This period of time has been the best time for Li Zhiguo since he became the prime minister. He used his power to open various back doors for his own capital, and even gave his relatives various middle-level management positions, which seriously damaged the efficiency and impartiality of the government.

The most hateful thing is that these guys are still vaguely united to block their various reform policies, and they have come up with a set of policies. There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

Faced with this situation, it is not a good thing for him to be the first civilian prime minister. Li Zhiguo pretended to be obstructed by the parliament and had no choice but to watch the policies he promulgated being castrated layer by layer, and finally not implemented at all.

Secretly, they began to unite with the Royal Party and kept collecting the accusations of these guys. When the time is right, I immediately go to complain to the emperor, and then the emperor activates the special investigation power to cut this group of capitalists across the board.

Although there was a little interlude in the middle, such as Xia Liang taking drugs, but from the current situation, the result is the same as planned.

The host of this plan is actually not Li Zhiguo himself, and even his coming to power is only part of the plan. This plan was presided over by the emperor, Xia Xuan's father, Xia Yang. The core of the plan is to turn the royal family from secret power to openness, paving the way for His Majesty Xia Xuan.

Li Zhiguo knew that this emperor was very special, so special that the previous emperor wanted to abdicate for him, and the entire royal family had to pave the way for him to take power smoothly in the future. But he did not expect that His Majesty would be so powerful, and directly took out the interests of the world.

With such huge interests in their hands, Li Zhiguo and the others didn't have any more scruples, and pressed these opposing voices to the ground with one hand. Now that the Emperor has appeared, the Dongxia Empire only needs a voice now.

Seeing the other party's expression, Li Zhiguo suddenly found that he liked that these mortal enemies were shocked by him, showing a shocked expression.

"The parliamentary constitutional monarchy, founded by Emperor Xia Wen in 5222 of the Great Xia calendar, is referred to as the parliamentary monarchy. Its main feature is that the parliament is not only the highest legislative organ of the country, but also the highest organ of state power. The head of government elected by the parliament organizes the government, It is the real center of national power. The monarch is the symbolic head of state, and his responsibilities are mostly ceremonial." Li Zhiguo repeated the constitutional monarchy founded by Emperor Xia Wen.

"The main purpose of Emperor Xia Wen's move is to prevent the emergence of the next Emperor Xia Ling. In ancient Daxia, where information and traffic are very backward, he can still rely on the strong foundation of thousands of years to recover. But the industrial age is not good, and Daxia cannot afford a summer. The destruction of the Emperor Ling will make Da Xia doomed forever."

Having said that, Li Zhiguo's voice changed.

"But this does not mean that Daxia is really out of the control of the royal family. The royal family just handed over the power to the parliament, and Daxia is still under the control of the royal family."

"The heads of the nine military regions of the Dongxia Empire, 6 are from generals, and the remaining 3 are the emperor's dead soldiers. Now, among the so-called noble families outside, which of them are not from the royal family?"

Zhao Kede was silent, he could not find any reason to refute Li Zhiguo.

"Zhao Kede, I won't be beating around the bush with you now. Others may not be clear, but I know that your ancestors of the Zhao family were also established by the emperor's deceased incognito."

Li Zhiguo narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Zhao Kede coldly, and his tone became cold.

"Zhao Kede has been the leader of the Labour Party these years. Did the Zhao family forget their position? You wouldn't be so naive, thinking that the parliament has gradually deprived the emperor of the power of the law over the years, and the parliament has successfully surpassed the imperial power. let's go?"

"Zhao Kede, make a choice now, either follow the ancestor's instructions and continue to be the emperor's shadow, or become a stepping stone for the new emperor!" Li Zhiguo said sharply, he planned to use this opportunity to force the Zhao family to stand in line.

Now the Eastern Xia Empire does not need to oppose the emperor's voice, nor does it need the grass on the wall. Either follow the general trend to assist the emperor and lead Daxia to move forward, or become the skeleton under the emperor's feet to regain power.

Of course, Li Zhiguo wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to eradicate the Zhao family, who was out of the control of the royal family. But after collecting it for so long, he has not collected any handle from the Zhao family. Over the years, the Zhao family has been out of the control of the royal family, but they are very cautious and know what to do and what not to do.

That's why there was no big deal, and the Zhao family didn't accumulate too much assets, and even the thousand-year-old Zhao family didn't have any new wealth. This also dispelled the determination of the royal family to eradicate him, because it was so thin that even if it was chopped into a few pieces, it would not be able to release much blood to support the development plan.

In desperation, Li Zhiguo could only consider pulling it back into the royal family. Although the Zhao family broke away from the control of the royal family, they began to fight with other big capitalists for power in the parliament. But they didn't do anything out of bounds, and even in a sense, what they did did not essentially violate the will of the royal family.

The scene fell into silence, and a minute later, Zhao Kede sighed deeply and said, "I know what to do."

Then he put his right fist on the heart and said, "The emperor's will is the will of the Zhao family, and the Zhao family is willing to go through fire and water for the emperor from generation to generation."

Li Zhiguo nodded with satisfaction. He was not surprised by this result. Faced with this situation, as long as you are not a fool, you will know where you are.

Labour MPs would never have imagined that their leader had come to stand up for them, and when he came back, he was already an insider. Although their leader was an inner ghost from the beginning, it is now a reformation.

"What is the royal family going to do next?" Zhao Kede asked.

"Hehe, the next step is of course according to the tradition. Now that the pigs are fattened, it is time to let bloodletting to feed the summer." Li Zhiguo said with a smile.


Zhao Kede was not surprised by this answer. On the contrary, he had long guessed that the royal family had done this kind of thing many times.

"Prime Minister Li, I think the Democratic Party can become His Majesty's chicken." Zhao Kede said.

Now that his position has been determined, Zhao Kede immediately changed his mind and began to think about how to pave the way for the emperor. And his long-time rival, the Democratic Party, is a very good target. This is definitely not a public revenge, everything is for His Majesty.

Li Zhiguo smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about this Congressman Zhao, the Democratic Party has nothing to worry about."

"Why?" Zhao Kede asked in confusion. The Democratic Party is also a party of the same level as the Labour Party. Although they are a younger brother to the royal family, if the Democrats struggle wildly, it will still cause a certain amount of chaos.

"Because, the leader of the Democratic Party is also a member of the royal family." Li Zhiguo replied.


Unexpectedly, Xu Yan, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is actually a ghost.

Zhao Kede is glad that he was on the right team just now, and now he can understand that almost all the top of the Eastern Xia Empire are inside ghosts. At the same time, he also observed a moment of silence for those MPs who intend to negotiate terms with the royal family. When they stand up to resist, they will suddenly discover that their leader is also a member of the royal family.

All the ghosts.

Under Zhao Kede's dull expression, Li Zhiguo hung up the communication very happily.

"These capitalists are really naive and lovely, thinking that they use the power of the parliament to constantly erode the imperial power. Until the emperor is legally turned into a mascot, will they really be able to control the Dongxia Empire?" Li Zhiguo showed a disdainful smile. "It's ridiculous, even the top of you are royal people."

Then Li Zhiguo turned his gaze to the virtual screen on the right.

【About the abolition of parliament and cabinet restructuring】

"The parliament was very helpful to the development of Daxia in the early days, but now the parliament has seriously affected the progress of Daxia."

"When there's nothing wrong, we fight each other's rights. When something goes wrong, we start to blame each other and kick the ball. What's the use of such a system?"

"At the same time, the empire now needs a high degree of concentration of power. The parliamentary system is such a wrangling politics, and the efficiency is too low. Hundreds of meetings are required to make decisions."

If it weren't for the existence of the royal family, Li Zhiguo suspected that the parliament would probably be involved for several months because of who led the exploration of the other world.

"Daxia was originally born and prospered by the Xia family. Everything just returned to its original position."

As soon as the virtual screen suddenly jumped out, Li Zhiguo turned his head and put his eyes on the virtual screen.

Seeing the information inside, Li Zhiguo's eyes narrowed, and he said, "Situ Ming is really keen, and he has noticed the specialness of His Majesty through the disappearance of His Majesty."

"And also so resolutely united with several other families and began to exclude alien parties. It's just that Nanxia is different from Dongxia. Nanxia is too far away from the royal family, and has been out of the control of the royal family to a certain extent. Situ Ming and the others have to exclude It may take a lot of effort, or even military intervention."

Li Zhiguo crossed out all the virtual screens in front of him, leaned back on the back of his chair, looked at the dark golden dragon flag with a red background on the ceiling, and muttered to himself: "East Xia revival, Southern Xia revival, everyone feels our revival. Very confused. Revival is actually a code, a code for the royal family."

"It is said that every once in a while in Daxia, when the progress of civilization is slow, a majestic emperor will appear in the Xia royal family to lead Daxia to move forward."

"And now the great Human Sovereign has reappeared. This time, the Human Sovereign brought to Da Xia resources based on the world, countless technologies that only exist in fantasy, and the longevity of human beings."

Li Zhiguo's eyes began to become frenzied.

"Everything is for the Emperor!"


Since the disappearance of the emperor, the eyes of the whole world have been on the Dongxia Empire. When the emperor activated the special investigation power, everyone knew that the government would carry out a shuffle next.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this big reshuffle was so fast, in just six days, the entire government underwent a blood change. Except for the lower-level civil servants, all the management of the government was searched.

Afterwards, countless people, ranging from parliamentarians to civil servants, were arrested and jailed for corruption and abuse of power. Such a terrifying speed makes all countries in the world secretly startle. After a little investigation around the world, they saw that most of the newly appointed officials were the new emperors, and they immediately knew that this matter was premeditated.

At the same time, seeing the situation in the Dongxia Empire, everyone immediately thought, the restoration of imperial power!

If something like this happens in other countries, all countries in the world will only feel it. The government of this country is a bit incompetent, and it is modern enough to restore imperial power. Even looking for opportunities to intervene in this country and support the puppet regime.

The situation of the restoration of imperial power in the Eastern Xia Empire was different. The first reaction of all countries in the world was that the Great Xia Emperor was preparing to do something again, and the Great Xia Emperor had to be prevented from regaining power. Of course, the countries of the world never thought that Daxia had never been out of the control of the royal family.

After confirming this matter, countries around the world began to secretly guide public opinion, except for the first world civilization of the Eastern Xia Empire, the Southern Xia Democratic Republic, the Tianyuan Kingdom, and the Qi Kingdom. The media of all other countries are frantically reporting on the restoration of imperial power of the Eastern Xia Empire, and crazily criticizing the Eastern Xia Empire, which is reversing history.

The Internet in the whole world is lively again, and the daily Black Summer operation is started again. However, the Eastern Xia Empire still turned a blind eye to the public opinion of the outside world as before, but it was just the barking of a group of defeated dogs. Nanxia, ​​who usually pays more attention to external public opinion, has no energy to manage external public opinion due to some domestic reasons.

The Eastern Xia Empire has no material connection with this group of Second World countries. Since the end of the Third World War, the Eastern Xia Empire has been useless, and has seen this group of Second World countries.

The Eastern Xia Empire, the Southern Xia Democratic Republic, the Tianyuan Kingdom, and the Qi Kingdom, which are the first world civilizations, and the countries of the Daxia civilization occupy nearly 60% of Yunxing. The resources that countries in the second world have, the first world also has, more than them. The resources available in the first world may not necessarily be available in the second world.

Regarding the attitudes of the media of these Second World countries, the Eastern Xia Empire is generally like this: barbarians, barbarians, dogs bark, dogs bark.

Faced with this situation, the countries of the Second World can only enter the Dongxia Empire to conduct a public opinion war, so that these high-ranking Daxia people know that their emperor is going to be restored! This is not democracy, this is not freedom!

Countries in the Second World: The Daxia Emperor is going to restore, and the Dongxia Empire is going to reverse history. All men are created equal, all men are born free, and oppose the monarch!

Daxia people: Dog barking?

Second World Countries:  …

Countries in the Second World: Emperor Daxia wants to restore, we should not sit still, we should stand up to resist this ancient feudal superstitious monarchy.

Daxia people: For the emperor!

Second World Countries:  …

In the future, no matter how the countries of the Second World guide public opinion, the people in the Dongxia Empire not only did not have any resistance to the restoration of imperial power, but became even more fanatical.

[For the Emperor] This sentence inexplicably spread on the Internet, and the entire Dongxia Empire fell into a frenzy for the emperor.

Fever for emperors is not uncommon in everyday life, but it is generally hidden behind the scenes. Just like all kinds of things caused by the disappearance of the emperor some time ago, outsiders usually only notice that the emperor has a lofty position in the hearts of Daxia people. But they can never really appreciate the enthusiasm of the Daxia people for the emperor.

Under the deeds of the great emperors of the Xia family and the continuous secret operation of the royal family for nearly a hundred years. The concept of emperor has been continuously elevated and deified. Today, the emperor has become the belief of Daxia people.

In the cognition of the Daxia people, the words and languages ​​they use now come from the royal family. The reason why they can live such a stable and superior life is due to the royal family, the restoration of imperial power? The emperor is the master of Daxia from beginning to end, so how can you say restoration? Everything is just back where it should be.

Xia Zu created civilization, the first emperor was unified, Xia Yao's empress Sao Ximu, Xia Dedi's literature, Xia Zhengdi sailed, Xia Huo emperor made gunpowder, Xia Gongdi started the industrial revolution, Xia Wendi implemented the law and established parliament. The deeds of countless great emperors make Daxia people believe that the Daxia royal family is the destiny. The building will eventually continue to move forward under the leadership of the emperor, to complete the unfinished business of the ancestors, and the world will be harmonious.

And the restoration of imperial power is like the return of the great emperors in history. This is a signal sent by the royal family.

In this era of the Internet with convenient information, all Daxia people understand the history. Even the most staunch atheists have become dubious in the face of the miraculous deeds of the great Xia emperors of all dynasties.

Two days later, 20,000 new royalists officially took over the positions of those purged officials. Faces in their thirties seized power from the older generation, and the entire Eastern Xia Empire radiated an astonishing vitality and vigor.

Young people have always been full of vigor and radicalism, and this fresh blood occupies most of the new officials. Like a sharp sword, the whole body exudes unprecedented sharpness.

In the induction declaration, the new imperial party's statement was the same as before, swearing to dedicate everything to the country, to serve the people, to keep in mind its mission, not to be greedy, not to take advantage of it, and not to use power for personal gain.

At the end of the oath, the new imperial party said one more sentence: for the emperor.

With this sentence for the emperor, everyone knows that the emperor's return to power is unstoppable. Righteousness, people's hearts, and the army are all on the emperor's side, and the members of parliament who have not been cleaned up now are starting to become dumb.

Just when everyone thought this series of things was ready to enter the final stage, the law was revised and the royal family returned to power.

However, the matter is not over yet, or the royal family does not intend to take power alone. The royal family will slaughter the fattened pigs in the country to support the full power of the development plan.

On the third day, the Consumers Association, which used to only be called, suddenly turned into a **** of war, seized the so-called capital predators of the Eastern Xia Empire, and slammed a hammer on the ground.

With the full support of the new government, big companies have been investigated, and in the face of special investigation powers, they have no chance to file a lawsuit. And those companies that occupy a monopoly position are the worst. They were beaten by the consumer association and turned dizzy. They suddenly changed from the previous leader to the younger brother.

Faced with this situation, capitalists are of course unwilling to sit still. Then, under the leadership of the aristocratic family and the old capital predators, they were ready to unite to give the new government a look. Of course, they did not intend to confront the country, and they themselves knew that they did not have that strength.

The capital just wanted the country to know that the capital still has the ability to hurt the Dongxia Empire when it is crazy, so don't do things like this and give you a way to survive.

On the fifth day, the capitalists united to prepare to resist, but what happened next exceeded everyone's expectations. The aristocratic family and capital predators who had taken the lead turned around and pressed the capital who stood up and resisted to the ground. And those capitalists who were pressed to the ground were dumbfounded. What's going on?

How about we fight together? Are we not the most steadfast allies of the same class?

Under the tripartite alliance of the new government, the aristocratic family and the capital predators, all domestic enterprises have been swept over. Of course, the Eastern Xia Empire didn't kill the mad, the government just cut those bad monopolies into pieces. This action is mainly aimed at the top-level capital. The government of SMEs did not move at all, but instead gave preferential policies.

At the same time, those aristocratic families and capital crocodiles voluntarily cut their flesh and blood, and released some of the interests in their hands.

The outside world is stunned by the fantastic operations of those capitals in the Dongxia Empire, what is going on?

Those aristocratic families and capital predators in the Dongxia Empire were originally royals. It was nothing to give up some of the interests in their hands. As long as they could get on the big ship of the new emperor, everything was worth it.

If nothing else, the emperor alone can give them longevity, which firmly holds all the upper classes in the Eastern Xia Empire in their hands.

They, who have enjoyed the riches and splendor since birth, yearn most for a healthy body, and every year they invest tens of millions of Xia Yuan to recuperate their bodies. And now a chance for longevity is placed in front of them, how can they not make them crazy?

Under the blood of those big capitalists, all areas of the Dongxia Empire began to regain their vitality. Those small and medium-sized enterprises seem to have forgotten the previous panic and began to compete with each other to absorb nutrients.

In just half a month, the royal family swept away all opposition in the Eastern Xia Empire at a terrifying speed. Now there is only one voice left in the Eastern Xia Empire, the voice of the emperor.

All that remains is to amend the laws, abolish the parliament and restore the monarch.

The plan that the royal family has been planning for decades has finally been completed. All the actions of the new government will be completely in accordance with the emperor's will, and the power of the Eastern Xia Empire will be re-centralized, which will bring unparalleled efficiency and execution.

After the domestic affairs were settled, the next thing the Eastern Xia Empire had to do was to speed up the pace and solve the cults and monsters that were rising everywhere in the Ten Kingdoms. Afterwards, he devoted his energy to developing the world of Crimson Crimson Eye and making it his second home.


100 kilometers east of the imperial capital, Xiahun Mountain, the ancestral land of the Xia clan.

The emerald green bamboo and the clear river, the ancient buildings, the green bamboo and the flowing water, and the moiré mahogany, make people come here as if they are back in ancient times.

In one of the cloud-patterned mahogany buildings, a group of people stood in the hall and looked at the middle-aged man sitting in the first place.

The man's appearance is eight-point similar to Xia Xuan, and his whole body exudes an unspeakable nobility. He was the last emperor, Xia Xuan's father, Xia Yuantian.

Xia Yuantian picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, looked at the group of brothers and sisters in front of him, and said, "I know what you want to ask, Xuan'er is indeed the new emperor."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions instantly changed from their original anxiety to excitement. As early as a few years ago, when the elder brother abdicated to His Highness Xia Xuan without warning, they had already noticed the specialness of His Highness Xia Xuan. It's just that they didn't expect that the handwriting of the eldest brother and father was so great.

It has been laid out for decades, just to pave the way for His Royal Highness Xia Xuan.

At this time, one of Xia Xuan's uncles thought about something, and suddenly became a little worried, saying: "Brother, Your Majesty has a more emotional personality since he was a child. Is it a bit too hasty to suddenly put the burden of the entire empire on His Majesty?"

Some members of the royal family who knew Xia Xuan agreed and nodded in agreement. His Highness Xia Xuan said it was nice, but he was more emotional since he was a child. Such a character is not suitable to be an emperor at all, let alone suddenly put the whole country on him.

Xia Yuantian took another sip of tea unhurriedly, and replied calmly: "Xuan'er is just too kind-hearted, which makes him a little weak. But after sitting in that position, he will be held accountable because of power. And make changes. People change, and sometimes this change can be instantaneous.”

"I will **** Xuan'er before he transforms. This is the only thing I can do as a father."


In the palace, in the magnificent central hall, a figure sat quietly, symbolizing the supreme power of the emperor.

After the Huang family succeeded in clearing the aliens during this period, after a lapse of 100 years, this hall once again became the power center of the entire Eastern Xia Empire. The person sitting on the throne, his will is the will of the Eastern Xia Empire.

For this period of time, Xia Xuan has been watching quietly.

The entire Dongxia Empire completely fell into the palm of the imperial party, and the entire country began to revolve around it, gaining supreme power.

This should have been a happy thing, but Xia Xuan didn't know why, but he was not happy at all, but he was even more stressed.

Xia Xuan felt the weight of this identity, and it was so heavy that he couldn't breathe. He knew he had to make a change, completely change, to live with the identity.

"Sure enough, it's **** to be able to change from an ordinary person's mentality to an emperor right away. Those who have crossed over to control the entire country may be geniuses, or they may be bullshitting." Xia Xuan laughed at himself. .

"Reality is not a game. You can completely change your identity with just one click, along with your gender."

Xia Xuan glanced around the magnificent and gorgeous hall, and then looked down at the dark golden dragon robe on his body. The self-deprecating smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Speaking of which, whether in my past life or now, I seem to have been following the trend. When I was studying, my hard work was not to get into a good university in the future, but to respond to my parents' expectations. After graduation, I worked hard, also for the sake of Live as an elite in the eyes of Hahahahahaha." Xia Xuan let out a deep, hoarse laugh. "My parents' expectations, my friends' expectations... I have always worked hard to live and live as others expected of me."

"What I do now has not changed from the previous life. I still carry the expectations of others and live as a great emperor. But..."

Xia Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the next moment there was a touch of golden light, and a three-inch long five-clawed golden dragon appeared in his palm. This is a trace of will born from the throne of the emperor, and it is temporarily active.

Looking at this mini golden dragon, Xia Xuan's tone became extremely indifferent, and said, "This is the last time."

At this moment, a voice without any emotion sounded in Xia Xuan's mind.

[The host does not need to make any changes, and does not need to live for anyone's expectations. The host does not need to pay attention to the expectations of those carbon-based beings, the host only needs to obey his heart, do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants.]

[The system will pave the way for the host, as long as the host is happy, everything is allowed; as long as the host desires, everything is the host's]

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