The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 46: : Crushing level transaction

Things did change, Ning Ruxue was not attracted to Zhao Hao at all.

Lin Nai knew the answer in his heart. The reason why Ning Ruxue was included in the original revenge plan was because Ning Ruxue was Zhao Hao's woman, and Zhao Hao also used the Ning family's abilities to do a lot of things.

But now Ning Ruxue is not related to Zhao Hao, which makes Lin Naiyi hesitate.

"Then we won't spare the circle anymore. I will tell you the reason why I want Xia Ye, and you will also tell me your secret, how about that?"

She was reluctant to let her child fall for the wolf. Whether she wanted to keep Ning Ruxue on her revenge list would depend on what Ning Ruxue said next.

Ning Ruxue thought for a while, and after her eyelashes twitched a few times, she nodded and agreed to Lin Naiyi's request.

Lin Naiyi is also the heroine, but Lin Naiyi has changed his direction now, and he also wants to escape this so-called plot.

Obviously, Lin Naiichi also has a secret. If he knew this secret, he might be able to get out of the plot faster.

Ning Ruxue took a deep breath and began to tell her own story:

"Actually, I can hear Xia Ye's heart..."

"But I can't tell Xia Ye, I can hear..."

In just a few moments, Ning Ruxue explained why she hated Zhao Hao, and Lin Nai's eyes became brighter and brighter.

It turns out that it is no wonder that Xia Ye clearly likes himself, but insists on pursuing Ning Ruxue and doing so many seemingly outrageous things.

Fortunately, the stage of his rebirth was timely.

Really want Xia Ye to complete the story of the Lingshi Mine, wouldn't Xia Ye have to return to the so-called his own world?

Dog man, he wants to throw himself away!

Lin Naiyi was a little angry in her heart.

What shocked Linnae even more was that he actually lived in the world of a novel, and he was also the heroine.

Then everything in the previous life can be explained.

"It's your turn."

After Ning Ruxue finished speaking, she waited for Lin Naiyi's answer.

If Ning Ruxue hadn't mentioned this matter, Lin Naiyi would definitely not have directly stated that he was a rebirth. After all, this matter was too tempting for a cultivator.

But what Ning Ruxue heard was indeed the same as what Lin Naiyi experienced.

Then it proves that Ning Ruxue didn't lie, she only needs Xia Ye, and the rest is irrelevant.

Naturally, Lin Naiyi didn't hesitate much, and said generously: "I am a rebirth, but it should not be the rebirth of the original plot, it should be the time when Xia Ye finished the plot, you and Zhao Hao are together, and then kill After Xia Ye, I knew Xia Ye loved me, so I was reborn, and I don't know how."

Lin Nai finished talking about his own affairs in one breath. It was Ning Ruxue's turn to sit on the spot with a dazed face, and said in a daze, "It's over?"

"It's over, that's all."

Of course, Lin Naiyi still kept an eye on it. Specifically, what happened to Xia Ye that led to being killed by Zhao Hao, Lin Naiyi did not say.

Ning Ruxue's smiling face suddenly turned cold, but she said what she heard one by one, but Lin Nai finished speaking in one sentence.

You are a rebirth, so how do you know that Xia Ye likes you, what happened, you didn't mention it!

And this matter, I definitely can't hear it from Xia Ye's heart. I really want to hear it, and the plot is about to begin.

By then, Lin Naiyi must have already made preparations, but he will take a step slower.

This woman has been tricking herself from the very beginning.

"You're angry?"

Lin Nai covered his mouth and laughed, then blinked at Ning Ruxue and said, "You should be glad you said it, otherwise you will still be on my revenge list, and you don't know how you died. ."

It seemed that Lin Naiyi was smiling, but the icy coldness in Lin Nai's eyes did not match her smile at all.

"Now I know why my husband is, but don't worry, don't worry about the plot, Xia Ye won't be able to go back."

Although Lin Naiyi said so, but the vigilance in his heart has more than doubled. The protagonist, the Son of Destiny.

As soon as Lin Nai knew that Zhao Hao's identity was not simple, he just didn't expect to be the protagonist of this world.

This did not make Lin Naiyi feel afraid, but the plan to kill Zhao Hao must be more complete.

Xia Ye couldn't go back, but he couldn't die here either.

"Linnaiichi! Don't you think you're going too far? At least you have to tell me what's going to happen next. This is a quid pro quo!"

Ning Ruxue roared at Lin Naiyi, she had never suffered such a loss since she was a child.

Before hearing Xia Ye's heartfelt voice, would Ning Ruxue's life be very comfortable?

Her family has climbed from a middle-class family to No. 2 in Midtown, and she was also rated as the No. 1 Beauty in the Midtown Family.

Ning Ruxue spent so many years in the pampered days, and for two days in a row, her worldview collapsed.

Xia Ye, who had been chasing after him for three years, was lying to him. He finally found someone who wanted to join forces. As a result, they taught him a lesson A wave of resentment rushed from Ning Ruxue's heart.

"Why do you know so much? You didn't like Xia Ye at first, and you don't like Zhao Hao now. Isn't this easier?"

"But I'm different. If I want to be with Xia Ye, I have to be involved in the plot, but thank you for telling me this secret. I've been scolded by my husband these two days and doubted myself. Do you feel comfortable when you say this? few."

Knowing why Xia Ye did such an outrageous thing, Lin Naiyi now knows what he's doing.

Before, I thought Xia Ye was being coerced, but now I am relieved, and I will be able to do things more freely in the future.

What about Ning Ruxue?

His angry ears turned a little red. He was bullied by Lin Nai just now and almost disfigured himself. That **** in Xia Ye was still concerned about Lin Nai's injury, and completely disregarded his own life.

If it wasn't for Uncle Fu, the current Ning Ruxue would not know where he was!

As for Zhao Hao, I'm sorry, I'm really unfamiliar.

Ning Ruxue stood up and nodded to Lin Nai one after another: "Lin Naiyi, don't forget, Xia Ye's plot is chasing me, with me, you can't marry into the Xia family, and according to your rebirth just now Look, Xia Ye's death should not be far away, even if you forcibly change the plot, I can still hear Xia Ye's heart..."

"Okay, okay, don't you just want to say, are you going to threaten me with Xia Ye? Let's not say whether Xia Ye likes you or not, do you like Xia Ye? You are a lotus girl, don't talk about being with Xia Ye. , Xia Ye can't stand holding hands, can you? Little sister, I was threatened, and it didn't work out."

After speaking, Lin Naiyi stood up very easily and moved a bit, looked at the sun outside and said, "Let's go, I'll have dinner with my husband later."

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