Ngawang's eyes are like eagle eyes watching the workshop below, hoping that he can run out of a slippery fish and let himself open the meat.

I haven't shot people with a gun for so many years, I really miss it...

Itchy hands!

It's a pity that Wu Wei's big truth made Comrade Awang's thoughts completely empty, and there was no hope.

In the early morning raid, all were good hands, and they used unreasonable weapons. Only when those drug dealers survived will there be ghosts!

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a completely safe call to the target area came from the headset. The guys below were not busy cleaning the corpses in the ruins of the building, but scattered around the factory, and people would come here later.

Before long, a few off-road vehicles drove into the factory, and above them were other guys who came from the intersection. Without a telescope, Ngawang and Wu Wei, whose eyes were so good, recognized that Guan Xingquan was among these people.

The newcomers are also on guard. Most of them still go up the mountain. This is to control the rhythm of the commanding heights everywhere.

Squad leader Karimi called the two Awang, let them down, and gave the position to the new buddy.

The handover was smooth, and when he stepped down to the workshop, Wu Wei smelled a strange smell in the air.

A hint of roasted meat, this is not uncommon, there will be a bunch of roast pigs in the house.

What was awkward was another strange smell. Ngawang felt the breeze blowing in the valley, and said to the guys: "You don't need to wear a gas mask, the dust will settle soon and it won't be poisoned."

Obviously there was a **** finished product in the two buildings, caine, which was severely roasted by the thermobaric bomb, leaving traces of residue in the air.

Fortunately, according to Ngawang's feeling, the concentration is very low and there is no problem.

Waiting, Karimi told everyone that there will be two big people coming later, so that everyone can be more energetic.

A few people were curious. Looking at this, Jiang Hongrong told everyone in a low voice: "I think the big boss is coming."

"What is the boss doing here?"

Shi Tao murmured.

"Whatever you do, it must be a good thing anyway. I can tell you that according to the company's statement, as long as the big boss arrives, there will be good things in all likelihood." Jiang Hongrong said.

He has been in the company for many years and has heard a lot of gossip.

Everyone is silent, just wondering who the other important person will be?

After a long while, three Land Rover drove in, and a pretty girl got out of the second car.

Charlize Theron, everyone knows, even if you haven't seen a real person before, you have seen her movies or posters.

"The second important person is her?"

Awang was a little curious.

The third car got into the back seat and got down two men in outdoor jackets. The taller one was the boss, everyone would recognize. And another middle-aged Chinese man with a slightly shorter head and more than 40 years old does not look like a bodyguard, even more like a boss than the big boss.

The team members saw Karimi approaching and said: "Boss, monitor. The interior of the workshop has not been cleaned up yet. Miss Charlie, you'd better not look inside."

Well, people with low qualifications already know by this time that the second important person is the "squad leader", not Miss Charlie.

People with veteran qualifications like Jiang Hongrong know who the "squad leader" is.

Xiang Weirong is much more low-key than Guan Xingquan when he is abroad. Even in domestic affairs, his wife is basically showing up in this face-to-face matter.

Company actions, the word "important" of important people means that the action itself is related, and it has nothing to do with whether the boss’s family is or not. This is different from the security task.

At this time, everyone saw that the boss said to Karimi: "It's okay. Bringing Charlie is just to train her courage, and we should also know the style of doing things at home."

Charlize Theron on one side nodded quickly, looking eager to try.

"This is the big boss, similar to the one in the newspaper. Who is the squad leader?" It was a bit strange, Wu Wei was guessing there.

Guan Xingquan knew the pride of Huaxia people a long time ago, but he really didn't know the existence of Xiang Weirong, a big brother in the group.

Suddenly, Wu Wei felt that Ah Wang beside him seemed a little strange.

Turning his head to see, this guy who usually likes to have a straight face, this will show an expression of excitement unexpectedly, the camouflage on his face can't stop it.

The eyes are wide open!

Here, Zhang Nan and Charlie should be mentally prepared to avoid being frightened, but he heard a bit of excitement from the opposite side, and lowered his voice: "Uncle Xiaoxiang?"

Uncle Xiaoxiang, when he was in his hometown, Zhang Nan often heard some teenagers calling his brother-in-law this way. But now, I can only hear it from Xing Chunlei, who drove for himself in a safe area.

Looking at it, he was a brawny man with oil paint on his face, looking at his side eagerly.

Xiang Weirong came to Peru a few days ago. His restless brother-in-law wanted to cut a bunch of drug dealers because of his hobby, so come and have a look.

This will see some people call themselves Uncle Xiaoxiang, and the voice is not the juniors of Yanxian in their hometown. Some of those little ghosts have come out, but none of them called Uncle Xiaoxiang can do the work of the commandos, and The voice will not be so hesitant and excited.

The oil paint was there, and he couldn't recognize it at a glance. Xiang Weirong asked in confusion: "You are?"

Obviously, this is "Uncle Xiaoxiang", and Awang didn't recognize the wrong person, and his big white teeth were exposed with a smile.

"I am Ngawang, Uncle Xiaoxiang, Ngawang of Dege, and my dad is Za Yong, the hunting captain Za Yong!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Nan saw his brother-in-law smiled and stepped forward, walked up to the strong man, and slapped him on the shoulder twice, "So it's your kid! It's been fifteen or six years now, and you've grown up this way!

Your father and your grandfather are still in your hometown? Are you okay? ..."

After several questions, Awang quickly said, "My grandfather and dad are very good...Uncle Xiaoxiang, I am almost 30 years old this year..."

I was treated as a child.

Zhang Nan will know who this is now. The son of a good friend whom his brother-in-law met when he ran the Sichuan-Tibet line-the brawny Zhang Nan didn't know, but the name "Zha Yong" had been heard many times before.

The hunting captain, when the brother-in-law's father needed musk to treat the old problems of his legs, that Zha Yong directly gave his brother-in-law a musk sachet of one or two weights!

Generally, there are at most three or four kinds of musk in the musk sac, one or two of them are rare in the world, so Zhang Nan remembers it very clearly.

Here Xiang Weirong was very happy. After asking about the current situation of Ngawang and his family, he brought people over and introduced them to Zhang Nan and others.

"Awang, the son of an old friend, when I left the Sichuan-Tibet line at the end of 1978, this kid still looked like a skinny monkey. He has been in the blink of an eye for so many years..."

Over forty years old, Xiang Weirong was a little emotional, looking at the expression of his nephew, it seemed that he had a good relationship with his father at the beginning.

Once the Sichuan-Tibet line left in the 1970s, losing contact between friends was almost the only result.

At this time, Guan Xingquan noticed that Awang glanced at the nearby team members, and seemed a little embarrassed.

This seems to have caught up with the line of the big boss, and it is almost impossible to get up to speed.

This Awang is a sincere man.

Guan Xingquan approached Xiang Weirong and whispered, "Reconnaissance team, everyone is reliable."

I found it originally, this Awang's heels were relatively slightly close, and he didn't think he was the son of an old friend of the squad leader.

After hearing this, Xiang Weirong glanced at Zhang Nan and saw that the latter nodded slightly, and said to Karimi: "Your people will follow this trip. You don't need to let them evacuate first."

After finishing speaking, he said to Ngawang: "Wash off things on your face with your friends, and you will call everyone over. There are things for you to do these days."

Everyone heard Xiang Weirong's words, Jiang Hongrong who was a little further away exhaled, and whispered to Lian Jie who stood on the side: "Electrician, we're lucky this trip!"

"What's the point?" Lian Jie asked in a low voice.

"That's Mr. Xiang, the boss's brother-in-law, Guan Boss's boss, we seem to be in the light of Ngawang this time." He said with his eyes a hidden observation post on the mountain: "I see, we are about to At the level of those guys."

The closer you are to the boss, the higher your income, which is an open secret in the company.

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