"Then you have to stop. I'm sorry, but let me read your consciousness. First of all... why did you guys know my name?


The spell officer tied to the chair is turning a silent, hateful gaze.

I'm sure you're determined never to divulge information, but you won't be able to resist the effects of ESP medals.

In the memory of the Sheikhs and Deanes, he began to serve Sheila, the wife of the Sheikhs and the mother of Deane, in "The Garden of God" several years ago.

When I heard this story, I remembered the priest who was with Baron Corval in the city of Lellis.

An investigation by the adventurers revealed that that priest led Baron Corbal to a dark worship. If so, it would be natural to associate it with this spell officer as well.

Unlike Baron Corbal, he may have a lot of information about the Dark Worshipers (demonstrators).

I concentrate my spirit and explore his consciousness through ESP medals.

"It's a trust... The King of the Dark... and his trustees... He told me to kill a man named Geo Margils..."

King of the Dark. You're getting bigger.

But I don't feel much specificity in his consciousness. Is' King of the Dark 'an inherent noun? Or is that just what he calls something?

"The King of the Dark? Who the hell is that? Why are you trying to kill me?

The reports of the rades who have scouted say that 'The Garden of God' was already occupied by the Dark One and that only the Spellman was alive. What happened to Deane's mother and the Schulz people, what is the focus, and what does it have to do with the prophecies received by the warring witches?

There are so many things I want to ask, I get in more hurry.

"The Dark King... destroys the world..." Geo Margils is... out of the way... …… ■ ■ ■ ■ ……

No, I guess so. Damn, how do I get the information I want to ask......

There is beginning to be a mixture of meaningless noise in his consciousness that is transmitted from the ESP medal to my brain. I felt a similar noise when I read Baron Corval's consciousness of losing his sanity.

Time limits are approaching in many ways.

"Is the Dark King giving instructions to Dark Worshipers (Demonists) around the world?... Oh, can you even get your hands on something that's not a dark worshipper (demonist)?

I listen as I grab the spell officer's shoulder and rock it.

The magician's eyes, shaking his body back and forth irresistibly, were vain.

"The King… speaks to our hearts…. ■ ■ ■ …. The king is everywhere... to everyone... to hateful things... ■ ■..."

"So that's what gave the warring witch a little bit too!? You passed on false information that I'm a ghost or a focal point!?

There's more noise in the spell officer's thoughts. His consciousness will soon be swallowed by noise.

…… ■ ■ …… □■■□■□■…… ■■■□■■■■■■□■……

"Damn...... are there other priests of the dark gods like you!? Where are you?


... There was no longer any information floating around in the consciousness to explore in the ESP medal. Almost... the regret springs up.

The magician's eyes were completely golden and began to glow.

From behind that consciousness, the emotions that gradually come to destroy… anger and hatred that are also close to the dark boil down.

"That's it... No, wait"

I put my strength again in my hand trying to get it off the spell officer's shoulder.

The ability of ESP medals is telepathic.

Until now, though, I've only used it to receive in telepathy, that is, to read the other person's consciousness.

On the contrary, wouldn't you be able to send your consciousness to the other person's consciousness?

The 'D&B' rules don't say how to use it like that... but it's the flavor of TRPG to devise how to use spells and items.

"... Hey! Spellman! Get your sanity back!

Bring your words to his consciousness through ESP medals…

"… □ □ ■ □ ■ A… Agaga……"

"If you're a human being, help us one last time! Other demonstrators! Where and what are they doing!?

I don't know from whether he still has such a conscience.

But there are no other words to say. A desperate call to his heart dyed with hatred like a well in the dark night, he said.

The image came through, not the words.

"Hey, ahhh!

"Wonderful, wonderful! The birth of a new focus!

The sight of a thin silk beauty engulfed in darkness while losing her figure.

"Dear Shale, all grudges will be cleared of this ghost statue."

The figure of a magician and a beautiful woman speaking in front of an altar made of dark and human carcasses, seen in the basement of the city of Lellis.

The figure of a magician walking silently on a street like nowhere else.

The figure of a young magician looking up at a temple shining in pure white.

"Are you Margils?"



"What happened!?

Apparently, he was snooping back in time for a fragment of the spell officer's memory.

Suddenly as I was looking at the image of a giant temple, the 'voice' pierced my consciousness.

It doesn't belong to the magician.

'Voices' full of heavy pressure and hatred until overwhelming.

I was shocked and...... screaming in terror, buttocks on. The sound of ESP medals falling to the floor sounds.

Surprised Crawla and Reykha leaned in and supported me but my whole body was shaking.


The effect of the ESP medal has also been broken and the link of consciousness with the Spellman has been completely blocked.

I can't even hear that 'voice' anymore... but that is clearly out of standard. Maybe that's what they did with the Dark King.

"Terrible sweat...... what's wrong?

"Lord, be sure..."

Crawla wipes sweat with a handkerchief for what it's worth. Reykha looks worried too.

But at some point I turn my gaze to the Rade who pulled out the Great Sword and to the Spellman who is cramping his body while tied up.

"Lade, he..."

"Stay back."

"Ga, a, gaga, gaga..."

The spellman's cramps become so intense that his bones are likely to break.

His head, which was shaking big back and forth, swelled up like a CG... and blew it up.


It sounds similar to the punk of an automobile (even though it doesn't work here).

At that moment when the head of the spell cleaved from the inside and the fragments splashed, a large chunk popped up and seemed to stick to the ceiling more clearly.


"... eh"

Crawla stiffened as she hugged me, and Laiha pulled out her dagger and stepped forward to shelter us.


He pokes his sword out unconstitutionally while raising his voice like a fly to beat even.

Doss, and a steel cut pierced the 'chunk' sticking to the ceiling.

"Hey, what the hell, that's..."

"Kiki Kiki"

Sewn in the ceiling with a great sword, the 'lump' was weak and swollen.

If you stare at it, it's a creepy creature that reminds you of a spider or jellyfish that made more of a pink meat match (?).

Is it about a third the size compared to the head of a spell officer?

"Oh, that thing... was lurking in my head...?


Rayha groans, who could probably observe the creature in more detail than anyone else.

Crawla was watching the creature for a few seconds, but couldn't stand it and buried her face on my shoulder.

Even if it's a crawler, she's not supposed to pull a step against the Dark Opponent. But this would be an occasion to praise Reyja for her high degree of grossly resistance. I want to turn away, too, if possible.

Naturally, the scene of "interrogating enemy executives taken prisoner" anticipated developments such as being killed by mouth seals or committing suicide. That's why I was in a hurry to interrogate you too... this is too unbroken.

"I've never seen it before, either. … the possessed (Horned) actually seemed like a well-targeted way of saying it"

The rade groaned bitterly.

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