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The number of intelligence agencies in the United States can’t be counted by two hands. Among them, the CIA, which has the most exposure, is the most famous. Others such as the National Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Inter-Service Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Agency, etc. are not small in scale. One is a fuel-efficient lamp.

It is said that even the FBI, which is in charge of the country, will occasionally come out to participate in the intelligence work. Who makes it impossible for this intelligence work to strictly demarcate the boundaries between domestic and foreign countries?

The CIA is well-known in this group of intelligence agencies. Once there is a major event, the outside world will naturally stare at the CIA. When something goes wrong, it is the first to think that it should be the culprit. At least Zhang Nan deliberately followed the American thinking. Phone call.

Mr. Director said this has nothing to do with the CIA?

Zhang Nan wouldn't believe it. The words of politicians are always unreliable. Even if the lies are exposed, this group of people doesn't matter, otherwise they won't be called politicians.

Robert James Woolsey, Jr., started serving as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency five months ago, a top student of Oxford University, and a typical politician.

When he was young, this guy began to serve as a member of the National Security Committee in the Nixon administration, and advisor to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Beginning in 1977 as the Deputy Secretary of the Navy of the Carter Administration, after Reagan took office, he became the President's Legal Counsel to the Strategic Forces Committee.

Later, Woolsey met Bill and Gore, the candidates for the president and vice president of the Democratic Party, joined the candidate team and won the election shirtlessly, and then became the 14th director of the CIA.

Both "United Forces" and the Red Devil have research and judgment experts who have conducted a detailed investigation on the new CIA director. The advice to the boss is: This director is a standard politician, and he is very clear when talking about things, but he has limited abilities. , Belongs to low-energy high.

Coupled with the bloated organization of the CIA, inefficiency, and low morale, this will definitely make the life of the new director general difficult.

The president relies on his staff, and when things happen, the aides have to advise him. The Director of the CIA plays an important role in it. But this Woolsey has a trick: The first crisis appeared in the foreign policy of the President’s government some time ago. Somalia.

The CIA made two fatal mistakes. First, it underestimated the danger of attacks on US peacekeeping forces there, and it had no knowledge of the whereabouts of the leader of the Somali tribe.

Relying on unreliable intelligence to make judgments and arrest people, the U.S. forces are now in trouble in Somalia. They have carried out several arrests of Aidid, but they have not even seen anyone. The pressure on Mr. Director is increasing. !

It's alright now, other things have emerged, and it is estimated that the CIA's participation is also indispensable. This incident still made Zhang Nan angry, but he had to hold back temporarily.

After receiving a call from Mr. Allen, who was only half his age, Director Woolsey unconsciously scratched his scalp. As a result, he fell off a few more hairs. This Mediterranean issue is getting more and more serious.

After pondering for a while, he dialed the phone number of Mr. President. The trouble was kicked to Bill. Anyway, it was the President who made the decision.

As for the Ellen, Woolsey didn't care much, he judged that the other party would not jump out and sing the opposite, otherwise it would not be in his own interests.

But he also has to consider his attitude. That guy can influence the presidential election. In the United States, the energy of this capital force is terrifying.

The director's students judged the same. Mr. Allen didn't think about going shirtless for this matter, because the face is earned by himself, and other people alone can't last long.

Zhang Nan, who hung up on the other end, was still burning in his stomach. He knew that what happened next would make him lose his face even more. Because of his identity as a Chinese, it is not a way to pressure the President of Zipper through the CIA director. , It depends on how stubborn and stupid Bill is!

Wait, if Mr. President does not contact him for a short time, then he must be considered at the right time to let Gore take over.

Otherwise, Zhang Nan would be so angry that he would be suffocated with internal bleeding after two more visits!

Now, in this scene, going to blow up the White House is an angry word.

The phone call just now was made in the small study room, where Nicole, Xiang Weirong, Andre, Thomas, and Guan Xingquan who came back from China and the United Kingdom were all there.

"Boss, if Washington really disregards international law this time, it will be a shame."

It was Thomas. Zhang Nan recruited him because Thomas was a native American with a different perspective. He would not think about harming the interests of the majority of the American people, let alone destroying American society without endangering self-interest groups.

Zhang Nan’s interest groups are a hodgepodge, and there are many things to consider. Otherwise, if the Red Devils are asked to formulate a plan to deal with this trouble, they are estimated to blow up the White House and the Pentagon, let Uncle Sa go to the helm, and shell Langley’s CIA by the way. Headquarters.

This is something that Andre and others can really do. Whoever makes them Soviet people doesn't care what the chaos in the United States will be, let alone how many ordinary American people will die.

Thomas judged how shameful they were, and Zhang Nan said: "Washington does not care, Thomas, when did Washington care about this?

A big fist is the truth. We all use this principle..." Zhang Nan said with emotion, "If I don’t make this phone call, according to Bill’s virtue and the Pentagon’s consistent attitude, they will do everything right, anyway. No matter what the result is, they don't care.

The only world power, it can walk sideways on this earth! "

At this time, Xiang Weirong said: "If you don't have the strength, you have no right to speak, Anan, one phone call is enough. Go to Africa as soon as possible, and then go home to worship the ancestors when things calm down."

Zhang Nan said helplessly: "Face relies on strength to speak. If strength is not enough, the throat will be useless. Don't say it, the initiative is in the hands of others. The emperor is not in a hurry to the eunuch. To put it bluntly, this trip is a problem for me!"

Do it when it is time to do Ah Q, and now it is the world policeman in Washington who can do whatever he wants in the world, not Zhang Nan.

At night, the phone number of President Zipper really came, and Zhang Nan said: "My friend, if your intelligence is really bought for one dollar, you will not be able to find out anything at that time. Be careful not to ride on the tiger...

Those of your aides like to use Iran as their opponent. Mr. Bu did it, but the one next door... You don’t know the truth that shouting is useless if you don’t have the strength. You know better than me, can Iranians really threaten the United States? ...

I’m not involved in this matter, my friend, you know I’m not interested in politics..."

After the call, Zhang Nan has already made a decision to leave the United States and temporarily go to Africa to "shield the storm."

What if you don't avoid it?

In the middle, hold your breath!

Hold your breath and suffocate your breath. Zhang Nan spent the entire August on Africa’s own turf with a single breath, then flew to the UK to live for a while, and then flew back to New York to meet some family members before flying. To Panama City, I boarded the huge, ultra-luxury yacht "Star" after the supply was completed there.

The world's No. 1 yacht completed all sea trials and officially delivered in early August, but Zhang Nan did not go to Germany to participate in the grand delivery ceremony. Nicole attended the event as the owner.

At that time, Zhang Nan would not go to Germany and hide in Botswana to dig diamonds, so as not to have uninteresting Western media asking questions that would embarrass him in public.

By this time, things in the Indian Ocean are over, and U.S. imperialism has once again demonstrated its brutal nature. Zhang Nan also reaffirmed two things: he can never be true friends with American politicians; neither can Mr. President. In a word, the pool of American politics is very deep!

Zhang Nan had no face before, so he could only hide and ignore it, but the President Zipper should not think about getting it right. Next, this **** will be uncomfortable!

The "Star" was fully equipped, and after delivery, it arrived in New York at a cruising speed of 28 knots. Three days later, it carried Charlize Theron who likes to sail to the Caribbean, and then crossed the Panama Canal.

After the family reunited in Panama City, the superyacht set sail again. The destination of this voyage will be China!

Yes, Zhang Nan is back home on a yacht, which is much bigger than his own 747.

Detour, after the yacht added the last equipment in Gambia earlier, Zhang Nan's family can board the boat on the west coast of Africa to China, but then Zhang Nan's family will have to go through two "dangerous places"!

The Spanish-controlled Gibraltar and the Red Sea on the Shah side, these two places will not welcome Mr. Allen on Wall Street.

In those two small waters, let alone Zhang Nan's own fleet has not been built, even if there is a giant ship **** like the "Komsomolskaya", the yacht is still not safe enough.

For example, in Gibraltar, a self-detonating speedboat may pose a threat to the Star, and Zhang Nan thinks it is best not to go there when he is on board.

Of course, if the ship crosses the strait in the future, it will be no problem to take the plane to rendezvous. The Spanish or Shah's hands are not that long.

At the beginning of October, the Pacific Ocean was as peaceful as its name. The tropical cyclones that prevailed in the Northwest Pacific during the summer have almost disappeared. Ordinary waves have a total tonnage of 13500 tons, which is 170 meters long and 21.5 meters wide. As far as the super yacht is concerned, it will not cause any trouble.

With the special diesel-fuel combined power, the gas turbine is turned on to accelerate after leaving the port. Because the road is far from the maximum cruising speed of 30 knots, the speed is 28 knots all the way.

For a large ship of more than 10,000 tons, 28 knots is very exaggerated, and it can be regarded as a hurricane!

The oil tank of the "Star" is big enough to go all the way from Panama to China Yongcheng Port. Besides, Zhang Nan is a big business and has his own multinational giant oil consortium, so he doesn't care if the ship burns more oil.

I woke up early in the morning from the big bed in the bedroom of the master suite on the fifth floor of the yacht, with only the most precious daughter beside me. I am in kindergarten, and I still like to go to my bed.

Sleeping like a piggy, Zhang Nan got up from bed without waking her up.

Nicole was not on the ship. She and Jenny had temporarily stayed in New York before, and the two would fly to meet Zhang Nan in China.

With a big family, Zhang Nan doesn't want the whole family to be squeezed in a boat this time, otherwise there is no place to make sense in case there is no reason!

In the same way, many of their core bodyguards and the Red Devil also stay in the United States, carrying a few suitcases and a few large cylinders with explosive-powder detonators: if the boss has something wrong, they Don't mind letting a bunch of American cities be funerals!

After a few days of riding experience, Zhang Nan was very satisfied with this big ship, not only safe, but also comfortable enough.

The "Star" looks very modern from the outside, and the interior decoration is even more luxurious. Except for the master suite with an area of ​​450 square meters and a special suite by Charlize-Theron, there are only 15 on the 13,500 gross tonnage super yacht. Guest suites!

That's so proud!

Not only Hao, the "Star" is armed to the teeth, and the security standards have reached almost frenzied standards!

The security personnel and crew are all top in the world. The ship not only has shoulder-fired air-to-air missiles, but also advanced light anti-submarine and anti-ship dual-purpose torpedoes. It's a big deal that you can't see it outside.

Zhang Nan likes this ship, and after washing up, she went to see her baby girl. It will be only seven o'clock. She is the boss of this ship if her mother is not there!

As a result, the little guy didn't go to bed until after 10 o'clock last night. According to the habit, he won't wake up before 8 o'clock today.

Did not wake up my daughter, walked to the veranda outside the suite and blew the sea breeze, then returned to the room and notified the waiter outside to call Miranda, and handed over the important task of looking after and waking up the children of Then I went to the restaurant.

The ship is still in the Pacific Ocean. It will enter China’s territorial waters tomorrow morning, and will be able to lie on the bed in the hometown tomorrow night.

Only a few of his own bodyguards were dining in the super luxurious restaurant. The brother-in-law had already transferred from Botswana and returned to China first. Guan Xingquan was on the ship, but this would estimate the sea breeze blowing on the helicopter deck. It is said that the strong sea breeze is conducive to the adjustment of the breath. I don't know what the theory is.

Old tradition, breakfast is like a buffet in a five-star hotel, combining Chinese and Western styles. Zhang Nan chooses a spot and starts eating at will. By the way, he decides how to spend the day.

It’s a bit bad for the yacht to run too fast. You can’t fish. These days, Zhang Nan has been watching animated movies with his daughter.

Real movies, film playback, there is a cinema on the yacht.

A bowl of rice porridge hadn't finished, and he saw Paul walk into the restaurant quickly.

Paul George is 36 years old this year, and he has long no longer shouldered the accusations of his own bodyguard. He is on his own side in the "United Force". This trip is on board as the liaison between the yacht and the company.

Seeing Zhang Nan there, Paul walked over quickly and said: "Boss, the latest news, the U.S. military has been planted in Somalia, and the loss is heavy!"

"How miserable?"

Everyone in the restaurant stopped eating and looked at Paul. Unexpectedly, this Nan expression was not unexpected at all.

"The capture of Aidid in Mogadishu failed. Three helicopters were shot down. At least 25 people were killed, one was captured and more than 70 people were injured.

Now that the country is noisy, Washington and the Central Intelligence Agency are in horror. According to the information we have received, videos of US military prisoners will soon be sent to the United States via satellite..."

Paul was born in the U.S. military, and this is still a bit uncomfortable: the soldiers have become the victims of the wrong policies of the politicians, and the wrong judgments of the arrogant senior officers!

(End of this chapter)

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