The Third Reich

Chapter 1356: Mortar attack

Compared with the mouse tank, the tiger tank is more compact. For example, the turret rotates faster, which means it can aim faster.

Hans quickly became proficient in the operation of the tiger tank gun. At this time, he and the other Tiger tanks of the 3rd company continued to march towards the battlefield.

Their goal is the reservoir in the east of the city.

There is the water source of the whole city. If you occupy it, all the defenders will die of thirst. After Hans proposed this idea, he received strong support from Lieutenant General Nikolaj Sopica and he sent it. The 7th Infantry Division, with the help of German tanks, advanced all the way to the reservoir.

The offensive intentions of the Romanian army were soon discovered by the defenders, and the defenders also set up numerous obstacles in the blocks they were advancing.

Fierce battles are constantly going on.

"Boom!" With the huge roar, the body of the tank trembled, and the turret was full of gunpowder smoke. The smoking device of the turret was operating at full power. After ten seconds, everything could be seen in the turret again.

"The target has been destroyed, you can move on." Zwidi said.

Although in the past, Germany did not hold any military exercises with Romania, but now in the battle, the cooperation between the two sides has been quite tacit understanding.

The Romanian soldiers marched alongside the tanks to protect the German tanks from being approached by Soviet anti-tank fighters. At the same time, the tanks were clearing the firepower points in front of them and providing them with firepower support.

Now, the tank cleared a machine gun fire point in front, and the Romanian soldiers rushed forward immediately.

They avoided the route of the tank. Although there was not much joint training, there were no accidents such as crushing.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a violent explosion among Romanian soldiers, and several soldiers were blown up screaming.

Zwidi quickly searched for the target through the front observation port, while the explosion continued to occur.

"At nine o'clock, there is a Soviet mortar!" Zwidi shouted.

The turret turned, and Hans, in his sight, clearly saw a curved shell flying out just behind a building.

A huge red cross is painted on this building.

The Third Hospital of Osad City.

The mortar is solid and durable, good in quality and low in price, powerful in firepower and easy to learn and use. For the Soviets who adore artillery firepower, they produced a large number of such weapons. During World War II, the Soviet Army produced 348,000 mortars, which were one of the main fire suppression weapons.

To summarize briefly, the mortar is a powerful and low-cost infantry weapon. Compared with the rifled gun, its barrel is very thin, so it is quite light in weight and can quickly throw high-performance ammunition at short distances.

During the First World War, various mortars were used, but most countries only used light mortars of up to 82 mm.

The Soviet Union, which has always liked caliber, quickly aimed at this cheap and powerful weapon. They designed the 120mm mortar heavy mortar-M1938.

The advantages of this gun are obvious. It is nine times lighter than the 122 mm howitzer, and it is one-two-two times the weight of the 122 mm gun. Moreover, the high rate of fire and the ability to hit targets with shields make it an effective weapon against enemy personnel.

Now, a group of mortar infantry squad is hiding behind the building, fiercely firing their own shells. They have calculated the trajectory in advance, and when the Romanians pass by, they immediately fired!

"Boom!" Another shell exploded. This time, the shell of this heavy mortar fell on the Tiger tank two meters away. The huge explosive air current caused several people inside the tank to be destroyed. The ears were tingling.

The opponent is very cunning.

The mortar is a curved weapon with a very curved trajectory and can be fired from behind the building, but the tank gun is a direct fire weapon. Now, the 88mm tank gun has great power in the air, but it cannot directly hit behind the building. Enemy.

Especially, the other party is still hiding behind the hospital building!

If theoretically speaking, the Soviet Union did not sign the Geneva Agreement, the various battlefield conventions are not complied with, and their prisoners do not need to be treated preferentially. They can also attack targets such as hospitals. But in reality, the German army has been fighting until now. Always abide by the battlefield convention.

After all, Germany is on the victorious side, and only the kind of enemy that is about to fail will fight back frantically before dying, regardless of the constraints of various conventions.

Germany did not kill prisoners of war indiscriminately, nor did they attack civilian targets, but now, the Soviets are hiding behind the hospital and attacking themselves!

"Turn the turret and rush over!" Zwidi gave the order.

Although Germany has never broken the convention, it does not mean that the German troops will be suffocated. Since the Soviets first used civilian targets, especially hospitals as shelters, don't blame yourself for being polite!

Hans turned the turret, the barrel backwards, and at the same time, he was also ready to withstand the impact. Of course he knew what Zwidi's command meant.

Bypass the building? This will waste time, and what's even more terrifying is that if the other party sets up a trap here, it will definitely lay mines on the bypassing passages on both sides and blow up one's tracks.

Therefore, you must be surprised, and of course you just ran into the building and appeared behind them!

The driver in front lowered the gear and stepped on the accelerator. The 730-horsepower diesel engine made a rumbling sound, rotating at a high speed of 2,200 rpm. The huge torque was transmitted to the crawler through the driving wheel, and the tank was facing the hospital building. Rush over!

There is a gate on the front of the hospital building. If you enter from the you can enter directly without hitting, but the driver did not do this, but he was more than ten meters to the right of the gate. Far, the place with the window hit the past.

In an instant, everyone in the building panicked.

For the Soviet Union, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the saying that all the people are soldiers. This is a national war. Everyone has to be a soldier. As long as you give an order, you have to take up arms and go to the battlefield. If you don’t, you will immediately. Was shot.

Now, the hospital here was originally a war-torn safety zone. In these days, even Romanian aircraft came to bomb and avoided this area. However, the soldiers of the Red Navy set it up as a good trap. Waiting for the German tanks to come to the bait.

They used heavy mortars to attract the other's attention and let each other come over, whether it was around the sides of the building or through the hall in the middle of the building, they would be blown up by anti-tank mines. After that, they could swarm them and kill the German tankers.

As long as these tanks are eliminated, the Romanian attack will slow down.

Who could have imagined that the Germans did not play their cards according to common sense, and actually bumped from the corner!

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