Fourth World War.

This term has gone through more than ten years of peace after the establishment of the coalition government. Everyone thought that there would not be a world war between human beings. Humanity has been united, and it is impossible for such a large-scale conquest of each other to occur again.

In the past ten years, Daxia has provided a lot of assistance to various countries to help them quickly restore their economy and stabilize their society. Of course, Daxia's assistance is not completely free. While helping countries, Daxia also infiltrated them to varying degrees in various fields.

For example, 95% of the virtual reality games that occupy most of the leisure time of human beings are produced by Daxia Company. In this era of virtual reality for all people, Daxia controls the entertainment and soft culture of all mankind.

Although Daxia's help to various countries is purposeful, it is undeniable that they have indeed relieved their anger with Daxia's help. Da Xia's attitude towards them in the past ten years can be said to be the best in history, like a world-friendly big brother.

This state has lasted for more than ten years, giving countries the illusion that Daxia is a peaceful and friendly country.

Only at this moment did the heads of countries wake up from that illusion. Daxia is still the civilization that oppresses the world and destroys countless countries and nations. Daxia is friendly to them, just because it makes it easier for people of all countries to accept Daxia culture.

The scene was silent for a while, and the heads of countries suddenly found that they didn't know what to say.

When the coalition government was established, Daxia proposed a fifty-year human integration plan. The coalition government will guide and promote in the next 50 years, all human beings will integrate in various aspects such as culture and economy to form a real community with a shared future for mankind.

When this plan was proposed, all countries knew that this community with a shared future for mankind was very likely to be called the Daxia Community of Shared Future for Humanity after it was formed. But even so, countries still agreed to the human integration plan.

Because at that time, Da Xia still retained most of the living strength, and they had been crippled, and they would not be Da Xia's opponents if they united.

So the world was integrated for the first time, a new international pattern emerged, and under the rule of a coalition government, the world ushered in the greatest peace in history. At the same time, a war without gunpowder smoke broke out, a culture war.

Judging from the current situation, Daxia has pushed all the countries to the ground and exported their own culture crazily. By giving aid to countries, infiltrating their various fields. Through the power of the United Nations, the college entrance examination of Daxia language is 20 points more than other languages. Instill Daxia culture to all human beings through colorful virtual reality games...

Over the past ten years, Daxia culture has been well known and sought after by all mankind. And under this wave, their culture began to be gradually consumed.

Faced with this situation, all countries know that they will definitely lose if they go on like this. When the human integration plan is completed, it will be the moment when their country perishes.

Countries have also been working hard over the years to cultivate people's sense of identity and pride in their own culture, but the effect is not significant. If they do not get rid of their dependence on Daxia, no matter what efforts they make, the people will continue to learn Daxia culture. Because in this era, people who can speak Daxia and Daxia can find a good job.

When people just learned Daxia culture, most of them did not like Daxia culture, but passively or actively learned it for various reasons. Such as exam extra points, work needs. The language in the virtual reality game is Daxia. Although there is a translator, I can speak a few words when I listen to it...

At first, everyone only came into contact with the Daxia culture because of certain life needs, but they have become accustomed to the Daxia culture in their subconscious.

Living in this era full of all kinds of Daxia culture, even if you don't take the initiative to contact, learn Daxia culture, or even reject it, you will be affected by the surrounding environment and passively accept Daxia culture.

When developing a sense of national identity and pride has not worked, some countries have taken a more extreme approach. Since there is no way to resist Daxia's assimilation by strengthening his own culture, then directly reject him and oppose him!

Of course, these countries also know that they cannot directly and openly reject and oppose Daxia, because if they do. In a few minutes, the human army stationed in their country will arrest them for the crime of attempting to destroy the human community.

The troops stationed in various countries now have one thing in common. They are not soldiers from their own countries. These troops composed of soldiers from other countries will not give them face.

Since I can't target Daxia, I will target all people, reject all foreign cultures, and protect the culture of my own country as its name suggests.

We secretly keep propagating that we are the most honorable nation, and we are the best race. Some of them even came out. Daxia's various aids to us were all because of our worship. to win the support of ultra-nationalism and win a large number of votes.

As for whether such propaganda will lead to the sanctions of Daxia? Of course, these heads of state knew that this would lead to sanctions from Daxia, making their domestic recovery extremely slow or even stagnant, but even so, they still did it.

Because if they don't do that, they can't get elected, they can't kick the people down, and they can't come into power themselves.

The scene was silent for five minutes, and everyone looked thoughtful and began to think about how to stabilize Da Xia.

At this time, the president of the Cecilia Democratic Republic, one of the two major powers in the Northern Continent, took the lead in breaking the silence and said, "Li Shoufu, please calm down, there are indeed some people who do not follow the rules and make small moves in secret, but things haven't broken down yet. to the point of.”

The only thing to do now is not how to solve this problem, but to stabilize Daxia and avoid the outbreak of a world war. After all, Daxia is too strong now, and the space fleet that went to the cracks in the past two years can destroy all their countries.

After the first person was born, the heads of various countries echoed:

Tian Yuanguo: "That's right, we can't destroy the community with a shared future for mankind that we finally established."

Qiguo: "The community with a shared future for mankind should not be destroyed by some opportunistic villains, they do not have the qualifications."

The major powers spoke up one after another while stabilizing Daxia, while sarcastically and secretly satirized some people.

Although they are not willing to be assimilated by Daxia, it does not mean that they want to lead things to extremes. The current situation is the best so far. Daxia conquers them with soft power, rather than conquering them with hard power.

A few idiots who came to power on the basis of extreme nationalism thought that they would be able to quell domestic problems after sitting in that position. But once ultranationalism rises, it's hard to put down again.

Li Zhiguo was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "Indeed, the community with a shared future for mankind that was finally established should not be disbanded for the sake of a few clowns."

Hearing this, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although they know Daxia, it is impossible to dismantle the coalition government that was finally established because of this incident, which will not benefit Daxia.

Strictly speaking, a coalition government is a system established by Daxia, a road that can peacefully achieve harmony in the world. Until the last moment, Daxia will not give up the human coalition government.

At this time, Li Zhiguo's voice changed: "But now the problem has arisen. If this problem is not solved, then this problem will become a bomb for the collapse of the community with a shared future for mankind in the future."

The eyes of the heads of state moved slightly. They knew that Li Zhiguo's tough attitude before was not really about starting a world war, but taking advantage of it.

"So I propose to strengthen the control of countries by the United Nations, which is my proposal."

The next moment, a virtual screen appeared in front of everyone.

[Proposal to amend the powers of the coalition government]

Revised content: Original [The coalition government has only the right to supervise the internal affairs of various countries and cannot directly interfere. 】

Change: When there is an act against the community with a shared future for mankind in each country, the coalition government has the right to supervise and reserves the right to intervene, and does not rule out force intervention.

After everyone read it, Li Zhiguo showed a kind smile and said, "Da Xia agrees to this proposal, please raise your hand if you object."

The heads of states fell into silence, their expressions were very calm, but their hearts were madly complaining.

Shoot the gun? !

After more than ten minutes of discussion, the first vote was held: six in favor, three against, and forty abstentions.

The first vote was 6:3, the proposal passed the first round of voting, the meeting was dissolved, and everyone waited for the second round of voting seven days later.

In the next few days, Daxia's space fleet circled all the capitals of the countries, just like the military exercise to prevent the aliens from attacking again.

At the same time, the most powerful heads of state who jumped some time ago began to seek solutions, but they suddenly found that they had no way back, and they could not suppress those extreme nationalisms at all.

They came to power with the support of ultra-nationalism, but are now in trouble because of ultra-nationalism. Now they are like dancing in shackles, they can only move forward but not backward.

Once he loses the support of the ultra-nationalist forces, he will fall completely. And he lost his identity as the leader of the country, which also means that only death awaits him next. So they can only bite the bullet and go on, taking one step at a time.

Seven days later, the coalition government went all out to revise the proposal and entered the second round of voting.

Before the meeting started, Li Zhiguo said: "[The coalition government makes full efforts to revise the proposal] After all, it is a proposal related to all countries, so I hope everyone can exercise their voting rights well."

Second round of voting: Forty-five votes in favour and three against.

The [Coalition Government Power Amendment Proposal] was successfully passed, and then it was announced to the entire human society.

[Coalition Government Powers Amendment Bill] Once announced, it was like a boulder falling into the water, which immediately caused an uproar.

Demonstrations broke out in some countries against the Coalition Government Powers Amendment Bill. In the face of these demonstrations, various countries quickly arrested the leaders on charges of disturbing social order and illegal demonstrations, and quelled the demonstrations.

According to the Law of Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, an application is required for a parade, and an unauthorized parade is regarded as disturbing social order, or even a terrorist act.

But there are three countries that are very special. Their parade missiles have not been suppressed, but have intensified. The governments of the three countries began to garrison the army to plead for the suppression of the demonstrations, but received no response from the garrisoned troops.

All the countries in the world also pretended not to see the affairs of these three countries, and everyone ignored these three countries tacitly, and the next three countries will be the chickens to be killed for them.

On the tenth day after the promulgation of the Powers Amendment Act, the demonstrations of the Australasia, Cecil, and Shaq countries became more and more violent, rising to violent conflicts, and they began to fight for independence and independence from the coalition government.

Unlike the lively scenes of Shaq, Cecil, and Australasia, the rest of the world is terrifyingly calm. All countries are waiting for Da Xia's performance to see how he kills these three chickens.


Daxia East Road, the portal area of ​​the First Military Region.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of heavy metal impact and mechanical operation sounded, and one after another large mechas with a height of 15 meters came out of the portal. The mecha is silver-white all over, holding a five-meter-long firearm with a pair of steel wings with six huge jets behind it.

Because the anti-gravity device is too expensive and the size of the large humanoid mecha is too large, the current mecha unit is not equipped with an anti-gravity device.

However, the Magician Association said that it would develop a floating magic that can make a large humanoid mecha, a behemoth weighing dozens of tons, float.

[Mecha units No. 001 have all entered the main world]

[No. 002 mecha units have all entered the main world]

[No. 003 mecha units have all entered the main world]

On the huge military take-off runway of the First Military Region, three hundred ten-meter-high steel giants were neatly arranged in three queues. The ten-meter-high steel body, thick armor, huge steel wings, and huge firearms, these mechas are full of a violent beauty, which makes people's blood boil at a glance.

[Repeat the content of the task]

[Mission: Suppress the rebellion that broke out in Shake, Cecil, and Try to avoid civilian casualties and annihilate all armed forces. 】

[001 Mecha Troop Mission Target: Australasia]

[002 Mecha Troop Mission Target: Cecil Country]

[003 Mecha Troop Mission Target: Shake Country]

【The mission begins! 】

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mecha standing in the front row took a step, and after running forward for a while, the steel wings behind it spurted white flames, and then the fifteen-meter-high steel giant rose into the air.


Three hundred large humanoid mechas took off and flew towards their mission goals.

Countries around the world thought that the next Daxia's action to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys should be the use of interstellar warships seized from alien civilizations to suppress them by force. However, Da Xia took out a more interesting thing to open their eyes.


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