The Third Reich

Chapter 1357: Bumped into the building

"Boom!" The German tank slammed into the window with an extremely swift momentum. Several medical staff with guns in their hands hiding behind the window were knocked into flight in an instant.

If it is an ordinary tank, it may have to hit a few times before it hits a hole, but the Tiger tank is very sturdy, just one shot, it knocks all the bricks and everything into flight, and the tail engine is black. Smoke, the driver stepped on the accelerator vigorously, and the Tiger tank rumbled past.

A white coat with a rifle was pressed underneath. He shouted loudly: "Help me! My third rib is crushed. If it continues to come up, my chest cavity will be crushed, I Will lose too much blood and cannot breathe..."

His description was over, the tank had already moved up rumblingly, his upper body twisted twice, and he didn't move anymore.

The Tiger tank continued to ram forward without reducing the throttle. Countless rifles were firing at his tank, ping-ponging on the tank, but it was useless. The tank was still advancing.

"Chichichichi!" A horrible sound like a chainsaw came from the top of the tank. The remote-operated MG machine gun fired. Under the dense rain of bullets, the surrounding Soviets were shot and fell screaming.

The Tiger tank only drove in the building for a few tens of seconds before it reached the other end of the building. Here, a few white coats pushed the sofa to block the path of the tank.

The tank easily smashed into the sofa, and then hit a big opening from the opposite side, already passing through the building!

Just as the tank smashed into the opening and passed out of the building, Romanian soldiers rushed in with their submachine guns at the entrance on the other side. They kept their mission in mind and protected the German tanks even at the expense of their lives!

"Boom!" When the tank smashed through a big opening and hit the back of the building, the driver immediately spotted the target.

More than a dozen Soviets are operating two 120mm heavy mortars, and they are still firing!

Sarakevich put the mortar shell to the mouth of the gun barrel, and when he let go, the shell fell.

The firing of a mortar is different from ordinary shells. When it falls freely to the bottom of the barrel, it hits the firing pin below, fires itself, and then flies out without the need for people to pull the rope.

In the fierce battle, almost everyone will become numb, only mechanical movements.

For example, now, Sarakevich has just stuffed this cannonball in, almost without brain command with both hands, pick up the other cannonball, and prepare to insert this one after the previous cannonball is fired. .

But at this moment, the wall of a hospital building not far away suddenly collapsed. He was surprised to see a German Tiger tank with its barrel backwards, and it hit the wall directly.

In an instant, he became anxious, subconsciously, the cannonball in his hand was stuffed directly into the muzzle, and then let go.

"No!" At this moment, another deputy gunner on the side shouted loudly. He didn't care about anything, got up, spread his legs and ran out.

"Boom!" The barrel of the mortar suddenly exploded. A huge air current, with countless fragments, splashed towards Sarakevich. In the last second of his life, he knew that he Made a simple mistake, and this mistake was enough to kill him!

The mortar is a front-mounted artillery. The most feared thing of this artillery is repeated reloading.

When the first shell has just fallen, it can be loaded with the second one at any time. If this is the case, the consequences will be very tragic. The first one fell to the bottom and was fired, but the second one came up. It happens to be together, so the most serious thing is to cause an explosion!

The 120mm mortar shell can blast a large hole in the ground, and now it explodes directly in the barrel, and the power is amazing. The barrel immediately spread out and splashed around, approaching Sarakevich. He was killed directly, and his deputy gunner had no luck. After running a few steps forward, he was hit by countless shrapnel on his back. Under the huge air current, he fell forward and was already lost. All perceptions.

At this moment, Hans had just aimed his tank gun here, and before firing, the opponent's gun position actually exploded by himself!

The two gun positions are exactly on both sides of the Tiger tank. Hans’s barrel is aimed at this side, but the driver sees the other side.

Just when the gun position on this side exploded due to incorrect loading, the Soviet gunners on the other side had already reacted.

They quickly lifted the mortar and turned it over the muzzle. The distance at this time was quite close, and they could hit it almost without aiming!

The mortar is a curved-fire weapon, which does not mean that it cannot shoot directly. The gunners lifted the back of the mortar and tilted it slightly so that the shells could fall in. The loader used all his strength and wanted to The cannonball is stuffed in, and then the cannonball is given a backward speed so that it can be fired successfully.

But they are still a step slower.

After discovering the dangerous situation here, the pilot in front had no time to react at all. After all, if his turret turned around, the other party would launch.

The radioman on the right side of the pilot had already reacted. He was operating the machine gun in front and blasted violently at the gunners here. After the sound like a chainsaw rang, a famous gunner fell down. To the ground.

Starting from the Panther tank, the German tank is a five-man driving There are three people in the turret, the commander, the gunner and the loader. The first two people are the driver and the radioman.

In the past, the operation of the tank radio was quite cumbersome, requiring specialized personnel to toggle the switch. For superiors, subordinates, or talking in the car, radio operators were required to operate.

But now, with the advancement of Germany's electronic technology, the latest car radio is already small, convenient for calls, and highly automated. However, there are still radio operators inside German tanks.

After all, tank maintenance is quite physically demanding. The five-a-side organization can make tank maintenance easier. At the same time, the radio operator is still responsible for operating the machine gun in front. As in the current situation, the driver himself Too late to operate the machine gun.

This was only a momentary matter, and when Zwidi reacted, the threat here had been eliminated.

At the same time, Zwidi was quite excited to see that if you pass from here, there is a shortcut that can lead directly to the reservoir!

"Go forward, keep going!" Zwidi shouted loudly. For the tank soldiers, only forward, not backward!

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