
A shining mushroom cloud rolled up into the sky, and car sirens rang out on the streets of almost half of Manhattan.

Danny's arm on the ground was shaking slightly. As a veteran, he still knew the basic posture of lying down to avoid gunfire.

The movement when lying down is similar to a plank support. Use your elbows to support the ground to keep a certain distance between the chest and the ground. Otherwise, the shock wave transmitted through the ground during the explosion can directly damage the human internal organs, making death extremely painful.

The fragments carried by the shock wave hit the body of the police car driven by Danny with a crackling sound. Although it was six or seven hundred meters away, people could still feel the rolling heat wave coming from the center of the explosion.

Jack climbed up from the ground in a hurry, not caring about shaking off the glass shards on his body, opened the back seat door whose window was shattered, and pulled Danny in who was still on the ground in a daze.

After a while, the sound of crackling and falling debris was heard again on the roof. This was the wreckage and gravel of the ambulance that had been blown up into the sky, returning to the earth under the influence of gravity.

It was not that Jack had never experienced bomb explosions before, but this was the first time he had seen a serious mushroom cloud. Unfortunately, it was difficult to see clearly at night. If it had been during the day, the scene would have been spectacular.

There was a "ding" sound when he polished the lighter and took a puff of the cigar amidst the strong smell of gunpowder smoke. Danny had the illusion of returning to the battlefield in Afghanistan, and almost suffered from PTSD.

Only a moment after the silence was restored, sirens blared all around. Dozens of fire trucks on standby rushed into Central Park and began spraying water on the trees that were ignited around the center of the explosion.

"This year there will be no place for New Yorkers to sunbathe and have picnics. The Bethesda Fountain is also ruined. I wonder what the animals in the zoo will be like. My sons will hate me to death." Danny muttered to himself as he looked at the explosion point. .

Jack shrugged, "The statues of Burns and Columbus are probably not saved either. They are too close. The Beethoven statue is not a big problem, but the carousel amusement park will definitely need major repairs."

Danny slapped him in the face and lamented, "It's a good thing the kids are grown up, you know Sean had to ride on the carousel there every week until he was five years old."

"I hope no tramp was injured." Jack blew out a smoke ring, and his beating heart finally began to slow down.

The NYPD was quite capable. When he drove into Central Park, the police had already completed the emergency evacuation and designated an area that would cause as little damage as possible.

It is a small piece of flat grassland called Sheep Meadow, which is the preferred place for New Yorkers to picnic and sunbathe from May to October every year.

When Jack drove an emergency vehicle filled with explosives into the South Gate of Central Park, Danny, who was already waiting there, gestured and drove ahead to lead him the way.

The two of them drove to the sheep meadow one after another. Jack abandoned the ambulance and got into the police car driven by Danny. Then the two of them turned around and began to run away desperately. They stopped the car on a small mound before the explosion. after.

The whole process is not as thrilling as those in Hollywood blockbusters, but it is scary enough. It is estimated that many New Yorkers will be awakened from their sleep by this huge explosion tonight, and the explosion debris falling from the sky will not be known to hit them. How many flowers and plants are ruined.

It’s really not that Jack didn’t want to rush into the lake in Central Park or the Hudson River, or drive onto the pier and rush into the sea. It could be shot like this in the movie, but at the speed just now, even if he could jump out of the car in time at the last moment, it would probably be too much. Can't escape the explosion range.

The nature of C4 is indeed very stable. It is said that it cannot be detonated by direct fire, but what Jack saw at that time was only part of it. Who knows whether the metal-encapsulated thing under the messy lines is C4 or a more unstable oxidation type? Chemical explosives.

The charge of a 155 grenade is about 10 kilograms of TNT. The killing radius on flat ground exceeds 50 meters. Even if the fragmentation power is not counted, its shock wave is enough to shred light armor targets within three meters, or destroy multiple layers within ten meters. brick wall.

If the ambulance was detonated due to the huge impact when it rushed into the water, Jack would die without knowing how.

Several Saber cars followed the NYPD police car convoy and drove into Central Park. A group of FBI got out of the car. Hannah jumped into Jack's arms like a deer and hugged him tightly. Jie followed behind. Jie was not as excited as she looked, but she also looked sad.

Jack sighed and reached out to hug her into his arms, making Danny's eyes widen.

After comforting her two girls, before Jack could say anything, Emily joined in the fun with a wicked smile and put several red lip marks on his face. In the end, even the female boss couldn't help but get excited and gave him Got a big hug.

"We'd better get out of here as soon as possible." Rossi seemed to be the calmest one at the scene, pointing to the long motorcade approaching in the distance. At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers could be heard in the sky. In addition to the police helicopter, there were also There are various TV news stations.

"Director Reagan, Mr. Mayor and some big shots should arrive one after another. Of course, Detective Reagan must stay. New York City needs a hero who can show his face."

"Me?" Danny pointed at himself in astonishment. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He hadn't figured out what happened before, but half of Central Park was destroyed, and he was an accomplice.

"Just tell the truth. After all, you also risked your life, right? Of course, Jack doesn't want you to reveal his name." Rosie opened the driver's door of a Saber class, rarely taking the initiative to admit it. driver.

"No matter what, I still hope that the FBI can use more models of vehicles in the future, instead of always using Saab class, and preferably not always black SUVs."

Jack was sitting in the back seat of the car, surrounded by two balls of warm-smelling nephrite on each side. He couldn't help but feel distracted. The sequelae that he hadn't had for a long time were coming back fiercely. He could only try to divert his attention and start looking for something to say.

"What do you say?" Dana Moger, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned a blind eye to the scene where the three of them were hugging each other and the current posture of hugging each other, and asked without looking back.

"The attack on Hotchner and Joyner was probably just an accident. The other party was targeting the federal agents, but he was not targeting them. Sababan with the federal government license plate is too easy to identify."

Although Jack's purpose is to divert attention, it is not completely aimless.

The location chosen by the planners is roughly determined, ensuring that the nearest emergency hospital is St. Buckley, but the person selected is random, as long as they are federal agents or agents, whether they are from the FBI or DHS, Even if it's from the NSA.

Because St. Buckley had been cordoned off by the Secret Service, only people with federal agent status could get through.

Even if the driver was not Jack and did not know Secret Service Director Joey Reacher, it was enough that there was a seriously injured federal agent in the car.

For this reason, the other party even prepared nitroglycerin for the treatment of angina pectoris in advance, so that they could create the illusion that the wounded person was about to be seriously injured and die at any time. It was an exhaustive strategy.

So Hotchner and Joyner were selected by the other side purely because of their official cars. Except for the odd car like Jack, the cars provided by FBI field agents are basically Saban or large black SUVs with federal government license plates.

After creating the illusion that a large-scale terrorist attack is about to occur, the other party only needs to guard the offices of several nearby relevant agencies that night.

Twenty minutes later, when Jack, surrounded by everyone, stepped into the combat center again, he was greeted with a standing salute and warm applause from everyone.

After someone had experienced the embarrassment of digging his toes into the ground for what seemed like half a century, Hotchner, who hurried back from the hospital, called everyone into the small office, although everyone had roughly figured out what was going on. Yes, but the details still need to be confirmed.

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