Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

Hearing Paul's words, everyone in the restaurant had different expressions. The guys from the US military were a bit angry, but also a bit sad. They all understand the current situation in Somalia, so they will.

The object of anger is not the warlords in Somalia, but the politicians in Washington and the senior military officers who are irresponsible, hiding behind and gesticulating!

As for the Red Devil and the Huaxia guys, it's hard to say schadenfreude, at least even if they have this thought, they didn't put on their faces, and I guessed it was just a sentence in my heart: "Damn it, it deserves it!"

As for Zhang Nan, he said: "The face project killed people. I kindly persuaded Bill that the **** would not listen. Now it's his turn to lose face, and it's unlucky who died."

Somalia is over. The warlords, along with the incited Mogadishu militias and ordinary people, have ruined the last gleam of hope for the entire country, and it will be completely abandoned by the entire world.

Poverty is its life, no hope is its future. At least half of the people are hungry and cannot escape the fate: being a pirate will be the only way out for Somalis, and it's like the only way out!

Since Somalia began fighting warlords in 1990, wars and natural disasters, the social economy of the Horn of Africa has completely collapsed, and the entire country has suffered a great famine. In the first two years, at least 300,000 to 500,000 people died of hunger.

Last year, the whole world saw those Somalis who were so hungry and scrawny on TV. The sympathy of the international community had a rare outbreak. Many countries believed that it was time for a rich person to contribute money and make a strong contribution. Poor Somalis.

In fact, everyone knows that the disasters in many parts of Africa are similar, and Somalia is just one of them. However, if the foreign journalists' cameras do not capture the poor people, the world will feel irresponsible.

Now that we have seen this, the international community once discussed and agreed that something should be done for the Somalis, so let's act...

As a result, relief supplies began to continue to arrive in Somalia, but there was a huge cancer in Somalia: the gang of warlords didn't care about the life and death of the common people at all, they just wanted to feed their soldiers to grab more territory.

As a result, international rescuers were shot and food stolen. Volunteers who arrived in Somalia with good wishes had to withdraw from this unlucky country.

Not going?

Everyone can kidnap tickets and ask for green dollars.

Somalia really did not catch up. The Cold War has ended, and the Horn of Africa has lost all its strategic value. In addition, there is no valuable strategic resources in the territory. The entire country is worthless in the eyes of the world.

Kindly relieved, the result almost took his own life, and the fool went again.

However, the United States does not believe in evil, and believes that by fixing which warlords can settle this matter, it also establishes a tall image of the United States. Then...the world's police are lenient, and naturally there is nothing they can't deal with, and the result is now like this.

Everyone in the restaurant knows that at first the United States was not interested in the situation in Somalia and the humanitarian disaster. However, when the United Nations took the initiative to ask the United States for assistance, President Lao Bu felt that face was also needed, so he took this image project and dispatched it. The army delivered relief supplies.

The police of the world can't just do sabotage everywhere, and if necessary, they have to gild themselves. Otherwise, how can they reflect the greatness of the United States and the broad mind and friendship of the American people and government?

It is a pity that the Somali warlords do not matter whether you are from the United Nations or the United States. The situation in the Horn of Africa continues to deteriorate, and the United Nations will soon be forced to pass a new resolution, deciding to use force to maintain Somalia's security and relief operations and enforce peace!

This was a resolution made at the end of last year, and then the President of the United States took office. Not only the President himself, but the entire Washington believes that if the world sees the actions taken by the US military and the Somali people get peace, food and clothing, it will be great. The public relations effect of the United States promotes the glorious image of the United States that has not been hit.

That’s it, President Zipper is determined to continue this project of helping Africa’s image and face. The United Nations strongly supports the 38,000 UN peacekeeping forces, of which 28,000 are US troops, and they entered Somalia with great strength. Distributed relief supplies to the victims with guns.

The warlords have been honest for the time being because of the pressure of the army.

In the beginning, the UN peacekeeping forces were very popular among civilians in Somalia, but the warlords were honest for the time being. In fact, they did not like the peacekeeping forces in their bones, especially the Aidid who occupied Mogadishu.

As a digression, one thing is very interesting. This Aidid’s son, Hussein Aidid, studied in the United States a few years ago, and then joined the U.S. Army. He will also be a soldier in the U.S. Marine Corps in Somalia. Acting as the liaison between the UN forces and his Lao Tzu, Farah Aidid.

With 28,000 US troops in a small Somalia, no local warlord dared to jump out and make trouble. Few people on this earth can really treat this behemoth of the US military as a paper tiger!

In tens of thousands of US military towns, humanitarian relief operations are progressing smoothly and society is quite peaceful. By March of this year, the United States had withdrawn 25,000 US soldiers from Somalia according to its original plan. After that, it has continued to withdraw its troops and delegate the focus of work to other UN troops.

On heads-up, nearly 30,000 U.S. troops are estimated to have wiped out more than half of the countries on this planet, but 3,000, hundreds...

Ha ha, the deterrence is greatly reduced.

The U.S. brigade left Somalia, and the United Nations, through diplomatic mediation, allowed most of the local warlords to agree to peace talks, with the exception of Aidid, the strongest controlling Mogadishu.

This guy thinks that the sphere of influence he controls has been reduced, and his troops began to harass the United Nations troops after the U.S. troops withdrew.

Aidid’s attack caused the United Nations to change its operational policy on Somalia once again. It was originally intended to eliminate famine and maintain law and order, but it turned into a large search for Aidid.

At that time, President Zipper also asked Zhang Nan’s opinion on the situation in Somalia. He agreed with Zhang Nan’s warning, but he didn’t fully agree with him: “The U.S. military is in the midst of the sky. Will it be impossible for a small Turkish warlord? "

No one believed it!

But some people believe it, such as Aidid.

Aidid controls the radio station in Mogadishu, and the great role of propaganda war is not only understood by the Americans, he Aidid also knows it very well!

The largest warlord in Somalia used the radio to publicize the UN forces to overthrow him all day long, and then let the former president who had lost his popular support come back to power.

Somalis, who are almost completely illiterate, cannot actually understand the difference between foreign troops in the colonial period and the current UN peacekeeping forces, so Aidid’s inflammatory propaganda is very effective.

In addition, the continuous search of Aidid by the U.S. military is quite disturbing to the people. Slowly, the status of foreign troops in the minds of Somali civilians has undergone a 180-degree change. Those civilians are even willing to act as a shield for Aidid’s militias. Let the militiamen mix in the crowd to attack the UN forces and cover the evacuation of the militiamen.

Repeated operations failed. In order to capture Aidid, the U.S. Army urgently formulated a plan called Operation Gothic Snake and formed a Ranger Task Force to carry out this.

A total of 450 mixed forces were formed in the United States and deployed to Mogadishu. Three army units were formed: the C Squadron of the Delta Force, the B Company of the 75th Ranger Regiment, and the 160th, known as the "Night Hunters". A spin-off part of the Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

After the formation of the Ranger task force, it was deployed to Somalia. Washington also asked the United Kingdom to send a sas (special air service group) team to share the risks of the operation. However, the assessment submitted by the special air service group to the British Ministry of Defense believes that: To ensure that the information is accurate and timely, the operation cannot be successful.

The British rejected the demands of the Americans.

Lao Mei saw that the younger brother was unwilling, and it didn't matter, just do it alone!

As soon as the U.S. special forces arrived in Somalia, it was in trouble: just like the British judged that there was insufficient intelligence, the Ranger task force was completely out of the air in the first few operations, and even caught UN staff by mistake. A big laughing stock.

The original situation was not particularly serious, but a "human shield" operation by the Somali civilians caused real big trouble: on the 9th of last month, a group of Somali militias were under the cover of a large number of civilians, including women and children. The US and Pakistani patrol members of the United Nations rescue organization were attacked again.

Use yourself as a physical shield to find death!

The U.S. "Cobra" gunships that came to rescue the friendly forces saw the friendly forces being attacked, but they were still polite and opened fire directly at the crowd, killing at least 100 people.

Well, a lot of civilians who were looking for death have died. It is meaningless to discuss who is right and who is wrong. There were originally some tribal elders in Mogadishu who opposed Aidid's opposition to the United Nations. Aidid aside.

Therefore, the U.S. army is going to be an enemy of the entire city of Mogadishu!

Since Aidid could not be caught in many operations, the US military began to shift the target to Aidid’s left and right hands. At the end of last month, they successfully arrested Aidid’s cronies, God of Wealth and weapon supplier Osman Atto.

In addition, in view of the changes in the situation in Somalia, the US military commander in Somalia requested the deployment of a few more M1 tanks, more Bradley fighting vehicles and some heavy artillery, and even requested the dispatch of AC-130 aerial gunboat support.

However, most officials in the United States believed that if a large-scale military force was assembled, it would be a signal to the world that the United States had other plans, and therefore rejected the request. Even Mr. Zipper thinks so that the US military in Somalia can only live by light weapons.

Have another plot?

I don't know what those politicians think, there is a ghost in the place where the birds don't shit, and leaving as soon as possible is the only wise choice.

The U.S. special forces continued to spend in Somalia in this way. On October 2, yesterday, a local intelligence agent of the CIA reported that Aidid’s senior aides would be in a hotel near the Olympic Hotel in Mogadishu the next day. Meeting in the house.

The Olympic Hotel is located in Aidid’s most powerful area. The Bakra Market next to it is Aidid’s munitions warehouse. The US military commander immediately ordered an attack the next day to capture it.

According to Paul, the politicians in Washington DC are miscellaneous, and the US military commander in Somalia is an arrogant man: 160 people were prepared for the entire operation!

They are fighting the entire city. Mogadishu has a population of more than 1 million. 160 special forces members want to go deep into the city to complete their tasks. The truth is that when these special forces members are Superman and Captain America possessed, they take them away. The planes are still Spider-Man!

The plan is like a textbook for US special forces operations: 4 bird helicopters carry 16 Delta team members to assault the target building and arrest the target person, and the other 2 Black Hawk helicopters transport supporting Delta team members and ground command units.

The other 4 Black Hawks transported 4 infantry squads of 12 Rangers and descended to the ground at 4 corners of the target building to establish strongholds to protect the assault team from performing their tasks. The last 4 bird helicopters were responsible for air cover.

It is planned to evacuate from the ground after capturing the prisoners. The ground **** convoy consists of 7 armed Hummers, 2 truck-type Hummers and 3 5-ton trucks. The members of the convoy include 6 teams of Rangers, Delta and Seals, responsible for capturing the captured ones. The captives were picked up through the narrow streets of the city and transported back to the base.

Self-confidence is bursting, Zhao Yun, who is replaced by the Three Kingdoms of China, has to be convinced when he comes!

Kill him seven in and seven out of the millions of soldiers?

Sing a big show?

The U.S. military command is so confident that everyone has become a superman. What is Zhao Yun?

This morning, the elites of the Delta Special Forces and Rangers were dispatched on time and took a helicopter into the hostile city of Mogadishu.

It’s ridiculous. The mission was originally planned to be completed in one hour. However, due to intelligence errors and underestimation of the enemy’s strength, two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters of the U.S. Army were successively used by the Aidid militia to unconventionally use RPGs and anti-aircraft machine guns. shoot down.

This is all right. The supporting Delta and Ranger fighters must brave the artillery to rescue the pilots and comrades. Even if the air power is full, even 120 soldiers will be trapped under the siege of 5,000 to 10,000 Somali militias. , Fought hard for fifteen hours!

Unfortunately, more than a hundred people were left alone and helpless. It was not until the next day that a part of the 10th Mountain Division of the US Army went out to rescue the city, and the soldiers who survived the encirclement brought a large number of corpses of their comrades into the encirclement.

The total number of casualties is less than 100, but this is already the worst military defeat the US military has suffered since the Vietnam War!

The CIA is a sieve for the "united forces", and for the friends of the "united forces", there is no need to defend against such news that will be made public soon.

After listening to Paul’s introduction, Zhang Nan said: “One incompetence will drag the three armies to death. There is no backup plan. A dozen helicopters and more than a dozen thin-skinned cars rushed into Mogadishu like this. Big stupidity is still brave and fearless.

Didn't they know that there was a place called Stalingrad in the past, and they really thought that the people of the special forces were all invulnerable supermen? !

Ten years ago, I ran to rescue the people in the Iranian embassy. There was a problem with the helicopter, but the operation failed. It is not a long memory.

Our Mr. President should really thank us. Sadid’s people have been in contact with our agents many times, and they wanted to buy anti-aircraft missiles for a lot of money, but they didn’t give it. Not coming. "

The Americans forgot about Stalingrad at the end of 42nd year, and forgot how horrible the street fighting is. There is a graveyard for infantry!

As for the terrible Grozny street fighting has not broken out yet, a group of unlucky American special forces soldiers, coupled with a large number of Somali militias with a huge number, low technical and tactical level, and fanatical madness, once again demonstrated the horror of street fighting to the world.

Very interesting, the Somalis learn from Afghanistan’s "jihadists" and use RPG without surface-to-air missiles. The militias in Mogadishu are still quite capable.

But having said that, the combat effectiveness of the Somali militia is incomparable to that of the US special forces. The casualty ratio of this trip should be more than 1 to 50, which means that Aidid’s people have at least thousands of casualties!

But even if the casualties are greater and the Somali militia die more, the US military operation in Somalia this time is a complete failure.

A few hours later, there was a call from the United Television Network, saying that the video provided by Somalis to the Western world had arrived. As soon as it was released, it would shake the United States and the world, and by the way, it would slap Washington.

The TV network that received these videos is not the only "United TV Network". After a quick editing, they broadcast: scolding the president, the Americans like it the most.

There is no lack of TVs on the yacht, and there are satellite signals. Turn it on: Almost all TV stations in the United States repeatedly broadcast a scene-a group of crazy Somalis dragging a corpse of a US Special Forces personnel on the ground with a rope to show the public. , And the captured soldier named Durant also appeared on TV.

In an instant, this incident hit the headlines of the world's major news media. It was very interesting: American public opinion was in an uproar, unanimously criticizing the US government for sending troops to Somalia!

Paul can understand why the Americans are in the uproar. Joseph and the others also know the virtues of the American government and society. That is, Lin Ming and other Chinese guys on the ship are a little uncomfortable with the reaction of American society: the body of his own soldier was paraded by the enemy. , As a result, there is still an anti-war voice in the country. This style of painting always feels that there are some problems...

According to the thinking of Lin Ming and others, this will be the unity of the United States, and the public opinion is the same, and it will be the elimination of Sadid, the bombing of Mogadishu, and the massacre of the Somali militia.

Even if you quit in the end, you have to roar with two roars, right?

Unfortunately, let alone shouting at the enemy, it would be nice if the Americans didn't demolish the White House. It's really a bit incomprehensible.

Lin Ming and others agreed that: "US imperialism is a paper tiger" is a wise saying. The paper tiger itself is not united. Under such circumstances, this public opinion can still be opposed to the White House.

When night falls, the TV show is even more lively. For the military operations in Somalia, not only the domestic society of the United States has been criticized, but the international criticism is also indiscriminately bombarded!

The British Prime Minister said that the United Nations should not be the umbrella of US military operations; the Egyptian Foreign Minister said that what happened in Somalia would add new obstacles to the process of national reconciliation in Somalia; the French Defense Minister accused the United States of doing things beyond the "humanitarian mission." The scope of this has become intolerable confrontation; the Germans say that the United States is engaged in a dirty war in Somalia...

Well, the "Black Hawk Down" gave the US government a blow, and President Zipper was slapped in the slap - months of siege not only failed to capture Aidid, but made Aidid even more popular in Somalia.

Even if at least a thousand people were killed or injured, but to drive the US army out of Mogadishu, this is a remarkable victory!

With domestic opposition and international opposition, Washington immediately decided not to fight. The next thing is to talk.

Talk about exchanging prisoners and corpses, talk about political status, talk about withdrawal.

By this time, Washington finally understood: the barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes, the Somali bird does not shit, and the truth is to withdraw as soon as possible. As for what will happen next, whether there will be a humanitarian disaster...

What's the matter with my great America!

There is no fishing on the yacht. Although watching movies continuously doesn't hurt your eyes, you will get tired of watching it all the time. Even the boss and the little princess on the boat feel a little annoyed.

This will be just right, watching lively TV news, Zhang Nan is just a pastime.

Chatting during dinner, Zhang Nan told everyone of his own judgment: "I think that all UN forces will be withdrawn from Somalia soon. That country will be completely ruined and completely abandoned by the world. Anyway, there is no government there.

If you want the world to remember it, you probably have to wait until all Somalis go to sea to be pirates.

The maritime security branch of our company can gradually increase its manpower. I think that there will be a lot of business in that area in a few years. Also, if our company’s own ships and cargo ships carrying our company’s cargo pass through the waters near Somalia, that is, the Gulf of Aden, they will all be equipped with armed security personnel to avoid trouble. "

Somali pirates have been escaping from the beginning the year before, and they are already very famous in the international shipping industry, but they have not yet reached the level of unscrupulous, because there are United Nations peacekeeping forces in Somalia.

With the presence of peacekeeping forces, the pirates will leave even if they are on ships passing through the Gulf of Aden. Don’t ship, or where will you stop for a ransom? Really, peacekeeping troops are vegetarian?

Soon the peacekeeping forces will all leave the hopeless land. The golden years of Somali pirates are coming soon. This is a good business opportunity for Somali militants and maritime security companies who aspire to become pirates.

There is money on both sides, and it depends on who earns it.

Zhang Nan doesn't look down on the security premiums, but the subordinate companies have to support themselves, not afraid of the money, anyway, the manpower is not a problem at all. Nowadays, there are many retired American soldiers who cannot find a good job, and there are more Russian veterans who can't eat. After a few years, even the veterans of Yugoslavia who participated in the civil war can find a living.

A gang of people kill embryos. Many of them in their thirties are old and young, and under great pressure, they earn money for their lives.

Last month, Zhang Nan lost face. This will be the turn of President Zipper to lose face, and his heart is slightly balanced.

However, you should not over-exert yourself. You still have to consider your subordinates. The other thing that didn't make you face was the problem between China and the United States, not the conflict between the company and Washington.

If there is an irreconcilable conflict between the company and Washington, then people like Paul, Thomas, Randy, etc. can blow up the White House and the Pentagon, because that is a vital interest.


The next day, the "Xingchen" finally entered China's territorial waters after this ultra-long voyage. Outside of China's territorial waters, patrol ships of little devils approached to join in the fun, and they also encountered US Navy destroyers. The moment Zhang Nan entered China's territorial waters, Zhang Nan felt a little bit finally home.

Before dawn, the pilot of the Air Traffic Management Bureau boarded the world’s No. 1 superyacht via a transfer boat. Zhang Nan also deliberately got up early and saw the navy ship that he encountered in the cockpit, thinking about China 20 years later. The navy escorts the Gulf of Aden all the year round, and the outer backing of the American Chinese can be even stronger.

The backing of Lao Mei...

Not reliable!

There is no international cruise terminal in Yongcheng. The "Xingchen" will dock at Beilun Port for freight. This is also approved by domestic relations.

This is the first time an international super cruise ship has docked at the China mainland port!

When the child Xiang Yuchen got up and went to the restaurant honestly to eat, he saw the situation outside the ship, and suddenly Zhang Nan said, "Dad, why is the sea outside so dirty?

Are we still at sea? "

Yes, the sea water near Yongcheng looks like a pot of yellow mud soup. My younger sister grew up in New York and has been to many places and islands near the sea since childhood.

The water in those places was either clear or blue, and now the water outside was dirty in her eyes, and it was dirty enough.

Zhang Nan had to explain to his daughter the relationship between the mouth of the Yangtze River and the mouth of the Qiantang River and the East China Sea, so that her daughter understood that muddy sea water does not necessarily mean dirty, although he himself understood that the sea nearby would pollute a lot.

As the yacht sailed into China Harbour, a five-star red flag was hung on the right girders on the top of the bridge of the "Star". As soon as this huge and luxurious superyacht entered the coastline, it attracted all the land on both sides of the channel. The eyes of people on the island, on the island, and on the boat.

Surprisingly, few people in China have known what a super yacht is, and they have never seen such a big ship. From a distance on the boat, many people on the coast came out to look at their side.

The lanes here are narrow, with the mainland on one end and the islands of the Zhoushan archipelago on the other, so you can see it clearly without looking at your glasses.

With the Stars and Stripes at the stern, the huge "Star" has become a very good western scene.

In this way, in front of the focus of the crowd, after a long period of slow sailing driven by diesel engines, the yacht finally landed on the container terminal as a berth.

On the pier, there were colorful flags fluttering, and a welcoming ceremony was opened, and there were scenes of elementary school military bands playing music.

Of course, leaders at all levels, many senior executives of Zhang Nan's domestic companies in China, and Comrade Nong Bosheng also brought some acquaintances to pick up the ship at the port.

After setting foot on the wharf, a long period of greetings was finished. Fortunately, Zhang Nan came back in the name of returning home to worship his ancestors, otherwise he would have to stay in Yongcheng for a day or two.

Irrelevant people waited to disperse, and people of enough level and enough relationship were invited to take a rough tour on the yacht. They also took a seat in the ultra-luxury restaurant No. 1 and held a short tea party. By the way, the Chinese food was settled.

It was agreed that there will be a trip to Yongcheng during the return to China, and then there will be another guest and host to have a good time. Only then did Zhang Nan and the welcoming people disembark and board a long-distance convoy to their hometown of Yanxian.

This will be the Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, and there is no Yongcheng Expressway that goes through Yanxian County. It takes at least three hours to go from Yongcheng to Yanxian County. It takes at least three hours to start from Beilun. Add a handful of hours.

All kinds of disciplines have been loose in these years, and the convoy has also enjoyed the treatment of police cars clearing the road.

This is also good. There are a lot of people from the domestic security company, but it is better to have three police cars than nothing, at least the team runs faster.

There were still three police cars: one came out of the Yongcheng area, and one came from Kuaiji area and one from Yanxian. As a result, two cars led the way and one was in the line. The people in this police car were still a little bit of class.

If others are polite, then they have to go around. What they are talking about these years is just a matter of face!

The "Star" superyacht will not stay in Yongcheng Port for a long time. It will set sail for Shanghai tomorrow, and then return to New York, USA after being replenished there.

As for Zhang Nan and his party, they will fly back to the United States by then.

Zhang Nan didn't let his sister and brother-in-law come to the port to pick him up, but the two still came, and even many people from the district and county came—not only leaders, but many acquaintances.

Zhang Nan joked about this: Are you here to pick me up, or are you here to pick up the boat?

Everyone laughed!

Returning to his hometown, Zhang Nan would not take those Rolls-Royce and Bentleys. Anyway, he didn't have to worry about safety, and he was still comfortable in the special minibus.

This trip was prepared in advance so that the closest people can talk and laugh together. It is said that the local government has also been particularly concerned about this matter, worrying that the SC Johnson Group’s minibuses are not enough, and the leaders of the county have taken the initiative to provide support.

A lot of people came back!

After the freshness of the children passed, they were all asleep in the car by this time, which was very lively and tiring.

My sister is sitting next to Zhang Nan. This will talk about the "Star" again, saying that I will get a yacht after I retire. It doesn't need to be too big, one or two thousand tons is enough.

"...The voyage should be large enough, it doesn't matter if the speed is a little bit slower, then go around the world with your brother-in-law!"

Zhang Hui said with a smile, she likes to work, but at this point, in China, the money she has is more than a figure, it is time to enjoy life.

But this will not be able to completely let go of those companies, a little reluctant, after all, someone who is only 40 years old, after a decade, she will really throw away all the troubles and travel the world.

My sister had this idea, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "Sister, when you want a boat, tell me one or two years in advance, I will give you one. Yachts over 1,000 tons must be custom-made, which style do you like? of?

Italy, Germany and Norway are all good, I recommend Italian..."

After listening to Zhang Hui with a smile, she said: "Don't give it to you, I will pay for it myself, your sister, I am also a rich person now, OK."

Zhang Nan shook his head again and again, "That won't work, sister, brother Guan will give you a big hotel, and only a yacht can make you pay? Let's talk about the shabby people!

I think it’s pretty good for my "Sunshine Star". The "Star" this time is actually a bit too big, and it's an empty show.

I have stayed these days and summed up some experience. It takes a long time to find someone on the boat. It takes a long time to find someone on the boat. At the beginning of the meal, I will go the wrong way. The practical super yacht is still the best in the 60 or 70-meter class.

You have also been on the ‘Sunshine Star’. I think it’s a blueprint. Let the shipyard change it again. The length and tonnage will be almost the same..."

This bus is full of my own family members, including Nong Bosheng. In order to take care of Charlize Theron and his daughter, Zhang Nan speaks Mandarin, not awkward, everyone can understand.

The people in the car didn't think it was too weird to send off the yacht, and even Nong Bosheng was a person who had seen the world. But if this matter is heard by outsiders, it will definitely be staggering!

In fact, it’s nothing. Guan Boss gave Xiang Weirong and his wife the Ukrainian Grand Hotel in Moscow. Of course, in the future, Zhang Nan’s decoration of the hotel will not be small.

Talking and laughing along the way, Yongcheng is developing very fast, but after the convoy left the periphery of the city, they have not yet entered the mountainous area, and the road conditions have become choking.

It's not that the road is too broken, but that the road only has one lane for each round trip, and there are many bends. In addition, there are many kinds of non-motorized and motorized vehicles, and the fleet simply cannot drive fast.

Compared with six or seven years ago, the villages in this area have seen a lot of new houses built, but although the road itself has not changed much, there is an extra object that is very annoying: toll booths!

Ordinary highway toll stations, collect tolls!

Zhang Nan now Zhang Nan understands why both areas have sent police cars to drive him back to his hometown, because the convoy will pass the toll gate unimpeded!

At a glance, there were a few big caps standing outside the toll booth, and they were still saluting.

Needless to say, it was notified in advance.

Come to think of This will be everywhere on Huaxia roads. There are no toll stations in Yanxian County for the time being, but you have to go out or in, unless you drive a military vehicle, a police car, or a bicycle or a motorcycle. , Or even a walking tractor will have to pay tolls!

Tolls, this is a good thing, and drivers prefer to call it money to buy roads!

Nowadays, the fleet of the Yanxian Material Bureau is declining, not only because of the change in the overall economic system, but also because of the increase in operating costs.

This is going to be called road money, and there are more and more vehicles engaged in transportation. I think the good days of being a big one are gone forever.

As for the future, in the next few years, ordinary road toll gates will be built for you in Yanxian County, and the people will be scolded to death. Until around 2010, the toll gate that charges tolls even for local cars It was cancelled.

In the past few years, Sanjie Town, north of Yanxian County, developed real estate and went to the urban area for publicity. The strongest slogan was actually: "When you come to Sanjie to buy a house, you don't need to buy road money on the road!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Nan wanted to laugh.

Around 2010, there were no ordinary road toll stations in Yanxian County, but the toll stations on ordinary roads outside, anyway, Zhang Nan still had tolls before crossing in his previous life.

It's really long-lasting, and it takes more than 20 years to harvest once it is harvested. Pigs are not as strong as they are!

Just imagine that the richest Chinese on the planet returned to their hometown to worship their ancestors, and this is believed to be closely related to the two regions of Kuaiji and Yongcheng.

Returning happily and gracefully on the world's No. 1 superyacht, the convoy did not arrive home yet, and ran into a toll booth on the way-I wanted to pass by and leave tolls!

Are you going to give someone a slap in the face? !

They build schools, orphanages, hospitals, and museums. They donate so much money every year, but they have to pay tolls when they go home. What do they think?

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