The Third Reich

Chapter 1505: Strategic arrangement

"Iceland's action went smoothly." At this time, Cyric received the same report in Wolf's Den. At this time, Navy Commander Ryder said excitedly: "We have taken the entire Iceland in a flash."

Raidel also used the word lightning, just to compare it with the army. Look, our navy is so fast, and our navy is also very powerful.

Cyric nodded. It was in his expectation that the weak Iceland was occupied for one day. At the same time, Iceland actually stood on his side, which made him more or less overjoyed.

This is the general trend.

The unification of Germany with Europe is already a trend, a trend, and there is only a dead end to counter this trend!

"After occupying Iceland, we must immediately build a large airport so that our bombers can take off from Iceland at any time to monitor the United States." Cyric continued.

Looking at the geographic location of Iceland, you will know how important it is. Taking off from Iceland is much closer than taking off from the United Kingdom. In particular, look at the flight route, don’t just look at the map, but take the latitude into consideration, over high latitudes. Flying can effectively save flight distance.

"Or, let's just go ahead and take Greenland down." Ryder is already eager to try.

Hearing what he said, Cyric shook his head: "No, Greenland is still under the control of the United States. The navy's actions are over here. After that, we will make an offensive posture in the Atlantic. Let the Americans think we are going to land in the United States."

I won Iceland because I was caught off guard by hitting the Americans, but it was different if I hit Greenland. The Americans were already prepared and it would not be easy to fight again.

At the same time, another reason is that Greenland is closer to the North Pole. Even if it is occupied, it cannot be used effectively. You must know that operating an aircraft in an alpine region is not so easy, even if it is not difficult to start the aircraft, what is the usual maintenance? Yes, it is enough for the ground crew to suffer.

Iceland is already very cold, and Greenland to the north is not necessary at all.

Moreover, if there is a fight against Greenland, there may be a big battle. The land area there is too large. Only the Marine Corps is not enough. A certain army must be sent. Now, the army is mainly on the Soviet battlefield. , Absolutely cannot be dispatched.

In this case, the Navy cannot act alone.

Hearing Cyric's words, Raidel could only nod his head and suppress his impulse.

"We used a lot of advanced equipment in this landing. The Americans are absolutely shocked, so they will also come up with countermeasures. Our navy will also titrate against each other and formulate new tactical responses. Summing up experience and lessons during the war, and preparing for the future.” Cyric said: “When the war with the Soviet Union is over, we will have enough ability to deal with the Atlantic Ocean.”

"Yes, now that we are here all of a sudden, it will definitely relieve the pressure on the island nation. The island nation will drag us down on the United States and consume the US military power." Scherner said, then he paused and said again: "At the same time It also consumes the strength of the island country."

In this world, there can only be one hegemon, and Scherner can see that Cyric is unwilling to form an alliance with the island country. Maybe there will be conflicts with the island country in the future, so now it consumes the power of the island country and the United States. It is the best for Germany.

"In Midway Island, the island nation lost some warships. They will definitely come to us to buy them again." Schoerner continued, "However, we have nothing to give to them now, and their previous payments are all It has been delayed for a long time, and I definitely cannot owe any more.

Cyric nodded, Scherner knew what he meant and was a good assistant.

"Okay, let's take our eyes back and take a look at the situation in the East. Now, our three-way army is already attacking in the direction of Moscow. Among them, the Northern Army Corps has made the fastest progress, and their troops are pointed directly Tver (the name of this era, it should be called Kalinin), what do you think if the North Route Army goes eastward to the rear of Moscow?"

Historically, the Northern Route Army was trapped in Petersburg, and there has been no progress. Now, Petersburg has been blown out. After that, the Northern Route Army drove straight in. If it weren’t for Zhukov’s army to stand in the front, it would have been there. Kalinin, maybe they all went to Moscow.

At this time, Germany needs to once again create a glorious three-way army to encircle Moscow together. This is the most significant military operation. Unlike the previous two-way offensive, Germany is now advancing with a three-way army.

Germany's military power is sufficient. At this time, Cyrek proposed the plan of the North Route Army to advance eastward and go straight to the rear of Moscow.

"Head of Cyric, among the Three Route Army, the supply of the Northern Route Army is the most difficult." Keitel said.

For German mechanized troops, supply is the most important thing. Among the three-way army, the Central Route Army is the most brilliant. It is inseparable from the smooth supply of the Central Route Army. As early as a few years ago, Germany built a standard railway in the Soviet Union. After the occupation of Belarus, this railway played a huge role in transporting supplies to the front line.

At the same time, the construction of the current highway is about to be completed, and Germany's huge highway transportation force can also be brought into play.

The southern route is in Ukraine, a map of Pingchuan, which is mainly supplied by roads.

Looking at the three routes, the supply of the North Road is the most difficult. Now Cyric wants the North Road Army to advance eastward, and the supply may be even more difficult.

"It seems that Kalinin needs to be taken. If Kalinin is taken down, the supply of the North Route Army can be carried out through the middle." Cyric said.

At this moment, the captain of the guard hurriedly walked in: "Head of Cyric is about to give birth."

Hannah is giving birth? Hearing this news, even though it was not the first time to become a father, Cyric was still very excited. After the meeting was over, he immediately went to the hospital in Wolf Den.

The gynecologist came specially from Berlin, and when Cyrek rushed to the delivery room, there was already a baby crying inside.

"It's a boy." A voice came from inside.

Although in Cyric's eyes, both men and women are the same, Cyric was very happy to hear that a boy was born. Just before the door of the delivery room was opened, a voice came from inside.

"One more, one more!"

This time, Hannah actually gave birth to twins.

A few minutes later, the voice inside came out again: "The second one came out, it's still a boy."

Cyric suppressed his impulse several times, and when the second boy's voice came out, he couldn't restrain it anymore, opened the door and broke in.

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