"... I see, that's Russ Boss now...?

I shrugged as I walked into the floor.

In front of me is the Spellman who lost his head and then Leiha's stunning glutes that stand to shelter me.

The left arm still has a strong crawler.


The contents of the spell's head, skewered into the ceiling by the rade - let's call it a dark worm, suppose - contracted and disappeared as he ejected steam, as promised.

"... it's all right now"


stroke and whisper as gently (and unobnoxiously) as possible the back of a stiff crawler with his face down.

She let herself go like she was bounced.

"That one's gone. It's okay now."

"Oh, yeah?

Crawla looked around as she blushed, seeing the innocuous appearance of the magician, and blued again.


"Better get some rest."

"Right... ah"

Busy she dyed her face red again and took her hand off my robe, which she was still grabbing hard.

"Wow, what I (I) did is disturbing... Oh, sorry. Buckwheat?

I don't know what you mean, she said as you stretched the wrinkles of a robe that was pulled and made out of it with both hands.

The way it looks is kind of smiling, and I feel my fears fade as much as they did just now. I didn't think you'd get a healing effect from Crawler.

The "voice" of The Dark King, which I felt only for a moment, was certainly horrible, but my impression is surprisingly diminished when the contact disappears. For example, it feels like I jumped out of a nightmare.


Reykha began to wipe the blood and brains of the magician on Crawler's hair and body. It's really worth it.

Don't feel like Rayha has prioritized the care and intentions of Crawla over me in everyday life these days...... Well, as a person who is loyal in a brainwashed way, it is not welcome for her to wake up free will.



Nodding, etc., a frustrated rade kicked me in the back with the toe of a military shoe.... Isn't that a little too much?

"What are you on the swallowing side? Didn't you figure something out before this guy died?

Oh, yeah. Wow.

"The King of the Dark, huh? … there were rumors that such a thing existed somewhere"


At the beginning and end of the body, we asked for Gangyi Castle's turn, and we were gathered in a separate room.

The words of the magician read in the ESP medal, the last image that emerged, and the 'voice' heard from further back in his spirit.

Describing them, the rade squeaked.

"Oh.... maybe the Presbyterian knows more"

He flaunts his unexpectedly righteous face and arms.

I've felt it before, but the warriors seem to have a lot of disparities between the upper echelons and the actual work force.

"So the Dark King and the others are behind the Dark Worshippers (demonstrators) everywhere."

"Are we… the ones who were manipulating the tribe (Heikluus) that makes the plot a business?

"Probably so. And somehow the Dark King is after me in his name"

I imagined these things were blurry until now, but I was finally certain with this information.

If Baron Corbal or the King of the Dark, who obtained my information from the priest who was with the Baron, had ordered the Schulz magician to finish me off, Tsuji would fit.

"... Again, as Camberlis said, the Witch's Prophecy..."

Rade said with a bitter look.

Yes, it would also be possible for a warring witch to make me think of myself as the focal point if the Dark King were to be influenced by figures from all over the world.

It's a bad but delightful miscalculation on his part that Reid mentioned there before I pointed it out.

"In the first place, I don't know the details of what a witch's prophecy is. Maybe the Dark King is interfering."

"... oh"

I've fought the devil in the presence of witches and elders since I was so tempted. It can't be hard, but he was chewing his back teeth off and pushing his emotions to death. It's a big deal.


"... I hate to say it. Strong opponent."

The Dark Worm is probably like a tool for manipulating the Dark Worshipers (demonstrators) under his command. That's about it when it comes to what I found out, and I don't know who I am, where I am, or what I was meant to be.

Worst of all, we might be able to plant dark worms in human brains around the world or even have an army of dark worms (Legions) appear wherever we want when we want.

Crawler called it a strong (...) opponent. Terrible opponent, but not a very boring opponent.

The area around the jaw of the crawler is tense. They're eating up their teeth.

My fingers grabbing my arms were too powerful.

Her usually cool beauty was full of tension, fear and fighting spirit.

She was going to fight and win.

"Oh, he's a mighty enemy. But there's always a way to win."

I affirmed immediately.

Girls like my daughter are attracting 'good women'. Should I expose myself to ugliness?

"Speaking of which, Russ... you said you could handle it, didn't you? The Lord knows who the Dark King is...?

"No, it means as much as the mightiest enemy we'll ever have to defeat."

"Are you the one on the left?"

Naturally, it's unclear if we have the means to defeat that one.

But I was oddly calm after recovering from the first mess.

There are certainly childish thoughts that I can't defeat, such as Lasbos... I haven't played 'D&B' and TRPG for Dada for over a decade.

This world (Sedia) is not the stage of the game, though it has been painful many times.

Still, it would not be realistic, in the opposite sense, to have the presence of a Dark or Dark King without the means to defeat that Dark King.

Truth be told, this is the first time for me, 'a battle I don't know if I can win'.

And that also means I was finally in the same position as my people.

Not if I'm scared.

Years ago, the fighting spirit I felt when I was thrown round a project of bankruptcy premise just in the company's power struggle.

As a student, challenging when Russ Boss emerged for over two years of campaign scenarios.

Together they were springing up in me.

"... sooner or later, I will defeat that one. But there's still something left to do before then. First, we must destroy the 'nest' in God's garden."

The image I got from the magician makes it seem like Deane's mother ended up in a 'nest'.

Will you manage to rescue your mother?

There are still a lot of things to clean up before you go back to Jeetaias Castle.

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