The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 47: : Can't let him die

The two ended up having an unhappy fight. Ning Ruxue, who came home, kicked the wooden table over, and sat on the chair angrily: "I really think Ning Ruxue is easy to bully!"

Ning Ruxue was getting more and more irritable all the way back, she couldn't stand Lin Naiyi at all, and Lin Naiyi gave it to her.

How could Ning Ruxue, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, swallow this breath?

When she thought of Lin Nai showing her affection in front of her, Ning Ruxue felt another inexplicable anger in her heart.

Subconsciously, he transferred all these anger to Zhao Hao's head. It was this protagonist who came to Zhongcheng to cause so many troubles!

Before he came, it was fine, the family developed as usual, Xia Ye was still chasing him, and Lin Naiyi didn't like Xia Ye.

Now, the blame is on the Ning family's head, Xia Ye doesn't like him at all, and Lin Nai is still in his clothes.

S woman! Not ashamed!

A woman's way of thinking is incomprehensible, such as the current Ning Ruxue.

"Ru Xue, I heard that you went to Xia's house? You... what happened? Who messed with you?"

As soon as Ning Zheng entered the door, he saw a table with a broken leg, and a teacup that was shattered all over the place.

"Father, why are you here?"

Seeing Ning Zheng coming, Ning Ruxue also put away her angry expression just now.

Ning Zheng ignored the table on the ground, sat next to Ning Ruxue and asked, "Didn't you go to Xia Mansion today? How is it? Did you see Xia Ye?"


When it came to Xia Ye, Ning Ruxue was full of grievances.

But Ning Zheng laughed, completely ignoring his daughter's emotions and said with a smile: "That's good, anyway, that kid in the Xia family likes you too, he will definitely not let this matter go, daughter, you have two days. Just listen to me, drink more Xia Ye contact, don't keep a cold face, wait for this matter to be resolved..."

The Ning family jumped from a middle-class family to the second place in the city, not relying on Ning Zheng's superb business methods, but the dog-licking villain Xia Ye.

Ning Zheng didn't even do anything, so the Ning family naturally started to move up.

"It can't be solved, Xia Ye doesn't want it."

Ning Ruxue's mouth turned down, as if she was about to cry.

"How could that be? That kid from the Xia family has been chasing you for three years, so he won't help with this. Besides, the Xia family won't have to spend a lot of time to solve the problem of a spirit stone mine?"

It is definitely not possible to move the muscles and bones, but there is still a lot of blood.

This incident involves Yun Guanzong. No family will eat it when it encounters this incident.


It's all fake!

Ning Ruxue really wanted to yell at her father, Xia Ye liked that everything was fake and everything was fake.

It's for that kind of broken plot!

How could I lower my face? I agreed to his request, but he was still scolding me in his heart, and he focused on the plot.

He didn't care about the life or death of the Ning family at all.

Ning Ruxue wanted to vent, but facing her father, she couldn't say these words.

Unlike Ning Zheng, Ning Ruxue didn't like Xia Ye and hated Xia Ye, but she knew that everything in the Ning family was supported by Xia Ye.

So even if he was cold-faced towards Xia Ye, it was when Xia Ye proposed to the public.

She has always thought that after her family rises, she can repay Xia Ye in other ways.

But when he heard Xia Ye's heart, everything changed.

She is like a tree on the side of the road, she has been keeping Xia Ye alive. From beginning to end, she thought that giving Xia Ye some shade would be enough.

It wasn't until the tree was alive that she realized that Xia Ye raised herself just to sell herself to others.

Xia Ye didn't want to raise it at all!

In the past two days, his mind was all about how he chased him before Xia Ye, how he helped the Ning family, he wanted to break through to enter the ninth rank, and he was also looking for various herbs for medicinal baths.

But it's all fake.

Ning Ruxue buried her head in her arms, while Ning Zheng, who was beside him, was still scolding and muttering to himself:

"What's going on this summer night? He doesn't help to solve this kind of thing, he still chases you, and he deserves to refuse his pursuit..."

"Stop talking! Can you let me be quiet for a while!"

Ning Ruxue couldn't stand Ning Zheng's nagging, so she drove Ning Zheng out of her room.

It was as if a cat had been stepped on its tail. Thinking of Lin Naiyi's arrogance in front of him today, Ning Ruxue's eyes were full of resentment: "Let me see who of us laughs last!"

Shenzhou, the valley.

Bai Jinshuo, dressed in white, leaned against the branch of an ancient tree, the breeze was blowing blue silk, and her beautiful eyes looked into the valley.

If others see it, Bai Jinshuo is just in a daze.

But in front of Bai Jinshuo's eyes was a light blue picture, which was playing a scene of two men and two women.

It was exactly what happened in the morning in the Xia Mansion.

Seeing Zhao Hao being photographed by Uncle Fu, Bai Jinshuo covered his stomach and laughed:

"Haha, I guess Zhao Hao didn't even think that there was a 1st rank master in Zhongcheng!"

Immediately, Xia Ye, who is the villain, also started the explanation at this time: "Be I know that Fu Bo is very strong, but I was really shocked when Fu Bo shot, the most important thing is , this is the protagonist!"

"With this palm down, how could Zhao Hao come out and slap me in the face in ten days and a half? The clan has such a master, but it only affects the progress of my plot!"

Xia Ye's expression was full of resentment. As a villain, it's not good to have too strong people around him.

Seeing Xia Ye's appearance, Bai Jinshuo's hands rested on both cheeks. In terms of appearance alone, Xia Ye can definitely be regarded as a woman's killer.

In the picture, Xia Ye complained about today's extra plot, while scolding, and sometimes even scolding himself.

"The villain has reached this level, no one is there, right? I begged to be beaten and failed."

Bai Jinshuo rolled his eyes, looking at Xia Ye's immortal face, the corners of his mouth raised a beautiful arc.

Approaching a stick of incense, the screen stopped playing, Bai Jinshuo also stretched, and then shouted to the open space beside him:

"Elder Lu, come out."

As Bai Jinshuo's voice fell, a figure suddenly flashed in the open space beside him.

This man is of medium build, square cheeks, plain eyes, about seven feet tall, with a crescent-shaped machete across his waist, nodded respectfully at Bai Jinshuo and said, "Miss."

"Uncle Nie, do you know Zhongcheng?"

"Never heard of it."

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"After leaving Shenzhou, we went all the way to the west. I have something to ask Uncle Nie."

Bai Jinshuo gave the middle-aged man a playful smile, and the middle-aged man also came to be curious, what is the interesting thing that can arouse the curiosity of this innocent young lady?

"Miss, but it doesn't matter."

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