For the Human Federation six light years away, although Daxia has no effective means to observe their actions, he has already obtained various information about the Human Federation from the captain of the spaceship and others. Before being captured by Daxia, the human federal transport spacecraft had already sent a distress signal to the earth, and the distress signal contained the information of normal-temperature superconducting ore.

This also means that after the Human Federation receives the distress signal, it will immediately send a fleet to the planet Pandora.

After calculation, the fleet of the Human Federation will reach the planet Pandora in about five years, and it may even take only three years. Because according to the memory of the captain of the battleship, the Human Federation has developed a short-distance jump technology. Before he set off, this short-distance jump technology was still in the experimental stage, and now it has been seven years since he set off. It is unknown whether this jump technology has been put into use.

Daxia still has three to five years of mining time, but for the sake of safety, to prevent the human federation from discovering, Daxia's mining time on the planet Pandora cannot exceed three years. After all, they still have to leave some interesting things on the planet Pandora to fool the human federation and prepare for the next interstellar war.

Daxia is the future ally of the Human Federation. As an ally, it is of course obliged to remind them to prepare for war.

In the second year, under the mining of tens of thousands of super-large mining machines regardless of the cost, the superconducting ores on the planet Pandora have been mined, and the ecosystem of the entire planet Pandora has been destroyed.

Daxia has obtained a total of 110 million tons of room temperature superconducting ore, which will make a qualitative leap in some fields.

For example, in the field of computers, it will become extremely simple to manufacture larger and higher-efficiency quantum computers, and the associated field of artificial intelligence will also improve.

For example, in the field of energy transportation, according to calculations, copper or aluminum wires are used to transmit electricity, and about 15% of the electrical energy is lost on the transmission line. And superconducting wires and superconducting transformers made of superconducting materials can deliver electricity to the destination with almost no loss.


Great Summer Calendar 54011 March 5

After more than ten years of full development, all fields of Daxia have returned to their peaks. The catastrophe of the alien forces is a catastrophe for Daxia, and it is also a nirvana rebirth and then standing.

Huge breakthroughs have been made in both the heavy industry and the light industry, and a new generation of technology is born every year. The development speed of every industry has reached an unprecedented level, and every technology is progressing faster or slower.

Among the fastest growing fields are military, energy, machinery, biology, medical care, and education.

Military: The new generation of Daxia army generally has two kinds of space fleet and pioneer army.

After fifteen years of frantic expansion regardless of cost, Daxia already has a large interstellar main battleship (35 kilometers in length), five medium-sized interstellar battleships (10 kilometers), a hundred small interstellar battleships (3 kilometers), Various types of large mechas have also reached thousands.

Legion of Trailblazers: Due to the extreme scrutiny required to become a trailblazer, the number has not increased much.

For example, the three most basic processes have reached the third level, the family is innocent, and there is no criminal record. If you meet these three requirements, you can't become a pioneer, you can only become a reservist, and then you will face an extremely cruel training. In this training, even if it is a third-order life body that breaks through the physical limit, only three out of ten are qualified.

The most basic requirements alone have killed countless people. Coupled with the brutal training that followed, the pass rate for the Trailblazers was one in a million, and a trailblazer might not be born out of one million citizens.

Sunshine troops: 1586 people. Bloodborne troops: 569 people.

Machinery: Fully automatic production machines have been realized. With the help of neural worms, mechanical prosthetics with higher sensitivity than the physical body have been popularized, and a large number of disabled people have been replaced by mechanical prosthetics, leaving their identity as disabled people.

Biological: The emergence of artificial organs allows patients who need organ transplants to get a suitable organ within three months. Also, with the help of neurites, even an extremely complex organ such as the eye can be transplanted.

Artificial organs grown from your own cells will not be rejected for transplantation. As a result, as long as your body has an organ transplant, you can transplant it for you.

For example, the popular "Men's Revival Surgery", first use its own cells to cultivate a better root, and then remove the old root and replace it.

However, this operation involves complex organs such as the excretory system and the reproductive system, so the probability of failure is high, but fortunately, there is magic to cover the bottom of the casualty rate is almost zero. If it fails, it will be resected, healed with magic, and then transplanted again.

Incidentally, increasing the magic can also make that strip grow again, the only problem is that it can only be excreted and cannot fight.

Medical treatment: At present, most terminal illnesses have been cured, and various types of cancer have been cured one after another.

In recent years, the medical field has maintained a very high popularity in society, all because of the emergence of a pill [Goddess Fertility Pill]. This pill, which is claimed to make men into fast shooters, caused an uproar as soon as it was released. The majority of men said that this thing is too evil and should not exist in this world.

Although the Goddess Fertility Pill has a lot of bad reviews on the Internet, it is still very popular because it can make people give birth to better offspring. Taking this pill can not only improve the chances of pregnancy, but also eliminate the possibility of various congenital genetic diseases in the child. Simply eliminating genetic diseases will allow many people who are planning to have children to take this pill.

For the sake of future generations, countless men ate this quick gun medicine with tears.

Education: Added two electives, Martial Arts and Magic. At the same time, universities are divided into three types, ordinary universities, martial arts universities, and magic universities.


On April 5, 5410 of the Great Xia calendar, the total population of the Great Xia reached 2.6 billion, with humans accounting for 90%, demons 3%, elves 1%, dwarves 2%, succubus 2%, and the remaining races 2%.

Daxia has basically completed the second home plan, and the territory of the old empire and the territories of the western countries have been basically developed. Now Daxia has begun to expand to the outside world and clean up the dangerous species.


main world.

After more than ten years of revival and construction, all countries have worked together under the control of the human coalition government, and finally recovered. Although the living standard of the people has not yet returned to the pre-war level, the major heavy and light industries have all returned to their original levels.

With the recovery of heavy industry and light industry, people's living standards have also begun to improve, and the improvement of living standards has led to a decline in the crime rate in areas where the crime rate was originally high.

At the same time, due to the devastating catastrophe, coupled with the unified control and guidance of the coalition government, the people of all countries have gradually recognized a community with a shared future for mankind. Of course, it is only to admit that there are still a large number of people who still do not recognize the coalition government, and even some hate the coalition government.

Because they think that the reason why life is so hard now is that the coalition government oppresses them.

This hatred is polarized between the East and the West, and the people of the East, who advocate order, recognize the dominance of the coalition government. Most of the Western people who advocate liberal democracy feel that the coalition government is oppressing them. He is a dictator and he restricts our freedom.

West: The coalition government uses the slogan of revival of human beings to make them work nine hours a day, and only have one day off on weekends! ? And it has completely banned drugs, not even marijuana! How can such a person live!

In the past, drug criminals could fight with the police by their ferocity, but now the anti-drug police officers are all wearing exoskeleton mechas, and fighting drug criminals is like playing. The drug dealers took a broken rifle and fought a group of supermen who jumped ten meters and jumped over the walls. What the hell? !

After several large-scale drug sweeps, the drug trade instantly dropped to the lowest point in history. Now money can't buy drugs, and all that can be bought are police fishing.

At the same time, Daxia culture has become the mainstream culture in the world in the past ten years. As long as a person has a normal brain, he can speak a few Daxia dialects and recognize a few Daxia characters. In the beginning, countries also deliberately resisted this wave, but the later this wave of culture became more and more violent, they found that they could not stop the assimilation of Daxia culture to them.

Ninety-five percent of people on Yunxing now spend their free time playing virtual reality games every day. And these virtual reality games are developed by Daxia Company, which is full of various cultural indoctrination.

[Daxia campus life] [Daxia ancient life] [Martial arts] [How to get along with Daxia people's wives] [How to get along with Daxia people's husbands]...

All kinds of games like brainwashing recognize that people of all countries have been assimilated unconsciously, especially the new generation, the Daxia language has been vaguely equal to their mother tongue.

The reason why the new generation learns Daxia is very simple. Because of the college entrance examination of the coalition government, Daxia is the second language with the highest bonus points. In addition, in this era when Daxia Company controls most of the high-paying fields, if you want a good job in the future, Daxia Language is a pass.


The Great Xia East Continent, the old imperial capital, the human coalition government.

In the conference hall of the Human Coalition Government, there is a huge round conference table with a virtual model of a cloud star suspended in the center of the conference table. There are a total of forty-eight positions beside the conference table.


The next moment, the blue virtual projections suddenly appeared in the forty-eight positions. They were all heads of countries, but most of them were newly appointed heads.

Everyone looked at Li Zhiguo, the representative of Daxia, with puzzled eyes, not understanding why he suddenly called an emergency meeting.

After seeing everyone present, Li Zhiguo clasped his hands, looked at everyone present with sharp eyes, and said, "Unconsciously, sixteen years have passed since the catastrophe. During these sixteen years, in our coalition government's Under unified control, human society can be restored."

"But after everyone calmed down, some people seem to want to start their own road to power."

Hearing that the eyes of the heads of state here moved I suddenly had a bad feeling.

After the restoration of human society, the cohesion of the coalition government, instead of rising, has declined. Some countries feel that they no longer need to continue to rely on the coalition government and want to break away from the control of the coalition government. It was once proposed to dissolve the human army and restore the military sovereignty of various countries.

Some countries have even begun to do this. They used the reorganization of the army as an excuse to regroup the soldiers who were originally disrupted in the human army and form some troops.

With the re-emergence of peace, without the oppression of foreign enemies, human beings began to divide again.

Li Zhiguo paused, glanced at everyone present, and said coldly, "Obviously you don't want to abide by the rules of the game of a community with a shared future for mankind. Since this is the case, then there is no need to continue this game of peace."

"How about we start the Fourth World War and have a real coalition government of mankind?"


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the heads of countries finally couldn't collapse.


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