The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1898: Soviet needle

Bryansk, more than half a century ago, the Soviet Red Army and the German Army had two large-scale battles with the German Army in this area.

The first time was the Vyazma-Bryansk battle, which was part of the Moscow campaign from September to October 41. The Soviet Red Army lost 675,000 people in World War I, but the sacrifices were not in vain, and they gained valuable money for the defense of Moscow. Preparation time.

As for the second time, it was the Battle of Bryansk from September to October 43. In the third year of the war, the Soviet Red Army smashed the 9th Army of the German Central Army Group and liberated the Bryansk Industrial Zone and part of Belarus.

The two large-scale battles and the two-year fall in between, left too many traces of war on this land. Relics of the original war can be found everywhere in the vast hills, plains and swamps.

Zhang Nan wants to be a digging party. Bryansk is a good place. The winter here is relatively mild, so the swamp area can already be digging.

The passenger station is in the old town on the left bank of the Desna River that flows through the city, and the convoy prepared in advance has long been waiting.

Outside the station is the unfrozen Desna River. The car crosses the bridge on the river and enters the right bank area. The surrounding environment makes Zhang Nan feel that the Russian urban construction is really unique.

The place is big enough, wayward!

Bryansk city and nearby villages can have nearly 1.5 million people, which is considered a big city, so the company's influence here is also great.

Big cities mean big markets, and they also mean big benefits.

But in such a city, the urban layout is divided into four blocks along the turning river, and each block is actually divided by at least one or two kilometers wide of natural green space!

Almost no houses are built along the river, and they are self-willed!

However, after ten minutes, Zhang Nan understood why this city is so special, not as densely developed as some cities along the river in China.

Because this Desna River does not have its levees built at all, it is similar to the Huaihe River in China. Many sections of the river only have natural banks, and there is no flood prevention levee.

Bryansk is the section of the river that flows through the city and does not repair its embankments. When the water is rising, it is estimated that 100% of the river will fill the lower terrain on both sides of the river bank.

Without building the embankment, the city simply follows the terrain to build it. The part that will be flooded is the urban green park, or it doesn't matter at all, it is the pure natural swamp wetland.

A big place has the benefits of a big place, and building a city is so compliant with nature and willfulness.

"It seems that there is no need to worry about flooding here." Zhang Nan in the car pointed to the natural green areas on the river bank with a lot of snow remaining, and said to Alexandrov who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yes, boss. In spring, the water rises casually, and it won't flood the city no matter what. Most of the urban buildings are built above the highest water level in history.

A very small number of low-level ones are not afraid of flooding..."

This kind of scene is rarely seen in China, but it doesn't compete with nature for living space. The urban construction is such that it can be used in a country with a large area and a sparse population.

What suits you is the best.

On this trip, Zhang Nan will live in a resort sanatorium on the right bank of the river relatively far away from the city. Close to the river bank, the houses are basically built on a solid platform seven or eight meters above the river bank.

It is still winter and the economic environment is not good. The resort sanatorium is basically in a semi-idle state, which will be completely contracted by the local branch.

According to Alexandrov, the company has plans to buy it. After a few years of economic recovery, this large-scale nursing home will become profitable.

Once there, Zhang Nan did not go to the room, but walked to the edge of the platform with her daughter.

In front is the swamp green land, and more than a hundred meters ahead is the Desna River, which is nearly 100 meters wide.

Two or three hundred meters away from the south side of the platform, there is a large U-shaped protrusion surrounded by rivers on three sides. It is more than two hundred meters wide and can be four or five hundred meters long. That is the first excavation site this trip.

As for the distance on the other side of the river, there are almost no man-made buildings, all forests, which is really good for natural environmental protection.

The air temperature is slightly higher than the freezing point, the sun is good, and the shore is slightly windy, but it is not stinging.

Don’t worry about your daughter’s freezing, wearing fur, and holding a little Siberian tiger as a hand warmer...

When the boss looks at the scenery, the master over there must also accompany him. Don’t bother you. Their boss likes this.

The little friend Yuchen didn't bother his father, and ran to tease the tiger.

When he noticed that Zhang Nan focused his attention on the U-shaped protrusion, Alexandrov said to him: “Among our employees in Bryansk, some people have heard the old people say that in that big Tanks were sunk in the turning swamp. It is said that it was during the battle of Bryansk in 41 years.

At the beginning, the occupation was tense, we also lost the city, and the tank was not dragged out. As the sinking got deeper and deeper, the German didn't even know that the tank was buried.

After the Red Army liberated Bryansk, the tanks were buried for two years, and no one took it seriously.

In the past too many years, the insiders did not know what tank it was, nor was it able to determine the specific location. Over the past 50 years, there have been some changes in the riverside wetlands.

After that, the company sent someone here and hired a worker to find a metal detector for a few days. With good luck, I found it.

This morning's work has already transferred the required excavators, and the armored rescue vehicles used for towing have also been borrowed from nearby troops, and the work will start as soon as the boss arrives. "

The Digger Party, as soon as it comes up, play a big tank, and don't know what type of tank it is.

Zhang Nan is very interested. You must know that in 41 years, the Soviet Red Army equipped a lot of tank models.

"Let's go, go and see." Now that everything is ready, start work. Zhang Nan said to others and called his daughter on the way.

There is a small path from the sanatorium to the lowland, which can only be walked. However, when the tank is dug out, there is no problem to drag it out, and it can be dragged directly to the highway.

The terrain is flat, so excavators can walk, let alone armored rescue vehicles.

I walked, and waited to get off the platform, and found that there was a relatively soft riverbank swamp below, with many large and small trees growing, not as scary as the swamps in the movie "The Dawn Here is Quiet".

Seeing that there is no water on the surface, most people in the area will not sink when they stand up.

According to the local accomplices, the riverbank swamp is just like this. If you are not lucky, you will be trapped. Generally, you can't kill people. Most places can only dig a little bit down before the water comes out.

It is precisely because of this that the tank entered this area and was trapped.

If it was really the kind of wet swamp bubbling everywhere, this tank wouldn't be foolish enough to break in. Logs and branches were used to pave the road in the swamp during the war, and it would not be counted as a forced passage.

The boss dug a pit halfway ahead of schedule. As soon as the boss arrived, the excavator boomed, and the pump had to cooperate.

After ten minutes, a part of the car's **** was revealed.

"It's T34." said Andre on the side, "we stand a little further away."

Those with cannonballs, don't dig this thing too close.

Half an hour later, the front was down, and most of the tank that was stuck in the mud was exposed.

After seeing the appearance of the turret and barrel, Zhang Nan, who was not very interested in a T34, said in Chinese: "Fuck, we are lucky. It turns out to be a Soviet needle. There are few cars in the world. Bar?"

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