This Is My Primitive Tribe

Chapter 128: marriage

Western Wilderness, Frog Tribe.

Wu faced the water tank and prayed for five days in a row. Whenever the water in the water tank decreased, he would fill it up immediately.

However, five days later, not to mention rain, not even a single dark cloud was seen in the sky.

The totem **** of the frog tribe, as before, did not give him any response.

He was utterly desperate.

Wu walked out of the stone house and looked at the dry land, the dry lake of God, and the dry wind blowing, only to feel that the whole person was roasted dry.

He slowly walked to the lake of the gods, sat under a big tree, and looked at the lake with eyes blank.


Next to the lake of gods, a giant frog wailed, and then stretched its limbs straight, its body spasmed continuously, and it didn't take long to die.

Wu felt a pain in his heart, but he was no longer able to bury the giant frog.

At some point, Huo Meng sat beside Wu, and he said in a low voice:

"Witch, if you continue to stay here, the entire tribe will die. Only by migrating can you fight for the chance of survival."

"When will we migrate?" Wu's voice was exhausted.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Are you all ready?"


"Then... Migrate..."

Saying this sentence seemed to exhaust his strength, Wu leaned against the big tree and slowly closed his eyes.

Huo Meng had no time to feel sad anymore, he immediately got up and summoned all the clansmen of the frog tribe to make the final preparations before the migration.

That night, everyone in the frog tribe didn't sleep well, and they didn't know what fate was waiting for them on the way to migrate.

The next day, as soon as the sky was dawning, all the members of the frog tribe gathered together, packed everything they could, and were ready to go.

Migrating with them, there are also one-fifth of the giant frogs, which are relatively drought tolerant and can travel long distances.

As for the remaining giant frogs, they can only stay here.

Huo Meng looked around the tribe for the last time, imprinting all the plants and trees here in his mind.

Then, he turned around resolutely and shouted: "Go!"


The accompanying giant frog made a loud chirping sound, and then followed the fire and jumped forward.

Wu sat on the back of a giant cyan frog, resisting it and didn't look back.

The team of more than 500 people, plus more than 100 giant frogs, left the tribe that had lived for unknown years and went south.

"Quack quack..."

Behind them, the giant frogs who remained seemed to understand what their fate was waiting for, they were chirping wildly in the lake of gods, but they didn't keep up.


Southern Wilderness, Vine Tribe.

Uncaria thought for three days, and finally decided to go to Jiang Xuan and listen to Jiang Xuan's opinion.

"Boss, do you think I should get married with Fuling?"

In the yard, Uncaria told about herself and Poria, and then nervously waited for Jiang Xuan's reply.

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "I ask you, do you like her?"

"Maybe, I like it a little bit. She is very good-looking and capable."

"Then how did you feel when you were with her?"

"I can't tell you either, I feel pretty good when chatting."

"Then when you don't see her, will you miss her?"

Uncaria was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, and said, "I want to."

"Then why do you have to hesitate? Anyway, you always have to get married. It's a very lucky thing to be able to get married with someone you like."

Tribal people matured earlier. If they were in other tribes, like Uncaria, they would have married long ago.

Jiang Xuan would not stubbornly ask him to wait until he was eighteen, because the tribal people of this world have completely different physiques from those of the world in his previous life, and they cannot just imitate some things from the previous life.

After receiving Jiang Xuan's support, Uncaria seemed to have a lot of confidence all at once.

"Since the leader has agreed, then I will let Fuling move in and live with me."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "It's a good thing to have a family. I will ask the tribe to send you some pottery, some clothes and food."

"In addition, I will ask the witch to preside over a ceremony for you to tie the knot in front of the altar, under the witness of the Vine God."

Lianli, which means two different plants whose branches are intertwined, has been considered a good omen since a long time ago.


When Uncaria heard that a ceremony could be held in front of the altar and a family could be married under the witness of the Vine God, the whole person was overwhelmed with excitement.

"Of course it's true. In the future, if the tribe has the ability, I will allow every couple to hold a ceremony in front of the altar."

"Then...then I'll go back and prepare..."

After Gon Teng finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry. This incident meant too much to him.

Jiang Xuan smiled, then went to Chi Shao to discuss the ceremony.

The Vine Tribe was established by five of them at the beginning. Now that Uncaria is about to start a family, it is natural to not treat him badly.

In addition, Jiang Xuan hopes that after getting married, Uncaria can gain motivation from Poria and get rid of the psychological shadow.

When Jiang Xuan told Chi Shao about this, Chi Shao readily agreed.

In her opinion, Uncaria, Shiloh, and Nanxing, like Jiang Xuan, are her younger brothers. Now that his younger brother is getting married, he is naturally very happy as an older sister.

Chishao smiled again and asked, "Xuan, Uncaria is going to get married. When will you get married? As far as I know, there is a clan named Mallow who likes to run to you very much."

"Ah? I... Now the tribe is not stable, I haven't thought about this..."

Jiang Xuan felt very embarrassed. He was obviously married to Uncaria, how could it be involved with him? Is it because they are the same age?

But he doesn't want to get married at fifteen!

Chi Shao pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't say anything more, she respected Jiang Xuan's every choice.

On the other hand, Uncaria immediately found Poria, who was working in the field, and called her to the woods on the side.

"Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Poria was still breathing heavily. Working on the farm under the sun was very hard, and it was no easier than hunting.

There were strands of black hair on her temples that were wet with sweat and stuck to her cheeks.

Uncaria looked directly into her eyes and said, "I've made up my mind."

Hearing what he said, Fu Ling also knew what was going on, and her mood also became nervous and uneasy.

Poria looked into Uncaria's eyes, waiting for his answer.

Uncaria said seriously: "I want to set up a family with you."

In an instant, Poria's face gradually stretched out like a budding flower, and every eyelash was a smile.


Poria hugged Uncaria and rested her head on his shoulder, feeling his surging heartbeat and hot body temperature.

Uncaria's breathing became fast, which was a feeling I had never experienced before, very wonderful.

Gu Yan

Of course, Uncaria did not forget the business.

"The leader said that we should ask the witch to hold a ceremony for us, and all the clansmen in the tribe will participate."

"We will be married under the witness of the Fuji God and all the people of the Fuji tribe."

When Fuling heard these words, she said in disbelief, "I... I'm not dreaming, right?"

"Of course not. The leader also said that the tribe will give us some pottery, clothing and food to congratulate us on starting a family."

Fuling hugged Uncaria tightly, every word he said was something she never expected.

This kind of happiness that seemed to fall from the sky made her feel dizzy, as if she was in the clouds.

After a long time, Fu Ling let go of her hand and said, "I haven't done the work in the field yet, so I'll go to work first."

Fu Ling felt that the tribe was so kind to them, she had nothing else to repay, she could only work hard and do more for the tribe.

Uncaria looked at her back with a smile on her face.

Soon after, he told the news to Shi Loach, Nan Xing and others.

All congratulated Uncaria.

In the morning of March 29, the marriage ceremony of Uncaria and Poria officially started in front of the altar.

In order to make the ceremony more atmosphere, Jiang Xuan brought a lot of red flowers and placed them on both sides of the altar, which were very beautiful.

Some offerings were also placed on the altar for the rattan **** to enjoy.

All the clansmen of the Veng tribe came, and everyone gathered together in a lively manner.

Soon, the well-dressed Uncaria and Poria walked to the front of the altar. The two were excited, nervous, and longing.

"Come on, let's all be quiet and get ready to start."

Jiang Xuan stood beside the altar and waved his hand, and everyone slowly quieted down.

Chi Shao walked slowly to the altar, first chanted the God-pleasing mantra, and let the Vine God enjoy the offerings on the altar, and then recited the blessing mantra.

This time, God Vine specially lowered two intertwined vines for the two of them, and sprinkled some emerald green liquid into their bodies.

Uncaria and Poria felt a lot of vitality pouring into their bodies, and the two of them became more radiant.

"Thank you Fuji God."

Chishao leaned over to thank him, then gave Jiang Xuan a wink.

Jiang Xuan immediately walked to the front and said to everyone, "I have decided that in the future when the tribesmen get married, there will be an additional worship ceremony, and now it will start with Uncaria and Poria!"

Jiang Xuan briefly explained to Uncaria and Fuling how to worship, and the two kept nodding nervously.

"Okay, let's go to church!"

Jiang Xuan sang loudly: "One day to worship heaven and earth!"

Uncaria and Poria followed Jiang Xuan's instructions and bowed to the sky one after another.

The Teng tribe people felt that this ceremony was very new, and everyone wrote down the process of the ceremony and prepared to do the same when they got married in the future.

Jiang Xuan continued to sing: "Worship the God of Teng!"

The two of them bowed to the stone mountain one after another, and the divine vines on the stone mountain glowed slightly, and the vines danced gently, obviously receiving this ceremony.

"Bye husband and wife!"

It is a very novel and sacred experience to worship Uncaria and Poria.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

After Jiang Xuan finished singing, he immediately sent the newlyweds back to the house where they lived with the crowd.

Afterwards, it was the feasting session that everyone loved.

Now that the food is more abundant, Jiang Xuan asked people to cook more food than usual, so that everyone can eat happily and happily.

This whole day, and even for a long time in the future, the people of the Teng tribe relished this kind of worship ceremony.

Many people dream that they can hold such a ceremony when they get married.

Especially those more emotional women, they are already looking forward to their own marriage ceremony.

The next day, Jiang Xuan saw Uncaria again and found that there was something wrong with his walking posture and a little dark circles under his eyes, but he was in good spirits and swept away the previous decadence.

So he patted Uncaria's shoulder earnestly and said, "Young man, you must know how to control yourself."

Uncaria blushed, not knowing how to answer.

On the other hand, Fu Ling, who was behind Uncaria, replied sturdily, "Leader, we have to hurry up and have children to increase the population of the tribe."

Jiang Xuan was speechless and could only watch Uncaria being taken away by Poria.

Of course, the work that the two of them should do will still be done seriously and even better than other clansmen.

Because the two are grateful to the tribe, they can only work more, have more babies, and repay the tribe.

As for Jiang Xuan, he went back to his yard depressed and muttered, "Even if you want to hurry up and give birth to a baby, you have to be restrained..."

The dumplings on the side couldn't understand what he was saying, so they fluttered their wings and flew to the distant forest to hunt for food.


Before you know it, the hot summer has arrived.

The western wasteland is becoming increasingly dry, and the land is desertified, while the southern wasteland has frequent thunderstorms, and it is continuous, and gradually there is a trend of floods.



In the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, and the pouring rain is continuous.

Wearing a rain cape made of reed leaves, Jiang Xuan and Gan Song and others excavated earth and stones, and built a dam to prevent the river from flowing down the stream.

"Everyone is working harder, we can't let the flood wash our crops away!"

In the Feiyu River, the water level is still rising rapidly, and the crops near the Feiyu River are already showing signs of being flooded.

Because of this, Jiang Xuancai led everyone to build embankments in the rain, hoping to stop the river water and save this part of the crops.

This is one of the disadvantages of living by the river. Although most of the fields cannot be submerged, submerging some of them is enough to make the people of the Vine tribe feel sad.

After all, these crops are their hard work.

With the efforts of more than 500 people in the heavy rain, soon, a long dam appeared on the edge of the crop field, isolating the flooding river and stream.

Fearing that the river water would continue to rise, they kept raising and reinforcing the dams, and they were busy all day.

In the evening, the rain finally subsided. When everyone dragged their tired bodies back to their place of residence, they could finally take off their soaked clothes and go to the fire to bake.

Fortunately, the tribesmen are used to the rain, and their physique is strong, so they won't easily catch a cold.


Just when Jiang Xuan was about to cook something to eat, an astonishing beast roar suddenly came from the Feiyu River.

This kind of animal roar is like a dull I have never heard it before.

Jiang Xuan immediately ran out again nervously, came outside the bamboo forest, stood on a boulder, and looked at the Feiyu River from a distance.

I saw two huge water beasts appearing on the river, some of which were out of the water, but it was dark, and I couldn't see what it was.

But after the appearance of these two water beasts, Jiang Xuan felt a palpitations, obviously their fighting power far surpassed Jiang Xuan.

"No wonder most tribes are afraid of water. It seems that the danger in the water is no less than that in the forest."

Fortunately, the two huge water beasts did not come ashore, and they went downstream along the Feiyu River, and disappeared from Jiang Xuan's field of vision after a while.

Jiang Xuan returned to the house and cooked some food to eat.

Because of the heavy rain for days, many bugs are looking for high places to hide, and there are also many bugs climbing up the outer wall of Jiang Xuan's house.

Jiang Xuan didn't dislike it either. He caught some big bugs that could be eaten and baked them directly, which was considered a benefit on rainy days.

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