This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 129: Jackal Invasion

To the southwest of the Veng tribe, in a virgin forest, the loach is taking the second hunting team to capture the young buffalo.

The chief said that the cubs of bison are very important to the tribe. If they can be caught and tamed, the tribe will be able to cultivate more fields and obtain more food in the future.

When it comes to the issue of food, no one dares to be careless. Therefore, the loach is a must for the buffalo cubs.

They set their sights on a herd of bison, about twenty, of which five were cubs.

After the spring sacrifice, the second hunting team now has fifty warriors and hunts twenty wild oxen, which is obviously far beyond their ability.

However, it is not impossible.

If they can figure out a way to frighten the bison herd and run away, the slow-running bison cubs have a chance.

This is also a common tactic used by many predators.

The loach called everyone together.

"Wait, set up traps and tripwires on the route of the bison, and then divide ten people around the bison to scare them."

"When the bison herds run, they will definitely be entangled in traps and tripwires. Then we will use rattan nets to find opportunities to catch those cubs!"

"Do you understand everything?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, let's start laying traps and tripwires."

Shi Loach gave an order, and everyone immediately circled in front of the bison herd and began to arrange a large number of tripwires and traps.

Although tripwires and traps cannot leave these buffaloes, and it is difficult to cause them any harm, they can slow down some buffaloes to escape and eventually leave the herd.

After the traps and tripwires were arranged, the ten soldiers of the second hunting team quietly ran to the left and right sides of the bison herd, as well as to the rear, and climbed into the thick trees.

Then, three of the warriors took out the hollow horns that had been cut, put them at the corners of their mouths, and blew them suddenly.


The sound of the beast's horns is very loud, it sounds like the sound of a giant beast, which is very terrifying.

The other warriors made the usual hunting whistles, which sounded like there were many people.


When the bison herd heard these sounds, they thought that the herd of beasts was coming, and they were immediately frightened and began to run frantically.

"Quick, quick, ready to catch the cub."

The loach roared, then climbed to a tree with a good view, drew a bow and arrow, and aimed at the trap area.


A bison set off the trap, and a large log hanging in the air immediately rammed into it.


The wood hit the bison's head, and the bison was dizzy.

"call out!"

At this moment, a sharp arrow flew past like lightning and stabbed at the buttocks of this big bison.


The big bison screamed, and then rushed forward frantically, but was tripped directly by the trip wire.

The other bison also set off a lot of traps and tripwires, and the whole herd panicked and ran faster.

Normally, the herd will protect the cubs in the middle from predators.

But at this time, all the adult buffaloes just ran for their lives and couldn't control the cubs at all.

Cubs can't run as fast as adults, and are more likely to get caught by traps when passing through trap areas.


A cub stepped on a lasso trap, caught a cow's hoof and pulled it up a tree.

"Quick, quick, grab it."

The nearby warriors were excited, they jumped forward flexibly on the tree, then fell next to the bison, and directly netted it with a rattan net.


The buffalo cub struggled in a panic in the vine net, but it was useless and could not break free.

The two warriors pushed the buffalo cub to the ground and tied its four hooves together. With the restraint of the rattan net, it was impossible for it to escape anyway.

In addition to this buffalo cub, two other buffalo cubs were also thrown down and caught by the fighters of the hunting party who had been prepared.

Five bison cubs, caught three and ran two, the hunting results are quite good.

In addition to the cubs, the big bison that was shot by the loach was also caught, it was a cow.

When the capture operation was over, the loach came down from the tree and joined the soldiers of the second hunting team.

He first checked the condition of the adult big buffalo and then the three cubs, then nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Go, take these four buffalo back to the tribe."

This time the arrest was unexpectedly smooth, which made Shi Loach in a good mood.

The soldiers of the second hunting team were also very happy, because they had all heard that these buffalo cubs could play a big role after they were brought back to the tribe.

According to the chief, these buffalo cubs can plough the fields.

Although they don't know what ploughing is, in short, it's good for the tribe.

The soldiers made four racks, placed the bison bound with rattan nets on the racks, and carried them away.

Because of the large number of people, most of the common predators and beasts in the forest would avoid them after encountering them, and would not attack them.

However, the fact that ordinary predatory beasts will not attack them does not mean that people from other tribes will not attack them.

The jackal tribe, which has just migrated here this year, is expanding dramatically, incorporating many forests into their hunting grounds.

The forest where the loach and the others hunted bison are also within the scope of the jackal tribe's activities.

A jackal tribe hunting team of more than 200 warriors happened to be in the nearby forest.

When they heard the hunting movement here, they rushed over immediately and chased the second hunting team of the Vine Tribe who were going back.

Because they were carrying the bison, the second hunting team traveled relatively slowly, and they were easily caught up by the hunting team of the Jackal Tribe.

The Jackal Tribe is not stupid. After catching up, they did not immediately attack, because there are not only small tribes, but also medium-sized tribes and large tribes in the Southern Wilderness. If they provoke an enemy that should not be provoked, even if they are stronger than the Jackal Tribe, they will not be able to bear it.

When they found out that the hunting team of the Vine tribe was only fifty people, and the strength was weak, they decided that it was a small tribe, so they stopped hiding their fangs.


A jackal howled, signaling a charge.


Afterwards, more than two hundred warriors from the Jackal Tribe, either riding on jackals or running fast, made strange whistling noises, and whistled towards Shi Loach and others.

"No, let's go!"

Shi Loh shouted, and the soldiers of the second hunting team also heard the wolf howl, and they also trembled in their hearts, and immediately accelerated their pace.

But those jackals were running too fast, how could they be able to escape while carrying the bison?

Although Shi Loach was very reluctant, he shouted decisively: "Throw away the prey!"

The soldiers of the second hunting team also knew that the situation was critical. They immediately dropped the four bison and ran with all their strength, trying to get rid of the Jackal Tribe hunting team behind.

Gu whistle

After dropping the bison, their speed increased a lot, but if the jackals were determined to chase them, they would still have a hard time getting away.

Fortunately, after the Jackal Tribe's hunting team found the four big bison, they stopped temporarily and happily picked up the four bison.

"Their prey is here, stop chasing!"

The leader of the hunting team of the Jackal Tribe gave an order, and the running jackals stopped one after another and did not continue chasing.

The leader of the hunting team shouted to the forest in front: "No matter which tribe you are from, this forest will be the hunting ground of the Jackal tribe in the future. If you dare to come over, kill you all!"

Before leaving, the witch of the Jackal Tribe had specially instructed him that the Jackal Tribe had just arrived in the Southern Wilderness, and it was best not to set up too many enemies, this leader did not dare to disobey the witch's order.

Otherwise, with the bloodthirsty fighters of the Jackal Tribe, they would definitely catch up until they were all killed.

"Bai picked up four prey, go, go back!"

The leader of the hunting team was in a good mood, and rode back on the tall jackal. Those jackal tribe warriors divided some of them and lifted the four bison to follow.

On the other hand, the warriors of the second team of the Vine tribe hunting were not so happy.

Shi Loach stood on a tall tree and watched the people of the Jackal Tribe leave, and his face became ashen.

He descended from the tree and joined the fighters of the hunting party.

A warrior asked angrily: "Leader, the people of the Jackal Tribe took our prey, what should we do?"

The other soldiers were also very angry.

They managed to catch a calf cub and even an adult cow. They were about to take it back, but they were robbed.

They all know how important these buffalo cubs are to the Vine tribe, and the loach is naturally clearer.

However, although Shi Loach was angry, he did not lose his mind.

Shi Loh said expressionlessly: "Go back!"

"Just went back like this?" A soldier was unwilling.

"With people like us, even if we all die, we can't beat them."

Shi Loh continued: "Go back and tell the leader about this, and let the leader decide."

In desperation, the soldiers of the second hunting team could only go back, and everyone's mood was very low.

When they returned to the tribe, Shi Loach immediately told Jiang Xuan about it.

"The Jackal Tribe robbed your bison?"

After Jiang Xuan heard this, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

He had long guessed that the Veng tribe was in a bad position, and the future would not be too calm, but he did not expect that the storms would come one after another, giving people no chance to breathe.

Jiang Xuan had seen the power of the Jackal Tribe.

They killed the blue sheep tribe, and they also killed several small tribes near the blue sheep tribe.

Whether it is population, combat power, or even totem gods, this jackal tribe is very powerful.

Now that the Jackal Tribe has appeared in the southwest of the Vine Tribe, and there is friction, it is completely impossible for the Vine Tribe to develop peacefully.

"Leader, what should we do now?" Shi Loh couldn't swallow this breath.

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Go back first to appease the soldiers of the hunting team. I need to discuss this with the witch."

"All right."

Shi Loh was helpless and could only go back temporarily and wait for news.

Jiang Xuan found Chishao and told her what happened to the second hunting team.

"What do you need me to do?" Chi Shao asked.

Jiang Xuandao: "Sister, is there any way for you to let me communicate with Fujishen directly?"

Chi Shao thought for a while and said, "I'll ask the Vine God for instructions."

After speaking, Chi Shao closed her eyes and began to communicate with Fujishen.

After a while, Chi Shao opened her eyes again and said, "Vine God agrees."

"Then how should I communicate with Fujishen?" Jiang Xuan asked.

Chi Shao pointed at Shishan and said, "Look, the Vine God is here."

Above the stone mountain, I saw a vine rapidly extending towards Jiang Xuan, falling on the top of his head, casting a divine light.

Chi Shao guided: "Close your eyes, relax, it's alright."

Jiang Xuan Yiyan closed his eyes, and it didn't take long before a grand voice sounded in his mind, and at the same time there was a cloud of green divine light wrapped around a miniature version of the divine vine.

"Xuan, what are you looking for from me?"

Fujishen's voice is neutral, and it doesn't look like a human voice. It's even more difficult to distinguish between male and female, but it can be heard clearly.

Jiang Xuandao: "Vine God, a jackal tribe has appeared in the southwest of the tribe, which is even more ferocious than the mosquito tribe..."

Jiang Xuan recounted what happened in the Yanyang tribe before, what he saw, and the prey being robbed by the hunting team today.

"What do you want to do?" Teng Shen asked.

Jiang Xuandao: "Since they have all bullied them to the end, we must not swallow our anger, but we can't fight them directly. After all, our soldiers are still a little less."

Jiang Xuan pondered for a moment and said, "My plan is to provoke their relationship with the crow tribe, it is best to let them fight directly, so that we will not be concerned about our side."

"However, doing this is also risky. Once the matter is exposed, the Jackal Tribe and the Crow Tribe may both attack the Vine Tribe."

Jiang Xuan said cautiously: "So, I want to ask, can the Vine God block the patron saints of the Jackal Tribe and the Crow Tribe at the same time?"

In the light group, Vine God said in a flat tone: "Don't worry, it's just two small tribes, let them come."

After getting the reply from Fujishen, Jiang Xuan was very pleasantly surprised, because from the simple words of Fujishen, he could hear extremely powerful self-confidence, and it was a confidence derived from strength.

"Since the Fuji God said so, then I will let it go."

"Any other questions?"

"No, thank you Fujishen."

After the conversation, the divine vine in the light group was in Jiang Xuan's mind, and Jiang Xuan also slowly opened his eyes.

Chi Shao, who was waiting on the side, looked at Jiang Xuan and asked, "Is there an answer?"

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Vine God gave me the answer."

"That's good, just tell me what you need me to do in the future."

"it is good!"

Chi Shao didn't ask what Jiang Xuan had talked about with because she absolutely trusted Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan chatted with Chi Shao about his thoughts, then left Chi Shao's yard, found the soldiers of the second hunting team, comforted them, and promised them that the Jackal Tribe would pay the price.

Later, Jiang Xuan began to think about how to make the crow tribe and the jackal tribe fight directly.

At this time, Jiang Xuan did not know that the crow tribe and the jackal tribe had already fought a battle, and the two sides had already forged a grudge.

After thinking about it all night, Jiang Xuan still planned to observe the situation of the crow tribe and the jackal tribe first, and then find an opportunity to provoke them.

This time, instead of asking the old witch to borrow the giant eagle, he set off on a dumpling alone.

The last time I went to the Mountain Turtle Tribe, Tang Yuan had already proved that he had the ability to fly long distances. In this case, Jiang Xuan didn't want to always trouble the old witch and rely on the old witch.

Many times, people are better off on their own after all.

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