The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 102: I would like to dedicate everything for His Majesty, and everything for the Emperor

The system has long been aware of the pressure in the host's heart, and this pressure has grown over time. This obviously seriously affected the physical and mental health of the array, so the system began to look for a solution.

All the human psychology and physiology were directly retrieved from Xia Soul, using this knowledge combined with the host's situation to make real-time calculations, simulating every event with a 0.1% chance of happening.

After 100,000 calculations, the system came to a conclusion: Human beings are more emotional than rational creatures, and sometimes survival is not their first need. They will be influenced by their own emotions and make some breakthroughs in their survival instincts. matter. Such as: self-sacrifice, depending on wealth as fate.

After reaching this conclusion, the system began to analyze human emotions. Two methods to relieve the host's stress were obtained, material and spiritual. Then taking into account the identity of the host, there is no shortage of substances, and the substance law is excluded.

Among human emotions, the system has also selected the three emotions that have the greatest impact on human beings: family, love, and friendship. Then, because of time, the system eliminated the emotions of family and friendship that need to be cultivated for a long time, and finally came to love.

Although the system itself does not have any feelings, all of his actions revolve around the host from beginning to end. I don't understand the love system, I can't understand it, but one sentence points it in the direction.

Loving someone starts with looks, falls into talent, and is loyal to character.

Most of human love starts with appearance, because he (she) is good-looking, so he likes it. The system is just looking at love at first sight, and it makes sense.

As long as you constantly select humanoid female creatures that meet the host's aesthetics according to the host's aesthetics, there will always be one that the host will fall in love with at first sight. At the same time, this method also perfectly avoids the drawbacks that the system has no emotions and does not understand emotions.

It's just that the system can't understand why human beings are changing so fast. Just in those two minutes, the system felt that the host's soul was changing rapidly, the strength of the soul was constantly rising, and the feelings in the soul were also decreasing.

Although the host is getting stronger, this is not what the system wants to see. The meaning of the system's existence is to keep the host alive, truly alive. The host belongs to human beings whose sensibility is greater than rationality. Emotions are also a part of the host and are within the scope of system protection.

Everything that protects the host is the meaning of existence.

"You bastard," Xia Xuan showed a helpless smile, "I finally made up my mind that I was caught by you like this..."

[The host only needs to be himself, and does not need to make any changes for this group of carbon-based life. At the same time, apart from the host's life, nothing is qualified for the host to make changes. 】

"Don't you need to make any changes?" Xia Xuan whispered, and then smiled again. This time, the smile was no longer self-deprecating, but with a trace of warmth and comfort.

"I also want to maintain my true self from birth to death, but there are too many helplessness in life. In human society, no one can live without caring about the feelings of others, and people always have to make concessions for life. "

[The system believes that the host has now stood at the top of human society, and they should make changes for the host, not the host to make changes for this group of carbon-based organisms. 】

[At the same time, the system will also pave the way for the host. 】

The system tried to persuade Xia Xuan, but that was all. As the system said at the beginning, everything is based on the host's will. It can only persuade, but cannot take practical actions to stop Xia Xuan. Unless Xia Xuan wants to commit suicide now, the system can only act against its will.

Xia Xuan stretched out his left hand and stroked the armrest of the throne, which symbolized supremacy, and said in a gentle tone: "Yes, I have now stood at the highest point of human society. I am the Emperor of Xia, and I am the king of two billion. The belief of the Xia people. My words can change the fate of countless people, I hold the supreme power, and I have a system. "

"I can yell like the protagonists in those films and TV works, my life is up to me. I can also build a crystal palace like them and enjoy the blessings of others. I can do whatever I want like them, just like them. I don't have to care about others. my opinion, but others should care about my opinion.”

"But I can't do it," Xia Xuan raised his head and looked through the gate to the red-bottomed golden dragon flag fluttering in the wind in the square. "Maybe it's in my nature to go with the flow, I feel their love for me, and I want to respond to their love."

At this time, there was a vague sentence from outside the door [Everything is for the Emperor]. Apparently people in the public knew what was happening outside through the Internet and saw the establishment of the new government.

"Then what do you think the system is like, what does the real me look like?" Xia Xuan asked.

It's been too long since I've lived the person others want, and even Xia Xuan himself doesn't know what he looks like. However, the most difficult thing for people to see clearly is themselves, and very few people can truly see themselves clearly.

[The host is the host, the host of the system] The electronic sound of the system without any emotion sounded in Xia Xuan's mind.

"What I want to know is, what kind of person am I from a human point of view?"

For the sake of Xia Xuan's physical and mental health, the system has already passed hundreds of thousands of deductions and has a certain concept of Xia Xuan's personality.

[From a human point of view, the host is an ordinary person. The host has neither extraordinary talent nor superhuman strategy. Even when he first came across, he would feel very uneasy because he suddenly came to a new environment. The host was an ordinary person who could be seen everywhere. 】

[Through the Goblin Slayer world, let the system figure out the matter of rescuing the female elf who was… The host is willing to do everything he can to help others, and will be angry because of the tragic experience of others; will feel guilty because of his own negligence and thus unable to save others; will be angry because of some unethical things; 】

[But the host often only sees the surface of one thing and ignores the overall situation. The host is a small good person who just wants to save someone and is easily affected by emotions. 】

Since the system was born after Xia Xuan crossed over, he didn't know what his previous life was like, so he could only make a judgment based on Xia Xuan's behavior during this time.

"System, maybe what you said is right," Xia Xuan did not refute, and continued to look down at the illusory golden dragon with a faint golden light on his hand, and muttered to himself, "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

"I am weak in character and only want to save myself. I can't bear this crown, and I can't respond to their love. So I have to make a change, abandon the weakness, and abandon the small kindness that only wants to save the individual in exchange for the great kindness that can bear this crown. "

Xia Xuan's tone was unusually indifferent and firm, and his own momentum began to rise. And the illusory golden dragon in his hand began to twist frantically when he noticed something, and made a terrified cry.

"Ang~" The emperor looked at Xia Xuan with pleading eyes.

The system knows that no matter how much it persuades, the host will not stop, and it cannot go against the host's will. Since there is no way to prevent the host from abandoning humanity, it can only start a backup plan.

"This is the last time I go with the flow." Xia Xuan closed his eyes and slowly put the human emperor's personality on his right hand into his mouth. With the last whine of the golden dragon, the hall fell silent again.

[Lost Skill: Emperor's Coercion]

[Acquired Skill: True Self]

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Xuan slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, the pair of black eyes became deeper and calmer, and then a majestic power radiated from Xia Xuan.

Majestic, sacred, supreme, indifferent.

Once the little good person has died, the ordinary person Lu Yi'an has been buried in the depths of his heart by Xia Xuan. At this time, sitting on the throne is the Daxia Emperor, the Daxia Emperor who only loves Daxia.

"Xiahun, connect me to the Prime Minister's virtual computer."

【Yes, follow your will】

Now Xia Xuan has the highest authority of Xia Soul, as long as he is on the Dongxia Empire network, he can control anyone's computer at will. Sending communications to others does not require their consent at all.

The next moment, a virtual screen appeared in front of Xia Xuan.

Li Zhiguo was stunned when he saw the communication that suddenly jumped out, and then involuntarily stood up from the chair. He straightened his back, clenched his right hand to his heart, and said, "See Your Majesty."

"No gift, flat body."

A majestic voice entered Li Zhiguo's ears, making him inexplicably relieved.

Afterwards, Li Zhiguo said in a frenzied tone: "Your Majesty, now all the opposition forces and neutral forces in the Dongxia Empire have been cleaned up. Now the minister has begun to prepare for the abolition of the parliament and the reform of the cabinet. Next, as long as His Majesty orders, Chen et al will immediately revise the law. , to abolish Parliament."

In just half a month, all the forces of the Eastern Xia Empire experienced a major reshuffle. Any forces that oppose the emperor and those who intend to be the rudder of the rudder have been eliminated. The speed of the royal family is so fast that everyone has no time to react.

At the same time, because the leaders in their fields or active positions are all members of the royal family, they are simply powerless to resist in such a situation where all members are ghosts. And even if they were given time to reflect, they wouldn't be able to make a fuss.

With the secret help of the royal family, Daxia people's worship of the emperor has reached its peak, or the emperor has been deified. At the same time, this frenzy turned into a trend of thought, which swept across the Eastern Xia Empire, Southern Xia Democratic Republic, Tianyuan Kingdom, Qi Kingdom and many other countries with great Xia civilization, of which the Southern Xia Democratic Republic was the most frenetic.

The people in the Southern Xia Democratic Republic began to appear, with the slogan [everything for the emperor]. Looking at the domestic people's fanatical belief in the emperor, the anti-imperial factions and neutral factions in the Southern Xia Democratic Republic were also shocked. They know the emperor's position in the hearts of Daxia people, and even though they themselves are not so fanatical about the emperor, they still respect their monarch very much in their hearts.

Just when they wanted to suppress this trend of thought, the aristocratic family headed by the Sima family suddenly exercised power over them, making them unable to take care of others. For a time, the political arena of the entire Southern Xia Democratic Republic became turbulent.

After hundreds of years of development, at the same time because the southern continent is far away from the eastern continent where the royal family is located. It is true that non-royal people control part of the voice of the Southern Xia Democratic Republic, but only part of it is occupied. Several of their aristocratic families are still dominant, and it is only a matter of time before these non-royal forces are eliminated by them.

All countries in the world thought that this series of events should end here, but they did not expect that the overall situation of the Dongxia Empire had just been decided to go south to the Democratic Republic.

The forces of the Eastern Xia Empire were reshuffled, a new government composed entirely of the New Imperial Party was established, the imperial power was restored, and the alliance formed by the families of the Southern Xia Democratic Republic began to exclude dissidents.

This series of events reminded all countries of the world of the fears they once had, and of the Celestial Dynasty that had made them anxious for hundreds of years, the Great Summer Dynasty.

Some people finally understand that the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic have called for a revival for hundreds of years. What is its real meaning?

The unity of the southeast, the reappearance of Xia, and the return of imperial power, is the revival.

At this moment, all countries feel it, the wheel of history is rolling again, and the torrent of the times is coming again.

Countries in the world do not want the reappearance of the Great Summer Dynasty, but they do not know how to intervene in the political struggle between the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic. Countries in the Second World have no political, cultural and economic exchanges with these two countries, and only have exchanges in tourism.

Should they use tourism to intervene in the political struggle between the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic?

However, Tianyuan Kingdom and Qi Kingdom, who have trade relations with the two countries, decisively shook their heads and refused when faced with the requests from the countries of the Second World. Using their stature to intervene in the political struggle between these two behemoths will definitely be hammered into pie.

And now they are busy dealing with the people's worship of the Great Xia Emperor. Fortunately, their people are only worshiping, not to the point of fanaticism, and they can barely suppress it.

No matter how generous the conditions offered by the countries of the Second World, Tianyuan Kingdom and Qi Kingdom resolutely refused their request. Want to use us as knives? Those conditions you give me, I give you double, you go and touch them both.

August 21st, 12:00 in the 5411 year of the Great Summer Calendar.

Today is a special day. During this time, 2.4 billion Daxia people have opened their identity bracelets and looked at the virtual screen on the identity bracelet.

In the magnificent Congress Hall, on the west side of the semi-circular hall, hundreds of golden jade wood tables and chairs engraved with various gorgeous cloud patterns are neatly placed along the edge of the hall in a crescent shape.

On the wall of the hall, a five-clawed golden dragon wraps around the entire hall. The dragon head above the center of the hall holds a huge dark golden dragon flag with a red background in its mouth.

The tables and chairs below the Congress were already full of people at this time, and most of them were in their thirties or forties. They are the new imperial party that has risen in the past few days and established a new government. In addition to a small number of members of the original parliament, most of the members are no longer qualified to sit here.

Everyone frantically looked at the very handsome black-haired man who was sitting on the throne in front of him, wearing a dark golden dragon robe. The man just sat there quietly, exuding a convincing power all over his body.

Even across the screen, the power of the emperor clearly appeared in the hearts of every Daxia person.

Majestic, sacred, supreme.

Feeling this power, everyone's inner beliefs became even more fanatical.

At this time, Li Zhiguo slowly stood up from the chair, holding a scroll of gold silk in both hands. He took a few steps forward and slowly opened the silk book.

"According to the will of the emperor, from now on, the Dongxia Empire will abolish the constitutional monarchy, dissolve the parliament, and restructure the cabinet." Li Zhiguo's voice was clearly heard in the ears of 2.4 billion Daxia people.

Such a short sentence symbolizes the change of the entire national system, and the detailed content of the subsequent reform will be passed on to the Xia Soul master system.

"Kin this!"

As Li Zhiguo's voice fell, everyone in the hall stood up at the same time, straightened their waists, placed their right hand on the heart, and shouted frantically: "I would like to dedicate everything to Your Majesty, everything for the Emperor!"

The voices of all gathered together and resounded throughout the Congress hall.

At the same time, the 2.4 billion Daxia people watching the live broadcast also clenched their fists with their right hands, placed their hearts and shouted, "I would like to dedicate everything to Your Majesty, everything for the Emperor!"

"I would like to dedicate everything for Your Majesty, everything for the Emperor!"

[I would like to dedicate everything for His Majesty, everything for the emperor] This sentence instantly resounded throughout the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic.

In the palace, in the city, in the countryside, on the road, in the school, in the building, in the community... Everyone shouted: "I would like to dedicate everything to your majesty, everything for the emperor!"

Xia Xuan indifferently looked at the fanatical faces below, his expression did not change in the slightest, and those dark and deep eyes showed no waves. It's just that the power on him is getting stronger and stronger.

Xia Xuan raised his head slightly, and those dark and deep eyes looked at the huge dragon head in front of him. His gaze penetrated the faucet and penetrated the entire Congress hall.

The next moment, Xia Xuan saw a golden illusory river spanning the entire sky, and countless river branches converged from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Xuan vaguely felt some kind of shouting, which became clearer and louder.

I would like to dedicate everything for His Majesty, everything for the Emperor!

Xia Xuan felt the enthusiasm of Daxia Zimin for him, and Daxia Zimin's love for him.

On August 21, the year 5411 of the Great Xia calendar, the imperial power reappeared, and the emperor took charge of the power.

On this day, everyone shouted: I am willing to dedicate everything to Your Majesty, everything for the Emperor!


Meanwhile, the world of Goblin Slayer.

The wired transmission of the portal sent the picture to base 0, and then base 0 was sent from the satellite, and the satellite was sent to all the troops of the ten countries.

All the soldiers also straightened their backs, clenched their right fists and placed them at the heart, and shouted: "I would like to dedicate everything to Your Majesty, everything for the Emperor!"

For a while, the sound rang out in the three bases, and the neat voices gathered together and resounded over the bases.

And those outsiders who were surrounded by Daxia soldiers were dumbfounded. They didn't understand why the Daxia soldiers were fine just now. After seeing a picture, everyone became so fanatical, more fanatical than those mad believers in the church.

Goblin Slayer, Sylvia, Qili, Dwarf Iron Wine, Lizardman Green, and Elf Berna stared blankly at the virtual screen on the wristband.

Looking at the picture, the high seated emperor was wearing a dark golden dragon robe, and he seemed to look down on the world and looked down on all beings. Everyone was stunned. Isn't this the number 0 who went hunting with them and practiced guns at the shooting range with the goblins? !

Sylvia looked at the man in the dragon robe on the virtual screen, and asked in a somewhat uncertain tone: "Hey...Hey, he seems to be No. 0, right?"

"Could it be a twin brother or something?" Qili guessed.

"No, that's No. 0," Goblin Slayer denied Qili's guess. From the very beginning, he had seen the specialness of No. 0 from the reactions of those soldiers. It's just that he didn't expect No. 0's identity to be higher than he imagined, so high that even he was frightened.

"Would you like to dedicate everything to Your Majesty, everything for the emperor?" Sylvia repeated, after half a year of study, she still understands part of Xia language.

"That is to say! Zero's true identity is the Emperor of the Empire?!"

Silvia expressed the inner guesses of everyone present. They previously guessed that No. 0 should be a noble, but they did not expect No. 0 to have such a high status.

Emperor of the Empire! What a noble status this is, especially after the Eastern Xia Empire gradually controlled the ten countries and various ethnic groups, the status of the emperor of the empire can be said to be higher than that of the five goddesses. After all, the five major churches now have to be careful to please the Eastern Xia Empire.

Goblin Slayer and his party didn't know how to describe their inner mood now, all kinds of emotions intertwined, making them a little overwhelmed.

At the same time, the most flattering caused by the identity gap is that they have carried guns together with the emperor, and they can blow it for a lifetime if they say it.


At this time, the dwarf Iron Wine let out a hearty laugh: "I have carried a gun with the emperor, I can blow this thing for a lifetime, and I will blow it with the girls of the dwarves in the future. His Majesty the Emperor has carried guns together, may I ask who else in the base besides the pioneer troops has carried guns with the Emperor?"

"That's right!" The dwarf Iron Wine looked stunned, "I want to play with other soldiers."

"Hmph," Sylvia looked at the dwarf iron wine with contempt, "Look at your virtue, you want to hold those dwarf beads like buckets all day long, oh, yes, you are also buckets, buckets and buckets, It seems like a good fit."

"Ah?! Who are you saying is a bucket, I call it sturdy!" The dwarf Iron Wine blew his hair on the spot, and then pointed to Sylvia's long ears, "I don't know who it is, but the ears stand up."

"It's none of your business if my ears stand up," Sylvia smiled disdainfully, pointing to the exoskeleton suit on her body and the Trailblazer sniper rifle on her back.

"Do you know what these are? This was given to me by No. 0. In Da Xia's words, this is a gift from the emperor. Haha, do you have it?"

"I...I," the dwarf Iron Wine was instantly speechless, he really didn't. Although No. 0 gave him a bottle of fine wine before, he drank it all.

At this time, the dwarf Iron Wine saw the Trailblazer rifle in the hands of Goblin Slayer, and instantly found hope and said, "Don't you see Tooth Pill?"

"Ha! That's Okeborg's, not yours." Sylvia said.

"You two, stop arguing." Qili stood up every day to persuade.


On the starlight chessboard, the Eastern Xia Empire, which was highly valued by the gods, also noticed their changes.

For their shouts, whether it is the order camp or the chaos camp, they are not interested, and they all take their eyes back.

And there is a god, which may also be of interest to people.

Click, click, click.

At this time, the goddess of knowledge was no longer wearing the black military uniform, but a green cartoon dinosaur costume. She slumped down on a lazy sofa with a bag of potato chips in her hand. At the same time, he kept putting potato chips into his mouth, biting with a click, and his beautiful face was covered with chips of chips.

At this time, the goddess of knowledge seems to be an abandoned house, and the silver eyes that are as beautiful as the stars seem to have two words written: [boring]

After the divinity is continuously cut off, the human nature takes the lead. The goddess of knowledge found that the starlight chessboard that she had been in for hundreds of thousands of years was suddenly so boring. It is so boring to see this group of extremely ugly evil gods and goddesses who are motionless like statues every day.

He wants to leave this boring starlight chessboard right now, but unfortunately it will take a while to get out of here.

At this time, the goddess of knowledge waved her hand gently, and the next moment a picture appeared in front of her.

Looking at the picture, Xia Xuan, who was wearing a dark golden dragon robe, and the soldiers who stood upright, clenched his right fist to the heart and shouted loudly.

The eyes of the goddess of knowledge lit Then a carp kicked up and jumped up from the beanbag.


The next moment, the green cartoon dinosaur costume on the Goddess of Knowledge changed into a black Dongxia Emperor's official uniform.

"Soul," the goddess of knowledge stretched out her right hand and turned into an officer's hat, then put it on her head, giving a thumbs up, "perfect."

The goddess of knowledge straightened her back, followed by "very Q bomb", clenched her right fist and placed it at the heart, "Q bomb", and also shouted: "I would like to dedicate everything to your majesty, everything for, hiccup~, emperor!"

The goddess of knowledge quickly covered her mouth, showing an embarrassed smile, and said, "Your Majesty, you can't blame me, the main reason is that the potato chips are so delicious. It didn't count last time, so I'll do it again."

The goddess of knowledge straightened her waist again, "Q bomb", and placed her right hand at the heart, "Q bomb", at this time, the potato chip residues on her jade-white cheeks were very conspicuous.

"I would like to dedicate everything for Your Majesty, and everything for the Emperor."

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