The Third Reich

Chapter 1351: The wire was blown

The earth is shaking.

The entire turret was also shaking, and the chandelier above the head was shaking a few times, and it went out!

"What's the matter?" Georgi shouted loudly: "Why is the power supply interrupted?"

The fort of each shore defense gun is a building tens of meters deep, and it is inseparable from the power supply, but now, it is suddenly interrupted, the internal lights are all off, and the exhaust fan has no buzzing sound. , This made the fort’s director Georgi quite anxious.

The location of the explosion was more than a thousand meters away from one's own side, which in turn deepened his worries. Could it be that one's side was discovered?

More than one thousand meters can be considered as the error of the opponent's naval gun when firing. The first round of firing was more tentative. In the second round, it would probably be overlaid on one's side.

Here, they can't see anything, and the situation on the sea depends entirely on the information from those observatories.

"Report lieutenant, it may be that our transmission line was blown up." said Corrich, who is in charge of the power system.

The fort is far away from the city, and it is impossible to connect to the power line from the city. Their usual source of electricity is an underground diesel generator set two kilometers away.

The diesel generator should not be too close to them, otherwise the black smoke from the diesel engine will expose their location, which is also for safety reasons.

Corrich adjusted the circuit to the backup battery in the dark, and the light finally turned on. However, relying on the light of the battery, it can provide at most two hours of power supply. Moreover, the power of the backup battery is not enough to drive the shore. For the anti-cannon loading system, he must connect the power line.

"What are you waiting for? Go and investigate!" Georgi said, "Watch out for the enemy plane above your head."

At this time, the German planes were still flying over their heads. It was dangerous to go out to check the circuit at this time, but they couldn't wait that much. Their shore defense guns could not lose their combat capability because of the loss of electricity.

Moreover, he had a foreboding that the battle was coming.

"Fort No. 30 called the Observatory, asking for instructions on the target's position, and preparing to fight back." Georgi had already prepared for battle after sending his own hands to repair the circuit. Even if it was filled by hand, he could not delay firing.

Now, he relies on the observatory to provide target bearing data.

But later, he received disappointed answers from one observatory.

"No enemy fleet was found at Cape Lucules."

"No enemy fleet was found at the mouth of the Alma."


Hearing the data coming back from the observatories drove Georgi crazy: "The No. 30 turret was fired by a large-caliber naval gun. Didn't you find the German fleet?"

Even if the German 460 naval gun has a longer range, which is beyond the reach of its own 305mm coastal defense gun, at least it must be seen by the observatory, right?

"Yes, Captain, but we didn't find it."

Putting down his phone, Georgi suddenly felt uncomfortable.

It wasn't the airplane that was dropped, because the enemy's observation post did not see the opponent's aircraft passing by, it was the naval gun attack, but the enemy's fleet was not seen from the observation post. Could it be that they launched from a position below the sea level? How far is that?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Continue to observe, you must find me the German fleet!" Georgi shouted.

Just as Georgi called out loudly, Corrich had gone out with a few soldiers carrying cables.

Above his head, there was a plane flying by not far away, and Corrich pushed the top cover, which was next to a steel bush, and then slowly climbed out.

At this time, a thousand meters away, there was still black smoke at the position hit by the naval gun. In the black smoke, there was a burnt smell.

Even if it hadn’t passed, Corrich knew that the crater was exactly where the cable was buried. When the huge shell fell, it exploded the crater and directly broke the cable.

Then his task is simple, climb over and connect the cable.

He was just about to bring his soldiers over, but found that his soldier actually stood up and trot all the way!

"Damn, you idiots, get down and crawl over!" Corrich shouted.

While shouting, he looked anxiously at the sky above his head, hoping that he would not be discovered by the Germans.

But unfortunately.

An HS129 attack aircraft found a few of them just right, and immediately the pilot of the aircraft became excited.

Lieutenant Steinkamp’s jet fuel is running out. He will patrol for more than ten minutes. If nothing is found nearby, then he should return. At this moment, he found a few on the ground. Individuals are running!

It also goes to say that at this time, this kind of place must be the Soviet artillery. It seems that the artillery is nearby, but we have never found it!

When he saw these people, he immediately pushed the operating lever in surprise, twisted his nose, and then pressed the trigger.

"Tom tom, tom tom tom!" A 40mm cannon shell fired at these people.

"Ah." The soldier carrying the cable was blown off in an instant, his body fell to the ground, and the cable he was carrying was also thrown aside.

The subsequent shells continued to fly over, hit the cable, and broke the cable in an instant.

Lying on the ground, Corrich clenched his fists. At this time, in order not to expose the target, his anti-aircraft guns still did not fire. Several of them could only be attacked under the raging guns of the other side.

The cannonball hit the ground beside him, blowing up the ground, and the opponent pulled up and flew away.

Corrich didn't move As expected, the opponent flew over again and continued to dive down, like plowing the ground with a plow, breaking the ground to pieces.

Finally, the other party should be sure that the following people are dead, and then pulled up with satisfaction and really flew away.

There was blood on Corrich's hand, and several of his fingers were blown off. This was the least injured, and the rest of the people were already motionless.

Corrich crawled, dragged the cable, and moved little by little. His task has not been completed yet, he must complete his task!

On the ground, a trace of blood was left, gradually extending into the crater.

Corrich climbed to the edge of the crater and looked at the six-meter-deep crater. If he went down, he would definitely not be able to climb up. He first threw the cable he had brought into the crater, and then a bone rolled away. Down.

The cable was buried at a depth of five meters and just happened to be affected.

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