like this. He was very timid and would be frightened by the slightest movement.


But there are a lot of tourists, and they can often find some good things in the forest, and bring them here in exchange for some food or animal skins.


The promotion of the new trading area was specially explained by Jiang Xuan. Recently, all tourists who come to trade will be informed.


In this way, when the new trading area is completed, there is no need to worry about no customers coming.


The vine tribe warrior sat on the reed mat and continued to wait patiently for the next person to come to trade.


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