The Underworld Detective

Chapter 298: Killing Voice

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao and I were waiting for Captain Zhang to pick things up in the compound. Huang Xiaotao said: "Don't look at the special police and the criminal police both in the public security system. There are usually more contradictions and we look down on each other. We think they are empty and brutal Wufu, they think we're just talking! "

I said, "I despise things like chains everywhere, and we and the mechanics look down on each other."

Huang Xiaotao said: "The three targets are now in line. I turned back and called the special police team to send a few snipers to the commanding heights near the city bureau. Once they heard suspicious sounds, they immediately shot the instrument player."

I laughed: "If there was a street performer nearby, it would be **** mold for eight lives ..."

Just then, I suddenly heard a melodious voice, such as crying and admiring, complaining. Although I do n’t know much about musical instruments, I can still hear them. This ancient Chinese instrument is playing this music: 埙!!

Huang Xiaotao and I were shocked at the same time. I cried, "Cut your ears fast!"

Plugging your ears and not using them, the sound penetrates very strongly. Huang Xiaotao pulled out his spear and dragged me over. He took the gun in his ear and fired three shots into the sky. The thundering sound of the gun made my tinnitus disgusting, and I couldn't hear anything for a moment.

We immediately turned back and went to Captain Zhang to meet him in the middle. Huang Xiaotao shouted and swept his head with a whip. She was going to stun Captain Zhang, but Captain Zhang's ability to fight was amazing, nothing happened, he looked at Huang Xiaotao puzzled.

At this time, the effect of tinnitus gradually faded, and the sound of music was over. I vaguely heard Captain Zhang saying, "The broken song that just cried like a ghost was blown by Long Bangguo? What am I to do? . "

Huang Xiaotao asked seriously: "Have you heard everything?"

Captain Zhang replied: "Hear! You are really a trifle, don't you think it's good for me?"

Huang Xiaotao took out his handcuffs and said, "Sorry, we must torture you to prevent you from doing self-harm."

Captain Zhang said indignantly: "You don't go after the suspects, but you also tortured me! Alas! How efficient are you criminal police!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and after he was handcuffed, Captain Zhang said with a smirk: "If my colleague saw it, you have to explain, they thought I had committed a crime."

I looked at the dormitory building at the back and asked, "Is everyone in the building heard? Would you like to control them all?"

Captain Zhang shook his head: "It doesn't matter, our building has good sound insulation."

Although he said so in his mouth, Huang Xiaotao didn't worry, he called the city bureau and immediately sent someone over to control all the people who heard the sound in the vicinity to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.

We got into Captain Zhang's car, I looked at him in the back seat, Huang Xiaotao drove, and Captain Zhang talked endlessly on the road, saying that we were fussed and bragging about how powerful our willpower was.

Talking, his eyes suddenly went wrong and became silent, I shook him hard: "What's wrong with you?"

Captain Zhang smiled: "Sleepy, can I take a moment?"

So Captain Zhang crumbled asleep on the seat, and I felt relieved when he heard his uniform snoring. At the gate of the Public Security Bureau, Deputy Commissioner Zheng and a group of policemen were waiting for us at the door. Deputy Commissioner Zheng came over and said, "Lao Zhang, why are you handcuffed?"

Captain Zhang smiled bitterly: "It wasn't that Police Officer Huang and Advisor Song had troubled me. I was afraid of suicide. Just kidding, how could I possibly commit suicide."

I noticed through his micro-expression that he smiled a little stiffly, and his smile would involve 26 muscles. He was obviously smirking. So I whispered to Huang Xiaotao, and will give Captain Zhang a tranquilizer later. Don't leave him alone.

Captain Zhang stretched out his hand and said, "Xiao Zheng, I haven't seen you for a while. You are now the Deputy Director of the Listing Bureau, so good!"

Deputy Director Zheng shook his hand. At this moment, Captain Zhang suddenly smashed the Deputy Director Zheng with his shoulders, quickly pulled the pistol from his holster, grasped the pistol with both hands and ran away, blocking the attempted block along the way. Huang Xiaotao knocked down, and I yelled, "Don't be impulsive!"

Captain Zhang raised his gun, tears streaming down: "I'm sorry everyone, I'm so miserable, I don't want to live."

I quickly said, "This is not your true idea, it's just that voice is controlling you. Don't be controlled by it. Put your gun down!"

Captain Zhang cried with tears in his face, shook his head desperately, and slowly aimed his muzzle at his mouth.

Huang Xiaotao yelled: "Zhang, you are an insidious coward, aren't you bragging that your willpower is as strong as iron? This little Kan can't get through, I look down on you in my heart, you are dead After that I will set up a monument for you, and write 'Tomb of the Coward Zhang XX'! "

My persuasion and Huang Xiaotao's radical will not work, Captain Zhang said: "I think my heart is ugly and despicable. I hate myself. I don't deserve to be a policeman, let me die."

Huang Xiaotao shouted, "Don't!"

It was too late, and then Captain Zhang had put his muzzle in his mouth and pulled the trigger. However, we did not hear the expected gunshot. Captain Zhang erroneously took out the gun to check the insurance. Deputy Commissioner Zheng said calmly: "Lao Zhang, I have disappointed you. I expected that an accident would occur and the bullets were already advanced. Take it out. "

After speaking, Deputy Commissioner Zheng waved with a big hand: "Stop him!"

Captain Zhang roared like a furry bear: "Why don't you let me die !!!" The sound had gone astray, as if it were a demon.

He threw his gun, turned and ran towards the main road. Huang Xiaotao and other policemen immediately caught up with him. This guy ran fast and the road ahead was full of traffic. Huang Xiaotao shouted: "Shot him leg!"

She stood still, held both guns, fired a few shots at Captain Zhang's leg, and one shot hit his thigh. Captain Zhang froze and continued to run.

Others also fired a few shots, Captain Zhang was shot four times in the leg, but he was still running wild. This strong impulse to commit suicide was just like a drug addiction, which shocked me.

He rushed to the front of a galloping truck. The truck driver saw the steering wheel violently, turned over the side of the truck, and then banged heavily on Captain Zhang, instantly crushing him into a meat pie.

The traffic on the road was paralyzed instantly, and several cars were chasing after each other, making harsh braking and collision noises.

Everyone stood idly, no one spoke for a long time, and the police in the bureau came out, including the police officer Luo and officer Luo who we protected. Deputy Commissioner Zheng bit his lip and couldn't say a word.

At this moment, I don't know where a melodious music came from, Huang Xiaotao exclaimed: "Hurry and shoot your ears and make yourself deaf! Don't listen!"

Huang Xiaotao raised his gun, and I said, "Wait a minute! This voice was not just heard."

Listen carefully, the man was playing the song "Flashing and Shining." Zhang Jiulin said that only a certain song would be effective. After blowing this song, a somber voice spoke, and his voice was like the voice of a thousand miles in martial arts novels. Everywhere, every word was passed into our ears with extraordinary clarity-

"Hello everyone, I'm Long Bangguo, I crawled back from **** to find you revenge!"

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