No reporters were allowed to board the plane, but after the boss's inspection was over and got off the plane again, Edward Allan, who was once the chief test pilot of the Tupolev Design Bureau, accepted a joint interview with reporters from his own group.

After   , except for the airport staff, everyone else left. Zhang Nan asked all the crew and some municipal officials to visit his manor.

   The officials will leave, and the crew members will stay in the manor. Recently they will live in one of the manor villas.

   Five days later, residents of Lindenhurst, Farmingdale and other communities in the Long Island area finally saw the power of the super airliner they had greeted the other day!

   Today Zhang Nan is going to Africa, first to Gambia, and then to Botswana.

   When Tu 144 began to accelerate on the runway, the roar of the four powerful Nk321 engines was like the most violent storm, and the entire airport was trembling!

   A takeoff is like the sky and the earth. The nearby residents have no objection, but many people are imagining that they can draw a good lot this year.

   Usually life is stressful, this huge sound can add a little bit of strange color to the boring life day after day, and it feels good to shudder once in a while.

   When the plane rose to high altitude and deep into the Atlantic Ocean, Captain Allan started the afterburner, and the plane quickly broke through the sound barrier and gradually accelerated to an economic cruise speed of Mach 2.2.

   This is the fastest speed that most people in the plane have reached, except of course Guan Xingquan and the few Red Devils who flew over the MiG interceptor.

   Looking at the changing numbers on the display on the front of the cabin, Zhang Nan felt that the noise in the cabin was a bit louder than that of an ordinary passenger plane, but it was not to the extent that the legendary communication required paper and pen. Obviously, the previous Western media reports were nonsense.

   This plane is a bit interesting, it jitters a bit at low speed, but when it starts to accelerate, it becomes abnormally stable.

   After the plane entered a stable course, Zhang Nan went into the cockpit to visit it once-this time the plane was like a huge sword, with the hood already raised and the canards retracted.

  In the cockpit, the pilot lost his downward field of vision, but his forward field of vision was still there. It was a bit awkward and inconvenient to see through two layers of glass.

   But this is not a big problem. With onboard radar and instruments, pilots can do blind landing, let alone simple cruise.

   At a cruising altitude of 18,000 meters, no other civil aircraft will interfere with its flight. Even the Concorde can't fly so high, let alone speed!

   Three hours later, the plane landed at the “Joint Forces” Sea-Air Joint Base in the Gambia. The boss arrived in Tu-144 and was warmly welcomed by all the personnel of the base!

   Zhang Nan stayed in Gambia for three days. Meeting with President Jawala was a routine matter. The most important thing was to inspect the naval base here.

  Before summer, many warships here will, with the cooperation of auxiliary ships, bypass the Cape of Good Hope and head for the Indian Ocean.

   After crossing the Indian Ocean, instead of going through the Strait of Malacca, we will go northward through the Sunda Strait. After that, we will visit China and the Far East of Russia, then cross the Pacific Ocean, and cross the Panama Strait back into the Atlantic Ocean...

   This is going to play a round-the-world voyage, but only a few people know this. The second half of the voyage in this plan does not exist!

   Although its own fleet is flying the navy flag of the Gambia Navy, nowadays, there is nothing but no aircraft carrier. Before these warships are scrapped, they have to really play a role.

   It’s only a toy for the boss, it’s a bit wasted: Battleship, it’s a pity that it won’t be fired once in the war!

   Tu-144 took off again, turned southeastward after entering the Atlantic Ocean, and flew towards Angola, wiping the territorial waters of Guinea, Sierra Leone and other countries.

   The next destination is Botswana and Zhang Nan’s home base in Africa. The plane will enter the land in south-central Angola.

   Nowadays, in Angola, apart from the fact that the northern Luanda region has left some face to the Angolan government's actual jurisdiction, most of the provinces Angolan government can't control it at all!

   The U.S. has always been reluctant to care about this area. After the Second World War, Britain and France were powerless in southern Africa. At most, they occasionally brushed up on their sense of existence.

   After the Rwanda massacre, the French all walked around the united forces in Africa.


   The Soviet Union has withdrawn from this piece of contention for many years, let alone Russia, which was trapped in the Chechen War.

   Two hours after the plane took off, Zhang Nan was looking at the construction materials of the new cargo terminal in Lobito, a seaport city in south-central Angola.

   Angola has huge mining resources, and now they are basically controlled by the company. That large terminal serves this purpose.

   Also under construction are the upgrading and transformation of the original railway system and the construction of the airport. The construction of the terminal is the slowest, and the airport was completed last year.

   is an airport that is mainly cargo and supplemented by passenger transportation. It didn't take too long.

   The upgrade and new construction of the railway network have connected southern Zaire, Angola, Botswana, and northern Namibia to the city in recent years.

   In addition to the construction of several ports and a bunch of mutually beneficial resource sharing agreements signed with South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania and other countries, Zhang Nan is now the real king of southern Africa!

  Since he is the king of southern Africa, the guys below all think that his boss, Prince Allen, will return to the lair this time, he must have a match.


  "...The first phase of the Lobito terminal project was put into use last year, and now it can dock 50,000-ton container ships.

   Phase II is also about to be completed, and ore ships with a capacity of 100,000 tons can be berthed directly.

   and the tanker dock here..."

Guan Xingquan was sitting next to   , Zhang Nan was just showing off, but he was interrupted.

   Guan Xingquan patted Zhang Nan's shoulder, who looked down at the drawing on the small desk, and said, "Stop looking at the drawing. Look outside. Someone has come to welcome us."

   "Huh?" Zhang Nan looked up at Guan Xingquan, but didn't understand the situation, "What?"

   Guan Xingquan pointed out the porthole, "You can see it by looking outside."

   Outside the porthole?

   With the effort of raising his head, Zhang Nan’s eyes swept to the LCD screen hanging in front of him, which showed a flying altitude of 18,000 meters and a speed of Mach 2.2.

   "Is someone coming to welcome outside the window?"

   turned around and took a look...

   "Fuck! This..." Zhang Nan didn't know how to describe it, almost dumbfounded!

Slightly like a fool, he pointed to the direction outside the porthole, then stood up and saw that everyone in the first-class cabin had an expression of enduring, and through the narrow separated aisle space, I saw the guys in the rear cabin. Although they were all looking out of the portholes on both sides, none of them spoke.

   It's too quiet!

   "I said... You did it on purpose!" Zhang Nan scolded with a smile.

   All fools should react to this situation: For the amazing scene outside the porthole, everyone in the plane remained "silent", indicating that everyone except themselves knew what would happen before.

   Seeing that the boss has understood the situation, Andre, who was sitting on the single seat on the other side of the aisle, smiled and said: "Yes, boss, this is specially arranged for you by United Forces Africa Headquarters.

  So far in the world, you are the first person to enjoy this treatment. Even Brezhnev has never received it before! "

   As he said, Andre took the lead and applauded, because the number one in the world is really amazing!

   Everyone in the cabin clapped, Zhang Nan had to stand and press down his hand, and said loudly: "Okay, the applause will be for the pilots outside by then!"

   looked out of the porthole. On both sides of the passenger plane he was on, there were four huge fighter jets flying with him. This was escorting him!

   A total of eight fighter The Tu-144 is grouped over the territorial waters of Angola, and they are grouped at an altitude of 18,000 meters at a supersonic speed of Mach 2.2!

   Those are huge MiG-25s!

   Dual aircraft formation, escorting the boss’s landline!

   This is Andre again: "We will land at the base airport in about 35 minutes. In the next time, eight MiG-25s will **** the entire journey."

   Why did you applaud just now?

   35 minutes, the voyage of thousands of kilometers will be escorted at a supersonic speed of Mach 2.2. Now only Zhang Nan in the world can enjoy such an incredible treatment.

   MiG 25, MiG 31 Russia has it, but there is no picture 144 that can fly immediately;


   Not to mention the speed of Mach 2, there is no fighter in the Western world that can fly at Mach 2.2 for half an hour, or even 10 minutes!

   Fighter **** is awesome?

   That is awesome, but the same speed **** of Mach 2.2 can do it now, there is no other branch!

When the fleet entered Botswana’s airspace, the fleet turned off afterburner. Before, the smaller half of Angola’s southern region enjoyed a huge roar of a supersonic fleet leap from a high altitude. This is an announcement to the people and the land here: they The king, their ruler is back!

   There is more than one airport in the base. When Tu-144 landed, eight MiG25s flew in the same field from an altitude of kilometers, and landed at the military base airport 50 kilometers west.

   Today’s feeling is so cool!



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