John Bull, this is not a hat that foreigners put on British guys. It was taken by the British themselves. It originated from the satirical novel "The Life of John Bull" published by Scottish writer John Absnot in 1727.

   The protagonist in that book, John Bull, is a short, fat English gentleman with a high hat, boots, and an umbrella. He is stupid and rude, cruel, and bullying.

Just such a disgusting guy, very suitable for the nature of the British: that year, the British bourgeois regime carried out an enclosure movement internally and a colonial plundering policy externally. The image of John Bull was exactly the full expression of Britain in that period. .

After   , the arrogant British actually understood the derogatory term "John Bull" as a compliment, and turned it into an image of a doer who has suffered from accidents. The behavior of John Bull has now become the standard behavior of the British.

   It's shameless, isn't it, the imperialist colonists are just like that.

   The UK is not only a cockroach in Europe, it is full of malice towards the whole world!

Like the Gulf War that broke out the year before, the source of the British colonial forces left the Middle East before the guilty successor, and the endless conflict between India and Pakistan, which was also a permanent gift left by the British colonists to the South Asian subcontinent. .

   Even if you are driven away, it will leave you with permanent problems!

   Britain is not only insidious, but the arrogance and arrogance of the British who are always obsessed with history is well known.

  Introverted and exclusive island complex, coupled with its small size to create a glorious history of controlling a quarter of the world's territory, the British character is completely full of arrogant plots!

  British arrogance and contempt for other countries are not introverted, but are also reflected in daily language. For example, they describe steaks that are neither good-looking nor delicious as "like French cooked";

When a British person asks for forgiveness by saying vulgar words, he will say: "Please forgive me for using French."-The British Prime Minister John Major often used this mantra, and he did not know that President Mitterrand on the other side of the Strait would meet. I don't want to let people beat this John in Downing Street into a pig's head.

   Of course, that Mitterrand is not a good species either. At the end of last year, he sold things that he shouldn't sell to Wanwan, which irritated China, and the relationship between the two countries is at a freezing point.

  The British also call it "letting France leave without saying goodbye"; saying that corruption is a "Spanish custom" and so on...

   The arrogance goes deep into all aspects of the UK. Even international players who go to play in the professional leagues of the UK have a strange thing called "Labor Certificate" to show the difference of the British Empire.

   Coupled with the widespread influence of aristocratic complexes, this John Bull always thinks he is the number one in the world, and deliberately ignores the fact that he has already become the younger brother of the United States.

  I look down on people in the European continent, and the British do the same to other continents in the world.

   John Bull feels so good about himself, he looks down on others in his bones, including despising the uneducated upstart, the United States.

   The Huying was airmailed back to the United Kingdom by Boss Ma. At the same time, through a friend, he relayed the warning given by Zhang Nan on the phone, but the other party obviously didn't care about it, and deliberately worked against it!

   At this time, Guan Xingquan, who was on the same side, asked, "Does that auction house know the cause and effect?"

  Zhang Nan smiled, "I know, the Canterbury auction house in Kent, England, is a little famous, and likes to auction Chinese cultural relics. Just sell it, regardless of the source.


With a gloomy smile, he gestured for a while and asked the bodyguard to take Sawaguchi Yasuko to the target. Then he said: "Andre went to the Caribbean with his family on vacation a few days ago. Let me inform Pavel and Joseph that in the evening, Come to the manor, there is work for them to do in a few days."

   "Why, do you want to blow up the auction house?"

   Xiang Weirong said something.

   Zhang Nan lighted a cigarette for himself, and after inhaling, he said, "No, the last time the war with Anglo American Resources Group caused tensions with Downing Street, they are not fools.

   There is something about Turkey that is aside from us, but I suspect that there must be more. The goal of setting off firecrackers in the UK recently is too big.

   I think that when John Bull burned our Old Summer Palace more than 100 years ago, he was not polite. This time I want to change things. "

  How to change?

   "After I said that Colonel Harry Evans would be extinct that day, I would do it if I said it.

   But we are not in a hurry, take your time, the whole family will die before the shoot, public opinion is not good.

   I want to send someone to the UK to do some sabotage, so that Uncle Sa or the Irish Republican Army will be blamed. "

   Xiang Weirong shook his head, "It's not an explosion yet."

   "No, let's not play with bombs, I plan to set fire. Brother-in-law, if I set the British Museum on fire, what do you think of this idea?"

"not so good!

There are a lot of Chinese cultural relics in   , and there is nowhere to go to see it when it burns. "

   Zhang Nan shrugged, "Brother-in-law, even if the whole world knows that those were robbed by British guys, do you think they will return things to us during our lifetime?

  Impossible, that is their glorious history, or a pillar of shame to show us!

   It's a pity that Moustache didn't cross the English Channel at the time. Otherwise, after being swept by the Red Army, these things might be in our hands.

   I think there will be no chance of sweeping the British Isles in the future. I think there will be no more in a few hundred years. I am annoyed thinking that those things are there. "

   Xiang Weirong stared at his brother-in-law, and said more seriously: "Your thoughts are a bit extreme, harming others and detrimental to yourself, can it be done?

   In the evening, I asked Pavel their opinions. I'll take care of things in the UK. The auction house and the Evans descendants of that dog-day will have to be punished, but don't go wrong.

   That's it, you just think too much sometimes! "

   Xiang Weirong rarely intervenes in those decisions made by his brother-in-law, but what Zhang Nan said just now is obviously not guilty. Some of them were so irritated that they were so hot that they braked him without hesitation!

   Touched the chin that he had forgotten to shave this morning, Zhang Nan said, "If you don't burn it, don't burn it, ah, it seems to be a little self-inflated, then it's your brother-in-law's responsibility."

   "If you say you are not in a hurry, we are not in a hurry.

   Let the Red Devil send a few people to prepare, isn’t it three months before the auction. By the way, do you still want that thing? "

   "It's not what I want, I don't have much more, it's a face."

   "Then don't make the matter face to face, let your secret agent go and buy things back then, and donate them to China National Museum anonymously.

   Your money can also come back. The Evans family sells things and has money. It's normal to get a thief.

   As for auction houses, they usually sell things in hotel conference rooms, but they always have their own office. The boss and shareholder can't be a pauper.

   Don’t rush for a while, take your time, traffic accidents, gas explosions, street robberies, accidental fires, everything can kill people.

   If it fails, a flowerpot in the sky can kill a person.

   Don’t keep thinking about destroying people’s houses, you don’t have to do it all at once, it’s interesting to cut the meat with a blunt knife.

   It's better for those guys to leave the UK for a vacation, it's much simpler. "

   After listening to Xiang Weirong's words, Zhang Nan is really casual: he hasn't gotten into the media yet, to deal with a few ants who do not want to live or die, the problem is just how to crush them to death.

   If the other party dared to make it public, it would be different, and immediately send someone to secretly tie the other party, and there is nothing in Downing Street!

   Did you tell me to let go?

   What's wrong? It's my business if your people are missing. Do you think you are the world policeman?

   I don’t love you!

   Come and bite me!

   Beware of blowing up your Downing Street and Buckingham Palace!

   For conflicts at the civil level, it is better not to participate in the state. At least Zhang Nan has the strength to keep Washington from pulling sideways, and that is also for their own interests.

   As for the British themselves, arrogance means shouting, and they can't bear the revenge of a super-rich who is a little bit crazy and powerful.

It’s impossible to destroy the United Kingdom, but it’s a trivial thing to make your British natives jump-the easiest, you don’t have to do it yourself, let the Russian arms dealers provide some advanced technology to the uncompromising Irish Republican Army. Russian-style equipment, the British Isles will be restless!

   A bunch of peripheral bodyguards who ran to buy a semi-automatic AK just now came back. Xiang Weirong walked over to guide them to practice new tricks. Zhang Nan also planned to practice again and have fun.

   I didn't think that Guan Xingquan whispered to him on the side: "I said, your burning of the British Museum is definitely a bad idea.

   But... I think the idea of ​​arson is good. We used to explode in the first place. The goal is too big and we are almost finalized.

   As soon as there is a big bomb, the whole world will be the first to think whether we will do it. This is not good.

   When the museum burns, the whole world will jump out, I think it’s okay to go to Buckingham Palace when the opportunity is right.

   Tit for tick, suitable!

   And it’s the easiest palace in the world to enter after it’s closed. It’s easier than the Forbidden City where no one lives. "

   Zhang Nan was taken aback and said, "Brother Guan, are you so angry today?"

Guan Xingquan smiled coldly, and said, "Xiaoli and the others won't tell you that they were blinded in the UK. Le Yun told me that I can feel those British colored glasses when we go shopping with her. ."

   I visited the Buckingham Palace and studied it by the way. It can be said that it is almost undefended.

   By the way, Andre also said this when chatting with me. If you want to enter Buckingham Palace, it is as safe as your own backyard. Anyone can enter. Just wait a little longer and don't find out. "


   But Brother Guan, the Anglo-French allied forces did not burn Cixi to death. If a fire turns the Queen of England into a roast chicken, it seems a bit of a big game. "

   "No, you will know if the queen is at home by looking at the flag there.

   Either the royal family or all the furnishings, she would have died eight hundred times early..."

it is good!

   Buckingham Palace is not as small as the Old Summer Palace, but it is also a treasure house of art. The number and value of the collections of the British royal family are difficult to estimate.

   Guan Xingquan has visited it specially, and he has a computer-like brain. The number of famous Buckingham Palace paintings that he said made Zhang Nan have the urge to set fire immediately.

   More than 14,000 oil paintings and more than 5,000 canvases are the works of masters: Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Holbein, Tin Dore, Van Gogh, Michelangelo...

   It is said that there are more than 900 paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. I don't know if it is true or not. The number of other sculptures, pottery, porcelain, furniture and miscellaneous antiques is even harder to estimate!

   Zhang Nan listened and said, "The flag thing is a bit of an impression. The King of England flag hung above the palace means that the queen is at home. If it is a rice-shaped flag, it means that the queen is out.

   I said, can you really go in? "

   Guan Xingquan rolled his eyes, "You look down on people too much, right?

  Don't talk about us. In 1982, a guy went to Buckingham Palace twice in a month. The second time he went to the Queen's bedroom. He sat on the bed and talked with the Queen who woke up for more than ten minutes.

   We don’t talk to her, just to put the fire off. It’s less difficult, and it’s definitely easier than not buying tickets to enter the Forbidden City at night. "

   Now it's Zhang Nan's turn to despise Boss Guan, "Do you think it's easy to enter the Forbidden City at night?

   Our ancestors don’t know how much better anti-theft level than the British guys. That palace wall is enough for you to climb! "

   "Cracking" nearby fired the gun, talking tired.

   walked to the corner, Zhang Nan said again: "Guess, now the world still lives in royal palaces, which one is the most difficult to break into?

   I'm talking about a few people. It's not the kind of large troops rushing in with tanks, but also to exclude residences such as holiday castles built on the top of the mountain, just talk about the main palace. "

"have no idea."

   Guan Xingquan is simple enough, I don’t know or I don’t know, who would study that if nothing else.

   "The imperial residence of the little devil, the one we have studied, find a place and use Barrett to call it.

   But that place is where bullets and cannonballs are easy to get in, and it is super difficult for people to get in, unless they use brute force to rush in. "


  "The personnel is secondary, but the key is the building itself. The traditional Japanese castle design can be regarded as a reduced version of the little devil who has absorbed our ancient Chinese city defense experience.

   uses the moat as the first line of defense. The width of the river is more than 20 meters and the depth is more than 3 meters. Except for the location of the gate, you have to swim across the river first.

   I heard that there have been a few cases in the past when someone wanted to swim across the moat and enter the Devil’s Palace. As a result, the intruder was taken down by the waiting guard as soon as he reached the shore.

   In addition to the river, this devil’s palace also used large stones to raise the base of the castle. Even if you swim over the moat, you have to climb the base of the castle like a hill, and then climb over a 5-meter-high wall to enter the palace.

It’s not over yet. The ground in the courtyard is paved with fine gravel. It is convenient for water seepage and flood prevention on rainy days. People walking on it can make rustling noises. It’s not easy to run quickly. The guards inside will know if anyone comes in by listening to the footsteps. .

   are all learned from our Chinese ancestors. The foundations made of huge stones and the ground with fine sandstones all have the function of defensively digging tunnels in.

   The defense of the ancient city is very strong. I don't know what Buckingham Palace is. The defense of the imperial palace is at least much more effective than the modern defense system of the White House.

  The manor on my side mainly relies on people and technology. It is similar to the White House, but it is the castle in Austria, where the defense function is the most perfect.

   A fence under the mountain is the first defense, the space after entering is the second, the third is up the mountain, the fourth is the cliff and the fort wall, and the fifth is the security inside.

   Unless the plane is bombed, even ghosts can't get in. "

   After listening to him, Guan Xingquan said, "The anti-theft and explosion-proof design of your castle is horrible. I really don't know how afraid of death you are!

Wang Debiao told me that the outer circle of the castle manor is surrounded by five-meter-high double-layer alloy steel columns thicker than the arm. The biggest one is that our hometown dog can get through. People don’t want to. Think, unless Yanzi Li San goes.

   is still an anti-tank installation, with anti-tank pillars on the outside, and the reinforced concrete base of the base has been dug a few meters deep, which is stronger than a dam.

   The tank can't rush in, and I want to cut it. It will probably take a long time for the old king to repair the safe house in your old house.

   Unless the blind man shows you the house, he won’t be able to get in at all.

  There are still two entrances. The Russian-made anti-collision gates do not count. The electric, hydraulic, and manpower dual-channel anti-tank arrays on the passage are not counted. Who can rush in?

   There are two anti-cutting fences on the hillside facing southeast that people can't go up at all. A reverse anti-climbing edge is added to the base of the castle cliff. The world champion of rock climbing is blinded by the arrival.

   There are two sections of deliberate heightening of the base of the Panshan Highway, which can be regarded as two city walls. The opposite side needs to be monitored, and there is a third anti-impact column at the turning point.

   I won’t talk about it, Pavel went to see it, and said that unless they use heavy weapons, they won’t do anything. "

   Zhang Nan curled his lips and said, "Creativity, Brother Guan, this is called creativity.

  British guys don’t know what creativity is, otherwise you would still think of burning their Buckingham Palace?

   But now we have to slow down your creativity. It's my turn to persuade you. This will make the conflict between us and them not so big. Wait, let's talk about it when it gets really hot. "

   "It's up to you, even if you really want to set the fire, then the monitor has to agree not.

   Things that hurt others and do not benefit ourselves, we still do less if we don’t have to. "

   "Cut! I thought you were courageous. If you don't agree, you will do it."

   "What?" Guan Xingquan was puzzled.

   "Aren't you getting blinded in the UK."

   "Just a coffee shop, my ears are good, the boss said something discriminatory behind his back."

"and then?"

   "What else, we'll leave after drinking coffee."

   "Is it gone?"

   "Did you beat someone? The police station is next However, the coffee shop was gone before I came back, and the gas exploded and caught fire."

   "I wipe it!"

   I almost forgot who Guan Xingquan was, but in order to get a kickback to eliminate hidden dangers, he had to rush to Jin Province to kill a gang of coal mine leaders. In the eyes of outsiders, there is no right or wrong moral super ruthless person!

   At this time, Xiang Weirong came over, "You two are mysterious, what are you talking about?"

   Zhang Nan grinned and said, "It's nothing, I will go to India in two days.

  Wamar said that they also had a gathering of the Queen of the Earth, and asked if we were interested in participating together. "

   Opening one's mouth is nonsense.

   "It's not appropriate for them to gather together for the kings of the earth. It's not our business."

   "There is nothing inappropriate, we are also a great chieftain of the earth king, even people in Africa are welcome.

   Let's talk about it when the time comes. The party is in northern India. Go and see if you have time. "

   On December 1, Zhang Nan, who had been at home for a few days, set off for South India: the huge Boeing 747 did not take the Atlantic or European routes, but flew to Hawaii first, and then flew directly to Trivandrum after refueling.



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