For so many years in the company, I have seen too much, done too much, and listened too much. By this time, Jiang Hongrong is about to marry a Chinese beauty from Los Angeles as his wife, but he is still an ordinary security contractor.

Ordinary is the main part of the company's armed forces, but it is not the core of the company, and it can even be said that it is a few blocks away from the core!

Those who can't be seen don't count, this Jiang Hongrong doesn't know. The security forces around the boss can be divided into three layers, and the outermost salary is a bit higher than those of the main contractors who fight for the company.

Most of the core is Mr. Xiang and boss Guan’s old comrades, old men, plus some mysterious Russians.

These people are basically in their 30s or over 30, and only a small number of people have moved to Riga in the past two years.

At this level, there were originally a few bodyguards hired by the boss when he came to the United States, but now, those people are basically no longer with the boss.

Not being squeezed out of the core security circle, but most of them have been assigned to some aspects of the group's work. For example, the one who will be responsible for all the company's mining development in Canada, who used to be an armed driver of the boss!

Drivers, it’s certain that they can drive, but they don’t necessarily need to understand mining production from the beginning to be the boss over there.

To be a leader, you only need to know how to manage and employ people to be qualified.

The second layer, such as protecting the owner’s family and the safety of the house, is that this group of people is actually not much different from the first part, and sometimes they are shared with each other, but when the family goes out with the boss, this group of people sometimes take holidays. the only difference.

The core represents the secret of the core.

The third category is that this will take over the entire valley security personnel. These people are not the boss's personal bodyguards, but can directly appear near the boss with a gun.

With a gun with live ammunition, this is also trust.

As for general security contractors, unless they are knowledgeable like Jiang Hongrong, they will never be allowed to carry a gun near their boss.

At this time, the guns of Jiang Hongrong and others were on the side, and only after getting instructions from the boss, each of them retrieved their own pistols.

Without the spear, Xiang Weirong said that they should do some work, but not to protect safety. Those who have controlled all the main points on the mountain are not furnishings.

This will occupy the entrance of the valley, but it is not in a hurry to explore it personally, but to clear the workshop first.

Just now there were two clear guards at the intersection that lived in a house at the intersection. They would not die and were captured alive.

Joseph arrived in a truck to clean up the ruins of the workshop and told Guan Xingquan the latest situation.

"According to the captive's account, the northern gang usually came to pick up and pay for the goods this time from ten days to half a month. The last time they came was two days ago.

The people who deliver supplies, leaves, and chemical raw materials will come in eight to nine days, and no one will bother us in the next week.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with it, we will solve it. "

Guan Xingquan is very satisfied with this result. If he visits once a day, he will ambush trouble every day;

If the people who come do not go back, it is estimated that there will be more drug dealers to see the situation, which is even more annoying.

This end began to clean up the ruins of the house that was blown up by the thermobaric bomb. The iron roof that was so blown up was still there, and the wall of Building No. 1 did not collapse. Some of the guys who got off the truck wore masks and gloves and went in. Black body bag.

Charlize Theron leaned over to the door of the bombing to watch the excitement, but after a while, turned back with a pale face.

"Why, can't hold it anymore?" Zhang Nan smiled and said to her.

There is the sun in the sky, and a large field tent is being erected on the clearing ground. There are also parasols, folding tables, chairs and benches. Zhang Nan is sitting on a chair and drinking tea.

Xiaoyao, he didn't look at those horrible corpses, and he didn't have time to add to his heart.

Charlie shook her hand, indicating that she didn't want to talk, then sat down and opened the bottle of mineral water and took a few big mouthfuls.

"It's not good to drink cold water all the time."

The girl ignored Zhang Nan's words and took care of herself to adjust her emotions.

Each body was carried out in a body bag and thrown directly into the truck body.

There are more than 38 in Building One!

As for Building No. 2, which was half destroyed by the bombing, there were three corpses in total, but according to the captive’s account, the people inside were more important than Building No. 1, because the management of the workshop lived here.

Sure enough, the person who cleaned the ruins and the corpse found something special: there was a boss' safe in the ruins.

It can weigh more than one hundred kilograms, which will be hung on a wire rope, dragged out directly, and dragged to the side of the parasol where Zhang Nan is.

"Here should be the cash from the previous drug dealer's transaction, and the unsuccessful piece at the back, the high-purity cocaine powder flying all over the room." Joseph said.

Zhang Nan hates drugs. Hearing this, he said: "When things are understood, burn down the house, now..."

Pointing to the safe on the ground, "Who can open this thing?"

The Red Devil has craftsmanship. Although it will be impossible to find the key from the ruins of the explosion, Joseph believes that it is not a big problem to open the box without damage.

"One to two hours, boss, this one needs to be a little patient."

After that, I went to find a tool.

The corpse was cleaned quickly, and the truck that transported the corpse left while Joseph was still leading the man to make a safe deposit box.

At the same time, new small trucks are constantly coming in, bringing in supplies, and even RVs.

It's not Zhang Nan's exaggerated Mercedes-Benz bullet-proof off-road RV, or an ordinary RV, which is not too big, but is a cheap model modified with an extended minivan.

It was not shipped from the United States, it was originally the property of the mining group here.

Estimated to live here for a few days. It doesn't matter if Zhang Nan and other elders live in a tent, but Charlie is the only woman, and the car is convenient.

The water supply system introduced into the mountain spring in the workshop is still there, the half-open kitchen is also there, and the toilets that are not particularly bad have even been repaired in distant places.

Not as bad as expected.

Here let people drive in the off-road vehicle a few kilometers away from the previous investigation team, and inside it are the backup daily necessities of Jiang Hongrong and others.

At this time, they also washed off the oil on their faces, and they all honestly found a place nearby to sit down and rest There was another car, and attorney Hans-Simmer arrived.

Mr. Hans got out of the car and saw the scene of the workshop and Jiang Hongrong, Ngawang and others who were resting nearby. He swallowed unconsciously!

This scene...

He didn't see the transported corpse, but he had been here before. Seeing the scene of this meeting, the factory building seemed to have been hit by heavy artillery shells!

I thought before that Mr. Allen would use force to solve the problem, but when he saw it with his own eyes, the imaginary scene was really incomparable.

Zhang Nan motioned for the other party to come over. Hans hadn't spoken yet. Joseph, who played the safe, opened the door and saw what was going on inside. He said, "Boss, these drug dealers still have some money, and we have to pay for this trip."

The money from the previous transaction has not been taken away by the boss behind the scenes, it is all in it.

Zhang Nan took a long glance and said, "According to the regulations, it's divided."

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