The Third Reich

Chapter 1350: Salvo of four hundred and sixty naval guns

Now, the specific location of the opponent's fort is still a mystery, only knowing the approximate location, it is impossible to find it accurately.

Therefore, it seems to be too early to fire at this time, but of course Fredberg will not do useless work. The main task of this shelling is to give the opponent a crit. At such a long distance, he has no confidence in it. It's useless to hit the opponent's turret directly, even if you know the location accurately.

Sixty nautical miles away, hit the turret of the opponent's coastal defense gun? This is not to write a military novel, saying that a hit can be hit, which is beyond the error range of the naval gun. In later generations, long-range extended-range rockets are all equipped with guidance systems.

If you want to hit accurately, the Stuttgart also needs to be about 20 kilometers away, so his gunner has the confidence to directly hit the opponent's turret. Now let him launch 60 nautical miles away, which is similar to fire suppression.

What are you waiting for? Fire it!

On the side of the bridge, the calibration plane took off quickly, but it was actually not very useful. If the opponent’s shore defense gun fired back, he would be able to provide a calibration shot. If the opponent continued to act as a tortoise, it would just observe the impact point.

The entire warship, which is a huge fighter aircraft, is now moving quickly.

At the bottom of the turret, the semi-automatic loading system sent the warhead and the propellant to the projectile rail one after another, and then stuffed it into the barrel. The entire shooting command room was buzzing, and the mechanical shooting commander began to calculate the trajectory.

Although Germany has successfully developed a computer, it is still the most primitive. Before the circuit components continue to be miniaturized, it is very difficult to install it on a warship. If you want to use a computer to calculate the ballistics, Germany still needs a way to go. go.

Mechanically, it showed the clever brains of the technicians. After more than ten minutes of calculation, the target shooting has been determined. Then, the nearly 3,000-ton turret slowly turned.

The Stuttgart has nine 460mm naval guns, two turrets in the bow, and triple-mounted.

If it does not change its course, it can only use the six naval guns on its bow, which will not make Fredberg happy.

"Left full rudder."

Following Fredberg's orders, the huge hull slowly moved its huge body, turning ninety degrees, and all the naval guns turned to its side.

If it’s just to increase firepower, the Stuttgart’s 70,000 tons of displacement, even a 600 mm naval gun is no problem, but the final caliber was set at 460 mm because of various considerations, such as avoiding new ones. The arms race stimulates the United States. For example, as it is now, naval guns can safely and boldly sideboard volleys without worrying about the powerful recoil that will overthrow their hull. If the 600 mm naval gun is mounted, Fredberg Never dare to do this.

The nine cannons, with an elevation angle of forty degrees, looked like they were firing into the sky.

"Turn 1 is ready."

"The turret No. 2 is ready."

"Turret 3 is ready."

"The school shooting plane is in place."

"Fire!" Following Fredberg's order, the gunners slammed their fingers on the firing button.

"Boom!" The propellant weighing more than 400 kilograms was ignited. It burned violently within a short period of time, producing hot, high-temperature and high-pressure gas. Driven by this gas, a ton of multiple warheads was almost It was immediately pushed to a rate of 785 meters per second, and the side walls of the naval gun were also bearing a high pressure of 32 kilograms per square millimeter.

Only this kind of high-quality steel made of electroslag remelting steel can produce such a high-pressure cannon.

(The 91-type 460mm armor-piercing projectile of the Yamato 460mm gun weighs 1,460 kg. Does this mean the weight of the warhead or the weight of the propellant pack? I would like to know it.)

Almost at the moment of firing, the warhead came out of the chamber, and a hot flame emerged from the muzzle. This flame expanded rapidly. In a blink of an eye, a huge flame enveloped the entire sea surface. The scattered volume almost With the size of five battleships, even the nearby seawater was propelled by the strong air current to spread, and at the same time, all under the flames began to evaporate quickly.

Under the huge reaction force, the battleship was forcibly pushed to the left for several meters, and the ship's body bloomed into the sea, forming a turning wave.

Every shot of a naval gun is so shocking. As the commander of a battleship, this moment is his most exciting moment, which makes people excited.

The shell that exited the chamber climbed rapidly at a speed of 785 meters per second. Just ten seconds after it exited the muzzle, a fiery flame suddenly appeared from its tail, and the rocket booster attached to the back of the warhead ignited Up! It pushed the warhead and continued to climb and accelerate.

The school shooting plane flew steadily in the sky, observing the silent land in the distance, where the Soviet fort was hidden, but unfortunately it was never found.

In the distance of the horizon, several bright spots appeared, and those bright spots were flying towards the coastline of Sevastopol at 3 times the speed of sound!

In this case, it is impossible for the sound to come first, unless the cannonball flies overhead to hear the terrible howling.

For example, the squad leader of the current high artillery squad felt uncomfortable in his ears. He immediately raised his head with surprise in his eyes, watching the artillery shells fly over his head, and then, in the distance He touched the ground about three kilometers away.


The moment I landed a huge explosion sounded like this, the ground was trembling, and the 85mm anti-aircraft gun was shaken and moved abruptly by half a meter.

At the impact point in the distance, rubble splashed more than ten meters high, forming a terrible dirt wall, and smoke and dust billowed everywhere.

How powerful is the 460mm naval gun? It can be simply measured by a football field. The explosion range of one piece is enough to spread to the size of a football field.

At the explosion point, a large pit more than 6 meters deep appeared. At the edge of the pit, the piled soil was more than one meter high. If a cover is added, it is enough to form a good bunker position.

However, no one is interested in it. This is the roar of the **** of death. The German large-caliber naval gun actually started shooting at oneself!

The naval guns are fired in salvo, but the shells fly in the air, there may be a slight difference, resulting in a different landing time, but it will not exceed a second, the explosion of nine huge 460mm grenade , Causing a small earthquake to the entire position.

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