The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1617: One-handed skills

   Half a month after Zhang Nan returned to New York, he heard a message from China: A toy factory invested by the owner of Xiangjiang in Pengcheng caught fire at work, causing hundreds of casualties.

   What would happen or it happened, nothing changed, Zhang Nan could only sigh in his heart.

   What else can be done besides this?

  Almost at the same time, Zhang Nan learned that there is a kind of person in this world called head iron!

   In the east of Long Island, the shooting range of the "Joint Force" training base is relatively far from the community, and the land price is not so exaggerated.

There are some super-rich holiday estates in the coastal areas. As for the relatively inland areas, the degree of development is much worse: it is too far from New York City. Not everyone has plenty of time or can take a helicopter to and from get off work. The topography of the peninsula also restricts development here.

   This small training base is well built here, and the land price is right. Not only is it convenient for the boss to play, it is also a power reserve for the company in the New York area.

   Zhang Nan and Sawaguchi Jingzi were both standing, watching how Professor Xiang Weirong’s new peripheral bodyguard was trained to change magazines with one hand. The sound of “bang, bang” gunshots kept in their ears.

   The woman also wore noise-cancelling headphones, but Zhang Nan didn't wear anything.

He started to go to the militia training base to rub his guns when he was more than ten years old. Except for one situation, he didn't plug his ears in the shooting range with anything except the 12.7 mm large-caliber machine gun. No matter how uncomfortable your ears are, your heart will tremble!

  Sawaguchi Jingzi arrived in New York a few days ago. They both worshipped their ancestors together before. The two housekeepers in the family admitted her place in this very special home, and Zhang Nan could already bring her back to the manor.

  Of course, she will not live in Long Island, she usually lives in Los Angeles.

   There are many people around the shooting range. Professor Xiang has a trick for everyone. This is a rare opportunity. Everyone is a good student.

   It is a rare opportunity to enter the circle of bodyguards outside the Zhang Nan family, loyalty is the first, and this military quality is also excellent!

   The company’s faculty gathers elites from the East and the West, including China, the United States, Russia, and Israel. In the Gambia, there is even an original Vietnamese army officer and a small instructor in his 50s.

   North Vietnam, not South Vietnam, retired at 55 three years ago, and then came to the United States, is a friend of a county contractor friend.

   That person has half of Chinese patrilineal descent. He has always said that he is Chinese. The wife he married when he was young is also Chinese. Of course, his children are of Chinese descent.

   Fighting with the French since the early 1950s, and then fought with the newly formed Nanyue within a few years, and then went to war with the Americans, there was no time to stop!

   In 1978, the Association was expelled from the military because of ungratefulness and hostility against the Vietnamese government, and the family was deported to Huaxia after depriving of property.

   Enmity is big!

Wearing a 66-style military uniform in 1979, he fought back to Vietnam as a consultant, and returned to China a month later. After that, he was arranged to work in a state-owned forest farm and became a colleague and good friend with the old comrade-in-arms of the Yanxian contractor. .

  Accurately speaking, he should be a returned overseas Chinese from Vietnam. He has a unique skill, a unique skill that will make all enemy military personnel crazy and hate: set traps, all kinds of traps!

Except for traps in desert areas, the person does not, regardless of whether it is farmland, jungle, grassland, mountains, or shallow water areas, the person who did and created a variety of terrible traps is said to be more than the Chinese, Chinese, and Russian military. There is so much written in the textbooks!

   There are everything you can think of and what you can't think of. Most of them are as wicked as they are.

   Fighting started at the age of fifteen or six and lasted until 1979. Except for the stable days after a few years in between, they were fighting almost all the time.

   According to the theory of the battlefield, that person is fine!

   Absolute talent, quite accidentally, was dug into the "united force": It seems good to run to the United States to earn some American imperialism while still moving.

  Professor is very dedicated. Now, as long as the first-line contractors of "United Force" have received his training, when he mentions that person, he will give a unified evaluation: "That's a devil!"

   "The devil" is to the enemy, to his own person, that is an uncle who always smiles-to be the simplest single bullet "landmine", he smiles and teaches you how to do it.

   Then I will tell you with a smile: once such a cheap trap is stepped on, 100% of the soleplate of the foot has a big hole with a small entrance and a large exit, which can temporarily scrap the opponent's five vital forces.

   There are four people who carry stretchers. "...If you stand the bullet a little bit crooked, like this...

   That's it. There is a chance to kill a person, but it is more likely to shoot through the entire leg and cause hemorrhage or hit the abdomen again. That way, the four people who carry the stretcher will be saved. The superfluous is not worth the loss.

   is still crooked, it depends on your mood at the time, I usually put it a little bit when the mood is not very good..."

   After finishing talking with a smile, it is really no different from the kind uncle next door. He will give you some snacks, fruits and so on.

In the training camps of the "Joint Force", there are many people like the trap master, but if it is only for ordinary infantry technical and tactical training, especially shooting skills, there is a rumor among ordinary contractors: "I want to see the top Master?

   Then go find Mr. Xiang and Boss Guan beside the boss, and a few guys from Russia. That's the real master! "

   Before, the core guys have seen Xiang Weirong holding the AK in his right hand, pulling out the magazine in his left hand, and then using the new magazine to slam the top of the gun with the new magazine.

   This trick can be divided into two operations in Xiang Weirong's hands: if the previous magazine is empty, then after the full magazine is reloaded, the left hand reaches to the right side of the gun to pull the trigger, and the bullet is loaded.

   AK series does not have an empty warehouse waiting function, it must be loaded manually, this is regarded as a basic operation.

   But Xiang Weirong still has an upgraded version: it is natural to change the magazine when there are one or two bullets in the old magazine, and the process of pulling the gun and loading it is saved!

   No matter how many magazines are played, and in any environment, only one or two rounds are left. It never goes wrong.

   I met some "newbies" today. I was in a good mood. I would like to teach you how to do it: He just arrived in the United States from China yesterday. He sent his son to school in the morning and went to the training camp with his brother-in-law to shoot targets in the afternoon.

   Isn’t it going to go to India to hunt tigers, lest you don’t touch the gunmen for a few days, and it won’t be good to come over there and stumble.

   Xiang Jianan has fully adapted to the life of an American-style middle school, and she still skips a grade, which makes Xiang Weirong really in a good mood.

At this time, he emptied the two magazines of a nearly brand-new Soviet-made AKM in his hand, put down the gun and said to the group of people on the side: "Just now I heard this teacher say something, many of you They are all practicing my skill of changing magazines quickly with one hand.

   I want to emphasize here!

   Attention, in non-war time, such operations are forbidden in the Chinese army, and whoever does it will be punished!

  Especially for novices, it is best not to do this until you know enough about the weapon in your hand.

   If you use too much force, the magazine latch or the magazine may be knocked out, and the gain is not worth the loss;

   If you panic during the war, the striking force is too light, or you don’t strike the magazine latch correctly, it will be lively.

   Everyone is a veteran, but some people have not been in contact with Soviet equipment for a long time.

   Therefore, if you want to practice this hand, then you should pay for the gun yourself, and you must not use the company's property for training!

   As for how you want to change the magazine in actual combat, that is your freedom, whatever you want. The best way to change ammunition is to suit yourself. At that time, no one can control you. Your life is yours, so you can control it yourself. "

  A group of people are listening carefully. They can mix with the contractor of the boss's peripheral bodyguard reserve team. Regardless of that country, they are absolutely "innocent", let alone any novice, knowing the severity.

Xiang Weirong picked up the assault rifle placed on the shooting platform again, looked at everyone, and said: "All armies in the world are actually changing magazines with one hand, but the methods are different. Otherwise, you change the ammunition with both hands. Box, where to throw the gun?"

One-handed quick change of magazines, the training camp was a bit overblown this year. Xiang Weirong heard that he later killed this "bad wind", lest a group of people just think of "fast" and "handsome." Forget that "reliability" is the foundation of military tactics and equipment!

   Everyone thinks...

   "Yes, who doesn't change the magazine with one hand? What about the gun if both hands deal with the magazine?"

   A bunch of contractors laughed: I practiced this before, I didn't even think about it.

   One-handed change?

   You can take a look at me!

   "So this is a quick magazine change at best, but! If you are injured with one hand in actual combat, and your comrades need your firepower output point, what should you do?" Xiang Weirong's face became serious, and everyone was quiet immediately.

   "When I fought a big battle, before I withdrew to the country, one of our battalions only received orders to garrison the position and stop the Vietnamese monkeys.

   But because the walkie-talkie was broken, I didn't receive an order to evacuate after the mission had been completed.

   One battalion was besieged by seven infantry regiments of monkeys. I won’t say how many shells they got. In the end, 7 of them returned alive, all wounded.

  The seven people were able to come back because the last officer on the battlefield, a deputy battalion commander, gave orders to the remaining dozen or so brothers before they died: leave a few seeds in the camp, not all of them will die!

   The deputy battalion commander knew that it was a victorious war, so after the intestines were shot out by a large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun, he gave the order that seemed to violate the final order.

   He had been hit by three rifle bullets in the right arm before, but he kept fighting. "

   Speaking of this, Xiang Weirong stopped and asked everyone: "Have anyone ever been shot?"

   No one raised their hands.

   If you have survived a rifle bullet, most of them are not two eye-catching scars. In addition to good luck, they will leave more or less disabilities, at least in terms of physical function.

   That is not a pistol bullet, the rifle bullet hits, the wound is terrible!

   "It's fine if you don't have it. It's not a joke if you get a bullet and bite off the meat.

   One arm is hit three times, and your hand can stay is luck!

   Want to know how the deputy battalion commander fought? "

   Everyone nodded fiercely.

   However, Xiang Weirong did not move, but pointed to a big white man and said, "What is your name?"

   "John, my name is John Don, Mr. Xiang."

   The height of a hundred people can be about 1.85 meters. Hearing Xiang Weirong call him by name, he immediately replied and stood upright.

   "John, how would you change the magazine if you used it with one hand? Think about it and show it to everyone."

   John did not have stage fright, and stepped forward to take the assault rifle given to him.

Imagine that there should be a cover in front. The left hand sticks to the torso as a wound, and the gun is placed, the muzzle is leaning up on the body, the right hand removes the magazine, and then picks up the magazine on the side to replace it, and finally pushes down the trigger. Then hold the gun with a small grip in one hand.

   I tried my right hand and then my left hand. The speed is not too slow. It is very likely that I have practiced before, but this gun is a bit "slip" on the concrete floor. The gun almost fell once after changing the left hand just now.

   Xiang Weirong nodded, and said to John who stood up: "Yes, John.

   This is the first normal way to think of inertial thinking. Soldiers all over the world will do this under extreme conditions, but this way will be awkward on a slightly smooth ground.

   You are the boss’s bodyguards, and you are often faced with indoor environments. Although it will force you to continue fighting after changing the magazine with one hand, it will almost never happen, but what if?

   The speed is too slow, and the gun slips...

   teaches you an effective one-handed magazine change method that can't be used except in extremely narrow situations. That's how the deputy battalion commander changed it.

   It’s very fast to get familiar with it, but it’s a little harder to practice, and it takes some time and thought. "

   said, instead of trying it himself, he said: "Xingquan, you can show them."

   "Yes, monitor."

Guan Xingquan took the gun with his left hand from the shooting platform, and said to everyone: "This is what the squad leader taught me. As for who invented the first thing, it may be during the battle against India in 1962, or it may be the China University in the 1950s and 1960s. When training soldiers.

   Look good. "

Speaking of Guan Xingquan kneeling half on one leg, his right knee was bent nearly 90 degrees, his left knee was almost on the ground, the muzzle was facing right, the magazine was facing backward, and the gun was clamped with his legs bent. Replace the watch with a new magazine.

   Pulled the bolt backward with his hand, and stood up with the gun in one hand.

   The left hand changed to the right hand, and the other hand came again.

   "That's it, do you understand?"

  The action is like running clouds and flowing water. Except for Lin Ming and Alyosha standing next to Zhang Nan, plus Xiang Weirong, everyone else has a little surprise on their faces, plus a little bit of dumbfoundedness!

   The speed is too fast, and the action is too cool: I completed two operations without turning my head to see. Everyone understood this way of changing magazines, but they didn't see the whole process clearly.

   John Donne was very courageous, and said to Guan Xingquan with a cold face: "Mr. Guan, can you demonstrate once, please slow down."


   demonstrated again, and turned his head to give an explanation.

  "...You understand it? In case of such a situation, don't care about the regulations, company property, how to do it easily, if your injury hasn't caused you to collapse!

  The gun used for practice should not be carried on the mission, so as to avoid problems with hidden injuries. "

   Guan Boss is It's really cool!

   Ge Guan was cool, Zhang Nan looked at him applauded, and Sawaguchi Jingzi on one side was even more stunned.

   A bunch of people who love to learn, go to the nearby gun shop to pay for guns: it doesn't matter if you can only buy semi-automatic ones, let's talk about hand addiction first.

   Zhang Nan also tried it, and found it a little difficult to practice, but as long as he could turn his head to look, it would be faster and safer than a gun on his body.

   However, a phone broke his good mood for shooting today.

   After answering the phone, Zhang Nan's face was a little bit awkward. On his own territory, he was surrounded by his own people, so he couldn't put on a look of joy and anger.

   "In trouble?" Xiang Weirong asked.

  "Nor, it's just that someone is looking for death and despise my warning.

   In Xiangjiang a few days ago, I ran into someone snatched from the Old Summer Palace...

   The stuff went back to the UK, and today the news came, that Evans actually commissioned a local auction house to sell it three months later.

  Ha, this is going to slap me in the face. "

   Xiang Weirong smiled, "Not only does it hit you in the face, they want to hit Huaxia people in the face.

  John Bull, arrogant, well-deserved reputation! "



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