However, the black suit was released, but Jack did not move. Instead, he turned around and asked the distraught Hotchner in a low voice, "That terrorist who pretended to be a civilian, what did he say to you at that time?"

"What did you say?" Hotchner tried his best to shake his dizzy head and subconsciously repeated the question. Due to excessive blood loss and the timely appearance of his teammates, the effect of adrenaline faded quickly. I can't bear it any longer and just want to fall down and have a good sleep.

"He said. He recognized me as a police officer. Well, he saw the gun on my waist, so he recognized me as a police officer. Then he told me that he called 911 and stayed with me until you arrived. Kate's side."

"But he didn't call 911." Jack thought of the anonymous mobile phone found on the deceased, which had only an unknown number on it. "Did he make the call in front of you?"

"Yes." Hotchner was horrified, already vaguely understanding what Jack was implying, and couldn't help but look behind the ambulance compartment.

"Don't be stupid." Jack pushed him, opened the small window connected to the ambulance compartment, and said anxiously to the bald first responder, "Man, this hospital is blocked, we have to transfer to Knock Sishan Hospital, do you know how to get there?”

Because Jack didn't turn off the ambulance siren, the first responder in the trunk didn't know what he said to the people outside, "Knox Hill Hospital? It's too far there. I don't think she can survive to Knox." Mountain Hospital, you are the FBI, shouldn’t you have any privileges?”

"OK, I'll call my superior right now. Thank you, man." Jack already knew what he was doing. He closed the small window again, turned off the ambulance siren, and looked at the confused eyes of the Secret Service agents outside. Open the door and get out of the car.

"Give me your walkie-talkie and I want to talk to Joey Reacher directly."

"Didn't I say you could do it?" The man in the black suit holding the walkie-talkie didn't understand what was going on, but was interrupted by Jack's tilted look in the middle of his sentence. He immediately handed the walkie-talkie to him with understanding, and waved to other colleagues to surround him from behind. Live ambulance.

Jack pulled out the Sig Sauer P320-XTen from his waist and pressed the talk button on the intercom. "Joy, it's me, Jack. Who am I protecting in the hospital?"

"Jack? Is that you? This is confidential, I can't" came the voice of Jack Reacher's brother Joey on the intercom.

"Listen to me, this is very important. The people you protect may be in danger. I don't have time to explain now. Do you trust me, right?" Jack's voice was steady. As he spoke, he walked to the rear door of the ambulance and put his hand on it. On the door handle.

Joey on the other side of the intercom was a little confused, "Of course, but okay, you can't leak this information to the outside world. He is the president of Bolivia. He came here for heart surgery and is on the operating table now."

Jack had already walked around to the rear door of the ambulance, pulled the door handle, and opened the rear door of the ambulance.

At this time, a frightening long "beep" sound came from the ambulance. This was the alarm of the heart rate monitor. The bald first responder who was pressing his hands on Joyner's chest and preparing to give her a heart massage had a look on his face. Looking back nervously.

"Man, we're losing her! Her heartbeat"

"Bang! Bang!"

The body of the bald first responder fell down next to the stretcher bed, dying with his eyes open.

"What the hell is going on?" Several Secret Service agents who were completely confused about the situation subconsciously pointed their guns at Jack who fired.

"Put down the gun, put down the gun." The man in the black suit who had checked Jack's ID probably guessed something and quickly pressed the muzzle of his colleague's gun.

"I'll explain to Joey later, but now I have to ask you one thing." Jack pulled the stretcher out of the ambulance with force. At this time, Hotchner also staggered to his side, looking at the still unconscious man with a concerned look on his face. Unconscious Joyner.

"Help me send these two to the emergency room. They both need a doctor." Jack pulled out the IV and checked Joyna's condition, then picked up a syringe on the ground and looked at it. The addition of nitroglycerin caused her heart arrhythmia.

Then he climbed into the car, dug around on the body of the bald first responder, or terrorist, and found a pistol and an anonymous mobile phone.

Throwing the body out of the ambulance, Jack looked around and reached out to open the lockers in the car one by one. Several Secret Service agents standing behind the car and looking inside gasped. Angry, he subconsciously took two steps back.

I saw that all the places in the car where things could be stored were filled with bags of red "chocolate"-like objects. When Jack finally pulled up the long metal seat on the side of the car that could be used as both a seat and a storage space, When the cover is opened, the dense lines inside and a mobile phone connected to these lines fully explain everything.

"I'll leave this to you."

Jack jumped out of the car, closed the door again, and quickly got into the cab.

"Jack!" Hotchner, who was holding the stretcher, shouted to him subconsciously, his eyes full of worry. He knew exactly what Jack was going to do.

"We have to find a safe place." Jack replied calmly, sounded the siren, stepped on the accelerator, turned the car around and left.

It’s not that he wants to be a hero, the problem is that the C4 that he could see at a glance weighs less than a ton. Who knows how much those terrorists packed into the whole car? No wonder the car couldn’t go fast even when he stepped on the accelerator. He thought It's because the car's condition is too bad.

This is Manhattan, where every inch of land is at a premium. If so many C4 were detonated underground in the hospital, it would be enough to destroy the entire building. Even if it exploded on an empty street, the buildings on both sides might not be able to be saved.

According to the previous operating style of the Durange drug cartel, in addition to manual detonation, a timer device must also be set for safety.

Although he just didn't see a timer that made beeping alarm sounds like those used to arouse the audience's emotions in movies, the bomb this time was not like the menacing collar bomb installed around Alice's neck last time. A conspicuous red display is needed to remind the FBI of the time.

Just as Jack was driving and thinking about a suitable location, Garcia's anxious voice came from the communication channel.

"Jack, something is wrong. The number you asked me to check has been moving. It is consistent with the movement route of your ambulance. You are being followed."

Driving a "self-explosion truck" that can smash oneself to pieces, it would be a lie to say that one is not afraid. This time someone's adrenaline has already exploded.

While trying not to let his legs tremble when he stepped on the accelerator, he tried to keep his voice steady, "It's not that we are being followed, but that the terrorists pretended to be emergency personnel. I have killed him, but there is one last question. solve.

Garcia, I need you to help me find a place where I can safely detonate a truckload of C4 explosives. The weight starts at one ton, maybe two tons, maybe more, the faster the better. Damn it, this car can only go 60 yards now. . "

There was silence in the channel, as if Garcia was trying to digest the meaning of Jack's words.

"Garcia, are you still there? Help!" Jack was a little anxious.

"OK, OK." Garcia was even more nervous than he was, and the sound of her typing on the keyboard came from the channel.

"Well, drive north to Central Park. That's the largest open space in Manhattan. Oh my god, why is it you every time? Why does it have to be you who does this kind of thing every time!"

"Maybe because I'm handsome enough." Jack looked at the road and opened the anonymous mobile phone he just found from the bald terrorist. Unsurprisingly, he found a caller number on it. He knew without guessing that it belonged to the previous disguise. A commoner boy.

Obviously, the phone number of this phone was the one he asked Garcia to check before. Then he found a countdown timer on the phone as expected, which made him slightly relieved. There were still nearly 20 minutes left.

"Garcia, contact Chief Regan of the NYPD directly and tell him that they have 15 minutes to evacuate people in Central Park. The bomb will explode in 19 minutes and 20 seconds. The area will be large and a large enough evacuation area is needed."

There was a cry in Garcia's voice again, "We are already in contact. Thank God, because the NYPD maintained a traffic blockade before, and now there will be no traffic jams. You can get there in ten minutes at most."

"Okay, just in case, I should turn on the signal jammer and ask the NYPD people to wait for me at the South Gate entrance, the one with the subway entrance. Wish me good luck!"

"Jack!" Garcia cried, and the next moment, the signal was interrupted.

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