The Underworld Detective

Chapter 297: SWAT Captain

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

We lost money for the table, chairs and bench to the boss. After leaving for a while, the uncle wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, "Frightened me. Thanks to the throat you shouted, we barely revealed our identity. But this incident also It's a little overwhelmed, and I was beaten for no reason. I guess this kid will be alert. "

Huang Xiaotao clenched his fist and seemed to have never been addicted: "What he calls Pingbai is for no reason at all, he just asked for it, and this kind of scum is unclean."

I said, "Captain, I'm really sorry about this tonight. We are helpless, anyway, thank you for your help!"

The uncle waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "Everywhere, it has developed into such a state of affairs, so how can we not let it go."

I asked, "Yes, do you know a captain named Zhang?"

Uncle froze, pointing to his nose and said, "I am!"

Huang Xiaotao and I exchanged sights staggeringly. I never thought of such an encounter. In order to be cautious, I still checked, he is indeed Captain Zhang we are looking for.

Captain Zhang wondered, "What's wrong with you two?"

I briefly explained the situation and told him that someone is going to kill him now, and we must protect him closely.

Captain Zhang shook his head: "You can't do it, you saw it, I'm on a mission right now, and I can't walk, who wants to kill me?"

I said, "Don't you be impressed with the name of Long Bangguo?"

Captain Zhang stumbled: "When did he come out?"

Huang Xiaotao explained: "It should have been released from prison in the past few days. He is retaliating against the police who sent him to prison that year. Police Officer Niu and Police Officer Ouyang have been killed one after the other and Police Officer Cui has even been killed. Full door ... "

Captain Zhang was shocked, but he was a tough guy after all. He didn't show much sadness, sighing: "It is difficult to break the crock pot from the well, and the general will inevitably die. We are the life of the police. Maybe someday Walking on the way home, I was suddenly stabbed by criminals! Come with the surname of Long, and you also see my gang. I don't believe how he dare treat me. "

I said, "Long Bangguo can make you die terribly without moving a finger!"

Captain Zhang laughed: "Consultant Song, are you telling a joke? A man who has been squatting in prison for 20 years has this ability, even if he has this ability, he does not have the courage ..."

His words stopped abruptly because I handed the phone over. I showed him pictures of Officer Niu and Officer Ouyang when they died. Captain Zhang opened his eyes wide and said, "Why did this happen, Long Bangguo did it?"

I explained: "To be precise, they did it themselves!"

I told him that various evidence now shows that Long Bangguo has a musical instrument that can kill people. As long as he hears that piece of music, anyone with the strongest will will commit suicide, and it will also affect those around him.

Captain Zhang was dubious about what I said, and I said shockingly, "You should remember the teacher Li who was hypnotizing last time. Many police officers did not believe that she could hypnotize anyone. What happened? The **** things are in front of me. We can no longer take human lives to verify! "

Captain Zhang suddenly laughed in the sky: "Do you mean, doubt that I can't resist this so-called killer sound? I have been trained by professional special forces torture, even if someone tried to hypnotize, I could not succeed. Li Wenjia's hostage-taking case was that I led Yes, it ’s not that I brag, the police force going in is too weak. If I change it, the suspect will be killed in one shot. She has no chance to hypnotize me. So, please go back, your concerns. Is superfluous. "

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Li Wenjia's case was an internal traumatic trauma to Huang Xiaotao. When someone heard such an understatement to evaluate it, her face showed an unpleasant look, and sarcastically said: "You mean , Your brain is full of muscles, so you wo n’t be successful? "

Captain Zhang said with a grin: "Yeah ... wait, do you call me a martial artist?"

Huang Xiaotao said angrily: "Do you want to say that my master Ma Guozhong and those police officers have died in vain because they are not as powerful as you? Song Yang, how about this guy's love, let's leave him alone , Collect his body in a few days! "

Captain Zhang knows that he has offended Huang Xiaotao and scratched his head embarrassingly. The muscle man's overwhelmed look is a bit funny, and I comfort her: "Little peach, don't get angry, after all, it's a matter of life and death!"

Huang Xiaotao held his hands and stopped talking. I said to Captain Zhang: "The killer's voice cannot be resisted by willpower. Don't be so confident. Even if you can stop it, you can make sure he finds you. At that time, there were no other people around you, didn't you have your brother? Do you want them to die because of you? "

Captain Zhang said: "Only me will be killed by Long Bangguo!"

I sneered: "Do you know how many innocent people he killed in order to revenge Officer Cui's family? All the restaurants were hit, a total of twenty-seven! He was so mad that he didn't care how many innocent people were drawn in, you In the car, he will kill a car; you are in the team, he will kill a team; you are with your family ... "

At this point, I deliberately paused, Captain Zhang clenched his fists in anger, his heart finally shaken: "I have to report this to my superior. After all, interrupting the task is punishable."

I said, "Your superior has approved it. He said that your life is more important than the task. If you don't believe it, you can call and ask." The middle sentence was fabricated by me.

Captain Zhang nodded: "Let's go back to the SWAT team with me. I'll change clothes and pick up some daily necessities."

Soon Captain Zhang drove a private car and took us to the SWAT team. This is the first time in my life that I have come to this place. There are three checkpoints when I enter the SWAT team. I see that there are several scouts on duty at high altitude. Holding in his hand is a domestic type 88 sniper rifle.

We walked through the compound and saw a riot vehicle, an assault vehicle and a police armored vehicle parked beside the road. The armored vehicle also had a machine gun seat, which surprised me. There are a few big guys covered with cloth in the distance, and the shape seems to be a helicopter gunship.

Captain Zhang said that the guns and ammunition here can arm a strengthened company. The presence of special police is not only a deterrent to criminals, but also a strong backing for a city! If one day foreign enemies invade, they will not be special police, but soldiers, who will rush to protect the people in the forefront.

When I came to the dormitory, the police officers had already rested, and I said, "Captain Zhang, why are you still staying in the dormitory?"

Captain Zhang laughed: "I am a bare-headed commander. It would be more convenient to live here than to live here."

I found out immediately that his wife had left him a few years ago and that the child had been sentenced to his wife. I felt deeply that being a police officer was not easy, and many police officers could not even maintain their own families.

Looking at Huang Xiaotao, I couldn't help thinking, if one day I face such emotional conflicts, would I choose to leave her?

The answer is never!

Because solving the case is our date, this getting along is not boring at all.

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