The Third Reich

Chapter 1506: Warm and restless

"Hey, why did you come in, get out, get out soon." As Cyric entered, he was drunk by a nurse.

The nurse wears a mask, but Cyric doesn't. The angular face, the wise expression, now the entire empire, the entire Europe, the entire world, who doesn't know him?

No one dared to yell at him, except for one.

Mia, she met Cyric in her early years, and later became best friends with Cyric's wife. This time she heard that Hanna was about to give birth, so she stayed in the wolf den, waiting for Mia to give birth.

Although she covered her face with a mask, those eyes still carried the dignity that is characteristic of Eastern women. At this time, she didn't care how much Cyric wanted to see the child.

The scene of childbirth is very scary and will leave a bad impression. When the mother uses all her strength to give birth, she will even **** out. Mia is protecting Hannah and is not willing to let Hannah The most sloppy scene of himself was shown in front of Cyric.

Cyric at this time was like a child who made a mistake. He hung his head and exited the delivery room. When he went out, he glanced at the delivery bed inside, Hannah with a pale face, and On the side of the delivery bed, the two children who were crying, um, were brought with them.

In fact, after Hannah gave Cyric a boy and a daughter, she didn't plan to give birth anymore. For European women, if they have more children, their body will definitely be out of shape, and both children are enough.

However, it is different now.

The empire has huge territories and large areas to rule. Therefore, Germany needs a huge population. In this era, population is still the most important.

Why did the Soviet Union finally win in World War II? Because the population was large enough, they were desperately employing people and forcibly won the Second World War.

If Germany wants to stabilize its rule, it has to expand its population, so Cyrek issued a call and even awarded the title of heroic mother to women who gave birth to many children, and awarded gold medals.

In the first batch, there was Goebbels' wife.

As the first lady of the empire, Hannah could not lag behind and started the road to fertility again. Who could have imagined that although she lags behind in pace, her pace is greater, and she gave birth to both of them all at once. boy!

Cyric was satisfied. He waited for half an hour before Hannah was finally pushed out.

"Hannah, thank you." Cyricla took Hannah's hand and walked forward with the cart.

"Well, Cyric, I have to work harder, I also want to be a hero mother."

Hannah said these words strenuously, her eyes looking at Cyric, although they were middle-aged, their love remained the same. I am willing to give birth to as many children for him.

At this moment, the wolf is warm.

Far away Moscow was extremely anxious.

"Insufficient troops, inadequate troops, why are we always inadequate?" Stalin was in the basement of the Kremlin, constantly pacing back and forth.

Since the last military parade, he was bombarded by the Germans. After that, Stalin stopped staying on the ground. He preferred the basement, which made him feel safe.

And now, seeing the Germans' three-way army are advancing toward Moscow, but their defense is still not doing well.

Among the words of his subordinates, the most is the lack of troops, and it is the words he least want to hear.

Now Stalin became anxious again, and the others stopped talking.

If there hadn’t been Kiev’s failure, the transfer of hundreds of thousands of Kiev’s troops to Moscow would surely have guarded Moscow as an iron wall, standing firm in Moscow, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

However, more than 700,000 troops were wiped out again. This was the biggest loss since the war began. This loss, which could have been avoided, was caused by Stalin's stubbornness.

The German army is advancing towards Moscow. Now, what is it doing to stop the Germans?

"Comrade Stalin, the latest reinforcements from the Americans have arrived." Finally, the good news came.

Hearing this, Stalin turned his head and looked at General Kirill Meretskov: "Did the Americans bring the oil?"

With the occupation of the Baku oil field and the bombing of the second Baku, the Soviet Union was suddenly short of fuel. While the second Baku resumed production, they also looked forward to obtaining enough fuel from the United States.

With fuel, their tanks can move and they can win the war.

"Only part of it came. Our oil fleet was ambushed by a German submarine at sea. We lost 16 oil tankers and only five came here and are unloading oil."

German submarines frequently appeared in the Far East to intercept the Soviet transport fleet. These ships were provided by the Americans, but the sailors above were all Soviets.

The loss of these ships also carried countless living souls. Stalin's eyes were full of anger: "Isn't there a **** ship?"

"Yes, if there is no frigate, then our remaining oil tankers may not be able to keep."

What role did the frigate play? It's just to drive them away, just to contain them from rising.

There is a limit on the number of torpedoes carried by submarines. They must have gone after they had all torpedoes off. If there were no frigates, they would float up and use deck guns to solve them, and none of their oil tankers would pass.

Even their submarine can't solve it. This makes Stalin His lips twitch, it's better to come, better than nothing!

"Also, the Americans also sent a force to reinforce us." General Kirill Meretskov continued, and the whole sentence completely attracted everyone's attention.

Can the Americans send troops? Don’t Americans rely solely on the Lease Act to provide their own weapons and ammunition supplies in the form of lease? Why did the Americans figure it out and decide to dispatch troops?

Impossible, how is this possible? The Americans are afraid of death. Even the sailors on the cargo ship are their own. How can there be troops?

Stalin was also stunned. The expressions on his face changed constantly, surprised, disbelief, and ecstatic: "The Americans are here? That's great. By now, Americans know how to play small at sea. Nao, their powerful ground forces have been at a standstill. It seems that the Americans are planning to start a counterattack eastward from our Soviet Union?"

Now I can’t care too much about whether the Americans intend to seek Soviet territory, the ideology of the Soviet Union, these other things after the war, if we don’t defeat Germany now, we will be finished.

"They are Americans, but they are special Americans."

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